Grasping at straws, I read about alkalizing. It made no sense to me, as I had understood that a TOO-alkaline vagina was the problem, and is common in menopause (my new phase of life). But I read about alkalizing working for some women, and thought what the heck, and tried liquid chlorophyll - as I'd read chlorophyll was alkalizing to the system.
I started taking two tablespoons in water in the morning, and one tablespoon at night. After the first day, I stopped the boric acid to see what would happen. That was three weeks ago, and the BV seems to have disappeared. As in - never saw it again after the first dose of chlorophyll! After 6 months of BV, it seems like it would be too much of a coincidence if it wasn't the chlorophyll that helped! I don't understand how it worked, but apparently, it did...
"I know this is an old post but hoping someone sees this comment and has an answer. I don't understand how alkalizing the body works for BV. BV happens when your vaginal pH is more alkaline. Normal is 3.4 - 4.5 and once it goes over 4.5, then you start to see bacteria taking hold and developing BV. So if you alkalize yourself even more, how does that stop the BV? My pH is currently 6.5 and was told it's due to menopause (3.5 yrs post menopause now) which can lead to BV (which I seem to have right now based on symptoms). Menopause dryness can lead to a higher pH. Just wondering how this works."
BV occurs when the body becomes acidic and reduces the oxygen needed for the necessary concentrations of the good bacteria lactobacillus and facilitates the the growth and increase on concentrations of the anaerobic bacteria, that is responsible for causing BV. The increased intake of alkaline increases oxygen production, which in turn increases the growth the lactobacillus bacteria that keeps the vaginal ph balance in check. Therefore, the alkalized water works on the same premise as nutrients, antibiotics, medications, supplements, etc. The alkaline in the water enters one's blood stream, system, and tissues, like anything a person consumes will do, reduces its acidity which regulates the ph balance, returning it to normal.
I hope this helps you understand how it works. It is pretty simple really if you know the difference between acidity (acidosis) and alkalinity (alkalosis) and the role each plays in maintaining and/or damaging the health of the human body.
Vitamin D
I'm anemic and have always been, but never followed doctors orders to take the supplements because the prescribed dosage always made me sick. It wasn't until several friends had blood transfusions that I got scared and got serious about taking care of my body. As a result, after my 5 day cycle I noticed that I didn't have any discharge, or smell. It has been 8 days and I'm still feeling like a lady. LOL.
Now before I realized that iron was MY solution, I did a ton of research online, went to the doctor and was never pointed in the direction that my anemia could be the cause of the discharge. However after I suspected the iron was the reason it went away, I searched anemia and vaginal discharge. Low and behold it's all over the place that this could be the cause. How ironic....I could have saved hundreds of dollars, months of discomfort, and a lot of time because while I was looking for a miracle drug, the whole time I had bottles of iron in my medicine cabinet.
I take one 45mg tablet per day and so far this has been working. Not only has it gotten rid of the problem, but I'm also gaining the other health benefits that I always needed. I would definitely look into this if you are anemic. I'm happy to report this news as I promised myself I would report if anything truly worked and if I run into any bumps in the road with the iron I will report back, but so far.....8 days has been the longest I've been pantyliner, discharge, and odor free in months.
Spring Water
So I went back to bottled SPRING water and after about 2 weeks I am happy to report the infection is gone. Sadly I don't live near a spring and I don't feel good about buying plastic bottles, so I make sure to recycle the bottles religiously. I am thrilled that I have found a cure dealing with the root problem and the cost is extremely low compared to the alternatives. One has nothing to lose by trying out bottled SPRING water for a good few months to see how many ailments can miraculously vanish :)
Apple Cider Vinegar Variations
AND FINALLY....Apple Cider Vinegar. BINGO!! We had a winner. 3 days later cured!
DAY ONE, I mixed equal portions of ACV and water, douched. Then flushed out with plain water, took acidophilus 2 a day and cleansed the outer labial portions with teatree oil and water (just to catch any potential smells).
DAY TWO, about a 3rd of ACV and water, flushed again with plain water, still taking acidophilus twice per day and tea tree oil for the outside. At this point, the symptoms were gone as far as bloat and ache, no smell. Still discharge, but no smell. DAY THREE, a teaspoon of ACV and water, flushed again with plain water, Acidophilus and tea tree oil rinse.
