Natural Remedies

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alternative Treatment and Prevention

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


8 User Reviews
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Posted by Sara (The Beaches) on 06/26/2020

Sorry John G., my cousin takes Hydroxychloroquine for Lupus and got covid so...

Replied by John Groden
(New Brunswick)

Because you need to take hydroxy with zinc. Zinc is the critical piece as well. You can still get covid but the outcome should not be as critical.

Replied by Adam

Hydroxychloroquine will not prevent catching the virus. But it has demonstrated positive results in survival rates with early stage treatment.

Posted by John G. (New Brunswick) on 06/24/2020

Well the BS about Hydroxychloroquine is all a fraud. It does work. Get it started early with Zinc and your chances of ending up in hospital are very very slim. The WHO and Lancet and AJM had to retract their comments from 3 weeks ago as studies slammed them.

No money for Pharma so they push all the other crap where they can make Billions including Remdesevir made by Gilead ( Soros and Gates and Fauci ) ...seeing the picture now.

Dr Zalenko in NYC treated over 1500 patients successfully! His study is out this week . Hydroxy is safe and has been in use for 60 years so people, STOP buying into all the Media lies please.

Replied by Donald
(San Diego)

Well stated. I think listening to front line doctors that are getting results make so much much more sense that the main stream news smokescreen.

Replied by Sandra

Here's an open letter from 3 doctors to Dr. Anthony Fauci regarding all the negative statements he has made about hydroxychloroquine. This letter contains all the answers to all the questions anyone could possibly have about this product. I just hope Fauci reads it. If he does, he will never let the public know because the letter exposes him and all his lies and its not a pretty picture. Warning, it is a very long letter but well worth your time.


Replied by Tommo

Over 1800 Belgian doctors and healthcare professionals signed an open letter concerning the detrimental effects of the lockdown. The names of those who signed the open letter are also available online.

It's an interesting read.

Replied by Linda

In a lot of places, you can't get Hydroxy.

Posted by John Groden (New Brunswick) on 06/24/2020

Please read this .....Hydroxy does work. Gets ignored because there is Zero $$ in it

Replied by Art
2390 posts


Are you sure this is the study you meant to link to?

This study that you linked to is for SARS CoV, not SARS CoV-2. This study was published in 2005 and SARS CoV-2 was not known about then. Notice that they used Chloroquine in this study and not Hydroxychloroquine which is said to have less side effects than Chloroquine. Still, Hydroxychloroquine has potential for some very significant side effects as outlined here:


Replied by John
(New Brunswick)

Again you can get side effects with aspirin. Dr Zalenko in Nyc had no issues with it in very ill patients. He said that he sends more people to the hospital using Motrin and having bleeding ulcers from it than Hydroxychloroquine. Its been used for 60 yrs to treat Malaria and Lupus and too many people are listening to CNN and NBC . All of these side effects came to light when Big Pharma knew it was working to treat Covid and saw no money. The WHO and Big pharma are ultimately to blame as well. How about taking Vit C and Zinc and Vit D and you cut your chances dramatically from getting ill with this. The media has poisoned peoples brains over the past 12 weeks. I know they used Chloroquine in 2005 but it still has the same effect on the Covid strains. This will come to light when these studies get released OR it gets covered up again.

Replied by Lel

Hydroxychloroquine is an ionosphere. It pushes zinc into cells. The zinc stops the virus from replicating.

Artemisinin is not an ionosphere.

I believe the studies you referred to used much higher doses than what is prescribed for COVID-19 and did not combine the hydrozychloroquine with zinc.

Replied by Tracy
(Okc, Ok)

The studies you refer to were addressed by the Frontline Doctors in a Press Conference in Washington. DC. The 11 studies you refer to used very high doses of hydroxcloroquin and that's why they were ineffective. When used in proper dosage, this drug is safer then aspirin. The Frontline Doctors are not the only ones using it with success. It was used at the Henry Ford Health Center in Mich with 2,500 people. Dr. Immanuel in Houston used it with 350 patients along with Zinc and irthymyicin. Not sure of the spelling??? Her oldest patient was 92. All 350 patients survived!!!

Replied by M Marie

The OP is correct, HC works well with zinc, other countries have been using it and have had great success.

Replied by Raymond
(Grand Island, New York U.S.A.)

