Broken Capillaries
Health Benefits

Wine Sulfites May Cause Broken Capillaries

| Modified on May 17, 2018
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1 User Review

Posted by Tanya (Mount Pleasant, Sc) on 04/23/2013

I just really wanted to share this info I have just discovered about myself. For the past 5 years I have had small broken capillaries on my chest that has spread to my face and even my arms, Its become quite embarressing. I am an avid red wine drinker. Pretty much my drink of choice , I spent a couple of weeks drinking beer instead and noticed my (spots) were a tad lighter, so I decided to give wine a break. It's now been a month and a half since I had a glass of wine. Major improvements! Apparently I'm allergic to the sulfites in wine, its a total self diagnosis but I can tell a major difference. I would recommend doing the research if you are having broken veins. One of the 1st reactions of people with a sulfite allergy is irritated skin. I truely believe this is my culprit. It's a bummer because I love my wine! There are sulfite free wines out there that I am soon going to try!