Done! No discharge, no symptoms, no smells...Just back to good ole me. I cried. Yes ladies, finally. I am a woman and whole free for a month now. Did it work...I'm going with yes. Are we all different, yes. I have not had to douche since and honestly I really won't unless absolutely necessary. I just watch my ph and make sure it stays balanced. I have maintained a healthy diet and I drink of plenty of water. I hope this helps you as much as it helped me. Oh and by the way...I found it funny that $.50 is all it would cost to cure me. Dear Lord help us all! Best of luck.
Hydrogen Peroxide Variations
I bought a box of 2 vinegar and water douche bottles (I got the ones with the applicator that you can screw off and replace the top of the bottle with a cap), probiotics Acidophilus (capsules) and hydrogen peroxide. I emptied out one of the pre-filled douche bottles and rinsed it with warm water (I know I said vinegar and water like it mattered but I'd rather rinse out something natural then something that had artificial fragrance in it. And traces of vinegar wouldn't hurt much.)
I added maybe an inch to an inch and a half of hydrogen peroxide to the empty bottle; opened up a capsule of the probiotic Acidophilus and emptied the contents of that in the bottle and added warm water. Let the mixture dissolve before using. I would use it in the shower after I wash up, re-filling the bottle with just plain warm water and douching another 4-5 times.
I did this daily for about 5-7 nights a week and even noticed the signature bad smell was gone the very next morning. By the end of the second day the discharge had lessened and the odor remained gone. I would skip a few days and do it again for another 3-4 days. I re used my douche bottle for about a month before I discarded it. I'd replace the cap on top of the bottle and would clean the applicator with plain warm water and my clean hands, wrap it in a clean paper towel and place it in a clean zip lock gallon bag and sealed it. (I'm a nurse and this is the closest I could come up with as far as a clean technique goes)
I'm still on the quest to find out just why women keep suffering from this. Maybe it's our diet or side effects from my birth control days, I don't know. But I hope this remedy gives helps someone out.
Hydrogen Peroxide, Probiotics
boric acid, probiotics, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar.
I feel like the hydrogen peroxide (washing with and douching with) and probiotics (taken both orally and vaginally) work the best for BV, and now I have my natural (and I think actually quite nice) personal smell/taste back down there. I have to say it did take some time, it wasnt instant. I tried boric acid first and thought it would help more than it did, because I do think it along with ACV rinses works great for yeast, but I think boric acid and ACV wasn't so great for BV.
What I did was douche with 50/50 (approx) clean, filtered water and regular H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) frequently at first (about 2-3xs per week) and opened an acidophilous capsule and scooped a tiny bit of that out with a clean cotton swab dipped in coconut oil and inserted it and swirled it around as far as I could go inside my vagina. I did this for about 2-3 weeks while also trying to alkalize my diet more, taking a multivitamin AND ingesting a lot of probiotics in different forms, for the sake of getting a variety of different beneficial bacteria populating into my gut and system. The probiotics I used were Good Belly beverage, Yakult beverage, expensive femme combo probiotic blend (Refrigerated type) and the cheap grocery store dry shelf acidophious capsules. I also took a few cranberry concentrate capsules orally for good measure because it contains properties which are purported to loosen and cleanse away the harmful bacteria that can adhere to the urinary tract. I made sure to take these many times a day at first and slowly ramped down as the symptoms receded.
I slowly backed down the frequency of H2O2 douching, however I still cleanse externally with a 50/50 H2O2/filtered water blend frequently, because I like the idea that is kills bad bacteria but also is a by product of (and therefore not removing) the good bacteria.
