Natural Remedies

Exploring Natural Remedies and Supportive Care for Shingles

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Irene (Pennsylvania) on 09/22/2016

Maca works very well for shingles! Take 4 capsules, it's cheap under $5, take them 3 times a day, then taper to 3 and and 2 capsules, as needed. It takes away pain and itch.

Posted by Alt-rocks (Felixstowe, Suffolk, United Kingdom) on 09/17/2012

For the post herpetic pain, I had fantastic success with Maca. I took 1x500mg in the morning and 1x500mg in the early afternoon to boost my energy level, but was ecstatic to find that it completely took away the post herpetic pain. A very welcome side-effect indeed!

Magnesium, Zinc

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Taylor (Auchendale) on 03/02/2022

Liquid Magnesium, followed by Liquid Zinc Cured Shingles

Hello Everyone,

In the first year of my marriage, 18 years ago, my husband developed shingles in his shoulders/upper back area. It was excruciatingly painful for him. For the next twelve months, he did everything the doctors told him to do. Z Packs mostly. Nothing worked. Then we went to my herbalist, a deep Christian, who told him she believed she had a Word of Knowledge from The Lord for him. My husband was to take 1-3 tablespoons of liquid magnesium, wait 3-5 minutes and then take 1-3 tablespoons of liquid zinc. I forget if it was 1 or 3 tablespoons. As I recall she said 1 and I would often up it to 3. Do that every 3-4 hours. He did that for a week and then he was well. She explained the magnesium chased the virus out of his cells and the zinc killed the virus. The mineral products are made by a company in Florida that sells very high-quality liquid minerals which are highly absorbable but gentle on the stomach. Of course, the FDA has been leaning on them heavily because they published "cures" so they have changed names and their business model several times to avoid more regulation. The results were astounding.


1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Aj (Florida, Usa) on 10/07/2014

I'm on my second week fighting the Shingles and am on meds now. Used the recipe for putting on the rash and did help some, but switched to Calamine lotion to dry out the pimples and that worked. Now the pain started, but I put a super magnet the size of a penny on it and the pain disappeared. Thanks for the good tips! Magnets work for me.

Replied by Candy
(Kansas, US)

How long did you leave the magnet on?

Replied by Aj
(Florida, Usa)

I would tape with scotch tape to my shirt the magnet and leave it there all day and night. The magnets help improve the blood flow and speed up the healing time.

Mama's Shingles Remedies

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 11/18/2019

Editor's Choice

It took me a week to realize I was dealing with shingles. I had a belt of pain around my lower ribcage on just one side. The pain was so intense I would become short of breath. Once I realized it was not injury or a lung issue, I began treating it as a virus. I was also experiencing itchy skin that felt burned, which was the clue to shingles.

1,ooo mg of lysine each day
2 t. coconut oil a few times a day
vitamin c

1 -2 dropperfuls of cayenne pepper tincture in juice 4 x a day

and...baking soda baths!

They helped more than Tylenol. 1-2 cups each, Epsom salt and baking soda. I recall that those baths helped my children when they had chicken pox. Sometimes I would use pain patches from the dollar store. They have a lot of menthol in them, and capsicum. Salonpas patches were hard to remove and irritated my skin - the generic pain patches never bothered me!

I hope you never get shingles, but if you do, I hope these remedies are helpful for you! ~Mama to Many~


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Cures (India) on 10/23/2015 2 posts

Recently my mom had Shingles and was very worried as her aunt had suffered unbearable nerve pain for many days. She used 6 drops doses of MMS three times a day and the condition gradually improved with each dose. By the third day, it was gone.

Monolaurin, Vitamin C

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Michael (Mobile, Ala) on 08/17/2015

Several years ago on a Thursday morning, my left forehead developed some bumps and started the day wore on, the itching not only got worse but started weeping ooze.

Then came the pain. Not very good with all three happening at the same time. Next morning doctor says shingles with a prescription of lower tabs. Saturday called up local health food store. Owner says sure no problem come on down.

