Health Benefits

The Health Benefits of DMSO: What You Need to Know

DMSO Smell Issues
Posted by Donna Rabbitt (Denver, CO.) on 04/06/2021

My first question is how long can one keep DMSO? I have a gallon of Medical Grade that I forgot about and it has been stored in a dark closet for about 10 years. Is it still OK to use?

Secondly: Years ago I was using DMSO in an exterior manner and not really all that much but using daily. My friend and co-worker asked me if I was using it. I said Yes, she said that I stunk to high heavens and she recognized the smell because her husband used to soak his feet in it daily. I could not smell it at all and I have a really good smeller.

Is there an aromatic oil that will not be offensive after applying with the DMSO that anyone has used?

Love is....

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Kathleen (ON) on 04/10/2022

Hi Kenny ... I loved your comment here.I have cancer and wondering how to use DMSO?

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Magi (Satellite Beach Florida ) on 04/17/2022

Just wondering how did you take it

Nebulizing DMSO
Posted by Babacyd (Ca) on 05/18/2021

ORH, can you please tell more about Dr Jacobs and his DMSO research.

Nebulizing DMSO
Posted by Gc (Atlanta, Ga) on 06/06/2021

I wonder if using DMSO in a steam treatment would work for inhalation into the body and quickly traversing throughout the body?

Inhalation of essential oils is the most effective way to take them and I wonder if this is true for DMSO as well?

Nebulizing DMSO
Posted by Barbara (Florida) on 04/21/2023

Please would love more of the stories on DMSO

Nebulizing DMSO
Posted by Del (Paris, tn) on 05/23/2022

I hear they make different types of nebulizers. Search for ones that aren't made from plastics that will not tolerate dmso or mms, ect. I only know this from listening to certain doctors, namely the honorable "disinformation dozen." 🙄🙄🙄 So now we know that there are special nebulizers out there for different meds, ones that will hold up to the test.

Nebulizing DMSO
Posted by Terry (NY) on 03/23/2024

Put a drop or 2 of dmso (70%or less) in each nostril tike your head back for 30 seconds to a minute. Then you can nebulize.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Olissima (Md) on 07/01/2022

Do you have any information on how to use it internally? My dog has a gum tumor that is growing rapidly. Had a surgery and they debulked and removed most of it but now it is coming back. It is also infected and has a strong odor. I am desperate and would try anything. I am giving him Essiac tea, supplements, and Coloidal silver. Do you have any suggestions on what could help? How to use DMSO internally?

Thank you!

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Kelly (Lehigh Acres, FL) on 05/18/2024

I tore my toenail off and put DMSO on the nail bed which immediately staunched the flow of blood and cut the pain. I thought it might hurt later so I soaked a gauze pad and taped it to my toe. After 2 hours it began to sting - the skin blistered where it was not able to evaporate - I would not advise covering it any where ...

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Karen (West Australia) on 06/20/2021

Mine came in a plastic bottle.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Renee (Boston) on 05/14/2022 41 posts

Do you think my glass bottle with plastic sprayer is bad?

Sinus Infections
Posted by Nathan (Decatur AL) on 03/27/2023

Did you mix distilled water together with DMSO? What type of spray bottle did you use?

Bone Spur
Posted by David (Ochlocknee Ga.) on 11/06/2023

I use it on my bone spur also. Most definitely makes it feel better. Haven't had any chest issues though. Only thing comes back when I start walking on it the next day. It is 70,30 also

General Feedback
Posted by Glo (Florida) on 04/17/2015

Someone please tell me what I can use DMSO on if I bought 99.9 % pure, industrial strength, from Amazon, which they won't take back. Can I use it on my knees for arthritis pain? Or can I use it on my dogs paws which itch her at night? Or what else??? I can dilute it right? Please advise. Where do I get my answers???

DMSO Combinations
Posted by Mrs. Hill (Arkansas, US) on 06/20/2014

Bill, Thank you for your time and response. I will try the silver and dmso together.

Oil Pulling With DMSO
Posted by Prioris (Fl, Usa) on 03/02/2014

Put some hydrogen peroxide with the dmso. That should help kill any infecting microbes.

Oil Pulling With DMSO
Posted by rainbow (washington state) on 04/24/2023

I would not use DMSO in the mouth if you have any metal or plastic dental fillings or devices. They can be degraded and the toxins re-absorbed quite easily.

Medical Grade vs Industrial DMSO
Posted by AZJJ (AZ) on 07/29/2023

You need to dilute it, of course... it still will taste horrible, but pure DMSO MUST be diluted. Use pharma grade/USP only.

Internally, I take it with apple juice... it is bearable.

Dr. Jacobs took a full ounce/day for many years and was supposedly never ill, even when he croaked he looked good! ;-)

Pain Relief
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 07/13/2014

HI U TIMH, , , , , , , , , MSM is made from DMSO and H202.