One of the keys to my regimes' success that I should also share is that I was sure to keep my hands and everything else I used very, very clean before ever putting it near my vagina. and I washed all my panties and pants with borax to help kill the bacteria that could be living in my clothes. In total it took about 3-6 weeks to completely eliminate all traces of BV in my system, however I have noticed after periods I catch a hint of it in my smell so I did one undiluted H2O2 douche after my period, each period and it seems to keep it from returning. I think one of the important things to keep in mind with douching is to know when to do it, and when not to. I think it is really important to let the vagina balance out and that can be a delicate balance between taking actions (like douching, inserting coconut oil and/or acidophilous) and just gently cleaning the outside but letting it rest and re-balance itself (herself? :)
Hydrogen Peroxide
I've had BV one time before. I know exactly why I got it and it's embarrassing. Back then I tried some lightweight natural remedies and while it lessened the symptoms, it didn't go away until I went to the doctor and got metro gel. That took it away completely. This second incident is now about three years after the first. I don't know how I got it though I suspect my partner had something to do with it because of a random comment he made about having not showered. Come on people let's be hygienic! As for my symptoms, I wouldn't say they were "severe". But I did have that abnormal discharge and probably the WORST most humiliating part, that bad smell after sex. :( Feeling mortified (and my gyno appointment being a month away) I decided to give natural remedies my all. I was just determined to feel like I could beat this the natural way and not have to use gross inserts or take strong antibiotics. I am very health conscious and don't like to go to the doctor or use strong medicines unless absolutely necessary. So after researching like mad, this is what I did:
1. I bit the bullet and bought a douching apparatus (I have NEVER used one before, I felt embarrassed having to even buy this), and I used 50/50 hydrogen peroxide and water douche once a day for seven days. Every day I prepared this fresh, about 2 oz of each. The hydrogen peroxide is the regular kind you can buy at the supermarket, the one in the brown bottle. I would lay on my back and raise my hips and legs up in the air so that part of me was more or less upside down, then completely fill myself up with solution and hold it in and count to 60. Then let it out in the tub. Repeat until the solution is gone. The first time as someone else reported, I did feel a bit crampy afterwards. Probably because of the infected tissue being cleaned off. But each day this lessened and after 3 days or so it doesn't feel like anything. Just nice and clean.
2. This might be equally important - I ate raw cloves of garlic every day for seven days. I read about and actually found a study that said ingesting raw garlic this way was about as effective as oral metro. But you have to make sure you do it RIGHT - you have to eat ENOUGH garlic (2 or 3 regular sliced cloves per day), make sure it is SLICED or CRUSHED, and make sure it's fresh garlic. The garlic pills will not work. Cooked garlic in your food will not work. It must be raw, freshly sliced garlic. There is a special compound that garlic releases as soon as it is sliced or crushed and that is where the healing properties are. Let me tell you, I adore garlic, but this was hell. Make sure you eat a bit afterwards or it will give you a stomachache. I sliced it into thin slices and swallowed it like that like one might swallow pills. It was far too spicy to chew!
3. Probiotics. Since you're killing bacteria, repopulate your lady bits with the good probiotic bacteria that help keep it healthy. I bought and drank 8 oz of plain kefir (tastes like plain yogurt) every day for seven days. I actually plan to keep drinking it because it's just so good for you.
4. Alkalize. This by itself I believe is more of a preventative method, but I wanted to do anything that would help. And around the time I caught this, I had been going through a phase where I'd been eating really poorly. Loads of salty and sweet cravings, eating loads of chips and cheese puffs :/ I don't feel that is mere coincidence. And apparently, when you have BV, the PH in your vagina has shifted to more acidic, which helps the nasty bacteria thrive. Every morning I already drink water with lemon first thing, but I also started drinking one glass of water with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar every afternoon. I bought bottles of alkalized water (find this at Whole Foods etc.) and drank that during the day. I did my best to avoid the worst of the acid forming foods: meat, packaged sugary foods, white rice, fruit juice and sodas etc. I dug up some of my favorite healthy recipes and started eating those. This experience has bolstered my discipline to eat better and more alkaline every day.
Oh, and during this time, I did not have sex. And that's it! Honestly I was so afraid to stop douching, but I knew I had to see if it would return. I was so, so happy when it didn't. And now I know exactly what to do if, heaven forbid, it ever comes back again. I'm so excited to share this. I was so embarrassed and upset that I literally cried, so I know how horrible it can feel. I would be so happy if this can help anyone beat this thing.
Dietary Changes
I believe the increase of alkaline veggies and fruit intake is the cause of this change. My ph is now balanced after so many years of being out of whack. All the years of have to do so much prep just to comfortably have sex with my husband are now gone. Bv is something that can make you feel less than a woman due to that horrid smell. I am and always have been a very clean person and still have no idea how the bv started but I'm now a raw foods lover for life.
Did I mention I also lost weight without trying. I was embarrassed to even write this hoping no one I know will be able to find out its me writing this. But after years of researching to try to find a cure I feel it would be an injustice if I didn't share my success story. The medicine is not a cure we have to fix the balance from the inside and it's all about incorporating the proper food that balances our insides.
Also I no longer have the pain staking irritable bowel syndrome, ulcer, and bloating that I was suffering from for years.
Boric Acid
I had BV for over a year (2013 - 2014). I went on 3 rounds of different antibiotics which gave me vaginal thrush on top of my bv infection. I decided enough was enough and started to look at natural cures.
