(Saint George, Utah)
I have used L-Lysine for over 30 years to PREVENT and lessen the outbreak of cold sores and shingles. I first heard about it in the Saturday Evening Post in the 1980's. They apparently did several studies on the subject. At the time I had cold sore blisters on my mouth almost continually. I began to take mega-doses of L-Lysine (at least 3000 mg per day). I took them for about 15 days and because the cold sores were almost gone, I reduced the dose to about 1500 mg a day for another 30 days. I then took about 500 mg a day for another 2 or 3 months.
Then, because I had not had any breakouts, my drive to take the amino acid had become almost non-existant. What I discovered is that if I felt a tingle on my lip--I knew that an outbreak was immenent and I began to take the mega doses of L-Lysine again for a week or so. Then I never had an outbreak of cold sores again. Each time I got the tingle the L-Lysine prevented the outbreak. What I didn't know was that the virus is sneaky. I broke out in shingles on my chest during a time I wasn't taking the L-Lysine and I didn't know what the pain was signaling. When I started to breakout in the blisters I realized what it was and began the mega doses of L-Lysine again. When I was able to see a doctor to confirm my outbreak--I had no pain, and refused to take the offer of pain medication. He, of course, scoffed at the idea the the amino acid had anything to do with the lightness of my outbreak.
By the way, I've not had another outbreak of shingles, either. If I feel the burning/tingling sensation anywhere on my body. I take the mega doses of L-Lyine and I have never had any more outbreaks. IT WORKS!!!! It saved the quality of my life!
(Las Vegas)
Lysine can cause liver toxicity if taken too much. Read up on it.
L-Lysine and Vitaminc
I am 62 and I believe my shingles are from stress. I immediately stated the L-lysine and vit c - 1000 mg each 3x/day. after 2 weeks of very little sleep, I added vicks vapor rub to the area of pain and then wrapped it snugly with a wide ace bandage. Also I added homeopathic remedy phosphorus 30c. finally in the middle of the 3rd wk I have actually had less pain and 6.5 hrs of undisturbed sleep! I think due to intense prayer and the above remedies I am on the upside of this nightmare. I hope my post is helpful to someone. Blessings.
UPDATE - I ADDED liquid vitamin B12 by Now & it includes B-Complex also- 2x/day. This has made a significant difference.
L-Lysine and Vitaminc
Licorice Extract
Licorice Extract
Licorice Extract
At first, I immediately tried the essential oils of geranium, lavender and tea tree and eucalyptus and they seemed to help. Then I tried Licorice Extract, applying it three times per day, and, within days the shingles were noticeably on the retreat; within ten days, totally gone! I had it a total of two weeks and, because of the Licorice Extract, I had very little discomfort. Unbelievably grateful for EarthClinic!
Licorice Extract
I also supplemented (to boost my immune system) with Vitamin C (Camu is readily available to the body) 500 mg 3x/day, L Lysine - 500 mg 2x/day and Folic Acid - 1 microgram/day. This is inexpensive and worked for me.
Licorice Extract
There it made the area generally feel less swollen and more returned to "normal" tissue.
Prior to that what had worked best was calamine lotion. However my initial experience with calamine lotion made me search further:
The initial application of calamine lotion really helped, though it is VERY messy to apply to the calf and shin and ankle. Almost immediately, I got relief and the large ugly blisters stopped weeping and seemed to become inactive and dry up.
The next day the rash was nearly gone. So I spred the lotion over the area again. The result was that the (shingles) infection appeared all over the area covered with lotion, so I stopped using the calamine.
I don't think I knew it was shingles at that time.
I tried apple cider vinegar and various other "remedies" but nothing really helped.
I believe the calamine lotion only seemed to spread the shingles, but really the shingles were just in the middle of blasting my leg with the outbreak.
Since the calamine did dry up the blisters, I tried it again. It provided relief and dried up the blisters, but it also made the areas with only small blisters or sensitive to touch, dry beyond reason.