I am surprised that you have a pet. Hulda Clark said that if you have a house pet then you will have the same parasites. I believed her and after 46 years my wife no longer has a house cat. For the last 8 years she has had two outside cats and they love far more that the others. They are fed a specific amount at a specific time. Neither wears a watch, but they know exactly when feeding time is.

As you know Hulda Clark contended that parasites were the cause of all diseases.

I have ordered the reduced Glutathione to make a batch of lyposol. I can find no recipe so I will just use one tbsp per batch. How does that sound to you?


Broad Benefits
Posted by Chris (Florida) on 07/06/2020

I've read that "borax" (boron) removes fluoride from water.

Posted by Lolo (Canada) on 03/28/2018

Nope, not Canada. I was burned second degree on most of my right thigh. ER did not use DMSO.

How to Store DMSO
Posted by Sojournor (America) on 01/17/2014

I just found what appears to be a leaded glass fancy type oil/vinegar bottle with a glass stopper and I poured my DMSO blend into it: The blend was 3 ounces of DMSO and 3 ounces of straight Glycerine and 1/2 ounce of cinamon/cayenne tincture and the later the same day I noticed a little white reside on the bottle. I was wondering if crystal might leak lead or some other chemical. If there is a doubt I will toss the blend I made and use something else to store my blend in. Any thoughts or knowledge about this? Thank you for your responses..

How to Store DMSO
Posted by Albert Venter (Us) on 02/27/2017

HDPE 2 is a suitable plastic

How to Store DMSO
Posted by Richie (Western Australia ) on 07/09/2021

Although I have got about 6 bottles of DSMO in a cupboard, I haven't as yet used it either externally or internally for one reason alone. That is the bottles are made of plastic and as DSMO can absorb the molecules of most substances that it comes in contact with I am afraid of what's in the plastic. So do you think that my fears are justified?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Steven (Poughkeepsie, Ny) on 06/06/2010

Hello there Deirdre,

Great information regarding using magnesium oil in the knees.. I will give it a try. I was hoping you could follow up in your B12 and DMSO. How pure is the DMSO you are using? How often have you applied the magnesium oil and DMSO? Is this still working for you? Your feedback is greatly appreciated.


Calcium Deposits
Posted by Leo (Camrose, Alberta Canada) on 05/23/2009

Does anyone have experience or information about massaging DMSO with enzymes to dissolve calcium deposits? There is a patent application on the web about that, at, referencing DMSO and Papain, but has anyone experience with this? Thanks. Leo

Broad Benefits
Posted by Catherine (Sydney, Nsw) on 10/29/2010

Hi to Digger QLD,
I am interested in finding out any and all information relating to DMSO and where to buy.... I have circulation and energy issues and I like the sound of the B12 and B5 applications but to be honest, have never heard of DMSO until I stumbled upon this site. I have to say, what a fantastic site..... So much information.... I just love it
Cheers, Catherine

Broad Benefits
Posted by Stephen (Qld) on 08/17/2016

Hi Jennifer. If you want to buy DMSO, MSM & lots of other natural products in Australia go to a site I have been getting mine from them for years. They have lots of info on all their products as well. Hope this helps Stephen

Posted by Rose (Us) on 07/07/2013

How much coconut oil do you need to take for herpes? And is it on a daily basis?

Hair Loss
Posted by Robert (Belvidere, IL - USA) on 02/12/2009

Can DMSO be used to regrow hair if so what is the best way to use it?

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Mother Naycha (NY) on 01/01/2024

Kim, I would like to know how you came to the conclusion DMSO causes sterilization in humans. Is there any source with more info or is it personal experience? Do you know anyone who claims to become sterile after having used DMSO? Could there be any other reason for infertilty? If anyone else on here has any answers, I would like to hear more. Thank you!

Posted by Saharra (Dallas, Tx) on 03/31/2017

Does anyone know how the Karen (posted in 2008) used the DMSO, internally or externally?

Posted by Denise (ohio) on 08/25/2023


At first your tick idea sounded good, then I thought, what about the fact that DMSO makes other substances enter the body through our skin? Anything we have on before, PR put on up to 30 mins? An hour? After, absorbs into our system. I wonder of this could backfire and take any tick borne infection deeper into the body? Or maybe the DMSO is so awesome that is kills all that on the spot, I am not sure.. Just wanted to through that out there for discussion.

Long-Covid, Strokes
Posted by Ilana (europe) on 03/04/2024

Dear Mary, can you please let me know if you drink this 2oz DMSO + 16oz water once in 5 months from the beginning? Or do you need it more often at the beginning?

I mixed DMSO and I could not handle this concentration, it is so strong. Is it still helpful if I take 1oz DMSO in 32oz of water?

God bless you

Long-Covid, Strokes
Posted by jo12 (europe) on 08/13/2023

Hello. It was 100% dmso or it was another concentration? How is now the brain recovery? I am interested for brain fog, unable to concentrate, forgetting things (don't know the cause for this, is not COVID related).

Posted by Laurie (SLC, Utha) on 07/26/2023

Hi there!