My mom works in a hospital and talked to an OBGYN about my chronic bv. The gyno recommended BORIC ACID SUPPOSITORIES and said she used to use this method when she was living in India and didn't have access to good health care. I then asked my doctor and she said she has heard of this cure. That was enough validation to try this method.
I bought the capsules and boric acid powder online (pick the larger capsules) and filled them myself with the powder. I did not measure them I just stuffed as much powder as I could into the capsules. You must wear gloves for this procedure do not use bare hands.
I then inserted them twice a day (morning and before bed) using coconut oil as a lubricant. Please wear a panty liner because the capsule will dissolve and discharge will come out. This discharge has the bad bacteria in it.
I did this regimen for 2 weeks religiously and I was CURED. I can have sex and go swimming without fear that I will get BV again. When I feel an itch I just stick one capsule up there and it is gone within an hour.
Do not be afraid to stick boric acid up will level out the vaginal ph! Please give it a try I wish I would have known sooner.
Best of luck!
Hydrogen Peroxide
I don't care what you heard or who you are this works rather it's a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis/vaginitis.
First let me explain something. Antibiotics like flagyl and all that only work temporarily because it is "anti" body. It kills both "Good" and bad bacteria. Peroxide does the same thing except you avoid the expensive visits and wasted time, not to mention, peroxide works faster. You have to replace the good bacteria as soon as you are done with the treatment. When I douched with peroxide, the smell went away instantly. Everyone's body is different but I haven't heard of anyone having to use this for more than 3 days. Most are cured after 2. I was fine after 1 day. Peroxide DOES NOT dry you out because it's "Hydrogen and Oxygen, " so it hydrates and bacteria cannot live in "Oxygen."
SUPPLIES NEEDED: douche bottle, distilled water, 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Later: Apple Cider Vinegar
WHERE TO GET SUPPLIES: I bought the regular summer's eve douche bottle from HEB, peroxide from whole foods. Distilled water can be bought from any grocery store or you can just boil some water and let it cool off to distill it on your own. ACV was bought from Whole Foods.
1. Completely empty and rinse out your purchased douche bottle of choice
2. Fill douche bottle with 1/2 distilled water and 1/2 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide.
3. Drink 1 full tablespoon of organic Apple Cider Vinegar mixed in 1 bottle of water 2-3 times a day to help restore normal vaginal flora and PH balance. Whole Foods also offers a number of potent vitamins to restore good bacteria in vagina. Any of them are great.
Some even soak a tampon in the vinegar mixed with half water and insert for restoration of vaginal flora (I never tried this one because I don't want nothing else up there since bv is gone lol) Internal use of ACV has Maaaany benefits including great vaginal benefits.
If you do not have food grade peroxide, the brown bottle peroxide works exactly as good. I have used both.) But I have been told the brown bottle is not safe all though it worked GREAT. I will also say FOR ME it was completely SAFE TO NOT DILUTE in case you want to make it stronger. It did sting a tad without diluting but hey, it stings if you pour peroxide over a cut full of bacteria as well. I have used this method without mixing and with. The stinging means the peroxide is working and is well worth it.
The important thing to know is that Candida/Yeast CANNOT LIVE IN OXYGEN. The peroxide kills it instantly.
Boric Acid
Caprylic Acid supplements together along with fiber (orally, which is fine-look up to see how to take this properly re: dosages) should only be taken maybe 1 time a year or once every half a year because again, they scrub the inside of the intestines clean of the yeast but also of the good gut flora too. I cannot tell you the relief I felt, when I used this method to get rid of a yeast infection. Do not forget, you are dealing with an ACID like boric ACID so no matter what anyone says, these acids can wear down the areas in varying ways as you use them to resolve your issues. Lastly, there are no studies on how long to take boric acid for anyone (internally) for bacterial vaginitis and or 2 of the harder to get rid of kinds of yeast infections. NO ONE knows All of the long term effects and no one knows what "long term" means either in terms of taking it time wise.
If you do take boric acid pills (you can make your own) internally-NEVER ORALLY, you have to absolutely make sure you do not have ANY sores, scrapes or cuts of any kind in and around the vaginal areas (both outside and inside). If you do take them, do not breathe in the boric acid while filling up the pills, if you do allow the boric acid to touch your skin, not too worry, simply wash off with COLD water NOT HOT (less chance of absorption anywhere if cold water used to wash off) and lastly you can use an insert tool that is used for miconizole or other related products along with a little of the product itself inside the tool used to slide the pills into the vaginal area. Now, you can use raw garlic cloves AFTER or BEFORE you use the boric acid pills in the vagina NEVER AT THE SAME TIME!