Wife went down, picked up a supplement called monolaurin and some vit c. Took vit c every half hour (over half dozen) and three monolaurin every hour.

Monday morning got off the lower tabs because pain was gone. By Thursday weeping had stopped. Monday went back to doc who stated I could go back to work. Itching gone. Next was the creepy crawlers, that took longer. About a month. Just kept taking both products until both bottles gone. No more creepy crawlers.

Replied by Donna
(Phoenix, Az)

What are creepy crawlers, whatever it was that followed your shingles?

Replied by HisJewel
(America, New York)

Hi Donna,

I think its a tingly feeling from being acidic.

As I finished my first bout with Shingles, which I fought mainly with Hydrogen Peroxide, Castor oil and Olive Leaf capsules, I had a similar experience as Michael of Mobile Ala. I thought of it as a tingly feeling, what ever it was, I used a borax hair wash to calm my scab.

The interesting thing I drank a lemon drink, my fake smoothie, a whole lemon with a glass of water in blender skin and all. and the tingly feeling left never to return. Well I did start drinking that lemon drink most days.

I wondered if perhaps I was to acidic, and if that was the cause of the tingly feeling. Whatever the reason the Lemon water was the answer for me.


Replied by Hisjewel

Greetings EC and Everyone,

Re Shingles and that Stinging Burning Feeling in the Face Syndrome

I have come to believe that the stinging in the face was not bought on by anything I previously thought brought it on. The two things that I noticed about the stinging, burning or pins and needle feeling that I had in the face, was that it always happened when it was humid or when I was stressed. I had the shingles on the one leg. However, I am sure it was responsible for that feeling I had on my face. I am healed of it now about three months. I really don't know what did it, I was taking so many things including BHT which I started taking in March, and Astragalus which I started in June. I give God the glory He is the ultimate healer. The foods that I could not eat last year, I am now able to eat once again without a shingles outbreak. And, the burning face feeling went bye, bye with the shingles.

Never Give Up.


Multiple Remedies

11 User Reviews
5 star (9) 
1 star (2) 

Posted by Isabelle (BALTIMORE MD USA) on 02/25/2023

December, 2022

Day 1:
Pain in the shoulder. I put it down to my itchy clothes. But I start applying ointments of all kinds, for pain.

Day 2
I slept very badly. The pain continues, radiates to the arm and goes up the neck.
I start taking turmeric.

Day 3
At night I can't sleep. I get up and beg God to heal me. And suddenly I think it must be shingles! (probably God inspiring me.)
I immediately do researches in my books:
I read that it is very important:

- to alkalize the body.
- eat a lot of greens.
-de-stress as much as possible
-a lot of rest/sleep on demand.

Day 4
I start taking the products every hour. And others every two hours.
Curcumin. 1000mg x 8/ day
Bromelain 500mg x 6/day
Vitamin B12 2000 mg x 3/day
Vitamin D 20,000 IU
Magnesium homeopathy
Valerian extract: 1 pipette
Propolis spray. 3x/ day
Every 3 hours I drink sodium bicarbonate 1/2 tsp. coffee, with 1 tbsp. tablespoon cider vinegar in water

Day 5
Still very tired like yesterday. Since Sunday, the pimples are visible on the collarbone. More appeared at the base of my neck today. The pain in the arm goes to the elbow, and hurts a lot. I continue to take care of myself.

Day 6
Slept well. Less tired. But hurt in my arm. The pimples still haven't popped. I applied black cumin oil 3 times a day, in which I added drops of essential oil of :clove, tea tree, lavender and geranium.

Day 7
Today I have more strength. I slept well the arm pain is average. I keep taking many times a day
- baking soda and cider vinegar
- vitamin B12
Just added Colloidal silver – 250 ppm.

Discovery! I read in my book that HE eucalyptus is very good for cases of neuralgia and that it is antibacterial.

