The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 05/03/2020
ORH here,,,,,,,,,,, too wet to plow and hope we can do that tomorrow. Wettest ever. Doing stuff in raised beds. Carrots, radish, beets, lettuce, onions, spinach, lima beans, squash and zucchini and butter peas. Lots of garlic to harvest. Yep, it hell to be pore and have to live off the land.
New subject........... suggest you read Dr Judy Mikovits. She is one smart woman and will give you the straight skinny about COVID 19. We are all being fed a line of garbage by the current folks. Yep, they have an agenda.
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 05/04/2020 233 posts
Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, TN) on 05/07/2020
Bleach,,,,,,,,,,,, is that a dirty word or what? Spent 40 years bleaching pulp so I have a clue. First , we have Chlorine. That is now outlawed, but most of your water suppliers kill the stuff with Chlorine . Can't use it to bleach pulp anymore but most all cities use it to kill stuff in your drinking water. Funny how that works. Then we have Hypochlorite , either Sodium or Calcium Hypochlorite. All wemmins use this to make their drawers really white. They don't want to be seen in dingy drawers. Then we have Oxygen. Next comes Ozone. All good stiff, but not good according
to the CDC. It has not gone through the double blind BS.
Lots or rain this spring in East Tn and all the cow pastures are brilliant green. Now
why is that? Rain is not plain water..... it passes through the ozone layer and becomes Hydrogen Peroxide. Water is not water. Why, that's bleach and we can't eat those cow's that have eaten that bleached grass. That is what our medical folks are telling us. Boy's and Girls ........ we are being fed a line of stuff. If it's natural, the the Lord told us he would provide. I would trust that before I would....... Rx garbage from China or India. Could go on but, you get the drift.
Posted by Tyler Vincent (Canyon BC) on 05/09/2020
Red Algae is known to make Mice & other animals IMMUNE to corona viurses, MERS, SARS, and Ebola, and effectively treat corona viruses in human beings. Here is my video on the topic:
Sourced Scientific evidence:
Posted by Oshea (Mid West, USA) on 05/09/2020
Covid 19 is a cover up to force vaccinations and to take out small to medium business. They are labeling every death and illness as Covid 19 to induce fear and hospitals make extra money by doing so. You can bet they will be bringing back another round of flu fear and lick down this fall/winter 2020.
Please check out Dr.shiva, Dr. Rashid Buttar and Dr. Andrew Kaufman and
Rose /Icke
You will not find this on mainstream and they are taking down anything revealing truth from YouTube, google and Facebook.
Stay Healthy and May Love, Peace and Wisdom be your constant companion.
Ps If this resonates as truth for you please share. It's going to take a grass roots effort to bring change and take down the evil ones.
Remember You Are Loving Awareness :)
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 05/09/2020
GLOBAL WARMING,,,,,,,,, ORH here, and we still have not planted our main garden because we have frost tonight. Normally our last frost is April 21 and we plant. Not this year, with all the rain and cold. All our plants are still in our warm green house getting root bound. Look that up, because it is not good. So we have will lose 3 weeks of growing because of Global Cooling.
You smart folks, and know that the commercial people that grow veggies in a green house add CO2 to the house to help their plants. The Tree Huggers have been telling us that CO2 is bad for plants. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong. The Lord has this all worked out...... the plants or trees take in CO2 and give off oxygen, which us simple folks need to live. It's all been worked out without our help. Why do these nerds keep messing things up?
Been posting here for many years and ask folks to see how I works out by doing the things I doos. Mainly........ growing good garden veggies. This site is on a roll like I have never seen. Everyone is on the same side of the house pulling on the rope. That will work for EC and will work for the USA.
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 05/15/2020
Climate in now different,,,,,,,,,,,,ORH here,,,,,,,,, how you ole patoots doing. We full time working at our little farm or sitting on our back stoop at the lake. The sky is now beautiful....... what has changed? Climate is now like my youth. We a few miles from Oak Ridge and no planes. What is happening? Dang, I kinda like this new lifestyle. Think we back living in simple times. Since I's a simpleton, I kinda like it.
It has taken me a while to realize this, but do you notice a difference? Don't get caught up in the daily crap. Folks think they don't spray chem trails daily, but they does. Guess they too scared to fly. Who-ray for our side for a change. Ask you to just rock back on your porch and look at the sky. It has not been this clear in many years. Don't think we need a virus to get here but need just the government to stop messin with us. We don't need their help. The Lord said he would provide and he does, if you will allow. Most of you are smartern me and know things have changed. Think we just need to get rid of about half our government employees and we would be fine. They good people........... they just useless as tits on a boar shoat. ATS ====ORH====
Posted by Walid D. (Kuala Lumpur) on 05/17/2020
Covid-19 is a Plandemic.
People should get to know that Bechamp theory (The Territory theory) is the Truth!
Search using DuckDuckgo engine for:
$5K Reward for Proof of Diagnosis: Feeders at the Trough
The Germ Theory: The New State Religion. - Dr Tim O'Shea
OR you can find the Podcasts here:
Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 05/24/2020
I'm in Alabama and they spray our ditches, too. But, to save money, they only spray the overgrown ones. We keep ours trimmed and neat at all times (and we care for the neighbors on both sides, too) and haven't been sprayed in years. Money talks, so maybe use cost savings as an incentive? I know, some are just jerks.
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 05/22/2020
ORH here,,,,,,,,,,,, my topic is health, but in a round about way. This country has had it and need to find an answer to how to survive. EC folks know that the medical leaders of this virus problem are playing games. They into greed and have patents such that they reap $ with a vaccine. When I was in the military and got a flu shot ...... I got the flu. We were guinea pigs. Now all are guinea pigs with every flu shot you take. It is tainted with mercury which gives the kids autism and old folks Alzheimers. Bill Gates and his ilk are into depopulation. One sick dude. Hey, I understand exactly how I sound and don't give a rat's ...... We all need to be outraged and show our ass. We are fed fish that are fed poop. All our meat is full of steroids and antibiotics because animals are raised in sewage and need this to survive. Tn sprayed my farm with Round up until I threatened to sue the district guy as an individual if they sprayed our ditch again. Also .told the governor . He promised on his bible that they would not spray again. We shall see. We don't seem able to have a civil conversation. We have to threaten. I will wretch it up to where it works. I was scheduled for that PC class, but over slept.====ORH====