Broken Capillaries
Health Benefits

Vitamin C and Lysine for Broken Capillaries

| Modified on May 17, 2018
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Vitamin C and lysine are an effective natural treatment for broken capillaries. These supplements are taken internally to help heal the body from the inside out.

Vitamin C is important for skin health and healthy blood vessels. Lysine is an amino acid that is needed for collagen formation. While some people will experience results with one or the other of these supplements, sometimes the sum is greater than the parts.

Continue reading to see how our readers have used this combination to heal their broken capillaries. Have you tried vitamin C and lysine for broken capillaries? Please send us some feedback.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

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Posted by Suse (London) on 05/17/2018

Hi, I have broken capillaries on my ears and it looks awful :(

I have been taking 1000mg each of vitamin C tabs and L Lysine (2 of each) morning and night for nearly 2 weeks now. However, they don't seem to be helping :( any suggestions??

Vitamin C and Lysine
Posted by Zoe (Ojai, California, USA) on 04/10/2013

This Really Works!!

I have been using this formula for about two weeks and am So Delighted to see the capillaries fading each day. They actually started diminishing after the First ingestion. I am taking 1000 VC & appr:4000 Lysine 2X daily. This is so affordable and after years of trying other modalities I am totally Thrilled!! Go For It, Zoe

Replied by Barry M
(Hamilton, Nz)

Vitamin P or bioflavonoids, found in the peel or white pulp of citrus fruits helps capillaries. Often the bioflavonoids like rutin are in Vit C supplements.

Vitamin C and Lysine
Posted by Gina (Victoria, Bc) on 06/28/2012

Hi, I've had two bright red spots (each around the size of a canadian dime) on my right cheek since birth. Over time, this area has become prone to acne due to the concealer I usually wear to lighten the spots. I've been told these are clusters of broken capillaries and have tried several laser removal procedures, all of which were unsuccessful.

I've been taking 1000mg of both lysine and vitamin-c in the mornings and evenings for 3 the past days and am noticing that the spots are lightening. I still see individual blood vessels but the overall patches are fading significantly. I can tell because it's taking less concealer to fully cover them on a daily basis. I used to have to apply 3-5 layers on the area and then would feather it out with a makeup brush. For the past few days I've been fine with a light layer. I'm going to continue the treatment and might actually increase to 2000mg twice daily if the progress slows down.

Vitamin C and Lysine
Posted by Allison (Los Angeles, California, Us ) on 04/07/2012

I've had broken capillaries on my right cheek since I was a child. My dermatologist said it most likely was sun damage - makes sense since I grew up on the beach. I cannot begin to describe how much I loathe the appearance of it. I tried the laser treatment twice. Both times had AWFUL bruising on my face for a minimum of 2-3 weeks. After the bruising healed I noticed there was a slight difference but not much - debatable whether it was worth the terrible side effects from the laser... but I thought this was my only option.

My friend told me about this site last weekend so I decided to take a gander. I saw the Vitamin C and Lysine combo and started taking it immediately. It's been 5 days and I already notice the red capillaries are disappearing! They aren't 100% gone yet but very faint. I am noticing more of a difference with the vitamins than I did with the laser treatment - no doubt. Since it's only been 5 days I am hoping to see a bigger difference as time goes on? We shall see. If it starts to plateau, I think I will look into taking vit K and adding the bioflavanoid concoction from Kathy.

DOSE: I took 1000mg of Vitamin C and 1000mg of L-Lysine 2x daily. (once in the morning and once in the afternoon)

Vitamin C and Lysine
Posted by Aginto (Toronto, On) on 04/19/2010

I have had broken capillaries around my nose from as far back as I can remember. I think I got them from picking at little tiny blackheads on my nose when I was an obsessive teenager. I've used concealer and foundation in various strengths over the years and I am just tired of covering it up, or looking like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. There is nothing in the world like beautiful skin that's got absolutely minimal make-up on it. Oddly enough, I'm a make up artist, but having excellent skin and wearing minimal make-up is very important to me.

I'm now in my 30's. I do have very minor skin unevenness and a few little broken capillaries on my cheeks that you can't really notice unless I puff my cheeks out. I am taking better care of my skin than ever... but these pesky broken capillaries are making me crazy!

I tried the Vitamin C and Lysine thing... I was taking Vitamin C anywhere from 5000mg to 8000mg a day, with 3000 or 4000mg of Lysine (both spread out throughout the day) for about 3 or 4 weeks. I didn't notice a speck of difference. Maybe my body was really depleted and needed it for longer, so I'm starting it again and I'm going to see how much longer I need to go before I see results.

