I applied raw unfiltered ACV with cotton ball a couple times a day for a few days. Then I applied coconut oil topically a couple times a day for a few days. Itch went away.
For discharge due to BV, borax in gel capsule inserted vaginally every night for a few nights takes care of it. Two weeks is probably best. Underlying reason is, I believe, weak immune system, so try to work on general health improvement.
Hope this helps.
I don't really think they know one way or the other because not enough research has been done to find out the root cause, and definately not enough open minds who are willing to accept that however improbable, once all the other possibilities have been exhausted, must be the truth.
I've always believed that if you get to the root of the issue the symptoms will vanish, if the root is fixable. This brings me here.
Since I've delt with this for a year now, I've gone through the same obstical course with ani-biotics, gels, douches, yogurt, and several brands of Pro-biotic. It always comes back. The smell changes now and then but it's still BV.
I had recently gotten over a nasty cold which had me on 3 different anti-biotics for a full month. It pretty much took care of the BV for longer than anything else had. During that time I was eating Probiotics like candy and it seemed to reallly keep the BV away for a full month after I stopped taking the antibiotics....... But it still came back. However, this time it seems less sevear as it was before.
I've upped my dose and will try inserting a tablet direclty into my vagina and will add Folic acid to everything else. I've also started taking the BV capsules again, the kind with Borax in them. If this doesn't work I'm going to try adding a good Pre-biotic in combination with everything else. It seems silly to inundate your system with the good bacteria you need and then not give them the support they need to flourish. I've been told by my Gyno that it wouldn't do much good to add the pre-biotic, but then again they can't get rid of my BV either.
We shall see.
Much hasn't changed except that I've bounced from yeast back to BV again, yaaaay! I recently ordered Candida Cleanse from Valeris Saxion and I think it's helping, it has Pau d'Arco and is 100% natural, which is how I like it! I'm still struggeling and am beginning to get very depressed and scared I will never have a normal vag.
I tried intercourse last night, bad decision, and had intense burning and stabbing pains. I woke up really irritated and sticky this morning so I tried soaking in baking soda and apple cider vinegar, it worked miracles!
I've stopped douching all together, since I don't want to upset the balance anymore than it already is and have ran out of all my supplements and probiotics so I must restock up on more. Only thing that has really changed is the consistency of discharge once again, so I don't really know if what I'm trying is working.
I thought it was because I was discharge free for a good two months and then I was hit the whammy again.
I'm going to start trying to insert the acidophillus since I haven't tried that yet and have just been taking things orally trying to get my digestive tract under control (I think I've got IBS).
I read on here something about Oak Galls and have recently read up on it. I'm thinking about giving it a shot since I've already tried everything else.
Best luck to all of you and I hope this will end SOON, cause I feel like giving up,
You say you're on a mission to tell the world about Boric acid. Boric is certainly multi purpose for killing bacteria.
I like it when folks are working to help others. Question for you: The bacteria keeps coming back and the Boric acid in capsules works topically to rid the problem in the immediate.
Apparently the bacteria is still floating around in the system and finds its way back to the problem area. One might consider using colloidal silver (at least two tablespoons daily) on empty stomach for a month or so to see if the CS can knock out the bacteria system wide?
I am on a mission to tell the world about the benefits of CS (and am totally open to any other anti bacterial/viral/ fungal that is helpful along the same lines). I am also very fond of the herb Echinacea. That herb in liquid form used for a few weeks (five drops in glass of water three times daily) would also help knock out a bacterial infection system wide.
I have been, for the first time, confronted with BV. I had no idea it could be like this. Nonetheless, I am a natural healer, and energy healer, I have done lots of research on this and have tried a few things. What I determined was this post below that I copied from somewhere else makes a lot of sense. You might have seen it elsewhere.
The few things I would add, mostly relating to number 4 on the list below, the actual cause of our BV, is it is important that our immune systems be functioning well. It could be that the reason we are not completely cured YET is because we need to boost our immune system.
Yes, diet does play a huge role in this, in boosting our immune systems. So no sugar, coffee, alcohol, eat lots of greens, fresh fruit, veggies and whole food, stop wheat and dairy for a while to see if it might be an allergy, then reintroduce slowly one at a time once you are better. Consider doing a cleanse. Give your body the time and rest it needs to recuperate.
