Natural Remedies

Exploring Natural Remedies and Supportive Care for Shingles

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


6 User Reviews
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Posted by Eva (San Jose, Ca) on 05/03/2011

Homeopathic Rhus tox C30 stops the pain of shingles. I used it years ago, and now a friend of mine got shingles and he healed within a day.

Posted by Elationrelation (Minneapolis , Mn) on 05/01/2011

Natural cures help but are slow, and overall one needs to look at stress, diet, etc.

The best cure for shingles blisters is "Staphaseptic, " which is a natural ointment available in a tube from your pharmacy over-the-counter shelves. Most stock it and others will order it. (The box is white with rust-orange, yellow-gold with black accents, and is good to have on hand for other things, from simple infections, to boils, staph and even MRSA). You will see a dramatic change or even resolution within 24 hours. Apply 2-3 times per day.

The cure for the disease itself and the nerve pain is homeopathy, and though ideal to see a doctor trained in it, Arsenicum 200c works for many people. Pain level can decrease quite quickly. Continue for 2-3 days after symptoms are gone. Dosage is up to your practitioner, but often 3-5 pellets, 3-5 times a day, works.

These two things will bring dramatic change within 24 hours.

Replied by Marina

Arsenicum album 200ck for shingles/viral rash

Side effects alert. I only took it 5 times in 2 days and started feeling extremely unwell, feeling sort like of one leg in a grave. I stopped it immediately, after concluding it must be arsenicum album, and today is the second day after I stopped, but not feeling any better. My detoxification is compromised to start with, due to MTHFR polymorphisms and low BP, and the dose is probably too high. This homeopathic remedy is suggested here on EC. If blood flow to the liver decreases as much as thirty percent, and this can happen in hypotension, plasma levels of hepatically cleared drugs are largely dependent on blood pressure and posture, this can cause toxicity buildup and even cause seizures. I should've been more careful. I was also taking L-Lysine, zinc-15mg, ascorbic acid and Lauricidin. But I started feeling unwell after adding the homeopathic remedy.


I want to add, I should have started with Arsenicum album 30c, not 200ck, or reduced the number of pellets from 5 to maybe 2-3. Even though I feel like half dead, the stubborn rash is 90% gone. Will see if it comes back. It probably will for I have some underlying issues. This is what I was taking along with Arsenicum album (for 2 days): L-Lysine-500mgx4, zinc-15mgx1, ascorbic acid -1gx2-4 times/day, Lauricidin- only 3pelletsx3 and LDN 1mg. I was drinking a baking soda solution 2-3 times a day. Took 1-2 drops under the tongue -0.5% Methylene Blue solution for 2 days once a day. Except Arsenicum album I was taking other supplements for at least 10 days.

Replied by Deborah

Arsecum album?

How To Avoid Shingles

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 03/06/2024

Our young daughter-in-law just came down with painful shingles. I've forwarded your recommendations (prayers she puts some to use). I've been hesitant to have the shingles shot due to low immunity. Are there any suggestions to KEEP FROM getting shingles? My mom said that as an infant, my older sister and brother brought chicken pox home from school, but I never had any symptoms/rash/blisters. She even took me to the doctor to make sure!

Replied by Mama to Many

Hi Marsh,

I had chicken pox as a child and have been exposed to it several times when my kids and grandkids have had it. I have not had a shingles shot. I have had shingles twice, both unrelated to when I was around those with chicken pox or shingles. The one connection I made to the shingles flares was stress.

Whether stress was what made me vulnerable or a reduced immune response due to stress made me vulnerable, I know not.

But if I was concerned about getting shingles I would do all I could to reduce stress.

  • Try to get adequate and good sleep. Melatonin at bedtime may help, and as it has anti-viral properties, it may be preventative to shingles. I take 20mg every night.
  • Take Vitamin C - 1000 mg 3-5 times a day (through out the day), unless your bowel cannot tolerate it.
  • Vitamin D and Zinc both support immunity.
  • Use unprocessed coconut oil in cooking as it is an anti-viral.
  • Get a bit of exercise daily if you can. I have been doing indoor walking videos lately - a fun way to get in some cardio.

