Bacterial Vaginosis
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies

Baking Soda Douche

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Posted by Pure (New York, Ny) on 12/04/2010


So like many women I have also been suffering from BV! I tried lots of remedies and all but the medicine seem to work. The hydrogen peroxide was working well but as soon as I would miss a session all symptoms would return. So I went to my local natural food mart and received some of the best info ever. The man strongly recommended that I douche every other day with 1liter of distilled water and 1 tablespoon of baking soda. In addition to this I was to drink twice a day- 8oz of distilled water, with a 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, 1tablespoon of lemon juice and a little honey.

From my experience this is the remedy that has worked best for me. I stuck with it for 2 months and then started to slow down because I was healed. The health food clerk did tell me consistency was most important but I should stop when my body felt normal. So here I am about 6months later and I feel like it's back slightly because I can't where my tights and feel comfortable but it's much more manageable. I started just douching every other day 2wks ago and back to feeling great. Please give this remedy a try I believe this is the most effective as well as least damaging to my body. All the best. Keep us posted if you try this remedy.

Replied by Jessica
(St. Louis)

No, don't duche at all, ever all you'll do is make it worse by off balancing the bacteria in your vagina. if you want to get rid of BV without antibiotics use plain nonfat yogurt, eat that every day with no added sugar or toppings and or put it in/on your vagina, if you put it in the best way is to dip a tampon in some yogurt and leave the tampon in for a couple hours. NO DOUCHING, it messes up your vagina and makes the infection worse.

Replied by Yola

I must say that I've tried the yogurt and it did not work for me. Not sure how it does for others but I did try the peroxide and it works wonders. Yes it will come back if you stop but the medication they give you at the clinic doesn't work. I find for me the peroxide works better, at least you can be sure that you don't have odor.

Baking Soda in Water

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Posted by Abcde (Canada) on 03/05/2018

Hello! I have a not so good smell down here. I went to my doctor and ask why, but she told me that its pretty normal. But I know to myself that I dont like what I'm smelling so I search over internet and found so many cure that could help me. At first I bought yogurt, I ate it and I even inserted some to my vagina and nothings happen. Like everything become worst. So I stopped that yogurt and search again tried Apple cider soaked my down there with warm and some apple cider but again nothings happen. I came across here at earth clinic and I found out so many cure that could help me. I looked for more easier way to remove the smell over me and I bought some folic acid I used it for almost 1 month and no improvement. So my last choice is the Hydrogen Peroxide it was extremely helpful but I observed after not douching the smells come back again but not as worse as before so I decided to stop and wait for a miracle.

I've decided to focus on how to gain more weight so I bought potencee an ascorbic acid I gain weight because I started to eat more and eat more healthy food then I search again to internet and found out some BAKING SODA can kill also a yeast infection so I started drinking a 1 glass of cold water with half a teaspoon of baking soda. I'm already in my 1 week and its make the smell go away not definely but Im working on it. I smell but its not like before. Have a try of baking soda. Its help me a lot.


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Posted by Ananda (Lacenter, Wa) on 02/18/2014

I want to share my experience with Bacterial Vaginosis.

I fought the symptoms of BV for six months using the best probiotics available (50 billion organisms) at my local health store. I applied coconut oil with tea tree oil mixed in to the outside and inside of my vagina. I reduced the smell but still experienced constant discharge and varying degrees of odor.

I finally visited Planned Parenthood and they tested me on the spot for Bacterial Vaginosis. I tested positive. they gave me antibiotics which temporarily got rid of the infection. I took exactly as directed but the infection crept back in that same month. So this is when I went into serious research mode and found some information on the internet about a Borax treatment.

Now this is the amazing part I want to share with you: I put a quarter teaspoon of borax into a rubber douche bag filled with warm water. I took it into the shower with me and rinsed my vagina out thoroughly with this simple solution. I could smell foul water coming out of me and it felt very cleansing but I had little expectation that one application would make much difference, however that one application, in conjunction with those awesome probiotics completely resolved my issue. Three months later I sensed another flare-up so I immediately made myself the borax/warm water douche and I have never experienced another symptom again. This treatment had ZERO side-effects. It's been almost a year since that last treatment.