I have endometriosis, so this was tricky for me, and I didn't put 2 and 2 together until after I went through the gamut of remedies and they didn't provide lasting results. I got a bladder infection, and yeast (from the antibiotics, no doubt) at the same time as the BV so couldn't tell what was what. I was so bloated! Everything was swollen down there and I felt the urge to urinate all the time, not to mention the other weird feelings and smell down there.
So, when I first started seeing lasting results was when I took measures to boost my immune system. The probiotics weren't doing it, the vinegar and yogurt gave temporary relief only, but these remedies which treat the symptoms of BV DO work. It's our immune system that either can or cannot support us once all is back to normal, I. E. : we've rebalanced our vaginal flora. So, the recurring BV is our body's way of telling us we need to address something else in our body, and, most likely, in our life.
So, to re-energize my immune system I took a vegan whole food health optimizer, a powder I mixed with water. Find out what will work for you, multi-vitamins, greens, herbs like Goldenseal, iron, B-complex--all good. There is so much out there. Inform yourselves, and go with what resonates with you and your own unique body ways.
I started taking shiitaki maitake mushroom capsules which I've taken in the past to stimulate my immune system. It works for me. I also take coconut oil, 1 to 2 tbs per day. My energy is coming back up.
I inserted garlic vaginally at night before bed for five nights. I probably could have gone longer for it to work fully on the BV, but stopped when I thought I would go for further tests and, just in case, I didn't want the garlic to interfere with the test results (I don't know if it will). In the end, I decided not to go for tests just yet, thinking "healer, heal thyself first, " and with a couple of days off the garlic, I noticed the yeast infection was gone.
So, the white, thick discharge (yeast) vanished within two days, but a hint of the BV odour was still present. I also ate lots of fresh garlic.
Healing, I had forgotten in my temporarily discouraged state when I felt the symptoms still hovering, works like a wave. Up and down for a while, then it slowly starts to straighten out, waves of feeling better last longer, and waves of symptoms tell us whether to continue or modify or stop our treatments. When my body talks to me, I listen.
It is important to stay positive and trust your own healing process. Meditate, or do yoga, dance, or participate in physical activity that pleases you. Be kind to yourself. Look in the mirror and tell yourself with all the love and compassion you can muster that you love yourself--no matter what! Do that everyday. You are not your symptoms. You are healing.
If you are so discouraged, as I know many are, please get some help, see a therapist or natural healer for support. The path to healing can be long, but can be made so much more enlightening with the right people by our side.
Good luck sisters! Thank you and many blessings of health, wealth and happiness to you.
I also want to thank the author of this post excerpt I pasted below for all her research and sharing. My comments are included in square brackets.
1. Kill bad bacteria
2. Make environment in vagina more acidic.
3. Re-introduce good bacteria.
4. Find out what is causing yours and prevent. This is a mystery, I think there may be more to BV than what we currently know. There are Soooooo many ways your ph can become unbalanced and cause this. Educate yourself as much as possible and try to figure out your why. [I found it was my immune system that needed a boost.]
The tools I have found that seem to work the best for the most people are these: (I will tell you how to use each) You can find all of this at a health food store.
1.Hydrogen Peroxide [I did not try this]
2.Folic Acid
3.Tea Tree Oil
4.Apple Cider Vinegar
1.Peroxide-Good all around cleasing agent. The bad bacteria are anaerobic, meaning they thrive in the absence of oxygen. The good bacteria are aerobic, the opposite. Peroxide floods the vagina with an environment that the bad stuff hates.
2.Folic Acid-I don't know why or really if this actually works, but a LOT of women swear by it and it can't hurt you-so why not. If anyone has more info on why Folic acid works please let me know.
3.Tea Tree Oil- This is a great natural TOPICAL antibiotic. There are others also, but Tea Tree is easy to come by and inexpensive and goes a long way.
4.Apple Cider Vinegar-This is a natural, inexpensive acid. Some gals insist on getting the kind with the "mother". You can find this at natural food stores.
5.Probiotics- I cannot (because this would be unbearibly long) go into all the details of the various strains of bacteria that should be living in your vagina. There is soooo much info out there to read on this(and I suggest you do)So I'm going to be VERY basic. Lactobacillus Acidolphis is one of the strains you need and can be easliy bought and administered.
OK, now for actual treatment. Other tools you will need other than the ones listed above are-
1. A small syringe. Get the type that has a bulb on the end. Designed for giving children medicine. Looks like a large eye dropper or a tiny turkey baster. Found mine at Wallgreens.
2. Tampons- get the kind that have different sizes. You will use the small tampon in the large applicator.
How to use these tools for treatment: Take 800 mg of Folic Acid in the morning and 400mg at night.