So while it allieviated the pain from the large blisters, walking made the rest of the area covered with calamine lotion feel as if the skin was being ripped off for a while each time I had to walk.
The licorice root extract does not do that. It made the areas with only tiny blisters or no blisters feel better, with no or little pain when touched. It seemed to make the tiniest of blisters there go away, but it did not get rid of small blisters or the large blisters.
I am now past the 3rd day of using the licorice root extract. I am going to go back to using the calamine lotion, at least on the large blisters.
Licorice Extract
(Ontario, Canada)
Mr Ree from Usa Thank for your suggestion that I try licorice extract for shingles. I am over four months into this , left with the horrible scarring and the nerve pain that just goes on and on. Do you think the licorice extract will still work this late in? If you think so , I will definitely give it a try. thank you , Kilee
For $8.95 it's certainly worth a try...I have always recommended "Natures Answer.' I have not tried other licorice extract...I got rid of my shingles in 3 days about 1 1/2 months after it surfaced...Then beat it twice more when it hit the same day...In one hour! I still have the bottle a couple of years later and it's 1/2 full.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Kilee,
Re Shingles
You might also consider this: The ongoing nerve pain might be that the virus is still working. That is the virus has not been killed. Look under the Shingles (Ailment Section) on Earth Clinic and you'll see numerous remedies to deal with Shingles.
I have a post there and relate my experience with Shingles. I used a combo of Cayenne and Vitamin E and DMSO and Colloidal Silver as a salve. The CS and Cayenne were used to kill the virus; the E to make sure the Cayenne did not burn the skin and of course the DMSO was the carrier. And it too is anti viral.
Next, consider the possibility that the virus has damaged the nerves. So even if you do kill the virus, some shingles cases continue to hurt because of nerve damage. To help with nerve healing I use "AEP" and it's called Calcium AEP. (NOT just calcium.) The AEP is what you are after. Google; nutrition review calcium AEP. Great article. Dr Robert Adkins used it as primary item in treating his MS patients.
Licorice Extract
Lye Soap
Lysine, Olive Leaf
Same doc advice as many on this blog, viral meds and antidepressant for pain both of which never worked at height of pain/fever. Then this week rash appeared I happened to use ozonated olive oil which my husband just happened to have on guidance from this site. Was using ACV but I have to say ozonated olive oil which is what they put in makeup and is clear not green worked MAGIC on the rash and itch. While ACV works as an antiseptic and emergency I found the olive oil worked better.
I read the dietary guide here and stopped drinking tea and coffee and drank green tea and strawberries only. No more choc or nuts. Feeling amazingly better.
For any of your doubters out there,,, THIS REALLY WORKS!! Don't get the shingle vaccine as my research is not kind on it and I believe it doesn't help as people who got it as a preventative still got shingles later, I read many reviews from many different sites to be sure. I am taking the Lysine and will continue a long course of this for at least a year to kill off the herpes virus, as I also read in this blog. I will keep this site updated with my results.
My back is still slightly tingly but the itch has gone and it is slowly receding. Thank you earth-clinic 9my god) blog for great advice which was much needed in my times of sleepless-painful-exhaustive 1am nights.
(America, New York)
Hi Angee,
If you have not yet tried lemon water, that is a whole lemon juiced in about two cups of water, give it a try. When I added this the tingly feeling left.
I had the shingles rash on my leg. I used the same helps you did and maybe a few more. Like a baking soda and water paste to get rid of the initial pain and itch. I also used Castor Oil which was very soothing for my leg. When the pain finally made it exit between supplements and all the Lemon water chased the tingly feeling. A
I still had a few threatening bumps and when I would eat the wrong food or supplement the bumps would start to itch again. Not as painful as at first so did not take anymore lysine.
What I got was a stronger Olive Leaf than I had, this one with 20% Oleuropen. I also put some Hydrogen Peroxide in a spray bottle. I sprayed rash with Hydrogen Peroxide morning and evening. Then I would spread on the Caster Oil. The rash is not to be seen at all. That took about two week to get rid of remaining bumps. And I still drink my lemon water.