Quercetin is reported to act just like Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) when used with zinc. The Quercetin opens the zinc channels in the cells and allows the antiviral zinc to enter and stop viral replication.

At least 2,000 iu of vitamin D is absolutely necessary to keep the immune system up.

Monolaurin along with Chaga Mushroom (wild harvested) along with Quercetin, zinc and N.A.C. are being anecdotally reported to be a good combination for fighting the actual Covid 19 infection.

Replied by Suzanne

Hydroxy does work but the company that makes Remdesivir was able to get the studies manipulated in a way that would fail. Fauci is invested in remdesivir and is against the use of hydroxy and is promoting remdesivir. He is the head of NIH and they just came out about 2 days ago and said these treatments should not be used on people who are not in the hospital. Hydroxy should be used in the early stages before you need to be in the hospital. Remdesivir studies were over seen by the maker Gilead. It is actually dangerous but the studies said the opposite.


Amn sister. I read Fauci's wife is also on a board at NIH and in charge of clinical trials.

Pat M

Remdesevir will shut down your kidneys and you will drown in your own fluids. This is what happened to my sister. They are killing ppl in the hospitals by being forced to use these protocols that come down from the CDC. They actually give hospitals a 20% bonus for using Remdesevir as a first line treatment. People aren't dying of Covid, they are dying of Remdesevir and other dangerous drugs promoted by Fauci and the CDC. Look up Dr. Ardis who has an amazing video on this.


Pat NJ That was a great video by Dr. Ardis!! Thank you for suggesting him.


If any family member goes to the hospital make sure they have a Power of Attorney document or the hospital will kidnap them and potentially kill them with the deadly protocol.

Make sure the Power of Attorney also states you are the patient advocate.

Incline Bed Therapy to Prevent Pneumonia

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Medicineman9 (Europe) on 08/26/2020

Tilted Hospital Beds Helped To Cut Pneumonia by 60% #coronavirus

Raising the head end of a patients bed will protect them from pneumonia and respiratory and circulatory collapse! Laying a patient horizontally will without doubt, accelerate their demise! 5 degree angle is necessary, additional pillows will help, but not so much as having the bed tilted.

More information

"Ask when you can start moving around. Lying flat on your back for a long time can increase your risk of developing pneumonia. So find out when it's safe for you to start sitting up and walking around.?" When you realise that sleeping flat might not be a smart move?

Surely this is self evident and flat bedrest should be avoided like the virus itself?


An innovative method for preventing pneumonia in patients has been recognised at a national awards ceremony

Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust won Patient Safety prize at the Health Service Journal Awards, held at Grosvenor House Hotel in London on November 15, in recognition of its campaign to ensure all patients have their beds tilted by 30 degrees.

In October 2010, the patient safety team implemented the scheme across eight wards to see if it would reduce the number of patients who developed the illness during a hospital stay.

Staff found a reduction of up to 60 per cent in cases of pneumonia in those wards over a six-month period and beds are now tilted by 30 degrees across the whole of the hospital. Raising the patient's head slightly means any fluid in their lungs collects at the bottom rather than covering the whole lung.

Head of patient safety Hester Wain said: “We started doing work around it in October 2010 and, first of all, we were looking at how many people were having pneumonia in hospital.
Confirmation in published magazine: magazine/Winter 2011.pdf

More resources: of bed elevation.pdf

Intermittent Fasting

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Deb (United States) on 04/19/2020

Many of the victims of COVID19 are people with compromised breathing. Something that may help is intermittent fasting. A study of asthma sufferers who tried an intermittent fasting protocol showed dramatic improvement across the board. This is mentioned in James B. Johnson's book about intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting has many varieties, all involving either a few days of semi-fasting per week, or an interval each day of fasting, equivalent roughly to skipping a meal. The positive effects include lowering inflammation, overcoming diabetes, vastly improving hypertension, etc. etc. There are numerous books available about it, such as "Delay, Don't Deny" by Gin Stephens, and "The Fast Diet" by Mosley and Spencer. In this time of scrutinizing what it is that causes vulnerability to disease, I believe intermittent fasting will be revealed to be a key to health, and not just a means of losing weight, although of course that alone is a key to health.