What an embarrassing and lengthy struggle with such a simple, cheap and easy solution!!!

Replied by Joy
(Sc As Rborough,me)

What is borax? I have suffered with bv for years and antibiotics doesn't take it away for long.

EC: Hi Joy,

You can read more about borax on our page here.

Replied by De'anna
(Chesapeake, Va)

Was this borax detergent powder or boric acid? I need to go buy some today, but I don't know which it is.

Replied by Rs

BORIC ACID!!!! Not borax. I make and use boric acid capsules once a week for the maintenance of BV. There is no cure for BV and every woman is different when it comes to keeping this under control......and that is all you can do. Diet and keeping your body alkaline is a key factor. NO sugar, no caffeine, no dairy.......I however cant be that strict with my diet and I rely on boric acid capsules and they are a LIFE SAVER. You can by boric acid on is a pesticide and roach killer, but not harmful to humans when inserted into the vagina, only if consumed orally. It basically suffocates the bacteria in your vagina and kills it. I would be at the end of my proverbial rope by now if it were not for this miracle. ALSO, a little known fact is that your doctor can give you a prescription for this to take to your pharmacy....yep....true story. It is a prescription medication for BV but no one wants anyone to know about it because then the pharmaceutical companies would lose money. I have worked in the medical field my entire life and know a thing or two about pharmaceutical companies. Anyway, there is no cure so you have to manage the symptoms until it subsides and then maintain a regimen.


Boric acid is an essential mineral for humans to be healthy and is not harmful if ingested in the very small amounts suggested. A lot of times, when someone adds even a very small amount of borax, which 95% is the salt and mineral of boric acid and 5% is trace minerals. Look into it and look at this using it. Yes, boric acid is good to use too, internally also, in the right dosage. Even potassium and other minerals and vitamins pose toxicity and other complications when too much is taken.

Replied by Tammy

Borax...20 mule a wonderful help for bv... diluted in water and inserted via is the only thing that has helped me....and I researched it highly....and also take it internally....

Boric Acid and Coconut Oil

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Posted by Julie (San Francisco, Ca) on 03/04/2017

Boric Acid mixed with Coconut Oil made into suppositories by using empty capsules and freezing them has been a life saver! Any time I feel a BV issue coming on I use one of these and the issue is GONE.

I've tried the conventional Flagyl treatments, ACV, Garlic, probiotics, etc. this is the winner.

Replied by Sam

How much of each do you use?

Replied by Jaggedrkcn

Can I put the borax capsule in with a probiotic capsule simultaneously?

(Washington State)

That would be useless since the Borax will kill the probiotic organisms. Better to wait until the BV is under control and then use a trusted probiotic.




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Posted by K (Maryland) on 10/23/2016

Buttermilk has worked great for me too, much better than plain yogurt. I use a plastic syringe to get it into the vagina and rub it on the vulva. I have instant relief from itching and burning...try it.

I also took antibiotics, but the BV came back within a few weeks. I got new prescription for antibiotics, but I'm not willing to keep using it and it seems it is causing more harm than good for many. Even if the BV comes back every now and then, buttermilk is an easy solution and safer than other treatment options.

Posted by kisce (Columbus, Georgia) on 08/19/2007

I just wanted to share this one with you. I was talking with an older lady, my neighbor, I asked the question on BV home remedie cures. She told me to douche with buttermilk and a little water. I just wanted to share that with you, I will try this one and get back with you on it.

BV Might Be Symptom of NGU

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Posted by Jules (La, Ca) on 05/17/2018

BV is super embarrassing and overwhelmingly frustrating. For over a year I was going to planned parenthood with BV/yeast infections, they would give me antibiotics, I was fine, then weeks later the symptoms would reoccur. I went about 10 times in a year. It was evident that there was a bigger issue and they told me I needed to see someone else. By some dumb luck miracle a woman online told of her experience with these symptoms and found a Dr who diagnosed her with Nongonococcal Urethritis (NGU)!! She took the prescribed medication and her problems were gone!! So guess what, I went to that same doctor, got tested and that was the problem!!!!!