You can rinse with the Peroxide first or anytime the discharge is bad. I found no problem with using it full strength. You can dilute if it bothers you. Draw it up into the syringe, insert as you would a tampon and squeeze it out while the syringe is inside. You can repeat this a couple of times. [Folic acid did not seem to work for me].
Tea Tree Oil. This is where you use the tampons. Take out a small one and a large one, remove both tampons from their applicators. Throw out the small applicator and the large tampon. The reason you are doing this is(duh) a tampon swells when it is wet, so you have to get it saturated with oil THEN insert. Use the syringe to draw up some of the oil. Saturate the small tampon with the oil. Place the tampon in the large applicator and insert. Leave in for up to 3 hrs. This is the A-Bomb for the bad bacteria! Take out and wait a few hours before the vinegar. [I, instead, dripped a few drops of sweet almond oil onto the tip of the tampon, then about 5 drops of tea tree oil, inserted tampon and left in for 2hr45mins. Also gently rubbed same mixture around the outside.]
Vinegar. I found that the vinegar will burn if you do not dilute heavily. Find a level that is comfortable for you. You can either use your diluted mixture to rinse inside as you did with the peroxide or can saturate a tampon as you did with the oil. This will bring your Ph over to the acid side and make it a nice place for the good stuff to grow.
Acidophilus. This one has the most latitude. Probiotics come in capsules, tablets, "liquid", and in various foods. Most strains cannot migrate from your digestive tract to your vagina. Sooooo, the best way to adminiser these babies is to put them right where they need to be. I found that the capsules didn't disolve in the vagina as they would in the stomach, so I found an Acidophilus that is in a kind of liquid form. It actually looks like a runny yogurt. This is an easy method to get the little guys where they need to be. Use the syringe and insert a couple of teaspoons inside. I found it best to use the Peroxide, Oil, and Vinegar during the day and the acidophilus in the evening before bed. That way it's not so messy (put on a pair of COTTON undies) also allows the whole night for them to multiply. As for taking probiotics orally, certianly can't hurt and may help a lot. So take them orally in conjuction with vaginally.
I had results from this treatment plan in one day. I hope to get some feedback with others experiences. Sorry this was so long, but I hope it helps. This is such an awful problem and there aren't that many real answers out there.
*I'm requiring STD tests from all my partners from here on out. STD *TESTS.
*(plus the amount of yeast infection medicine)
Oh, and a couple more good suggestions:
- semen is one of the main causes of BV (so your partner could be giving it to you). I think that both men and women are what they eat in terms of the acidity of his semen and the taste/smell of her secretions. So if he wants to ejaculate in you he needs to change his diet and eat healthy as well
- I think a good test of the acidity of your partner's semen is to take a vaginal PH screening test (goes up to 7) of your vag before he cums in you and after (b4 and after sex). If there's a change, then he either has to stop (if you arent trying to get pregnant) or he needs to figure out how to make his semen less acidic.
- Use acidophilus from the health food stores (not just the grocery, unless it has an amazing health food section). Some people said they've paid up to $40 for the top of the line acidophilus...
- acidophilus caplets, the pressed kind
- Reuteri/Primadophilus by Nature's Way- Multi strain 5billion CFU (stored in refrigerator section/ask attendant)
Don't want to jump the gun, but my smell is gone :-) (btw: it wasn't a loud fishy smell, just an "off" smell that I could smell when opening my legs, and minorly through my jeans/leggings, oh and there was no itching or burning, etc)
Before going to the store last night I put in a rephresh, went to the store got the stuff from my list, and came home, finished my lasagna and garlic bread and juice (I know thats sorta a naughty meal to eat if you have BV, but I was hungry, lol), and fell asleep on the couch.
This morning the smell was still there. So I started my "treatments".
Most of the vitamins say take with a meal, so for breakfast I had 2 tangerines, a few spinach leaves, cup of grapes, and a banana...
First, I had a small glass of 100% cranberry juice (unsweetened), I ate a tangerine, 3/4 the banana, and a few grapes, then drank the small bottle of lifeway bio kefir (immunity pomegranant/blueberry flavor), ate a few more grapes, then took 1 folic acid (800mg), acidphilus (2 billion active cultures), and 1 one a day vitacraves gummies adult multivitamins, then I finished the banana, ate about 8 spinach leaves, and finished the grapes, and other tangerine-- all washed down with a bottle of water.
