Natural Remedies

Exploring Natural Remedies and Supportive Care for Shingles

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Cayenne Pepper

14 User Reviews
5 star (12) 
4 star (1) 
3 star (1) 

Posted by Desertpoc (El Cajon, California, United States) on 05/03/2012

I came down with shingles, searched the internet and luckily listed was this post. First, I used what Gloria suggested - which I could see some improvement but not enough. Then I combined some of the suggestions from Gloria and David T. Used the ratio of ingredients:

1 T. Coconut Oil

1 t. Alo Vera oil from capsules which is approx. 4-5 capsules

1/2 T. Vitamin E oil

1 T. Cayenne pepper

Plus added corn meal to thicken the mixture. Applied the mix to the shingles, as it was spreading; let the application dry then removed as suggested by David. I followed this treatment for 2 to 3 times a day. Depending on the severity and process of healing. After 2 days, the shingles were starting to heal, then I made another batch of the mix without the corn meal and applied the mix to the shingles area. Thank you to all that contributed to this subject of shingles.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Carla (Rusk, Texas) on 04/10/2012

I've had a terrible re-occuring case of shingles in the back of my throat since I was about 12 years old. After slowly removing and adapting to the stress in my life I only have one or two occurences a year now. This last week I've had a terrible case and did not want to use vicious lidocain, so I checked this site and saw that cayenne pepper helped some people. I bought some vitamin supplements of Cayenne Fruit and took one last night as directed on the bottle and did some meditation before sleeping. I had very little pain when I woke up this morning. I have just taken another pill with some wheat cereal and have had only a little pain. I recommend to try this for anyone that has Shingle of the Mouth.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Jessaka (Tahlequah, Ok) on 01/10/2011

Hi, I have been using Tabasco Sauce for years whenever I had a sore throat and always wondered how well it would do on shingles. Then my friend's husband got shingles, and I told her about it. He tried it and felt so much better that he went to his doctor and bragged to him about it. I have tried capazin on certain things, but it doesn't kill the pain as well as Tabasco Sauce.

Replied by Christine C.

Hello...I will try this...did not realize that Tabasco had other uses other than to spice up a pizza..thank you!

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Janbug (Jewett, Texas, USA) on 08/29/2009

My husband came down with shingles after chemo and back surgery. The doctor gave him the regular meds with extra nerve pills but it did not stop the pain. I called the nurse and ask what to use. I was told to use capsaicin which I went to get as quick as I could on a friday afternoon. I put the cream on him and thought he was going to burn up. I think it may work because the pain on the outside of the skin hurts so bad you forget about the pain on the inside for a little bit. I thought I would go crazy trying to find something to help make his pain go away so I got on line and found your site. I have started him on 2 tablespoons of the Apple Cider Vinegar in water and rubbing his neck and scalp. I pray it works and I thank you for being there for me to find. jan in texas

Replied by Lola

CAPSICAIN (from hot peppers) for the best topical relief from shingles. You can get it in creme/lotion in a tube at most pharmacies. No burning whatsoever. REALLY HELPS.

Replied by Guest

She used capsaicin cream (that's the correct spelling), and it made her husband's skin burn like crazy. I've tried it for arthritis and muscle strain and it burned like crazy on me, too, so there's no way I'm putting on my shingles lesions. It works as she said, in a counter-irritation way.

Obviously, it works well for some of you, but if you haven't tried it yet: Don't apply without a glove or your fingers will burn for hours. It's really difficult to wash off (if you need to because it makes your pain worse), and you'd better throw the wash cloth away.


Try capsaicin patches from the drug store.......not messy

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Gloria (Salem, MA) on 02/25/2007

My friend came down with a painful case of shingles on her neck,into her hair,down to her chest and shoulders.I check your site and found a cure.First she soaked her feet in 1/4cup ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) and enough hot water to completely cover her feet doing this 2x a day, also dabbing straight ACV on the leasions with a cotton ball, it burns at first, followed by a cream. Made up of 1Tablespoon coconut oil,1 Tablespoon aloe vera gel and 1/4 teaspoon.cayenne pepper. Mix it up well and gently rub it in with a cotton ball.She also drank the ACV. 1 water 3x day the blister came to a head that same day and the extreme pain decreased. By the third day she was healed. That was 3 weeks ago and she has had no reoccurence.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Henry (New Jersey) on 03/02/2006

mix small amt. of cayenne pepper and mostly aloe vera gel. I applied several times daily on infected area relieved the pain and never blistered- found in Herbal Drugstore book.