5 User Reviews
5 star (4) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Mae Mae (Manila) on 04/11/2020

As a precaution not to get the covid, I went ahead added 1/4 tsp of sea salt to my 1 liter drinking water once a week and started to gargle salt after meals like 3x a day for 2 days. Also for the first time, I tried the foot painting that evening when all of a sudden I develop a swollen node under my chin and a sore throat that started as mild that got worse. Became paranoid and started to wear face mask right away to protect my child and hubby if in case I caught it. I'm now on my 2nd day of the sore throat and I'm kinda feeling some mucus now forming on my chest, so what I do is I gargle with saltwater and cayenne alternate it with providone iodine mouthwash, which didn't seem to work much, so I made and sipped the "stronger solution" from Ted of Bangkok for tonsilitis: 1 tbsp of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) plus 20 drop of 3% hydrogen peroxide (mine was the cheap regular drugstore brand) then 4 drops of povidone iodine solution in a half glass of water. I am still sipping 1 tspn every time I'm feeling the pain on the throat when I swallow. It has tremendously helped my throat tho I still feels it's there. Hoping to get better by tomorrow. It's the second time now that this swollen lymph node happened to me this month. First was when I puffed out on seaweed (fresh kind) that night I developed a swollen node right away but without the sore throat. I also had added sea salt to my drinking water that week. I wonder if it's the salt that got me into trouble twice or was it the iodine?

Replied by Ann

Mae Mae, The Hydrogen Peroxide needs to be free of preservatives if you are going to use it. The recommendations I've seen for COVID at your stage.... keep rinsing sinuses, mouth and throat with salt water and 2% lugols iodine in saline (for sinuses). I've read many physicians recommending Liposomal Vitamin C (1-2 gms) every 4 hours throughout the day. They say take 50 mg Zinc and you must take Quercetin with it (it is a Zinc Ionophore that gets the zinc into the cell). If you can't find Quercertin or Resveratrol, Ivermectin (horse dewormer) can work. We've used it on the farm on ourselves without complications. That said, the preference is that you'd use Quercertin as the die-off from parasites can be uncomfortable and mimic flu symptoms.

Posted by Joye B (18901) on 03/24/2020

I took iodine supple-ments when I developed SARS in France 2009. I fully recovered from the deadly disease with nutrition and the heatwave.

Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 03/16/2020

Iodine kills Corona Virus (MERS). This stuff is still prescribed for fungal infections like Sporotrichosis (with dosages). 99.99% inactivation withing 15s, proves it's virucidal effects. There is a question on MIC and effectiveness in a real person, but Iodine may be the lost anti-viral drug that solves this global pandemic. Rapid and Effective Virucidal Activity of Povidone-Iodine Products Against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara (MVA). "inactivation of ≥99.99%) was regarded as evidence of virucidal activity. This was achieved versus MVA and MERS-CoV, under both clean and dirty conditions, within 15 s of application of each undiluted PVP-I product."

Replied by Rob S.

Can it be taken internally ? I did read the same thing and thought it mentioned **liposomel ** meaning topical absorbed through the skin / Correct ? How to make a skin patch and what dose ?

Richard Barcelona
(United States)

How much do you take of the iodine and where do you get it? Do you put it in water or juice?


Nascent iodine is well tolerated by the body. Better than Potassium Iodine. Be sure your not allergic to iodine. Easy way to tell is if you have allergic reaction to eating shellfish.

Average doseage I've seen using Nascent iodine goes as:

Malaria was treated with 20 drops of nascent iodine in a half glass of water given 4 or 5 times during the first day and then going to 10 drops of nascent iodine 4 times a day for 3 more days. A slide study of the blood shows that the malaria is gone from the body.

Posted by Theron (EC Facebook) on 02/28/2020

Iodine & selenium also

Iron Chelation

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jennifer (New South Wales) on 01/03/2021

Iron. There is research going on about iron chelation being an effective part of Covid treatment. That is because iron feeds any infection. They are using medication (which can have side effects).

Other ways to reduce iron I have found effective include avoiding beef and eating Bragg ACV, cabbage, lactoferrin, turmeric, green tea, IP6, and blood donation. Try to avoid iron supplements or iron fortified foods.

Copper also regulates iron and is antimicrobial, so consider eating copper rich foods (eg oysters, org beef liver), colloidal copper, although copper supplements are not necessarily good. Good old org chicken soup also great for viruses.