NGU causes symptoms of BV, yeast infections and UTI's but they will never go away until you (and your partner) are treated!!! I fully believe that 90% of women who have reoccurring BV/yeast actually have NGU and I have no idea why doctors aren't looking for it, primarily in the US. My Dr said many doctors don't believe it is a woman's issue and that only men can be affected which is truly unbelievable. Being symptom free has changed my life and I hope that this information can help someone!! FYI the treatment she gave was a shot of Ceftriaxone and a two week round of 100mg Doxycycline Hyclate antibiotics. NO DAIRY can be consumed during those two weeks and no intercourse. Good luck!!

BV Prevention Tips

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Posted by Dena (New Orleans, LA) on 11/17/2022

Bv caused me to suffer for years since I was a teen. I made changes that has kept me bv free. Many women are reinfecting themselves and they don't know it. To avoid reinfection you have to kill bv in your underwear by washing them in hot water and unscented washing powder. Avoid all scented washing liquids and bath soaps. I use All brand unscented and dove unscented soap for bathing. Drink lots of Chlorophyll water and cranberry juice. This will balance the body ph. Drink lemon water warm with stevia or honey. Drink unsweetened teas and cut sugar out your diet until it's gone. Low sugar fruits are good to eat. Avoid breads and rice until the bv is gone. Douche with hydrogen peroxide and 1/3 cup of bottle water warm. I use a ear dropper for douching. You don't want to use too much water to avoid knocking out your good vaginal flora. Take probiotics and drink probiotics drinks like kumbachi tea at Walmart. Take all medication the doctor give you and make sure to get a wrap prep test regularly from doctor along with a G/C test to check for vaginal stds. Check for blood stds at stdcheck website. For vaginal stds a vaginal test is more accurate than a urine test.

BV Treatments You Must Not Try

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Posted by Me (Polo, Il) on 10/28/2016


My ob/gyn told me to douche with bleach. 1 cupful of clorox bleach to a bottle of water. Please do not try that one as I was left with burns. Nothing for me works except for prescription flagyl.

Check Your Toilet Paper

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Posted by Alex (Latin America) on 10/18/2020

Years ago, after eating kefir a couple of times, I got a severe case of vaginitis. It began with clear discharge and progressed to the point of making my underwear wet, and the smell was foul. I had to use a solution of 1:5 hydrogen peroxide and water. I only sprayed it on the labia while I showered, then rinsed after a minute. It was truly miraculous how quickly and effectively it worked. But, even after I realized kefir caused it and stopped eating it, I kept getting flare ups for years, so I had to use the hydrogen peroxide solution at least twice a month. Now, during the pandemic, I couldn't find the toilet paper I've been using for a while. This paper wasn't scented and didn't have any vitamins or aloe. It was plain. So during the pandemic, I bought a super cheap paper that was also plain, then after a couple of days all of my symptoms disappeared. They did return after I began eating coconut oil for a few days, but stopped immediately after I quit eating the oil, no need for the peroxide. I was very happy to discover that it was something external causing it. I hope this helps somebody else.

Replied by MsKris
(Philadelphia, PA)

Wow!! I'm wondering if that's the issue or panty liners. I've tried the Boric acid suppositories and thought it was going away but then it came right back. I need the liners for the discharge. I also used Lume to cleanse so I'm just going to stop everything when I have several days off and try the peroxide solution. Also I'll get different toilet paper.


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Posted by Ezri (Florida) on 06/09/2018

Editor's Choice

I had been dealing with BV for 6 months. I did two rounds of Flagyl, which did nothing for the BV, and caused terrifying mental side effects (I thought I was crazy until I did some research - it can happen! Never again.). Peroxide douches didn't help for more than a few hours. The only thing that was working was boric acid suppositories, which I had to use at least every other night or else the BV came back with a vengeance.