I hope you are spared! If not though, I did find that a salve with Eucalyptus topically and vitamin C internally helped me a lot when I had shingles.

~Mama to Many~


Thanks "Mama". Your recommendations on board! What's your thought on this: My girlfriend awoke with shingles 3 weeks ago. It's been brutal - excruciting pain along her Trigeminal nerve, 3 ER visits (she's been there since 6am today), Gabapentin, botox injected into her scalp, a host of other scary drugs that have helped for a day or two. I'm wondering if the fillers and botox she injects herself with frequently could be part of the problem, or one of her 3 facelifts. Her painful episodes are enough to almost sign up for Shingrex.

Replied by susanmaria
(buffalo ny)

For viral infections: lysine 500 mg twice a day plus

iodine 12.5 mg once a day

Take the lysine and iodine until viral symptoms disappear. Then take both iodine and lysine for three additional weeks.

Limit intake of coffee while on the above protocol.

Replied by AB

Make sure it is indeed shingles. Shingles is often the first manifestation of an internal malignancy. Not always, but often. How to keep not getting shingles comes to figuring out why she has shingles. Full blood work is a starter. There are specific markers that indicate some serious things are underneath. Ruling out malignancy is the first step. Young people get turbo cancers these days.

Shingles shot for a young person who already has shingles is a recipe for a bigger disaster

So start with blood work Just google what blood markers indicate potential cancer and do the lab work. Keep in mind her doctor must disagree or dismiss, you can do it yourself these days.
Everyone these days must have a stool test for colon cancer, it is cheap March is a colon cancer awareness month, they offer a discount. Do it annually. A family friend, a young mom has recently died, she had stage 4

If your young relative is cleared from malignancies, test her for viruses, citomegalovirus, hpylori, Epstein Barr..

Meantime I'd recommend Cats Claw supplement, L-lysine +high dose vitamin C and Arsenic Album - a homeopathic remedy I learned about here. I get shingles like rash from time to time and I start this protocol and it really works for me. I also add a trace ( not a drop) of antiviral medicinal quality essential oils to a base oil and apply externally. Young living essential oils and Alma ( former Floracopeia) is where I buy directly. Can't guarantee for other companies. Never buy on Amazon.

Do all blood work before starting the supplements

And check the shingles section here on EC site.

Mama to Many

Hi Marsh,

Wow, that sounds dreadful.

In her shoes I think I would try 1, 000 mg of liposomal vitamin C three times a day. It is much more absorbable than regular C. Sublingual b-12 may be helpful, too.

Does she have Trigeminal Neuralgia? Or it is just that shingles are affecting that nerve? Mullein Root Tincture (Beneficial Botanicals sells it) is a less common herbal remedy but good for pain. It is an anti-inflammatory and has been use for Trigeminal Neuralgia. It is healing to nerves. Shingles affects the nerves. I think it would be worth a try.

I found that Eucalyptus essential oil was helpful for shingles. I would use it topically, with a carrier oil (coconut oil would be a good carrier.) Vicks Vapor rub has a lot of Eucalyptus and would be an option. Hopewell Essential Oils sells a couple of blends for Shingles. (If you create an account you have access to the testimonials on the site which are helpful. This is my favorite source of high quality oils.)

Other things like avoiding dairy and sugar made a difference for my kids with chicken pox, so I wouldn't be surprised if it helped Shingles as well.

Earth Clinic has a lot of information about BHT for viruses; that is something else to look into.

I hope your friend finds something very helpful soon. Let me know how she does.

~Mama to Many~

Hydrogen Peroxide

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Kathy W (Waddington, Ny) on 08/23/2016

I discovered 3 drops of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide purchased at the health food store in 8 oz of water actually kills the nerve pain associated with shingles!

Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda Paste

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Candace Pfau (Franklin, N.C.) on 08/03/2013

I have shingles, taking the anti viral. But accidently found out that a paste of hydrogen peroxide mixed with baking soda stops the spreading. Or changes its course. Stopped from going up my face cold turkey. Of course then it started working down my neck. Each place you feel it breaking out, the itch, a paste of this will kill it or stop it. It also makes the blisters feel better. I had used this on cuts to heal them when nothing else would. Going to try the cayene pepper.

Replied by Angeline
(Texas (TX))

Baking soda and peroxide is a universal remedy - especially for spider/venom bites. Using it now with only a tiny sprinkle of cayenne pepper. Seems to be working. BS/Peroxide don't appear to have any major side effects for the skin.

At least the baking soda absorbs the "ooze."

Hypericum Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Ernest (Newcastle, Nsw Australia) on 03/23/2012

I have suffered with shingles for three years on the left hand side of my face the pain has been debilitating, but I have just found a treatment that has eased that pain. That treatment is a bottle of essential oil called hypericum oil, I rub it into the painful areas twice a day. Hypericum oil is oil of saint johns wort.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Renee (Pensecola, Florida) on 02/21/2012

I have read many of these replies of all treatments you have tried, I have suffered for 3 CONSTANT years now with the shingles on both sides of the body, face, arms and other places. I have found to help stop immediate itch and severe pain till anything you have taken orally can work place ICE on the blisters, red bumps, or just when the itch starts this will calm it and feels great! Ice for 20 minutes at every hour soothes the nerves.


15 User Reviews
5 star (14) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Morninglaurie (Commerce, MI) on 11/22/2024

I came across this cure for shingles on Reddit….when I had my second bout of shingles-first one was before getting the Shingrix (2 dose) vaccine, second and third times were after.

The second time was close to a holiday weekend…and I didn't have time to go to my doctor….so started searching the internet. The writer said to take 3000 mg of Lysine a day and in three days the itching would be gone, (she had several people's stories so I ran to the grocery and got L-lysine, started taking immediately, but thought I would start slow…and take 2000 mg a day to start (spaced out). In two days the itching stopped (it was on the back of my neck -originally thought it was an infected mosquito bite-but started moving into my hairline-made it hard to sleep). I took 3000 mg (1000mg 3x day) for the next week, and the redness went away.

The third time (again, after a high stress event) I felt a pimple on the back of my neck (husband confirmed redness moving into hairline) so started taking 3000mg a day, within a couple days was resolving. I think I took it for about a week.

Telling everyone I know about this…husband's cousin said she has always used it for cold sores…takes it the minute she feels the tingling, and it goes away without breaking out.

Posted by DLee (USA) on 10/08/2023

My wife was having pain for about a week before the first blisters showed up and we realized it was shingles. Started L-Lysine right away, 500 mg twice per day, sometimes 3 times. Two patches developed, one about 2 inches long and maybe 1 1/2 inches wide, the other a bit smaller. Blisters were scattered over the affected area; not a mass of blisters like some have had. The infection never spread beyond those areas. Took 5 weeks to heal up. I believe that Lysine limited the development of the infection. Lysine did not seem to help with the nerve 'zaps'. A TENS unit, however, did a remarkable job at nearly eliminating nerve 'zaps' . We used a 2 channel unit. The nerve pain ran along a line that started just beside the spine and wrapped around in a downward sloping arc around to the front of the chest almost to rhe sternum. The front terminal end of the line was about 2 inches lower than the other end at the spine. TENS unit Electrodes were placed this way: 1st channel- one electrode at the starting point of the pain next to spine with its pair electrode about halfway around the line, on the side (about where your arm would fall). 2nd channel- one electrode halfway between the first pair, the other one at the terminating end of the pain path near the sternum. Used a steady, not pulsating, mode. After 90 minutes of this, no zaps for the next 12 hours, and very few zaps for quite some time after that. Only had to do this twice, about 3 or 4 days after the visible onset of the infection. After that, nerve pain was very intermittent and less intense than it had been.

