Posted by Lisa (Nashville,Tennessee) on 01/07/2008
Diagnosed with THIS episode of BV over a year ago. Dr. prescribed flagyl, metro-gel (both usually work for me), clindese, and OTC rePHresh...none have worked for this bout. As soon as treatment is finished symptoms return. I noticed that no one has stated they were able to stop the courses of folic acid and acidophilus??? Today my cycle started. So I figured this is as good as time as any to start the regimen of folic acid and acidophilus to restore my vaginal PH. Stay tuned.
Posted by MARIA (LANSING, MI) on 09/28/2007
Well im glad that im not the only woman in the world struggling with this crap. nice to meet everyone, anyhow, i started takng acidopholus like two months or so ago from reading different websites, i would have to say ive been dealing with recurrent bv since i was 19 and im 25 now, my doctor says its because of my hormone levels and the fact that i dont take proper bacterial precautions before having sex, i also where tight clothes and the wrong underwair. well after thorough investigation of how to cure this without taking meds, because i hate pills and cream and gels, i bought some acv, well i did bath in it and it didnt work completely, so i figured it was because i only did it once, so for the last two nights i have been mixing acv and plain yogurt together and inserting. there wasnt a drastic change yesterday when i went through the day so i did it again last night and douched with acv this morning,well i shall see what the outcome will be, i plan on doing this for the next 5 days and see what happens, im also taikng 3 billion live bacteria 3 times a day which is 9billion/5 strains of an acidopholis pill. i will keep you lades posted on my progress. thank you to the people that created this website, i feel so good and comfortable talking about this now. oh make sure when you ladies are purchasing the acv, that it is organic and raw and unfiltered,the other kind wont do any justice, "so ive been told".