Chlorine Dioxide

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by ORH (TEN MILE , TN) on 12/05/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and will do little medical practice without a license. Tractor Driver has another Shingles outbreak and is always around her left eye. Treatment in the past has been antibiotics and Vit C IV. It is now back after only two months. As all know I spent almost 40 years breathing Chlorine Dioxide fumes while working in pulp mills. Chlorine and Chlorine Dioxide are two different animals. I have the compounds to make a weak solution of CDS and it takes a day for the gas to be absorbed in distilled water. Jim Humble called it MMS but this is called CDS, the proper name. Shingles is a virus and this will address it. We shall see. It cures Covid 100% in 4 to 8 days as all know Bolivia went from 100 deaths per day to zero. They even passed a law that it had to be used. If this works, BIG BROTHER will be after ====ORH==== for certain.

Replied by ORH

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and just checking in to let you know that making CDS is a no-brainer if you have the right glassware. I did not and had to make do with what was in the kitchen. The Chlorine dioxide is made and now I have to properly dilute to suit what program we opt for. Everything must be glass with no plastic. I have the graduated cylinders and liter jars ordered from Amazon. Researched and found that CDS cures Genital Herpes so it should handle Shingles because that is Herpes Zoster. Herpes is supposedly not curable but one person said she had breakouts every few weeks for the last 20 years and had none for 6 months since taking the CDS. Now that will give the medical folks indigestion for certain. Life is just a bowel of cherries. ====ORH====


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Rhoda (NE) on 03/23/2022

My daughter recently applied a bentonite clay poultice to a blistering shingles rash on my arm. The blisters and pain were gone the next day and the rash was no longer visible in 4 days. I have suffered shingles attacks for years and tried many remedies. None, prescription or over the counter have been effective.

Posted by Danny (Toronto, Canada) on 10/03/2015

I had shingles on my back over thirty years ago.

I have a book Our Earth Our Cure. It suggested to use a clay poultice on the area. I went to the Heath food store and bought regular powdered clay. You take a glass or ceramic bowl, put some clay in the bottom and cover with tap water.Let it sit for a couple of hours. Get a white piece of cotton cloth and put some clay on it with a wooden spoon ( no metal ). Place the cloth on the affected area. Since it was on my back I used one of those elastic bandages and wound it around my body.Keep it on overnight and re-apply in the morning. Within 24 hours the pain disappeared.

I kept it up for a whole month and have never had any recurrences since then.

Posted by Jathinder (Kent, UK)

I have taken this opportunity to pass on this cure for shingles after my son suffered a severe case of shingles on his face. After trying several creams by the doctor which failed to work I decided to use a powered form of clay which I mixed to a medium paste with distilled water and put in on my sons face where the shingles first appeared, only covering the blistering ares. This enabled the drying clay to absorb the liquid coming from the blisters, as I found it was this liquid from his face when spread which caused further blisters when in contact with his skin. This helped contain the shingles to a small part of his face until the virus had taken its course. I hope this is of help but I know how helpless I felt when the first bout of shingles spread over half of my son's face with the creams doing nothing to help. The clay paste needs to be applied regularly as if too thick it cracks and flakes of, too thin and it will not absorb the weeping blisters therefore a consistency which you can see absorb the weeping blisters is fine.

Clove Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rebel (Somewhere Usa) on 05/14/2014

Since shingles virus live in the spine, if I had shingles I would rub from the base of my skull to my lower back down the spine, with a few drops of clove oil. I do not know if this will help or not. But I have in the past had very bad pains in my spine and in my throat and rubbed both places with clove oil and it went away very over night. If I had sensitive skin, I would maybe dilute the clove oil. I don't have sensitive skin so I use full strength.

I believe somewhere on here Ted speaks of spinal virus and clove oil.

