Bacterial Vaginosis
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


10 User Reviews
5 star (9) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Sherry (Houston, Texas) on 05/25/2009

I have not been dealing with BV for as long as some, however I have had the problem since January 2009. I've visited the doctor for more than a few times for antibiotics (metronidazol 7days), after the 3rd time I was treated, my doctor said most patients she have treated had mentioned bad eating habits. I thought about what she said because I too have bad eating habits and decided to take multi vitamins along with acidophilus ( for additional good bacteria) and prayer. I started taking the vitamins after I completed the antibiotics to put the good bacteria back into my body. It's been 2 weeks now and so far so good. I couldn't wait to tell you all about this. I hope this recommendation can help some if not all.

1 - multi vitamin with multi mineral complete
2 - acidophilus 2billion
prayer daily

You'll hear back from me if this horrible BV thing comes back.

Good Luck and May God Bless and Heal your body.

Posted by Latoya (Sanford, Florida) on 07/26/2008

Hi, I have been suffering from BV since I was 15 yrs old I am currently 24 I have try everything under the sun the only thing that has work for me so far is taking b-50 complex vitamin twice day or the b-100 complex vitamins once a day. This is available at any stores that sell vitamins like wal-mart, Walgreens it's about $5.00 at most. The only thing is if you stop taking them it would come back so make sure you continue to take it and drink plenty of water I would say about six to eight cup a day I hope it works for you after taking them you would notice results immediately it should be gone by the second or third day.

Posted by Anonymous (La Plata, MD) on 04/28/2008

O.K. I'd first like to say, that is completely absurd to think that all causes of BV are STD related! If that was the case how do we explain the millions of women how haven't had sex that have BV. And as far as I'm concerned I don't think that BV is sex related, but that's my opinion. A couple of months ago I bought some Hydrogen Peroxide, Probiotic tablets, folic acid, and zinc. Needles to say the hydrogen peroxide caused a horrible smell and the probiotic upset my stomach. But I continued to use the folic acid and the zinc; I actually noticed a mild difference. Not entirely satisfied I figured I needed to do something more soooo.... I threw out all my detergents and soaps! I now use Purell (Allergy free ) detergent on my clothes and Aquaphor baby soap and VOILA... nothing! So What Worked For Me: 1 dose of zinc 1 dose of folic acid 800mg Allergy free detergent (Purell) Allergy free soap (Aquaphor).

Tea Tree Oil

12 User Reviews
5 star (5) 
4 star (6) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Sucitysu (Jax, Fl) on 07/29/2013

Hi all you ladies out there who are suffering with this horrible BV! I've been there too... The vicious cycle of going to the doc and getting antibiotics that cause yeast infections as well... Only to have it all come back! Ugh!

I've been suffering off and on with this also for the last 8 years. And like you, I'm tired of the doctors and I'm trying homeopathic remedies. I've found the tea tree oil helps. I have found it in suppository form at Whole Foods. These have helped me tremendously and much easier in a suppository form. Not to mention the smell is sooo much better than that horrible fishy smell! And is soothing.

I've learned that our bodies need to be PH balanced of 7. 0 or better. It is proven that no disease, infection, or even cancer can live in a body that is PH balanced. Cancers thrive in acidic environments. But our vaggies are a different matter. Needing to be acidic.

I am trying these methods I've read on here too... Hoping they will be the answer!

Good luck to all of you! God Bless

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Justanotherwoman (Seattle, Wa) on 03/18/2013

I have been struggling with BV since 2005 (after my boyfriend introduced me to unprotected sex). Though I have been careful to wrap it up since, bv has continued to bother me more than mother nature herself. I have tried all forms of metronidozal/flagyl (until I realized that my reoccurring hiver were caused by the medication... My one and only allergy)... Tried peroxide (douche AND tampon) (worked for a couple weeks, but the case of bv tended to be WAY worse than the last each time) (sex also became painful)... Suppositories worked but were VERY pricey and only last about 4 months (and who can afford a bv savings account in this economy?)... While using the suppositories, I felt a tingle when insterting at night and a confident freshness in the morning. I am currently trying tea tree oil. (day one) it doesn't hurt but the scary "burning" that people speak of is a refreshing tingle. I have high hopes.