So I make an oil, having as base olive oil with:
-HE eucalyptus (a lot of drops! )
-HE Thyme
-HE Lavender
-HE Sage
-HE rosemary
-HE geranium
And I apply this oil to myself, each time the pain comes back.

Day 8
This morning I don't feel very well like I have a fever. Not a lot of energy. I feel that my body is fighting hard.
To be able to go shopping, I take an aspirin 1000.

Day 9
This morning a pain starts near the ear. I immediately apply my oil containing essential oils.
The pimples are drying on the collarbone. I take another aspirin 1000 so as not to have pain, when my daughter comes to visit me.
This afternoon, I feel very strong!

Day 10
Today the pain is also in my ear, pain like otitis. I stick a cotton ball with Swedish Bitter herbs in it. The pain went away after a few hours.
Neuralgia in the shoulder at the pimples. I take baking soda and colloidal silver.

Day 11
Slept for nine hours like a baby. The pain in the ear is gone. But still shoulder pain. Application of eucalytus HE directly on the skin as well as my oil mixture hard all over the arm.

Day 12
The neuralgia in the right shoulder continues. But I prayed this morning for a complete healing.
The name of Jesus is a strong tower, the righteous take refuge in it and find safety.
I continue :
Baking soda plus apple cider vinegar
– turmeric mega doses
–complex, B 12
–silver, colloidal
The buttons are dried.

Day 13
I'm doing well! Just a little more pain in the shoulder but I apply the mixture as soon as the pain is there.

I am the Lord your God who heals you of all your diseases.

Day 14 and 15
Slept well. Still a little launch in the shoulder. But I notice that after each application of my oil, the pain goes away and comes back less and less often too. I praise God for my healing.

16th day
First day I wake up feeling comfortable. Just once or twice I felt a bit of shoulder discomfort today! Thanks my God!
I still continue some vitamins, and oil application.

Until the 21st day.
No more pain at all. I will continue the applications twice daily, morning and evening, for another week.

One of the secrets was to start right at the beginning and to fight hard with megadoses.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Shadel (Nebraska) on 04/06/2021

Having shingles pain for approximately 3 months, I am at a loss what to take/apply for this problem. I experience pain at night which disturbs my sleep tremendously. I have used vinegar, cooling gel, colloidal silver, oregano oil, coconut oil. Also goldenseal paste. Thank your for suggestions.

Replied by Art
2370 posts

I have had luck using aspirin in lotion. The aspirin has antiviral activity while also relieving pain. I had to apply it frequently as the pain would come back. Here is a study that shows that it is effective :

I have also used lotion in Original Gold Listerine to make a spray that was convenient, but required a little more frequent application.


Replied by Deirdre
(Earth Clinic)

Hi, have you read through all of the posts on EC's shingles page? Also, check out the Reader Q&A page for many helpful replies from people.

Here's a recent Q&A that received a lot of responses.

P.S. When I had shingles, an antifungal cream applied to the painful area helped immensely. Found that one on Earth Clinic!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Santafeumber (Maine) on 09/02/2015

I just experienced a pretty good outbreak of shingles (torso/back) . after reading earthclinic and some others, I decided to give the ACV a try.

Twice a day, I showered the area of shingles gently and patted dry with a clean towel each time. spray bottle of ACV and gently sprayed the area entirely. I then allowed it to dry naturally.

After the area dried, I sprayed colloidal silver on the same way and while the silver was beginning to dry, I gently rubbed Colloidal silver gel on the entire area. I did the silver treatment several times a day, when I thought of it. the other applications were after the shower. I thought it would be helpful to keep the infected area clean.

Along with this, I began immediately taking L-lysine (2000MG) a day and began to watch my diet that leaned towards the L-argenine end (nuts, tomatoes, blueberries and more - there is a list online of what to avoid). also I began taking moderate doses of Vit C once a day, as well as 3 sublingual doses of colloidal silver -kept under the tongue several minutes -then spit out.