Minutes later (maybe 15 or so) I could feel some tingling in my vagina. I didn't even have that symptom with the BV, so I got worried. Checked myself about an hour or so later, and the smell was gone. :) I could smell my usual sweet/sugary secretions-- which happens when you eat alot of fruits (especially if you eat citrus like tangerines and clementines).
I don't know what in particular did it or helped, but for now I'm just going to keep this up, and hopefully it's gone for good. I'll check my pH with a screening test, and update everyone later.
btw, I think the lifeway Bio Kefir (cultured milk) really helped. It's mini probiotic drink that has 2x more live active cultures than regular kefir, 20 billion to be exact.)
So the first thing I did was prayed to God for him to take this away for good, I had been praying for years but this time I asked my mother to pray for me a strong woman of God and second I bought a probiotic from a whole food store called fem dophilus by jarrows. I take it once a day sometime 1 capsule and other days 2 but no more than 2. For the first time in five years after my period I didnt get BV!!!!! Amazing. I even went to the dr just to make sure and it was no sign of it. All I could do was thank God for healing me.
So my advice to all women who are in desperate need of a cure would be first to pray and ask God to heal your body and believe he can do it... Because he can and will and second get this probiotic.... Its $25.99. Also the month before I started the probiotic I had BV so I got treated for it and took the diflucan pill with the antibiotics because we all know that you will get a yeast infection with antibiotics and then I went and bought the probiotic so I started taking all the medication at once along with the probiotic. This way you are killing the bad that bacteria that is causing the BV and replacing it was good bacteria that is in the probiotic capsules.
Now I have to be honest I give credit to the probiotic but I know its God that is working through this capsule because we can take as many vitamins, eat spinach, cut out sweets, whatever it may be to cure this but if God doesn't work through whatever it is that you are taking then it will not cure you. It's God that work his healing through the medicine that your taking. I know this to be a fact God has healed me more than once. So pray over yourself and if you have someone that can pray for you that you believe is a woman or man of God then get them to pray for you as well and have faith that God has healed you. And for whatever reason it doesnt go away right DO NOT doubt God continue to believe everyday that you are healed in Jesus name and one day you will be. Walk by faith and not by sight!
I've been reading a lot on this site about Lactobacillus acidophilus (L. Acidophilus) and its success in treating bacterial vaginosis (BV). For those who are having trouble getting it to work, here's some info that might help. There was a clinical study performed using four different strains of lactobacilli. L. acidophilus, apparently, may be helpful, but is not necessarily the best one to use. They found that L. rheuteri and L. rhamnosus are the most effective. BV can be caused by an imbalance in the pH which leads to a decrease in lactobacilli (good stuff) and/or an increase in Gardnerella (bad stuff). Antibiotics don't work well against Gardnerella because it exists in a biofilm - a community of organisms (bacteria in this case)that encapsulate themselves protecting them from the antibiotics. So the antibiotics never really get rid of the Gardnerella or restore lactobacilli and your BV returns. Gardnerella, lactobacilli, and pH are linked, so if your pH goes up for whatever reason, lactobacilli go down and let the Gardnerella take over OR the Gardnerella colonize and kill off the lactobacilli. Chicken or the egg. Anyway, of the four lactobacilli tested, L. rheuteri reduced the biofilms most effectively and the L. rhamnosus displaced the biofilms most effectively. So basically, one kills and the other crowds out. So if you're having success with L. acidophilus, great! - it's good for you regardless. If not, or you want to try something different...find a probiotic that contains significant numbers of L. rheuteri and L. rhamnosus. There's at least one particular brand that has this, carried at health food stores, in the refrigerated section. It's in a brown, glass bottle to protect it from heat and light.
For myself, I use 2 capsules of this probiotic orally in the morning w/ Vit. B12 400mg and Folic Acid 800mcg. Then at night I take Vit. B12 400mg and Folic Acid 400mcg orally and 1 probiotic capsule vaginally. Wetting the capsule first seems to help give it a kickstart dissolving. I also drink one low-sugar probiotic drink a day, found in the yogurt section of the store and take Vit. C and a multivitamin daily. This has really seemed to help. I do the hydrogen peroxide flush right after my period. Hopefully, this helps someone else. Also FYI I'm an RN and have suffered from BV aka "the life ruiner" since my teens and am just now finally getting it under control. Cheers and good luck!