Raw garlic cloves (cut off both ends to make ends soft for insertion into the vaginal area w/a bit of non-scented lotion) can kill all yeast infections if used properly. when inserting raw garlic cloves into the vagina, make sure you prepare the raw clove without the hard sharp ends and take the shell off for maximum exposure to the clove. Do NOT push the clove far up into the vagina. Put it just inside and past the lips of the vagina so you can push it out if need be or "pee" it out when ready. you can leave it in there for a half hour or 45 minutes if you wish. leave it as long as you feel comfortable with it but never more than 45 minutes at a time and you can do this 3 times a day but do not over use this method. it is considered "heat" (chinese medicine philosophy) and can make it harder on your liver and intestines if over exposed to raw cloves repeatedly all day for weeks, months, years. just use them sparingly (figure out your usage, its different for everyone) and know its all about DOSAGE. Everything has to do with the amount of what you take! Doesn't matter what it is, even food you eat. if you over eat, you can hurt your body. if you drop too much hot water for too long on your skin, you'll get burned-you get the idea. so it is the same with boric acid and raw garlic cloves. because you will be in the vaginal area so much and repeatedly for an unknown amount of time due to B.V. and yeast issues; it only behooves a girl to be as careful and delicate as possible when making contact with the vaginal area. this is so it (your vagina) can take the medicines you give it without getting toxic doses of whatever it is you are taking.
Stop using: scented pads, scented lotions, scented soaps. just use water (yes that's what I said) to clean the vaginal area. The anus area use non scented soaps. Stop using perfume around the abdomen area. Stop using scents of any kind and also actually consider stopping sex for as long as you feel you are able to --to allow your body the ph balance and healing it needs to get better. your body is your temple, stop your temporary needs for once so you can permanently get better.
DO NOT: wipe the boric acid coming out of your vaginal area all day into the anus area! If you read up on the anus area, you will see it can absorb very well and it is unknown what the effects are if the anus area is wiped over with left over boric acid from the vaginal area. so, as the boric acid comes out from the vaginal area whether it be through urinating or into a pad, just ensure when you do clean yourself up from the boric, you wipe the vagina and the anus separately.
Here are some other things to look up to help with super chronic B.V. issues: homeopathic remedies, folic acid supplement, ph water to drink, paul pitchfords book Healing w/whole foods re: an astringent diet vs. dealing with dampness in the body which will eternally allow B.V. to take place in the body no matter what you take medicine wise including probiotics. Dampness (chinese medicine term) keeps B.V. living in the body so try out as an astringent a diet as possible through research on the web and pitchford's book which is only like 20 bucks to change your life for the better permanently.
Also, you must drink lots of fluids (not soda! ) WITH electrolytes, or you'll flush electrolytes right out of your system and cause much worse issues than you can possibly imagine. How do you know if you are drinking just enough fluids? If your urine has a super light yellow tint to it. Look up how much water you should be drinking according to your body weight and add Himalayan pink salt along with a bit of concentrated non-sugared cranberry juice (add stevia) to avoid bladder infections while dealing with B.V. and Y.I.'s. You can get all of these items (pink salt, concentrated cranberry juice and liquid stevia) at vitacost btw. Whatever you do, do not ever eat or drink caffeine related items or be prepared to deal with B.V. and Y.I. for the rest of your life. Now, if you have had caffeine while doing boric acid treatments and got rid of it, than the only reason you did is because you did not have the worst case scenario of B.V. It means you had a stronger immune system, more gut flora and probably a lot stronger system all around than all of us dealing with chronic B.V.
Re: homeopathic remedies; if you do find out what items to buy do buy them online because if you just walk into any store to buy a homeopathic remedy chances are, you are buying the lowest doses offered on the market. if you go online to buy these remedies, you will find the highest doses possible for the lower prices and you will be able to do research on just how much to take. because w/homeopathic remedies, it is all about dosage, diet and avoiding certain things while taking these curative items.
If you REALLY want to get rid of the B.V. and all the different types of yeast infections follow an astringent diet, do as much research as possible on everything I mentioned here including stuff you find out on your own and share it all with us because we want to know too! I purposely wrote everything I could possibly think of here so folks could read what they want, and have "too much info" to go do research to better their lives to get rid of B.V. once and for all.
If anyone has any questions, I will do my best to answer them in as timely a manner as possible.