37 User Reviews
5 star (35) 
3 star (1) 

Posted by Diane (Ohio) on 08/13/2024

My husband and I both had Covid I called the front line dr they perceived ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Within 3 days Covid was gone. Everyone needs to do their research. I did. We are both very healthy take no meds. Eating right is so important. I'm 73 and my husband is 83.

Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki - Greece) on 09/28/2022

I had great results with Ivermectin. I cleared from the main symptoms of covid in just three days. These three days were difficult having a fever of 38,5 C, but in the evening feeling mysteriously well with the fever subsiding. I don't know if this was due to the nature of covid or the action of ivermectin. The second day after my infection I was at bed all the morning and evening and didn't have appetite until night. The third day was very good and by the and of it I am almost clear without even coughing or running nose.

I followed the FLCCC protocol taking 0,4-0,6mg/kg ivemectin (personally 0,5mg/kg).

I took nigella sativa as well. My father had too success with ivermectin dropping down his fever and clearing the disease in a few days.

My brother (we leave in the same house) who didn't take ivermectin because of an operation he had recently, has had the symptoms 8 days now and even lost his sense of smell. (Ivermectin is also a blood thinner so you cannot take it immediately after an operation).

Replied by Yolanda
(Vacaville, California)

I'm trying to find out if I can purchase ivermectin online like in Mexico where it is sold over the counter and have it mailed to me. Is this possible?

47 posts

I was able to purchase the Ivermectin paste on Amazon and others have too. It will keep up to 2yrs in the fridge. Mine is in mine..

Posted by Debbie J. (Alabama) on 03/31/2022

I've been a long hauler now for 19 months. First diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia August 2020. Have never felt right since. I've had good days and bad days, but I was beginning to give up hope. I tried all sorts of natural remedies here, but they only went so far. March of 2020 I started feeling wonky. Chalked it up seasonal allergies. Prior to March 2020, working out steadily, never had any issues. Never ever had shortness of breath. May of 2020 I had a large floater in my right eye. It looked like a gigantic snake. It freaked me out so bad I started crying. Went to the eye doctor, oh you just have dry eyes. I realized now I had an eye parasite. The eye parasite came out a year later. What an experience.

A month ago, I started to feel really bad. Lots of coughing, sneezing, honking noises from my throat and nose, serious shortness of breath and lots of fatigue. My sternum was killing me. I thought it was costochondritis. I also had two large boils on my inner thigh that was so painful, I actually cried. I had to use PRID to lance them. They're all gone now. Now I realized I had an infection. Not costo. I slept 12 hours a day. Had I not had another Rx of Keflex and my albuterol inhaler, I would have been a lot worse. I took a 7 day round of Keflex and used my rescue inhaler, daily. That's not good as it's hard on your throat and esophagus. There's got to be a better way. If I saw a doctor he or she would probably prescribe more predisone, steroid inhalers (like Advair which is obscenely expensive if you don't have insurance) and other meds.

Then I realized 3 days ago, I had a full thing of Ivermectin paste. The first night I stuck my finger in my old stash, spread it all over my tooth and gums and swallowed it. Tasted nasty. I followed up with a dixie cup of water with 4 drops ingestible oregano tincture, along with a detox formula tincture I made years ago. About 10 minutes later, I felt instant relief. But I panicked and took my inhaler.

For the next few days I took a pinch of Ivermectin every few hours. Got to feeling better and better. When I first heard about Covid and Ivermectin, I thought why are they pushing an anti-parasitical drug? So I looked at the Ivermectin package. Treats lung worms. Lung worms! That's it. That's why so many people aren't getting better. The lungworms have infected their lungs. (I've completed many a parasite cleanse, so I know the drill). When you take ivermectin you're killing and paralyzing those worms. They create a noxious gas when they die off and make life hell on earth while they're leaving your body.

I'll take ivermectin until most of my problems disappear. But I'll tell y'all one thing. This is the first day in 19 months I've had zero shortness of breath. To me, that's a miracle.

Replied by Debbie Johnson


Durvey brand. Can buy at any feed or pet store.

Replied by Mary Lou

what brand of horse ivermectin did you use? Can that be posted?