I was also told that soaking 1/4 organic flax seed in 1 cup of water overnight and straining off the seeds and drinking the water once a day is very helpful for the skin and hair. it actually tastes real good as well.

I did a brief 4 day turpentine cleanse(1 tspn dribbled over 3 dot sugar cubes once a day in the evening before bedtime) as explained by Dr. Jennifer Daniels. her instructions can be found online. I am not sure if this weighed in on my rapid healing, it very well may have. but please read her precautions carefully before trying. I use it for candida prevention and it just happened to be that time of the month while the shingle outbreak and cure was taking place.

In less than a week, the rash has subsided by over 60% and is fading, the swollen, puss filled bumps have slowly dried and are fading out of sight. I have been so amazed! I wanted to share it and I hope anyone that suffers from these outbreaks can benefit the way I have recently. just stick to the doses, and it all takes time, but worth it!

Once in awhile, I get those strange and hard to describe, nerve tingles and pains that are short lived. I have been able to sleep normally at nights too and without the pain (that was intense only for the first two nights before this treatment).

I have had shingles about 15 years ago, and knew nothing about natural cures and suffered the entire process, all sorts of medications that didn't help and ended up with some scarring.

I can tell that these are not going to scar at all after this treatment!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Michelle (Los Angeles, California) on 09/29/2014

My 3 prong approach to treatment of shingles:

I have never had shingles before but I had chicken pox when I was 2 years of age and I am now 51 years old in good health. On Sunday night I felt my upper back was itching so I scatched it as well as my upper chest. That morning I woke up to red blisters and scratch marks on my back, shoulder, and chest. I went to the dermatologist and she diagnosed with contact dermatitis and gave me steroids by mouth and a topical steroid ointment. I used that and my lesions spread and got worse. So I went to another doctor 2 days later and he diagnosed me with shingles.

Although I was now 96 hours out of first lesions he prescribed me Valtrex and Keflex for the lesions also looked like they had a superinfection of bacteria in addition to the shingles. I also was told to take benadryl for the itching which I took for a day then stopped after I started my 3 prong approach.

I went home and researched shingles and decided to create my own treatment plan that combined western medicine and homeopathic remedies for my lesions were red, irritated, itchy, and spreading.

I have been using this 3 prong plan for my shingles the past 48 hours and I no longer have pain or itching. Also the newer lesions are gone and the older lesions particularly the ones I initially scratched are healing. My plan is definitely improving the shingles.

1. TREAT INTERNALLY: I am taking the Valtrex as prescibed as well as finishing my course of antibiotics. In addition I am drinking Apple Cider Vinegar 2 tablespoons per 8 ounces of water three times a day. I am taking 1000 mg Lysine three times a day.

2. TREAT EXTERNALLY: I soak a gauze pad with full strength Apple Cider Vinegar and place it directly on my lesions for 30 minutes three times a day. The Apple Cider Vinegar dries the lesions up and has gotten rid of the itching and pain. At night I place Virgin Organic Coconut Oil on the lesions and leave them exposed to air. Coconut oil totally soothes my skin and is helping with healing. It has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties.

3. LEAVE LESIONS ALONE: I keep clothing off of the lesions as much as possible (my lesions are on my neck, upper back, shoulder, and upper chest) so I wear a tube top to cover my breasts at home and when at work a lose top. I stopped the steroids all together for I felt the steroids by mouth were feeding the virus and the topical steroids were totally irritating my skin making it more red and burned.

With this treatment plan I feel energized with minimal pain and itching and my lesions are healing quickly.

Replied by Prioris

Most of the immune system is in the Gut Flora. It is my theory that gut flora may play a major role in these things. Maybe even chronic meningitis. I notice when I took amoxicillin too long, the shingles would show itself. I have low level chronic infection. Maybe a sign of gut flora abnormality. Just something to ponder.