Slessings, ~ Miss Joie
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
One evening, I mixed together 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide (the bottle I have in my house, not the food grade kind) along with 30 ml of water and douched with it. The next evening, and the evening after, I soaked a tampon with the solution and used that. But the first evening I immediately felt a difference. My vag even looked different. It was no longer dry looking, there was no more odor... I had been experiencing some brownish discharge. That has returned to normal. My vag is functioning the way that it was functioning before I developed BV. I'm just relieved. If I ever have problems in the future, the hydrogen peroxide solution will be my go to method of treatment.
Hydrogen Peroxide
The first few times I went to the gyno, got the antibiotics and went on about my way. I didn't really think of it as a problem until I didn't have insurance and couldn't afford to go to the doctor.
Fast forward to a month ago when I got my most recent case, I promised myself that I wouldn't take anymore antibiotics and that I would find a way to cure it myself. I did have some leftover medicine that I could have taken but I really wanted to be able to fix it naturally, so I resisted. I tried everything from boric acid suppositories (which I had tried once before), lactobacillus suppositories, feminine probiotics suppositories, and probably some other remedies that I'm forgetting. They all work as long as you use them, but once you stop the symptoms are right back.
Hydrogen peroxide was my last ditch effort before I was going to quit and take the antibiotics.
I tried the soaked tampon (in combination with lactobacillus suppositories after removing the tampon), and that didn't work at all. I tried douching with a half and half mixture of peroxide (3%) and water (I used an empty Summer's Eve Douche bottle) for 5-6 nights and I did see some improvement, but the BV returned a couple day after my last douche.
I decided to try douching again but this time I did MUCH LESS diluting. Truthfully, it was almost no dilution at all. Probably a 95/5 mix.
Also, instead of doing a straight douche, I would lay on my back and fill my vagina with the mixture, hold it in for a few minutes, release it, do this a couple more times, and then finish off with a douche over the toilet.
After 3-4 nights of this, I'M CURED! Usually by this point, if something wasn't going to work, my symptoms would be back but I feel great. It's been six days since my last treatment, and NOTHING. No, it doesn't hurt or burn, you will feel some of the bubbling but it is completely painless! I don't normally post to blogs or write reviews but I know the BV struggle is a horrible one and I want to help whoever I can!
Then my boyfriend's mom told me to cut garlic into small pieces and swallow it with water before bed. Within a few weeks, my vagina was completely tamed, per se. No more BV or yeast infections at the drop of a hat. Life is so much easier now, and more pleasant. Garlic all the way.
Boric Acid
This is what I recommend to those of you struggling with this hideous condition..
- 1. Order 100% boric acid or medical grade boric acid (it's the same thing but called different things in different places) AND 00 Veg capsules. In Australia, simply order both of these on Ebay. I believe in the US, you can ask your pharmacy to order them for you or try Amazon.
- 2. With clean hands, simply fill the larger side of the capsule with the boric acid and then use the smaller side as the lid. Make up as many as you like - they last for months and months. Store them in a glass jar in your pantry and keep capsules and all ingredients out of reach of the little ones.
- 3. Buy pads - do NOT wear tampons during this treatment.
The Regimen
- Start your treatment on your next period.
- On the first night of your period, (and with clean hands) insert 2 capsules just before you go to bed.
- For the next 5 nights, insert one capsule just before you go to bed.
- Do this treatment for the next 3 periods (4 periods in total).
- You may notice increased wetness as the capsules make their way out - completely normal. You may even find bits of the capsule - also normal.
Ongoing treatment:
- After completing your 4 month treatment, you can cut back to inserting one capsule, usually on the last night of your period. As before, wear a pad that night and during the next day, but tampons on the other days should be fine. I believe wearing tampons overnight is not a good idea, but up to you.
- Supplements and diet are completely up to you - I don't know what exacerbates BV, but it can't hurt to eat healthier.
- Always insert the capsule just before you go to bed. You want it to stay in for as long as possible.
- Just before inserting the capsule, I like to hold the capsule under running water for about 20 seconds to soften the 'skin'.
- Insert the capsule as far as you can. I don't think applicators are necessary, it's a personal preference.
Best of luck to you!
Dietary Changes
Use tampons and buy cottonelle wipes! Keeping the blood away will help. Also I keep the hair region very short. Just keep scissors for this purpose, and clean them with alcohol wipes every time.
NEVER re-use your towels!! I actually feel better when I dry off with the hair dryer anyway.
Take vitamins. Mostly time release C. The brand doesn't matter. You do need the sustained (or time) release, tho and I thought with rose hips helped.