Jim from Frostburg

Hi ML,

This old 'horse' used 1.87% Ivermectin gel (or paste), which is the same strength as the people version which is a pill. I followed the weighted directions on the back. I took 4 bar's worth. Mild taste. Washed it down with water. Only took it once. Many farm stores offer it. No doubt there will be a sign stating it doesn't work on Covid and is dangerous to humanity; but it does work on any flu or cold I've experienced in the past year. Amazon shows it here

BTW, AFAIK, there is no actual test for Covid-19. Apparently what we're all getting is regular but changing versions of Influenza A and a little of B. See here:

Posted by Art (California) on 03/24/2022 2390 posts

Ivermectin, an antiparasitic, is a popular remedy that is suggested to be highly effective for fighting off Covid-19, but studies have been lacking to confirm this off-label use for Ivermectin.

This new study (March 2022) shows that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were ineffective for treating patients admitted to the hospital for Covid-19.

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

>>> ' In non-critical hospitalized patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, neither ivermectin nor hydroxychloroquine decreases the number of in-hospital days, respiratory deterioration, or deaths. ' <<<

I know this will be disappointing information for those who believe that Ivermectin is effective for treating Covid-19 and this one study may not be enough to convince you, but there is another study that will likely be released in April that used Ivermectin in 1,358 adult patients that were tested positive for SARS- Cov-2 and this study also had very similar results. I will post that study as soon as it is released.

Here is a quote from the study:

>>> ' In each scenario, they found that Ivermectin did not improve patient outcomes. ' <<<

If you still believe Ivermectin to be effective for Covid-19 and it is your plan to use it if you get infected with Covid-19, I think it would be a reasonable idea to use it alongside other remedies that have also been suggested as remedies for Covid-19, rather than as a stand-alone treatment.


Replied by Betty

Yes, from quick read of the study, dose was too low and did not include zinc. So, ya of course the study would fail. By design $$$? Who knows.

IVM is not a stand alone and neither is HCQ.

2390 posts

I get your point on the dosing Betty and have posted another study using high dose Ivermectin to show the difference in effects between the two doses. Zinc wasn't used in either study so that remains unresolved.

I think some people may feel that Ivermectin is a stand alone treatment for Covid-19, so I made a point to mention it.


Replied by Jim from Frostburg

People, I have myself taken horse ivermectin at the first sign of a cold or flu. My symptoms subsequently disappeared within 2-3 days. It has worked beautifully two times now. My family members have experienced the same success. Do not wait until your lungs are filled with puss and your entire body is damaged before you take it. I have no doubts ivermectin will kill the virus (no zinc required), but the damage has been done. How fast you recover from that point on will be up to your body's healing-ability.

Replied by Art
2390 posts

I found an article that shows the study results for the study that has not been released to the public yet. Here is a link to that article so you can see what the study found in testing Ivermectin in 1358 Covid-19 patients. I will still post the actual study when it is released :

To add to the idea that Ivermectin does not work for Covid-19 or at least does not prevent mortality, this new (March 2022) meta-analysis of 12 Ivermectin/Covid-19 trials reached this conclusion :

>>> ' In this meta-analysis of 12 trials including 3901 patients, strongyloidiasis prevalence was found to interact with the RR of mortality for ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19. No evidence was found to suggest ivermectin has any role in preventing mortality among patients with COVID-19 in regions where strongyloidiasis was not endemic. ' <<<

Strongyloidiasis is a type of parasite infection and this study suggested it affects the mortality rate of Covid-19 patients. Ivermectin, an antiparasitic, did improve mortality in people who had both Covid-19 and Strongyloidiasis, but in cases where this parasite was not involved, Ivermectin did not alter the mortality rate.




Thank you, Art.

How does one find out if they have this parasite? Is it thru symptoms or is there a fairly fast blood lab or what?

An azole would be a good to if you can't get IVM I would suspect if someone also had this parasite?

I read an article about mebendazole helping cv19. Might be the connection here?

2390 posts

To show a side to Ivermectin that the first study did not show, in this February 2022 study where they used high dose Ivermectin at the rate of .6mg/kg/bw/day for 5 days, Ivermectin showed benefit.

To put this dose into perspective, in a person who weighs 175 pounds or about 80 kilos the dose would be 48 mg per day for 5 days. This compared to the first study which used 12 or 18 mg/day depending on weight

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

>>> ' This report highlights the safety and possible efficacy of high dose ivermectin as a potentially useful intervention deserving public health-based consideration for COVID-19 patients. ' <<<

Comparing the first study to the last study, you can see the difference that a higher dose makes compared to a lower dose and a higher dose suggests a better outcome.