I also read a lot about Vitamin K. In Canada you can't buy a Vitamin K... you need a prescription for it (it's a coagulant) and in skincare, the strongest you can get it is 1%.

I recently found a seller on eBay who was selling 100mg Vitamin K capsules so I'm hoping they make it through the border okay. I also found another seller who is selling a face cream that is 5.5% Vitamin K. I recently bought a 20% Vitamin C face cream. I bought these all based on what I read here about the combined use of them and how it helped so many people with their broken capillaries.

I also bought organic oranges and yoghurt to make the Bioflavanoid Brew which I put together I guess it wont be ready for a few more days, but I do have Citrus Bioflavonoid pills to get me through.

I'm very excited to try this regiment and see the results I have been wanting for years!

Replied by Earthgirly
(Mays Landing, Nj, Usa)


I would like to warn people about lysine in excess. I was taking a lysine pill multiple times a day having read about it here... And it apparently depleted my Vit B6 levels to the point where I had massive PMS and a few pimples (I never break out). This made me very high strung and depressed and I was not able to cope with anything and eventually had a nervous breakdown. I woud suggest not going to extremes or recommending extreme measures for what is after all a cosmetic problem that can be covered with powder or makeup. As an example Bare Escentuals sells a Redness Remedy powder with lysine that can supposedly cover and heal veins. This is a lot safer than megadosing with lysine pills.

Replied by Marie

I don't know if you received your vit K or not but natto a fermented soybean product is the highest source. Perhaps you can find that.

Vitamin C and Lysine
Posted by Amanda (Davenport, Iowa, United States) on 12/16/2009

I tried 4 grams vitamin c and 4 grams of lysine daily for one month and saw no results for my broken capillaries.

Replied by Fuzzball
(Nanuet, Ny, Usa)

Have you had your mineral levels checked? Low levels of Zinc, vitamin k, copper and seleium can cause weak and broken capillaries. You should be taking a good multi-vitamin with these in them. Also vitamin C and Vitamin E can help. If you suspect you have broken capillaries, try avoiding things with high sugar and fructose for awhile, because those can slow down the healing. Hope this helps. GOD BLESS.

Vitamin C and Lysine
Posted by Amy (Charlotte, US) on 04/22/2009

Nay - I tried 4 mg of Vitamin C and 3 mg of Lysine daily for a month and did not see any positive results for my broken capillaries. I am not going to continue on this treatment. I am disappointed that it didn't work since a couple others had posted positive results.

Replied by Victoria Crumb
(Dublin, Ireland)

Just wanted to answer the person number 1 who tried Lysine and Vita. C. in Mg. dosage. Everyone else used grams - she said she used 4 and 3 mg respectively. Wanted to ask her did she make a type mistake, or a dosage mistake? No one picked up on this. V.C.

Vitamin C and Lysine
Posted by Kim (Chicago, IL) on 07/11/2008

Broken Capillaries (cure)

I have suffered with rosacea for almost 20 years and have several broken blood vessels across my nose and cheeks - I have had laser surgery to get rid of them, but they always come back. I was actually going to schedule another expensive laser appointment, but decided to check Earth Clinic first. I have started the Pauling Therapy and have been taking sodium ascorbate vit c and lysine for about two weeks and amazingly the diffuse redness is fading and the broken cappilaries are going away! My fiance has noticed too! I am just thrilled to have found this treatment. I started by taking 4grams Vit C and 3grams Lysine once a day during the first week and the second week I started taking it in the morning and evening.

Vitamin C and Lysine
Posted by Tara (San Francisco, CA) on 11/08/2007

This is feedback for the VITAMIN C AND LYSINE COMBINATION treatment for broken capillaries. I've had a few broken capillaries since childhood - around the nose from excessive nose blowing due to hay fever, a small one under an eye, and one on a finger. For about 2 years I was taking 1-2 grams of vitamin C per day as a general health booster and one standard lysine pill (can't remember the dose) per day to prevent cold sores. I didn't notice any change in the broken capillaries. My doses were a lot lower than yours, but I took them for such a long time that you'd think there'd be some improvement. Oddly, the broken capillary on my finger disappeared spontaneously a few years after that. Lysine and vitamin C are both cheap though, so it's worth a shot. But if you try it, I'd recommend taking the huge doses described.