(Suffolk, VA)

My husband has been taking the gut health bundle from Thorne only for a few days and It appears he broke out in the shingles. There must absolutely be a gut connection. The bundle includes Bacilus Coagulans, fiber, prebiotics and glutamine to heal your gut but I really think it provoked the shingles.

Replied by Anna

I thought anti-biotics did not help as shingles is viral. Why are you taking them? Want to know, cause I am trying to make a plan also. Thanks

Replied by Lou
(Tyler, Tx)

My husband was prescribed an antibiotic because he had pus oozing out of his nose area. It's a sign of infection.


Did he have shingles before? Sometime it is a healing crisis. My dad suffered eczema for 30 years. One year he was taking 4 weeks treatment course in a balneoresort (Sanatorium Annensky Mineralnye Vody): The water is alkaline (Pn = 8.5-9.4), slightly mineralized (0.32 g/l), the composition is sulfate-bicarbonate, sodium with a high content of silicic acid (60-96 mg/l). Keep in mind he was regularly getting treatments in various balneoresorts with different composition of water. So this time he got so sick he had to hospitalised. After he recovered his eczema was gone for good.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Laurie (Poplar Bluff, Mo) on 06/24/2014

I am 53 years old and have shingles 5 times. The Dr convinced me to have the vaccine which I did 4 months ago. I did not break out with the rash this time just fever blisters around and in mouth, but have had EXTREME nerve burning pain that is nearly debilitating at times. I have tried acupuncture, lysine, coconut capsules, ACV, so far NO relief.The Pain IS horrible in the middle of my back clear around to front of ribs, my naturopath says it is my gallbladder channel (which I had my gallbladder removed 3 years ago) ANY suggestions would be appreciated.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

To Laurie,

From Poplar Springs,

Re shingles.

Of course caused by a virus...and the things you are taking have some anti viral value. But for shingles I have successfully taken colloidal silver and added in DMSO and applied topically. Three applications using the combo as a poultice for 20 minutes on affected area. If condition is long term, there may be nerve damage and so even though the virus is killed, the damaged nerves continue; in which case I use Calcium AEP (google "nutrition review calcium aep")... Dr Robert Adkins' favorite go to for his MS patient's neuropathy and nerve rebuilding capacity. Acts on the cellular level.

Replied by Mr. Ree

Licorice extract by Natures Answer...Put in on three times a day all over the infected area. It will be gone in 3 days...If you get it the first day it appears, it will dissappear the same day...Cheap fix for $8.95

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Laurie: Alpha Lipoic Acid or Thioctic Acid would very likely help as a nerve protector as well as heavy metal chelator (many vaccines contain small amounts of mercury which is very toxic to nerves). The compound BHT, the herb St Johnswort is anti-viral.

Chronic or recurring Shingles is a definite sign of immune dysfunction or sometimes cancer. Definitely do some detox remedies found here on E.C. Immune boosting remedies fallowing detox will be necessary. Purify your air & water. Alkalizing remedies will likely be necessary as acidosis is both the result of many conditions as well as further aggravating any condition.

Try and get some basic cancer screenings for safety sake.

Replied by Sam
(Florida, US)

Agree. A friend of mine got diagnosed with Lymphoma after a severe case of shingle.The only problems with it that it adds fear, the cause of many body malfunctions itself.

Replied by Mary
(Little Rock, Ar)

Lidocaine patches and creams that contains lidocaine should help ease the pain.

Replied by Kmac
(Chicora Pa)

I have heard that California poppy helps calm those nerves.

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

This is a video on how to make stuff from poppy and how to use with no addiction for pain relief

Replied by Dr Howard
(Torrance CA)

Shingles: Dr Carey an MD stated in his book on 12 Tissue Salts( minerals) Kali mur is the cure for shingles.This is potassium chloride 6X homeopathic potency.