The odor that I was having was very mild but I knew that it was not describe was more like a biology experiment done with bacteria in lab class. Anyhow.. .I was inspired to take a little advice from here and there. I first bought the acidophilus 500 million live cultures 2 per day. Then I bought a twin pack douche ( a generic brand) i just used the bottle i threw out the liquid inside of it. Filled the bottle with distilled bottled water and 2 ml of Goldenseal root. I only douched with that mixture once and i saw an instant difference. Its been 2 days now no smell no nothing. I'm going to keep an eye on it and i'll keep you all posted.
I'm not sure if it is the goldenseal's direct contact or the acidophilus' bacteria. Maybe the combination works.
The next day, I woke up with this discharge, and no smell. I was shocked. STILL Shocked. I'm trying to not over do it. Its only been 3 days. This will probably be the last capsule I insert for the week. I think I may do one capsule insertion twice a week, and 4 capsules a day( 2 in the am and 2 in the pm) Oh, and I also had a bath with regular vinegar. Just a capful, and sat in it. I'd do that ONCE a week. Douching is bad no matter WHAT it is, your just flushing out good and bad bacteria, and PUSHING it back up. So try to avoid it, if your gonna do it anyways, then do it ONCE a week. Less is better, trust me. I also try and "scoop" out the discharge every time I pee with a finger, or at least see if its something in there. I know its weird but we do have to get the discharge out right? So anyways, I'm doing pretty well, Ive had no odor, and hopefully, it stays that way. I haven't bought any Folic acid as of yet, but I'll be adding that to my regimen soon. Good luck ladies.
EC: An employee in a good health food store should be able to point you to good brands. Whole Foods, for example, has some very knowledgeable people working for them.
I over did it on every home remedy one day and it maybe overkill but it was GONE and I felt squeaky clean!! If it returns I'll try it again.
What I did:
Take orally - 2 folic acid pills (800mg total), 2 acidophilus pills (capsules)
Douche - Vinegar douche (1 tsp vinegar/cup water), Hydrogen Peroxide (normal house hold one) 1/3 cup x 2/3 cup water, repeat Vinegar douche. I did this by filling one mixture, douche, next, etc. Not sure what worked but I felt squeaky clean!
I realize its not good to douche much so I stay on 1 pill of acidophilus to prevent repeat episodes.
I had a hysterectomy last Sept 2010, the doctor that performed my surgery stated, the BV was recurring because my Ph balance in my vagina was off.
I googled home remedies for BV and came across this site. Ive tried a few things, douching with half water and half peroxide mixture to clean up the play ground. Then tried the plain greek yogart and acidophilus pill mixed together and inserted vaginally. Also, taking acidophilus orally and eating yogart (flavored). It got much better but still didnt feel totally cured.
I read about this other med called Femdophilus. I picked some up at a local Vitamin Shoppe and started taking two per day and inserting one vaginally (removing end cap). I did that for the first 3 days but 4th day I stopped inserting a capsule vaginally. The fishy smell has not come back now for several days. Im keeping my fingers crossed but will continue taking the femdophilus and maybe inserting one capsule once a week for maintenance. I go back for a check-up next month, keeping my fingers crossed the BV is a problem of the past.
Good luck to all you ladies out there suffering, I hope you find the right cure. I wish doctors would tell you about some of the home cures. I will keep yall posted.
Folic Acid 800mcg
Acidophilus 500 million viable cells per capsule
peroxide 3%
douche (emptied it, rinsed out)
I took one Folic Acid and Acidophilus in the morning. In the evening I took one more Acidophilus. Filled douche bottle with half water and half peroxide, used this before bed. Within 2 days I no longer had that fishy odor. I have also had sex a few times, and made my husband "smell" me to make sure I wasn't missing something. This seems to have worked for me.
I do have a question as to how long should I continue this treatment, and if I quit too soon will it (BV) come back? Thanks for any advice given... I love this website!
I still use folic acid 400mcg x3 and 1 stress b-complex tablet.bHope other ladies will give this a try.
EC: Taken internally, most likely. Hydrogen Peroxide Douche here.
I do have an additional symptom that I haven't seen mentioned on any of these boards, and I'm wondering if it's from an overgrowth of candida instead of BV. At times I have a really strong gassy odor from my VJ. It's never happened to me before, and only began when I started treatment for BV. At first I thought I had a yeast infection, so I used Monistat 1, and the next day the gas was AWFUL! Ever since then, it happens on and off, usually alternating with the smell from BV. I know that treating an overgrowth of candida can result in bloating and gas from the die-off of the yeast, so I wondered if that was the cause of the gas, rather than BV.