Guaifenesin, available in many OTC cough syrups (tussin) is also available in tablets (mucinex) or available in generic form from many online pharmacies or health-food stores. The suggested dose is 400 - 1200 mg no more than twice daily. Guaifenesin is an expectorant -- so, take it with PLENTY of water. It thins the mucous membranes in the body -- NOT just the lungs or throat, but the ENTIRE (ENTIRE) body. you'll probably cough a bit more than usual for the first couple days -- that's GOOD -- you're getting rid of all the extra CRAP that shouldn't be there, in the first place. I have Asthma and Allergies (as well as a chronic sinus infection) I take loratadine, advair, singulair, benadryl, and albuterol. They work -- a little -- all together . . . but if I miss my guaifenesin -- I can definitely tell. It's rumored that it's also a useful remedy for CFS. Be careful, though -- guaifenesin can cause an increase in blood pressure -- so take it with PLENTY ( I cannot stress that enough ) PLENTY!!! of water!