I haven't seen the dose used in the second study yet, but when that study is published, I will report the dose used.

So if you plan to use Ivermectin for Covid-19, using a dose that is high enough is a must. The study above gives a better idea of what that dose might look like. I have seen this same effect in melatonin/Covid-19 studies. Too low of a dose did not produce positive results while a higher dose produced exceptional results.


2390 posts


It can be tested for with a blood test or a stool sample, but the worm lives in the intestinal tract. The blood test is considered to be more accurate. Strongyloidiasis seems to be more common in the subtropics, tropics and warm temperate areas.

It seems as though pricing on Ivermectin continues to increase. A friend who had a prescription for it and got it at a local pharmacy and said with a recent purchase from the same local pharmacy that the price was now 4 times higher.

I prefer melatonin myself because I already use it and recent studies have confirmed very good efficacy and it is still dirt cheap at the local stores or online.



I agree totally. The melatonin studies are pretty concrete in results for cv19.

I just stocked up on melatonin not too long ago.

I take IVM as part of anti-cancer protocol and have for a few years now. So, yes price has exploded, so ridiculously. And one shipment was held by customs at LAX, smh. None of their business what I am using it for. They try to pressure you to volunteer info on use. I was advised if it ever happens to only say "For medical use rx'd by my doc."

Suppression and control!!! Makes my blood boil at the thought of where we are headed for full medical tyranny.

2390 posts

Here is another study using Ivermectin at .4 mg/kg/bw/day in confirmed Covid-19 patients shortly after diagnosis. The first study I posted about used only a maximum dose 18 mg total per day and showed no benefit from Ivermectin in Covid-19 patients.

The third study I reported on, used .6 mg/kg/bw/day and found benefit.

So far, 18 mg/day shows no benefit.

The dose of .4 mg/kg/bw/day shows no benefit. To put this dose into perspective, a 175 lb person or roughly 80 kg person, the dose used would be, 32 mg per day.

In the study that showed benefit from Ivermectin for patients with Covid-19, the dose used was .6 mg/kg/bw/day. For a person that weighs about 175 lbs or 80 kg, this dose would be 48 mg/day.

What these studies so far are showing is that Ivermectin requires a high dose in order to show benefit and this is an important point to keep in mind if you plan to use Ivermectin to treat Covid-19.



Agreed! The info you are sharing is so important to know.

I know two people who had Delta severe. Their regime with a hired home nurse:

IVM loading dose was 75mg (one person had dizziness with that high dose), Zinc loading dose 50-60mg, IVC at loading dose 150mg slow drip over 12 hrs (start drip again 6hrs later), potassium citrate in between IVC drips, O2 at about level 3-4 liters/min, melatonin loading dose not sure but know it was high dose. Then slowly lower the doses each day for 5-6 days. They did not go to the hospital! And do not have any symptoms of long haul cv.

Of course bromelain, NAC, B vitamins, nattokinase, ect.

One of the persons took lumbrokinase instead of natto.

2390 posts


That is great, useful and important information on Ivermectin dosing for Covid-19. The studies are clearly showing that it takes high dosing in order to be effective and that is when administered along side standard of care treatment for Covid-19. This is information that people need to be aware of if they plan to use Ivermectin for Covid-19.



CORRECTION: IVC loading dose 150g, not mg.

Replied by Hwkmn05
109 posts

In my household of 4 all getting Omicron in Jan, two of us are seniors,, all unjabbed, Ivermectin along with Hydroxy, Zinc, and a few other supplements, proved to be absolutely beneficial. Severe symptoms such as mucous, sore throat and dry cough mostly relieved on day 3. Other relatives close to us who were fully jabbed went with allopathic treatment. Results were mostly 7-10 days of severe symptoms and up to 45 days annoying symptoms. It would be interesting to know how this study was conducted and if any other chemicals such as Zinc and Vit A was used?

2390 posts


Most of the ivermectin studies use Ivermectin alongside standard of care, but I have never seen where they have fully elaborated on every bit of what the standard of care is that they are using, but I think that is because it varies depending on the symptoms that the patient displays.