I take the cheap garlic supplements in gel capsules from wally world, but I take 3 or 4 instead of one and twice a day!
I take turmeric twice a day (wally world) and neem seed also. I had to get the neem capsules at Family nutrition, but I think they might be good.
Stop eating cheese and dairy for a while ( I mean a few months), and when you do start back, keep it to just a small amount and NOT every day. Avoid sugar! And for sure, no artificial sweeteners! Stop consuming alcohol (that's a sugar) except I think red wine is not so bad, there's a balance somehow in that.
Omygosh NO BEER. Believe me I know this from experience.
And NO BREAD!!! This is pretty hard, cuz it means no subway unless you get a salad. And NO pizza, till you get better. Then only once a month.
I am 60 now, and it's over. Mainly because of no sex and no menstral cycle. Been over about 10 years now. Maybe only 5 yrs idk, Just soooo relieved.
I wore a panty liner daily. I feel the wicking away thing helps greatly. I still wear a panty liner daily!
Take pro biotics! I had a whitish tongue for years.
it's almost pink now, but I have to take the probiotic every day. I also had to do a diet yeast cleanse. Lost 15 lbs, because the first few days are clear liquids only. Then only one green veggie. Later I made myself stir fry with a lot of fresh ginger, garlic, and onions. No coffee (thats a bummer, but caffeine WILL help any yeasts bond to your system.) Get rid of any dark colored fillings. I had them replaced as they needed it, but if you can afford, get them out! And do not eat tuna or salmon At least for a while. Mercury is a bonding agent for Yeast!
Wash off all fruits and veggies and I even wash the "pre washed" bagged salad. Do not put anything in your mouth that you think might not be washed off.
Avoid antibiotics, unless you just cannot get well.
If you are on antibiotics. Take probiotics in-between the drugs. Like a few hours after your meds. To put back the Good bacteria that gets destroyed! Drs will tell you this now, but they told me it was hogwash in the 70's and 80's. I did it anyway (most the time), glad I did!
If your tummy is rumbly or you have gas, you better get on my program!
Then take the probiotics (lactobicillious, acidophiulus, or both) They should come in a dark glass bottle. Best if you can find a health store that keeps the LIVE cultures in the fridge. Keep yours in the fridge, even if you buy some that was on the shelf. Lately I take Probiotic 10 which I found at vitamin world. It was not refrigerated, but I store it in my frige.
Work out!!!! I love Zumba (mainly becuz I have the best trainer on the planet, She is highly motivated and it's contagious) while you are dancing there will be little or no symptoms, Or at least that's a great mind trick. You have got to sweat! So get moving!!!
Avoid chocolate, I know! But at least for a while.
Treat this as a body invasion! It is! Do a cleanse of some type. Starve the thing to death!
Cilantro is a natural cleansing herb and if you can eat some every day, it'll sure help your body regain it's immunities. It will also keep arthritis away!
If you can afford it, get a vitamix. Or at least a nutribullet.Even if all you use it for is green grapes with a little fresh parsley and some ice, you will be getting amazing cleansing.
If you have a sinus/allergy problem, do use a saline rinse, but I have been able to quit that, by using an alcohol wipe in each nose cavity twice a day, then a swab with a qtip of tea tree oil in each side. Amazing, no drip or odors. But I have to do that every day. I guess we breathe in all kinds of stuff. TTO is a natural antiseptic! You can get that at wally world, too. Get the pharmaceudical grade.
I had to stop eating corn. Wait till you read the labels of all the stuff you eat. Most of it has corn oil. I guess that is a cheap filler. I developed an allergy to corn, so no pop corn or cornbread (this tough here in the south). I stopped eating catsup and bottled pasta sauce, and bottled salad dressing. Instead, increase your olive oil and coconut oils.
I try to only drink bottled spring water. All kinds of parasites live in your faucet.
Keep the faith!
Aloe in Unsweetened Cranberry Juice
Hotep (peace)
Kefir, Oregano Oil
Dietary Changes
I went to a local health food store and bought Psyllium Husks, which is an absorbant powder that cleanses the body of toxins and pushes out build up from your colon. I drank 3 teaspoons of psyllium with 8oz of water immediately in the morning and at night right before bed. Drink psyllium on an empty stomach and wait an hour before eating, at night drink an hour or more after eating. Drink an additional glass of water after each psyllium mixture, also be sure to drink a minimum of half your body weight in ounces of water (weigh 150=drink 75oz) throughout the day(VERY IMPORTANT, psyllium will cause constipation and dehydration of you're not drinking enough water). It is also important to take daily probiotics after this cleanse to maintain the healthy flora.