Replied by Jay
(Selangor, Malaysia)

Read that over dosage of lysine will damage the liver..if to take 3g each day for curing broken capillaries? anyone know abt this?

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

Hello Jay,

I looked up Linus Pauling by searching for Linus Pauling Institute and found that the recommended dosage for cardiovascular health was 3-6 grams of each daily but I usually take 8 grams of each daily for colds, flu, herpes simplex without any adverse reactions. Linus Pauling's theory is that cardiovascular problems are caused by a deficiency of vitamin C which is necessary for building collagen. Vitamin C (specifically ascorbic acid) works as an enzyme to convert proline and lysine to hydroxyproline and hydroxylsine which are building blocks of collagen. You will find much interesting information on studies that proved his theory, and other studies that found men who were low on vitamin C had many more heart problems (including infarcts) and that many patients with chronic heart disease and atherosclerosis regained normal cardiac function with his therapy. Two other vitamins (E & A) were also recommended for cardiac health. Other studies proving his therapy cleared the arteries in a few months time are discussed. The fact that orthodox medicine (pharmaceuticals, hospitals, AMA have managed to keep this from being widely circulated, IMHO it probably works so well that the entire medical field would have suffered economic distress due to a drastic decrease in patients having CAB's and other surgeries and expensive procedures related to heart disease.

In view of current reports of everyone being low on magnesium and knowing that magnesium has a lot to do with heart rhythm and blood pressure, a good magnesium supplement probably is in order also

Now I have a question for you. Can you give me your reference to lysine causing liver damage because the only thing I could find is that both C & lysine are known to be safe at least up to 4 grams each per day and 2 others that said no adverse reactions to lysine are known and lysine reactions are not very well reported. My personal experience is that both are safe up to 8 grams of each per day. You will find that most literature states that GI irritation occurs above l0 grams of Vit. C per day orally but much larger dosages have been given IV without adverse reactions.

Replied by Jay
(Selangor, Malaysia)

Thanks so much for doing the research for me...from what i search in the net, it says damage liver and kidney if taken in high dosages and said that 1g a day is the proper i wasnt sure whether taking 3g is safe. Thanks for enlightening that 3 g is still safe. I will continue with my 3g L-lysine , 4 g Vit C a day regime then. However i will be glad if you could point to me which website your were getting these helpful will be great help...thanks

Replied by Jay
(Selangor, Malaysia)

After taking 3 g of L-Lysine and 4g of vit C a day for consecutively 5 days, my bladder is painful when urinating. Then I stopped for 2 weeks, the pain stops. I continued taking the same dosage again and on 7th day, i got the same pain this a side effect? I think this will lead me to develop kidney stones as mentioned in some website.

Replied by Dlmaui
(Haiku, Hawaii, Usa)

For Jay: This is from the Linus Pauling institute webpage:


Although allergic reaction is possible, there is no known toxicity associated with high doses of the phylloquinone (vitamin K1) or menaquinone (vitamin K2) forms of vitamin K (20). The same is not true for synthetic menadione (vitamin K3) and its derivatives. Menadione can interfere with the function of glutathione, one of the body's natural antioxidants, resulting in oxidative damage to cell membranes. Menadione given by injection has induced liver toxicity, jaundice, and hemolytic anemia (due to the rupture of red blood cells) in infants; therefore, menadione is no longer used for treatment of vitamin K deficiency (4, 6). No tolerable upper level (UL) of intake has been established for vitamin K."

Vitamin C and Lysine
Posted by Louise (Ocean Grove, Australia) on 09/18/2007

Editor's Choice

I have had broken capillaries on my face and neck since I was in my teens. Recently I read that broken capillaries anywhere on the body could be a sign of heart disease as they show that smaller capillaries in the body are under stress and possibly blocked with plaque. Since I have a family history of heart disease (mother, grandmother, grandfather and two great aunts) I started taking 6 grams of vitamin c and 3 grams of lysine daily. This is the basic Pauling protocol for the prevention of arteriosclerosis. It has been three weeks since I started taking this and the thread veins on my face and down near my ankles have nearly disappeared. Also my feet are warmer. Both of these supplements can be bought cheaply in bulk powder form, so for anyone who has a family history of heart disease or broken capillaries this may well be worth trying. For the record, I have taken large doses of vitamin c, complete with biovflavanoids and rutin, for years. The vitamin c by itself has never helped. It was only after I added the lysine that they virtually disappeared.