Grasping at straws, I read about alkalizing. It made no sense to me, as I had understood that a TOO-alkaline vagina was the problem, and is common in menopause (my new phase of life). But I read about alkalizing working for some women, and thought what the heck, and tried liquid chlorophyll - as I'd read chlorophyll was alkalizing to the system.

I started taking two tablespoons in water in the morning, and one tablespoon at night. After the first day, I stopped the boric acid to see what would happen. That was three weeks ago, and the BV seems to have disappeared. As in - never saw it again after the first dose of chlorophyll! After 6 months of BV, it seems like it would be too much of a coincidence if it wasn't the chlorophyll that helped! I don't understand how it worked, but apparently, it did...

Replied by Tiffany

Are you still BV free? Do you still take liquid Chlorophyll everyday?

Posted by Shenequa (Texas) on 06/28/2015

I have tried Chlorophyll concentrate for BV and it has cured me and I have been dealing with this since I was 16.

Replied by Mh

I'm wondering how did you use the Chlorophyll?

Coconut Oil

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Posted by Kay (Tampa, Fl) on 12/10/2018

I have had BV off and on for the last year. I read a lot of blogs and most women claim odor or discharge being their irritant. I do not have odor, but I have terrible burning. I tried coconut oil and it worked for a day or two but now I have the burning back. Does anyone else experience the burning?

Replied by Ella


I'm dealing with BV for the first time. Coconut oil made things much worse for me. Just been reading that the vagina's pH must be slightly acidic to fight germs. To my horror, coconut oil is extremely alkaline. There must be warnings about this on Earth Clinic. Coconut oil can disrupt the vagina's protective acid pH.


Add Vitamin C (start with 2-5 g/day, up to 18g a day is fine - your tolerable level indication is lose stool) and L-Lysine. Cat's Claw is a natural antibiotic/antiviral. I'd not mess with intravaginal application of anything. In my home country they sell antibacterial vaginal suppositories-they're sterile. Also, intravaginal applications of seabuckthorn oil (medicinal quality, manufactured in a pharmaceutical facility) in a gynecologist' office using gynecological instruments (well at least they used to do that)- they would saturate a sterile gauze with the oil and apply on a cervix for 20 min. It was especially good for cervical neck erosions.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jhanaya (Philadelphia ) on 08/20/2018

So, I'm 22 and I've been having BV since I was 16 years old.

On and off since then. I use to get it about 2-3 times a month. Right after I take the antibiotics it will come back. Sometimes it would come right after my menstrual went off. I would get so frustrated. I currently am pregnant. About 2 weeks ago I had BV following up with the antibiotics. I discovered I was pregnant about 53 days ago along with noticing 5 ago I had BV. So I went to the Dr and she told me it was the high level of acidity was high because of the hormones I'm producing from pregnancy and it's unbalancing my pH level but The “infection” Would go away on its own in a few days. No antibiotics were given. So I looked and looked on this BV situation.

I've been soaking a plastic tampon in coconut oil (CO) for 3 days then pushing the tampon up for a few hours. I saw you can do it for 2 hours but I kept it up there as long as possible 3x a day. The smell this morning was almost gone. no more weird discharge. I am kinda skeptical on maybe this will give me yeast infection But I read CO can be used for yeast also. So let's cross fingers, (it is now 8:53 AM) that by tonight the smell is completely gone! Try it ladies! I have no complaints. No itching no discomfort or anything with the coconut oil. And I am really really sensitive. I say give it a try!

Coconut Oil
Posted by HM (UK) on 05/19/2018

I tried the coconut oil suppository method for BV after reading about it here. I quickly warmed a cup of organic CO in a pan on the stove on low heat and transferred it to an ice cube tray and put it in the freezer. At night, I took one out and let it melt slightly and pushed it in and used a tampon applicator to push it up as high as I could. Did this for a week, but noticed results on Day 3. I will do this in the future as needed, but hopefully I won't need to again. I am taking probiotics and cutting back on sugar. Good luck to all.

Replied by Dana

This remedy works I cleared my BV infection up in one week... I saw relief in just 2 days

Replied by Cindy
(Markham, Il)

How often did you use this method? Can it be done weekly?

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