Psyllium will swell in the digestive track absorbing all toxins and sweeping the walls of the DT, forcing it out of the body in bowel movements. This is similar to a colon cleanse but it is much more natural and less expensive. You will notice that when you go to the restroom it will be in the shape of your digestive track, long and bulk.
Within 4 days my bv was gone!! It is recommended to not drink psyllium for longer than a week at a time. But the best part is that, you probably wont need to, as it is not just a temp fix like many of these other recommendations. Please research colon cleanse and yeast for more info. Continue to keep up a yeast free diet and add in only a few foods slowly, to monitor the tolerance on your system. Also dont forget to take probiotics daily.
I'm not a physician, just someone that has been through years of torture. Hopefully this helps anyone that has tried everything, like me. This is the true cure!!!
Vitamin C
Made my own BORIC ACID pills: I used the suppositories every night for one week. This remedy cause LOTS of discharge as well. This did not work for me this time around. I have no idea why, but it just didn't work. It does work for many women, but all women are not the same, and it failed me this last time.
HYDROGEN PERODIXE DOUCHE: I started out 50/50 water/hydrogen perodixe. This really helped with the symptoms and gave me some relief but did not stop the discharge. I then graduated to a full-strength hydrogen peroxide only douche. I do not recommend this for women who are experiencing buring or sensitivity as a result of BV. For me, it was OK and did not burn as I was not experiencing burning. This kept discharge and irritation under control, but it did not cure my infection.
FOLIC ACID: 800 mg in the AM and PM. Did nothing for me.
PROBIOTIC SUPPOSITORY: Did nothing for me.
TEA TREE OIL DOUCHE: I did this for one night after the hydrogen peroxide douche did not work. This was OK, but I did not see any improvement. In fact, I felt more irritated after douching.
TEA TREE OIL SUPPOSITORY: Smells awful, and it really did not work for me.
WHAT FINALLY WORKED: VITAMIN C SUPPOSITORY! After hours and hours of research looking for remedies, I came across an excerpt from a book titled the Women's Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. In it were some home remedies for "vaginitis." One entry was on the use of VITAMIN C 250 mg as a suppository for 6 days straight. After reading the entry, I did some further research and found studies online citing some great results with VITAMIN C suppositories. The research stated tha the ascorbic acid in a 250 mg tablet of VITAMIN C helps to acidify the vagina, thus lowering the PH and making it a favorable environment for lactobaccili and NONfavorable environment for nonbeneficial bacterial. I figured, what the heck, I've tried everything else. Here's what I did. I went to a popular vitamin store and purchaesed a bottle of straight VITAMIN C 250 mg. Make sure that you are using straight VITAMIN C. There are many Vitamin C combo pills that are buffered, contain rose hips, calcium, etc. You do not want to use any Vitamin C that contains other minerals. (((NOTE: Many drug stores did not carry Vitamin C 250 mg. I couldn't even find it in a popular natural foods chain store, which is why I went to a vitamin store. They carry more varieties.)))
Once I purchased the pills, I went home and inserted one pill that night. The next morning, I had a lot of the typical white BV discharge but I continued. The second night, I did the same thing. The next morning. I did not notice any discharge except for the gritty discharge from the suppository PLUS no BV odor. I continued and did not notice ANYMORE white discharge or odor for the rest of the six days. You will notice the gritty discharge from the pill throughout treatment, but that's pretty much it. Also, the discharge is NOT even close to that when using boric acid suppositories. My theory was that the first night, the acid from the pill was causing my vagina to flush itself of the bad bacteria.
As for women who have used this remedy and reported serious irritation, I wonder if they used too high of a dosage. I couldn't find anything lower than 500 mg at my local drug store, which is TWICE the recommended dosage. So if you are doubling the dosage, that's twice the acid. This is probably why there's so much irritation. Make sure to get the 250 mg. My bottle cost $2.99.
Also noted in the exceprt I read was using supplementation as a means to maintain the vaginal mucosa. It said vitamin A was a good supplement to maintain vaginal mucosa as well as vitamin C.
I hope this works for you. Remember, we are all different. What works for one woman may not work for another. I tried just about every POPULAR home remedy from Earth Clinic and shoved whatever I thought would work into my vagina until I FINALLY found some relief. This will be my go to method when I start to feel that all-too-familiar feeling of BV creeping up on me.