For those new to the struggle, keep your head up! You are NOT alone. I was lucky to have a boyfriend willing to sit through the ph balance talk (embarrassing but NECESSARY! )

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Suzette (Chattanooga, Tennessee) on 03/16/2011

Bacterial Vaginosis- I've tried many ways to try to get rid of it. I gave up on medications from my physicians after I kept getting reoccurances. After trying baths of H2O2 and yogurt tampons I came across tea tree oil. If you put some on a tampon and leave it in for a few hours it seems to make the BV disappear. I would do this once a day when the symptoms are bad and once a month to keep it at bay. After doing this for a few months I've never had a reoccurance. I'm not sure if it's safe to use while pregnant though. This kills all the harmful bacteria in your vagina while leaving the good bacteria alone. I swear it's a life saver if you're dealing with BV.

Replied by Isis
(Toronto, Ontario)

Tea Tree oil saved my life. I had a bad case of BV for over a year and all the medication in the world wasn't helping. I developed a severe anxiety problem from the constant embarassment of the wretched smell that followed me everywhere. One day in my desperation for a cure I read about T. T. O and took a 100 organic cotton tampon and dipped it in a small portion of water mixed with drops of T. T. O. I kid you not, within two hours the smell was gone! After paying $35 I don't know how many times to buy these random different types of medication that the doctor was giving me that didn't even work, the T. T. O that was sitting in my medicine cabinet for half a year did the trick. Before spending money you don't have try T. T. O. and if by the end of the day it's not working, then perhaps you should think about getting medication.

Replied by Shyann
(Los Angeles)

If you keep getting a reoccurrence of BV then most likely your partner needs to be treated. Some DR say men can't get it but that is not true. Some DR will give you medication for your guy and you can go through the 10 days together.

Replied by Essa

Hi, I was wondering while inserting tea, tree oil is it okay to have intercourse? My sex life sucks and it's really obnoxious. Please get back at me.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Carrie (Chicago, Il) on 12/02/2009

Yay for tea tree oil! Like many other people, I have suffered from BV for a year and was on several different antibiotics. As soon as I stopped treatment, the infection returned. Frustrated, I began to explore alternative treatments. I tried just about everything under the sun: hydrogen peroxide, apple cider vinegar, folic acid, acidophilus, garlic; nothing worked. Having read that everyone's body is different I kept at it, but it was a difficult process to find my miracle cure. Tea tree oil changed everything. I douche with it every couple days or as soon as symptoms start appearing. After one treatment the symptoms are gone. I use 15-20 mL of water and 12 drops of tea tree oil, but start with much less oil (1 or 2 drops) and see what you can handle, because it will burn, especially if the vagina is inflamed and sore.

Replied by London
(Sandusky, Ohio)

Tea tree oil works for BV. The douche however, (with 5 to 15 drops) did not work for me, made things worse. Douching upsets the vaginal flora TOO MUCH

Here's what I do: 4-5 drops tea tree oil in an empty 00 gel cap, and then fill to rim with Castor oil. Stick it in as deep as it will go. I usually only have to do this overnight

Replied by Wonder
(Denver, Co)

I don't understand why doctors don't tell you the truth about problems with your ph levels. All you have to do is drink 2 liters of lemon water (1 lemon a liter) a day and your ph levels will go back to where they are supposed to be. If you do have an infection douche with peroxide and water, and drink your lemon water and you will no longer have any problems.

Replied by Alibumbayay
(Seattle, Washington)

In response to "All you have to do is drink 2 liters of lemon water (1 lemon a liter) a day and your ph levels will go back to where they are supposed to be."