Out of curiosity what dose did you use? The study that I mentioned that showed benefit from Ivermectin was the highest dose study at .6 mg per kilogram of body weight per day. In that study, Ivermectin reduced the mortality rate compared to standard of care alone.



I thought I posted a correction but maybe not. The IVC is 150g loading dose not mg.

109 posts


To begin with, the highest FLCCC dose of .6 per kg which for my weight is 54 mg per day. I have 12 mg so I did 2 twice a day along with 400 mg of Hydroxy the first two days. After coffering with an ND on day 3 with little change, the consensus for treating Omicron successfully, oddly enough but in my condition, I was not questioning, was that the horse paste was much more effective than the tablets. My loading dose of that had been 4 marks on the tube, so I did 8 marks, fell asleep for a few hours and awoke to very little mucous and the sore throat, fever and headache gone. I have to wonder if this would have worked day 1? Having a dry cough in week 2 I decided to confer with an allopath. Started on 50mg of Steroids for 5 days and cough was 80-90% gone.

2390 posts


You said, the ivermectin loading dose is 150 grams, not milligrams. That is equal to 150, 000 mg!

Are you certain about this? The LD50 for ivermectin is 18.2 mg per kilogram. So if a person weighs about 175 lbs or 80 kilograms that would be 80 x 18.2 = 1456 mg as the LD50 for a 175 lb person . The LD50 of ivermectin for a 175lb person is 1456 mg. You are suggesting a dose of ivermectin that is magnitudes higher than the LD50???

150, 000 mg vs 1456 mg.

Can you clarify this?


2390 posts


Thank you for the reply. This seems to add confirmation to the study that showed benefit from Ivermectin at .6 mg/kg/bw/day.

Yes, it seems like the earlier you hit Covid-19, the more effective every treatment seems to be against it and the longer you wait to treat it, the less effective every treatment seems to be.


(Thousand Islands)

So you took a dose of 8 notches for 400 pounds? I took 4 notches daily for 5 days and it helped.

(Long Valley, Nj)

Hi Art,

I think she meant 150 grams of Intravenous Vit C. I think she used IVM to abbreviate for ivermectin, and IVC to abbreviate for IV Vitamin C?


IVC (vitamin C infusion) loading dose 150g.

IVM (Ivermectin) loading dose 75mg.

109 posts

Yes, twice my usual 4 notches.

2390 posts

Thank you for the clarification, Betty!



Sorry for the confusion.

In the cancer world we use a lot of acronyms/abbreviations. Sometimes I don't realize it when speaking or posting.

Like today at dr appt we did a mild detox thing. I asked if it was going to cause a herx reaction and he smiled. He did say NO it will not. We are slowly getting my body ready for a full detox. Not sure when that will be. Might be months down the road. Got to see improvement in inner balance, immune function (gut biome), weight, ect first.

Replied by Friederike

Seems like the dose is too low. I hear ivermectin for horses is more effective...

Replied by Max

Hi, friend. Glad for your success. How much Paste did you take? Thanks


I just used the dose recommended on the box and measured out what I needed for my weight. I worked at a place with over a hundred folks and since the beginning of the so called pandemic, I have used it once a week, and whenever I am going to be around people, I take an organic cotton Qtip, dip it inside the syringe just a touch and lightly spread it just inside the nostril. I never got sick, and haven't since, no jabs. I do take melatonin, zinc, NAC, vit D, etc. Good luck everyone.

Posted by Jennifer (El Paso Texas) on 03/05/2022

Seeking advice on usage of ivermectin for Covid-19. Several members of our family recently tested positive for Covid. We are into day two of typical symptoms. We live near the Mexican border and were able to get a prescription for Veridex Ivermectina 6mg. We have started on one tablet once a day. Supplements are on hold as appetite is non existent and symptoms include nausea. Is Ivermectin best taken with or without food?

We are especially concerned for our senior parent (80 plus) who lives with us. So far they are not showing symptoms. Should we start them on the ivermectin? If so how much and how often?

Any info will be greatly appreciated as headache is interfering with research at the moment.

Thank you all in advance. In good health!

Replied by Betty

Take with food. Hold the pill in the mouth for about a minute until it starts to melt. By melting in the mouth it will kill the virus in the throat. Take 50mg zinc with it. The ivermectin cracks the barrier of the virus to let the zinc in for the kill.

