I wanted to write this post because I'm pretty sure this is the best remedy there is for Shingles. I tried almost everything including aciclovir antivirals, but it was apple cider vinegar (ACV) that cured it at the end. I had no idea what the outbreak of itchy blisters where when I got it about 6 months ago.. It took quite long for my to figure out it needed proper treatment and it had time to spread all over the body and with extreme itchiness and burning. After taking aciclovir for some weeks I thought the shingles was gone, but it actually came back again not as bad, but still very itchy and burning on various places. I think I can say that alcohol and coffee (although I don't drink much of either) seemed to make it worse, as well as chocolate, and fats such as butter and olive oil.. I definitely noticed worsening of the symptoms after eating big lunches. So since I then thought it had something to do with the gut and the antibacterials/virals didn't seem to work I started supplement with prebiotics instead such as kefir and yogurts, which seemed to work a bit, but it wasn't until I tried ACV that I started notice a real change! This was probably after 3-4months since first getting it. I took about 1-2 tablespoons diluted in a glas of carbonated water with breakfast, and another tablespoon at supper time. If I could, I would have taken it at work as well for lunch, but a bit messy bringing a bottle along, so I didn't do that. It probably didn't take more than a few days before I started seeing results, and after a few weeks it pretty much all disapeared, although I have continued taking ACV afterwards as well at least once a day. Lately I have seen that you can actually buy ACV in pill form as well, so that's a good option to have in the bag when out and about. I wish everyone to stay healthy with this little marvel which is ACV!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
1. I put paste of ACV and baking soda on the lesions. They dried in one day.
2. Then started dealing with nerve pain, my regiment was: 16 units of Vit E, Maca for nerve pain, Liposomal Vit C 6000-10000 daily for 1 month, B12 microlingual 5000 morning and night. Magnesium increased for 2 weeks, increase folic acid for 3 weeks. Increase Vit D to 4-5000 daily, as I was really low on that.
When I researched the cause of Shingles, I realized the foods that were high in arginine. I was eating chocolate, grapes, nuts, all in one week and was low in lysine at the same time. Once I found out the correlation between arginine and lysine, it was very important that Lysine keeps the shingles at bay from reoccurring.
I also started, acupuncture and chiropractic visits, that also helped with pain. I never had any itching, as I caught the lesions early and dried them up. The acupuncture visits also provided herbal medicines that helped with pain. It's also very important to continue to stretch and walk if at all possible. Even simple short yoga workouts help with pain. I was sleeping on the hard floor for 10 days because the pain was so exhausting, until my acupuncturist helped relieve most of the stinging pain in my leg.
Thank you EC for being a source of knowledge.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
On a recent Friday, my wife's personal support worker noticed a small rash on her waist, nothing to worry about. On Saturday, she thought it might be shingles.
Having no experience with or knowledge about shingles I started to look into it. The only thing I knew was that my wife's father and mother had it, and it was very painful. Her brother had fairly recently had it, and said it was excruciating, the most painful experience, that just lasted and lasted. So I expected a grim experience ahead.
After my initial inquiries as to the nature of shingles, I of course came to EARTHCLINIC. The most interesting results were with ACV. People who did not receive pain relief from their pain meds then tried ACV, with some success at pain relief.
But those results were after the shingles had matured. I decided to be proactive. On Sunday, I started treating the rash with ACV.
On Monday, the doctor confirmed it was shingles, but said it was too late to do anything to prevent it (because it was over the weekend we couldn't get in earlier). She did give her an anti-viral. The next day, we went to the Naturopath, but she couldn't offer anything else, but gave her another anti-viral to take as well. Whether or not these did any good I can't say, but I'm sure these would have been given to everyone else, so I doubt that they had any significant effect. Both the doctor and Naturopath expected the shingles to become worse and painful.
I used an atomizer bottle to spray the ACV directly on the rash 3 or 4 times a day. It was covered so there was no rubbing. I also gave her a tablespoon of ACV orally once or twice a day. I used organic ACV.
My wife took no pain medication.
She had absolutely no pain and only an occasional slight itch. Only a couple of the lesions burst. The rest just shriveled. The shingles were finished in 1-1/2 weeks.
I have no further experience to confirm this, but it certainly seems that ACV did the job.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Anyway I used the apple cider vinegar suggestions and the compresses described thanks to my sister who read all this when I was too sick to know anything . They helped a lot and put the sores into retreat within 48 hours and comforted the burhung nerve lines. Sores now settled after 5 days bur neuralgic pain still strong . Got up today for 2 hours but needed to rest all afternoon.Apple Cider Vinegar compress helps me at night when pain disturbs. Think this may take some time to get free of this viral impacts but luckily no eye damage and face recovering . What an experience! What out for codeine constipation- avoid at all costs maybe only use codeine for first 4 days of pain relief then switch to panedol. Serious constipation seems to be inevitable if you use codeine for long and it creates its own pain and slows down recovery. With thanks to all advice.
Apple Cider Vinegar
We applied cotton ball dipped in Apple Cider Vinegar 3-4 times per day, especially before bed. For the first two days we used the coconut oil/cayenne/turmeric salve also. I had him take Echinacea immune boosters, and turmeric supplement (because we had on-hand). After the first day/night, the blisters were beginning to dry up, no more spreading. Area was still painful on second day, so I massaged with arnica gel (which worked, pain mostly gone next day, and he slept that night). By day three, we were overjoyed because the area was thoroughly dried out and obviously shrinking, only slightly painful, thanks to the arnica I think. Within a week, the rash was gone. WOW!
Note: My son said the ACV burned and tingled, but not unbearably. He was desperate to find relief, and said this was far less painful than the rash. He is fine now - that was 3 weeks ago.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Ironically, I had just gotten a new bottle of _____ Organic ACV the other day, since I'd been drinking the 1T with honey in 8oz water daily. I'm glad to find that it's been helpful to so many here when taken internally and applied topically. Once I read that, I immediately applied to my areas of discomfort. I also made a mixture of manuka honey, EVCO(extra virgin coconut oil), and 2 drops tea tree oil, as each of these have natural anti-viral, antibiotic, and anti-fungal properties... Applied to the rash with cotton square and left on... I did get some relief from the pain. I will continue this along with antiviral, and pain meds prescribed.
Like many others have posted, sleeping was quite difficult the first few days I had pain and no rash, it almost felt like I had really, really bad gas!!! Sitting upright in chairs and even laying in bed was extremly painful. Thankfully I work from home and desk is setup in family room where I have two theater style recliners. Well the other day I couldn't take sitting in my work chair, nor could go through another work day and not take pain med until work was done. I slid the recliner from the wall and put it in recline positon, and let me tell you it was the MOST COMFORT I'd had since the pain started. I was able to use one of those lapdesk type things I'd gotten from Bed, Bath, &Beyond that has these two cushiony things on the bottom and set my work laptop on it. I was able to get through the rest of the work day with ease.
Apple Cider Vinegar