Posted by Sherry (Phoenix, AZ) on 03/04/2021

Editor's Choice

Last year had an outbreak of shingles, had lysine on hand so upped my dose to help remove the shingles virus. Outbreak on the right side of my body in 3 weeks cleared. I've had 3 more outbreaks, the last one felt like it was going in my right eye so much pain, also in my scalp. It crossed over to the left side pain and burning on my hip, I took 6 lysine and within 20 minutes watched it dry up. Reading it is caused by too much arginine in the body, must keep more lysine than arginine. I was putting 1 tablespoon cocoa powder in my coffee every morning high in arginine, it blocks lysine. Now I watch my intake of arginine and take 4 lysine capsules a day. No more outbreak.

Replied by Joseph
(Stockton, CA)
73 posts

So you used lysine to help shingles, however there is not a Dosage that I can see. Please let me know of dosage. My 53 yr old contracted shingles 10days ago, however 3 days ago we learn they were shingles, he is a vet and is currently taking the ointment (Bactroban) Valtrex and Monohydrate (monodox). His current problems are: itchiness at site of rash (right side of face) pain at side of rash, right ear pain intermittently. If you need anti-itch cream when do you apply when he uses the ointment 2X daily? Will the basic little tube be uused enough or will he need more ointment? Any other info would be greatly appreciated since he has OCD & Schizoaffective.

Posted by Julie (SWFL) on 03/21/2020

Lysine + maximum strength (MGO) raw Manuka Honey raw

My husband had chicken pox twice (as a child and in high school) and recently had his first episode of shingles, on one arm.

I gave him 1000 mg Lysine (by mouth) twice a day, coated the rash with the highest MGO rated Manuka honey and covered it with gauze + a tube bandage overnight for 5 days. It's gone.

Posted by Barbara (Ny) on 08/16/2016

I'm drinking 1/4 c of apple cider vinegar in 8 oz of water 3x a day and taking 1000 mg of l-lysine twice a day and my shingles (I've had it before and treated it with traditional pills) is not progressing.... I will keep you updated.It's on the side of my nose above my lip where I had an outbreak before.

Posted by Michelle (United States) on 07/04/2015

Editor's Choice

My father had the worst outbreak of shingles ever seen by the local hospital.[he is diabetic, so immune compromised] I started him on 1000 mg of lysine, daily. He experienced rapid healing, and with one daily has experienced no further outbreaks. This also works for oral herpes, if taken at first sign of tingling- 2 1000 mg to start, then 1 cap 2x daily for one week.

Posted by Little Wing (Boston, Ma) on 11/08/2012

My mom had shingles and the best thing that worked for her was taking lots of Lysine and applying Salve a few times a day. I know some have been helped with ACV wraps, putting it right on the shingles, but I know that can burn.

Posted by Michele (Earlville, NY) on 07/19/2009

L-lysine 500mg/4xday, ACV, red tiger balm, and cayenne pepper works for me. L-lysine is very effective (it literally starves the virus). I found I had stopped too early and the rash (shingles) returned. One started again it receded within a day. For the itching and burning of the patches on my neck I washed with a mild soap, patted on ACV then covered with red tiger balm, then patted on powdered cayenne pepper on top of the tiger balm (not pretty).CAUTION: DO NOT USE THIS ON BROKEN SKIN, NEAR EYES OR MUCOUS MEMBRANES. WASH HANDS CAREFULLY AFTER USE.- IT WILL BURN (I had no open blisters, just a bumpy itchy rash). Not knowing how to calm the itching & burning patches on my neck, I read in the earth clinic mosquito bite section that tiger balm soothes the itch. So I gave it a try AND patted on powdered cayenne pepper on top and left it on for an hour. Capsaicin works by stimulating and then exhausting Substance P, the nerve-related transmitter that sends pain messages to your brain, in the skin. After an hour I wiped both the tiger balm and the cayenne off with a washcloth. The area was red but no longer itched or burned. By next morning all the redness was gone and the itch had not returned. I will continue this for a few days but will continue the lysine longer, to be sure.