Some take the 6X and after using a full bottle go up to 12X. One potency can work for one person but another may need a higher potency.
It's a good idea in my view to take Bioplasma by Hylands each day as each small tablet contains a part of all the 12 essential body minerals in homeopathic form. It's a wonderful remedy.
l told an exhausted engineer about BP and he obtained a bottle. It helped him with stress and mental fatigue so he told another engineer.
He later told me ‘l walk past all these engineers now and each has a bottle on their drawing boards! ' They found it helped them with mental and physical fatigue!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Karen (Pueblo Of Acoma, Nm) on 04/25/2014

I have been suffering with shingles for a couple of weeks now, using various treatments from this website, such as dabbing ACV with a cotton ball, which stings, but also soothes. I've also tried mixing baking powder and cayenne with a little ACV to make a paste and rubbing that on and letting it dry. That really gave me the most relief until a friend suggested colloidal silver. I was not familiar with it, but was desperate for some relief, so, after reading up on it on this site, I have been taking 1 tsp. 3 to 5 times a day, as well as dabbing it on the areas with a cotton ball. I'm also drinking ACV in filtered water, and taking goldenseal, lysine, B vitamins and Vit. C. I am finally getting some relief and some much needed sleep! The patches are no longer thick and hard, but are much softer and not as raised. Some areas have almost completely disappeared, no more lumps, just reddened skin. I'm not sure which of the treatments are making the difference, but I will continue to do all of them until this is gone! I hope this helps anyone else who is suffering from shingles!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Idalia (Kissimmiee, Fl/oceola) on 01/05/2013

I mixed organic coconut oil with vitamin E oil and palmer's olive butter formula since it was all the stuff I had at hand and I was desperate since I was itching really bad, I made the mixture and instantly I felt relief I am on acyclovir 800Mg tables

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Doug (Milton, Georgia) on 12/09/2012

I'm 63 years old and in pretty good health. My shingles hit me on a trip to Idaho for a meeting. Started as a small pimple near my scalp. Odd. Then I had severe pain under my right eye. I suspected a severe sinus infection. On the plane flight home the rash broke out. I could feel something crawling from my scalp toward the tip of my nose. I thought it was hair, went to brush it and it was liquid under my skin. Pain got worse but no fever. High anxiety - what is this??? Trip to an urgent care after plane landed and the PA said "you've got shingles. " They gave me a prescription for Valtrex, Predisone and Lorban. When I got home we hit the web for knowledge. Came to this site and already into natural health - started self- treating. Hit L-Lysine, Cayenne, Bee Propolus, coconut oil, Echinatia, Colloidal Silver, Vit. C and Vit. B supplements.

On the blisters on my face I had five areas of rash and blisters including three big red blisters on the tip of my nose and three patches near and into my scalp. I used aloe Vera, Vitimin E oil, tea tree oil (product called Miracle Oil) and Listene balm. Immediate improvement to the rash and blisters. Applied several times a day. My work briefcase looked like a medicine cabinet.

The urgent care PA told me to go to an eye doctor ASAP. The next day I got into an eye doctor and she indicated it had not entered my eye ball. She prescribed some Bacitracin for my eyelid. Things stabilized but my right eye started to get blurry. This was during a weeks vacation in Florida during which I avoided any water activities for fear of infecting my eye. On a follow-up visit I was referred to a corneal eye doctor. I had clouding of my cornea. He put me on Valcyclovil pills and Predisolone drops and Zirgan drops (though the Zirgan is like a glop and challenging to apply a drop at a time).

During this whole time I have continued the natural supplements and natural topical items. Excellent results. Within three weeks all the scabs have gone away, the rash is all but gone. My face looks normal except a little redness in the original areas. Note: I did forgo having my hair colored and cut while the rash was active in my scalp - didn't think the hair chemicals would be good. I looked like crap but stuck it out.

I also followed the other blog suggestions on this site and avoided chocolate and nuts and using many of the supplements suggested.

I still have some residual pain in my head but am slowly getting back to normal. I give high praise and thanks to this website for helping me to get through the hell of shingles. Good luck!