Unfortunately this is not always the cure-all case. Citrus fruits such as lemons seem acidic but they are actually alkaline forming, and candida, for instance, thrives on them. So depending on the individual problem, drinking lots of lemon juice can actually exacerbate the problem.

I love drinking a whole lemon in water every morning but had to give it up because it was contributing to an overgrowth of yeast in my vagina.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Jay (BX, NY) on 11/25/2008

bacterial vaginosis---no one has tried tea tree oil huh. It seems to be very effective. i have taken the acidophillus chewables that are delicious, about 5 or 6 a day, i pop them like candy and i purchased the folic acid. i also tried the hydrogen peroxide wash. the pills did not really work for me. the hydrogen peroxide worked great as a quick douche to eliminate the smell which was horrid, and oh so embarrasing.

i have bought tea tree oil, and im trying that now, so far so good, no smell at all. please be careful and read up on it becuz its very powerful, saturate a tampon with olive oil or ky jelly so the tea tree oil does not absorb into the tampon, and add a few drops to the tampon about 6 or 7, and stick it in and continue with your evening. tea tree oil is an antiseptic and its natural. i refuse to take that nasty flagyl or another cream, i have it but i refuse. ever since i used that nuva ring i've had bv i swear and i am hating this. my boyfriend is turned off and i want to cry. ughhh.

anyway bv has a lot to do with your insides, u need to get a colonic also, to start digesting properly that my be a cause also. the bacteria in your digestive track may be entering your vaginal walls causing the problem.

Replied by Sarah
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

I have been suffering for over two and a half months with something that seems to have some properties from both a yeast infection and BV. I have tried so many things from prescription creams to Canestin. I've even tried some apple cider vinegar, yogurt, salt baths, vinegar baths and anything else I could find already in this house (Luckily my parents had all this already).

Then I read online about Tea Tree oil and remembered luckily seeing a bottle of it in the cupbord. At first though, using it by itself made things a bit worse. It is a very strong antifungal, can sting and make any redness/itchyness a bit worse. So then back to the stuff that wasn't really working I went. After a bit more time though I despirately went back to the clinic to have the infection looked at again. I had a lot of redness/itching/discharge. I was prescribed Monistat and a vaginal douche to use with some plain white vinegar mixed with a litre of water. So far the douche is working decently but the Monistat treatment has been over for a couple days now and hasn't worked much. Anyway as soon as the Monistat treatment was over I had searched online again and saw that Tea Tree Oil was one of the most recommended remedies for yeast and BV but that it should be diluted with water. I hadn't noticed the diluted part before so I then went and put all of what was left, about 1 tablespoon, into a 500ml bottle and filled the rest with water and throughly shook it to mix it up.

Now I use the plain white vinegar douche for the internal part of the infection and the diluted Tea Tree Oil on a clean soft tissue as a topical to help with the external part of the infection and to help clear the itching/redness. I use the douche once a day before bed to clear all the junk out from the day and the diluted Tea Tree Oil at least 2-3 times a day after I go to the washroom and/or bathe, plus I use no soap. So far the infection is slowly going away and I am so happy about this.:)

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Stephanie (BALTIMORE, MD) on 05/22/2008

Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies: I am a faithful reader of the Earth clinic website not only for me but also for my children. Now this is the first time I have tried this Tea Tree Oil remedy, which I poured the oil onto the tampon enough so the entire tampon was wet and I used my finger to push it into my vagina. I did this for the first time last night and when I woke up this morning, it felt like my lady place was on fire however desperate for this remedy to work, Ive now done it again this morning after cleansing the area with HP and for now it's not bad but when I remove it in a few minutes, we'll see. Ive also started taking the Folic Acid pills (400mcg) - 2 in the morning and 1 at night so maybe this stuff will help me. But I got tired of my doctor telling me I was having unprotected sex even after I told her I wasn't sexually active. Though I'm not a virgin I just don't have a partner right now. I'm tired of going to the doctor's office because for some reason I feel like a slut and I feel dirty and confused because I can't understand why this is happening to me. Now I see it isn't just me. I'll take anymore advice if anyone has anything to tell me. Thanks.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Stephanie (BALTIMORE, MD) on 05/22/2008

Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies: I am a faithful reader of the Earth clinic website not only for me but also for my children. Now this is the first time I have tried this Tea Tree Oil remedy, which I poured the oil onto the tampon enough so the entire tampon was wet and I used my finger to push it into my vagina. I did this for the first time last night and when I woke up this morning, it felt like my lady place was on fire however desperate for this remedy to work, Ive now done it again this morning after cleansing the area with HP and for now it's not bad but when I remove it in a few minutes, we'll see. Ive also started taking the Folic Acid pills (400mcg) - 2 in the morning and 1 at night so maybe this stuff will help me. But I got tired of my doctor telling me I was having unprotected sex even after I told her I wasn't sexually active. Though I'm not a virgin I just don't have a partner right now. I'm tired of going to the doctor's office because for some reason I feel like a slut and I feel dirty and confused because I can't understand why this is happening to me. Now I see it isn't just me. I'll take anymore advice if anyone has anything to tell me. Thanks.

Replied by Phoenix

You should never apply undiluted tea tree oil on any skin, especially sensitive skin. Tea tree oil shouldn't be more than 10%, but when dealing with the sensitive skin in the vagina I wouldn't put more than 1 or 2% in a carrier oil. Olive oil is a great carrier oil for this use because of it's antibacterial properties. I personally would just apply the oil directly. If your using the tampon method for applying Apple Cider Vinegar or oil mixture then only 1-2 hours at a time is necessary.

Replied by Ladyk

Eliminate all sugars, both natural and processed. It feeds BV.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Kris (Orlando, FL) on 10/26/2007

I have suffered from recurring BV. I always use Tea tree oil soaked tampons for a day. I've also used no rub saline solution (yes the ones for contacts) a douche. This sterile solution is safe enough for my eyes, plus it contains boric acid. I noticed a change immediately.

Replied by Stephanie

I used this method and right now at 3:26 pm in my office on May 22, 2008, I am sitting in my chair with an irritated "lady area" and I really want to leave work. I was so hopefull this method would help me but I'm thinking of going to the emergency room. I was feeling okay before I tried this method, besides the stinky smell and wet panties, but it was better than what Im going through now.

Replied by Sarah
(Seattle, Washington)

Tea tree oil is strong. I tried a lot of things including garlic cloves (whole peeled), and chlorophyll douches, but ultimately it was vitamin B complex that made the difference. Lots of acidophilus is good.

Replied by Koko
(Chicago, US)

My bv was the worst during and after my period. Not anymore though, I use a Diva Cup and have found that before reinserting it, coating it inside and out with (diluted) tea tree oil has greatly reduced the symptoms during that time of the month. I cleanse daily in the shower, using cold water instead of warm, which otherwise has been the most effective remedy for me. Paired with tea tree oil during my period, my chronic and sometimes intense symptoms have been mostly under control for several months now. Not cured, but still figuring that out.

Replied by Renata

Do I take the tampon out of the plastic applicator? Also, do I mix the oils together then soak? I'm confused.

Vitamin C, Alkalizing

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Anne (Dallas, Tx) on 12/30/2017

In my effort to find a cure for BV, I came across this website and tried many of the remedies recommended. I tried hydrogen peroxide, acidophilus capsules, folic acid, tea tree vaginal suppositories, boric acid capsules, turpentine with sugar cubes. Nothing worked.