Replied by Rebel
(Somewhere Usa)

I should mention, I DID NOT have shingles. Just pain in spine and throat area.

Coconut Oil

5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 09/19/2020

My husband had an outbreak of shingles. It started with an odd pain in his arm then he had a few blisters on his wrist. They were pretty painful but he was still able to work. (He works with his hands.) He experienced the most pain at night - I think that is often the case... daily activities are a pain distraction.

At night he took ibuprofen a couple of times and used our homemade menthol salve (a homemade Vicks) topically.

I suspect he had such a mild case of it because he has been on coconut oil for months. Coconut oil is an amazing antiviral, in our experience. He takes a tablespoon in his coffee every morning.

Anyway, if you have shingles, I would suggest adding coconut oil to your daily routine and whatever else you end up doing for it. For viruses we use cold pressed- the kind that smells like coconut oil.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Hot House Flower (Albuquerque) on 07/17/2016

I had shingles about a year ago after a long stressful year of overworking my body. At the time I did not know what was wrong with me. What I was experiencing was tingling and nerve pain in my left arm and I could not figure out what it was. I did not have health insurance at the time so I did not go to see a doctor. But judging from what others have said about the meds that doctors give for shingles it is probably a blessing that I did not go see a doctor. I never had an outbreak because once the tingling and nerve pain began I started putting a mixture of essential oil mixed with coconut oil on my left side of my body, many times a day to calm the nerves. I never broke with anything but I was left with nerve pain and a weakness in the left arm and left leg and also tingling. For the most part the shingles was under control, then about a year later, it began to come back. Then I had a pre-stroke and that really scared me because I was getting electrical shocks constantly. I still not knowing what I was suffering, I did a parasite cleanse which helped a lot and I continued to eat organic. I was no longer getting tingling or electrical shocks but I still had weakness and nerve pain in my left side. By chance, I bought some Frankincense resin and began to make lotions using coconut oil and Frankincense resin. I began putting this on my left side of my body especially on my glands and nerve paths. Slowly over a 5 month period the pain and weakness began to leave my body. I feel mostly recovered.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Debbie (Ny) on 05/28/2013

My boyfriend was diagnosed with Shingles. It was the left side of his face, from his eyelid up to his hairline. It was very painful. He was prescribed steroids and an anti viral medication. I immediately went to your site to see what else he could use to help the affected area. He uses coconut oil. It soothed the area, and it is helping the area heal faster. Thank you for all the great info you provide, it was extremely helpful. Sincerely, Debbie

Replied by Meghan

At 21, I was diagnosed with shingles yesterday for the 1st time ever and am devastated. I want it gone ASAP. I read almost all of these remedies. I just drank a shot of orange juice mixed with 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Followed by a mixture of green tea, with 2 tablespoons coconut oil and 2 tablespoons ACV. I threw up in the trash can before I even finished the cup. It was so disgusting and all that mixed did not settle well at all. I would not recommend drinking any of that and I doubt it helps much, if any. I think I'm just going to stick with applying it to the blistered area from now on!

Replied by Tara
(Cambridge, Boston)

Meghan, the coconut oil caused you to vomit. You should never take such a high amount to start of anything, and especially not when you are feeling so desperate. Many people start with 1/8th teaspoon and work their way up. Don't give up on the other remedies, I have tried them all and they are awesome!!

Replied by Mistyhaired

LOL, I'm so sorry to laugh, but of course you vomited. You just did it all at once! I think it's funny bc it's sort of my nature to go all out too, but unfortunately a slow, gradual introduction to anything new to your body is best. Best of luck to you. :)

Coconut Oil
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 09/29/2011

The herpes virus along with many others has a protective coating that prevents the body from killing it. The natural remedy for this ailment is Coconut oil, as it strips the coating from the virus and allows the bodies own defensive mechanisms to engulf it. Taken internally and applied topicaly will fix it for good and all. Incidentaly it might be worth mentioning the clinical dose is about four teaspoons a day. It also causes ketones to be used by the brain without having a starvation diet to get them, which seems to help Parkinsons and Alzthiemers.. Sufferers. One doctor whose husband had early onset Alzhiemers.. reversed his condition, which is unheard of with conventional treatment.

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