I have asthma and would love to do the nebulizer. What do you mean you use 10% DMSO? I'm not sure I understand that.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Santo (New Territories) on 07/26/2024

Hi Roxanne, did you apply the DMSO 99.9% with your bare fingers or use gloves?

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Maria (Louisville ky) on 09/06/2023

I am interested in learning more about how to use DMSO. I have been reading all I can on it it looks to be amazing stuff but you have to have a healthy respect for it. Wondering if you all would like to research that also. I am wanting to try it myself on a bakers cyst, which originated from a meniscal tear recently. Thank you, Maria.

Dental Health, Heart Health, Anti-Aging
Posted by Laureen (CA) on 02/16/2024

Regarding gargling with DMSO, I've heard you should not put it in the mouth if you have amalgam fillings due to it pulling the mercury into your system. Does the book you refer to mention this? I'm always careful to use a straw when I take it orally.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Santo (New Territories) on 07/18/2024

What brand did you get and did you blend it with something else?

Internal Use
Posted by Denise (ohio) on 08/25/2023

How'd that work out for you? Hope you are ok!

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Santo (New Territories) on 07/20/2024

I would like to know please

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by David (Sherwood Park, Alberta) on 03/05/2024

Edited 3/06/24 at 6:08 pm
Hi Kenny,

Can you please share what you did with the DMSO to find relief from your arthritis?

Thank you and God bless.

" Kenny (Minor Hill, TN) on 04/06/2021: 5 out of 5 stars [Editor's Choice] I have been using and recommending DMSO for many years! It cured my arthritis, and has cured three people I know of cancer! Yes, even stage four cancer! DMSO is a miracle drug! I do not recommend drug to be taken for preventative reasons, but I think DMSO can even help to clean the arteries and heal the heart, as I have also lived with an irregular heartbeat all my life but I've noticed that after taking the DMSO for my arthritis my constant irregular heartbeat has also vanished and now only once in a while feel my heart out of rhythm and even them not as pronounced as before! I've been an herbalist most of my life and DMSO and wild lettuce have impressed me more than anything else! "

Plantar Fasciitis
Posted by BdetteR (United Kingdom) on 10/30/2023

Dear Katzie, thank you for your post. You don't say what concentration of DMSO was used to apply undiluted to your friend's plantar fasciitis. Was it 70%? From the Regency Organics company in the UK they suggest diluting the 70% concentration with distilled water and on more delicate areas like the face and neck diluting to 50%, so I'm wondering what you used. Thanks.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Susie (Montana) on 07/05/2023

Just curious if the 99% Pure bought in feed stores is appropriate for taking this internally?
I prefer to keep cost down. Also, it comes in a plastic bottle, does this leach into the DMSO at all?
Thanks for your help.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mar?a (CA) on 04/26/2021


I can't find a glass atomizer with GLASS pipe, all of them have a plastic pipe, do you mind telling me if I can use a dropper? And how many drops to treat the bladder and how many times p/day. Thank you so much in advance. María

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sandrajoy (Staten island NY) on 11/06/2021

Can DSMO be taken directly without diluting it in distilled water? I have burning Peripheral neuropathy from being on a ventilator in 1997 and I want help.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Paul (New York) on 07/20/2011

Fantastic information. How did you apply DMSO to your wife's hip area ? Did you use your hand?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Marcy Rose (Julian, Ca) on 01/12/2012

Thanks Tim, I started orally with dropper of DMSO, 1 oz 3% FGHP in 2 oz distilled water. Can I mix this with fresh squeezed oj and what's your opinion on my dosage? Grateful

Broad Benefits
Posted by Karen (New Orleans, La) on 10/16/2012

I really want to try DMSO but there is so much information that I'm confused. How do I apply it, hand, gloves, etc? How often and for how long do I use it, every day, 3x/week? And can I mix it with H2O2 or Oil or Oregano on my spine? I'm trying to treat a virus. Thanks for your reply.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Bev (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) on 07/03/2013

I seem to remember that Lugol's iodine is a cure for nail fungus. Makes sense, as it is also good for Candida or anything in that family. In a pinch, maybe regular old drugstore iodine would work, too. I once heard of someone who cured a horrible case of toenail fungus with laundry bleach but I sure wouldn't recommend that!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Deirdre (Atlanta, Ga) on 06/07/2010

Thank you so much, Lisa and Bill!

Bill, I am looking forward to trying your nail fungus remedies. Thank you!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Olympia (Australia) on 05/14/2024

I'm looking for advice on using DMSO orally for arthritis.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Yolanda (Detroit, Mi) on 01/25/2010

Dana, I too bought DMSO and H2O2. My question is how did you know how much to use for your sinus troubles. I have fibroid tumors and want to use them for that but IDK how much to ingest and for how long.

EC: Acronym helper: IDK = I don't know

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jennifer (Qld) on 04/30/2016

Hi Digger,

l am after some DMSO cream. Where in Australia did you buy it. l can only find US suppliers which it costs the earth and takes weeks to get here. Look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks Jennifer

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