I kept reading and researching and came across the suggestion to alkalize the body. I again researched on the process and came across apple cider vinegar and baking soda combo to make alkaline water. At the same time, I read about the benefits of inserting vitamin C tablet with rose hips. I have used both the vitamin C with rose hips and made alkaline water by mixing water with a dash of apple cider vinegar and half a teaspoon of baking soda. I add sweetener for taste. The recommended dosage for the vitamin C is 250mg tablet. I bought the 1000mg tablet and even though it has been three days and the odor seems to have subsided, I got an irritation around the vulva. I obviously did not push the vitamin C tablet far enough or the strength was too high. It is recommended to use a tampon once you insert the vitamin C tablet to prevent irritation to the vulva and also to ensure that it stays in place and does what it is supposed to do.

Fingers crossed that these two remedies work. I will continue using the alkaline water and take a break from the vitamin C regimen. I used the Vitamin C for 3 days, inserted at night. Most people experienced relief from using the Vitamin C alone and only after three days of use.

I hope this information helps someone. BV sucks.

Vitamin D

5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Nomeat345 (Lakewood, Nj) on 04/15/2017

Editor's Choice

I know EXACTLY how I got BV, unlike some others. I took a double dose of monsitat for a yeast infection a year ago because like an idiot I though it would work faster. Wrong! I got BV forever. I did the doc and antibiotic thing and the probiotics and douche and everything known to man kind but the only thing that work was vit.D3! I mean I'm alllll cleared up! I still take folic acid, acidophilus, and chlorophyll (only in summer when I.sweat like a beast) but the vit d3 is the only thing that worked. I take 3 or 4 a day. I got the idea from this site. So happy!!

Vitamin D
Posted by Art (California, Usa) on 05/21/2016 2370 posts

The following abstract describes a simple treatment for BV that is readily available, cheap, effective and that is likely to have other healthful benefits for women instead of unhealthful side effects. The link to the full study is at the bottom below the abstract.


Indian J Med Res. 2015 Jun;141(6):799-806. doi: 10.4103/0971-5916.160707.

Treatment of vitamin D deficiency is an effective method in the elimination of asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis: A placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial.

Taheri M, Baheiraei A, Foroushani AR, Nikmanesh B, Modarres M1.
Author information



Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most prevalent vaginal infection in women of reproductive age group which has been found to be associated with vitamin D deficiency. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the administration of 2000 IU/day edible vitamin D for 15 wk to eliminate asymptomatic BV among reproductive age women with vitamin D deficiency.


A total of 208 women with asymptomatic BV, who were found to be eligible after interviews and laboratory tests, were randomly assigned to a control group (n=106) or an intervention group (n=105). They used vitamin D drops daily for 105 days. Vaginal and blood samples were taken before and after the second intervention using identical methods (Nugent score for BV diagnosis, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D forvitamin D determination).


The cure rate of asymptomatic BV was 63.5 per cent in the intervention and 19.2 per cent in the control group (P <0.001). The results showed that being unmarried (P=0.02), being passive smoker (P<0.001), and being in the luteal phase of a menstrual cycle during sampling (P=0.01) were significantly associated with post-intervention BV positive results. After these elements were controlled, the odds of BV positive results in the control group was 10.8 times more than in the intervention group (P<0.001).


Among women in reproductive age group with vitamin D deficiency, the administration of 2000 IU/day edible vitamin D was effective in eliminating asymptomatic BV. This treatment could be useful in preventing the symptoms and side effects of BV.

Vitamin D
Posted by Greengirl81 (South Florida, US) on 03/12/2015

Natural remedy for BV: I started with the half h2o/h2o2 douching but it's really a temp. fix. Never lasted long enough to be considered a remedy. I saw a posting about vitamin D 3 and decides to give it a try. I use the aformentioned douche method then started a daily regime of 2000 units of D3. I haven't had a problem since. The smell is compeletly gone!! I hope others give this a try. Its a cheap easy remedy that can be bought at your local vitamin store.

Replied by Christin

Hey, what vitamin d3 did you use?