I would also suggest anti-coagulants.


Yes, the elderly parents should probably be on the protocol also as an exposure preventive measure.

(El Paso)

Betty, many thanks for the advice.

Posted by Sherry (Ohio) on 02/07/2022

ER visit for covid 19 august 2021 proved to be a successful endeavor. Great doctor and nurse on duty for sure. I was there right around 8 hours. Was rehydrated, prescribed ivermectin and given an infusion of Regeneron. It took an act of Congress however at the time to get my refill for ivermectin but I was blessed to find a mom/pop pharmacy who went out of his way to get it for me. I was in Florida at the time but I truly believe this was all orchestrated by God himself. Listen, that ER Dr never suggested the jab and neither did the nurse. He actually gave me a list of vitamins to take etc and sent me on my way. Trust your gut instinct people as God can and does do what people think is impossible.

Replied by Lorin

Sherry …

What was your dose of ivermectin? Just wanted to say I agree with you a thousand percent that God does step into our circumstances and surround us with the right people at the right time. So happy you are doing well.

Replied by Dave
(Bowie, Texas)

Hey if there is a problem getting Ivermectin, go to your veterinarian supply store. No prescription needed. Get a big bottle for about 80 bucks. Syringes come with it….

Posted by Celeste (Colorado Springs) on 01/07/2022

See Dr. Zelenko's protocol.

Although Ivermectin may be used as horse paste, it has been used in humans, at a different dosage, for years. In fact, recently, India treated over 200 million of its citizens w/ Ivermectin with resounding success.

Replied by rusti1

I don't doubt ivermectin may work. However, this is just in general. I take daily Vitamin C, D3 and other things like turmeric and omegas 3s. I take extra Vit C at any small sign of something. Thus far, no covid, not even a cold in the last few years, and I'm 72, and susceptible having asthma (which I haven't had a problem with as well). Perhaps this may help others.

Posted by beverly (Texas) on 12/30/2021

My doctor told me about ALLDAYCHEMIST in India...........takes a month to get the scripts.............but much cheaper. When it asks for a script.... bypass on website and proceed with order. I got enough ivermectin for two people for two episodes of covid. My neighbor got it from her doctor before they told him to stop. She took 5 mg 3 times a day for 5 days. I have family that also took it for covid. The pills from India were 12 mg so will break in half if needed. Google and amazon are our friends....and there to answer questions

Posted by trace (virginia) on 12/22/2021

There are always people that can't read, or go hog wild, without a specific sentence written to them. But that is also calling everyone dumb. If you are 125 lbs, you half the ring measurement on the slide of 250 lbs. This fact is important: STUDIES in medicine have been done that prove Ivermectin was given up to 10X the dosage, without side effects. The warning should be that too little might be used, definitely not too much. Safer than tylenol.

Replied by Angela

I am one of the dumb ones and this is extremely important to get this right.

Your opinion is a 190 pound "horse" could go double the dosage that is typically suggested .I have been doing this for three days and the horse is sicker than ever. My true thanks in advance for taking the time to answer...I am getting desperate.

Replied by Hollyhock

I would never double the dose! No wonder you are feeling worse! Start drinking lots of water to help flush it out. Read all the good ideas here on EC for getting over covid.


Today was the first increased dosage. I am looking into the melatonin as well.Thank you for your input.

Posted by Betty (CA) on 12/17/2021

I get my ivermectin from my oncologist.

My husband gets his from FLCCC Drs. He called today to get another 3 month refill and couldn't get ahold of them. He then tried text and was prompted to download a new app. When he did it gave notice that the app was not available in the USA. Has anyone else gotten that response from FLCCC Dr's prescribing ivermectin? Now he hangs in limbo.

Replied by B
(Atl ga)

Call Frontline drs. Go to Frontline create an acct. It will be mailed to you.

Replied by susan


I ordered Iverm from them 1/9/22 I got email 1/20/22 saying order shipped. No prescription was needed. I chose what I wanted, answered a few questions I dont even have a doctor. I paid, they processed, kept me informed with 6 emails. I am now awaiting the shipment.

Replied by Debbe
(Grand Rapids, MN)

You can order Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Zpacks and more from

We and many friends have ordered and it is legitimate. Godspeed!

Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 09/24/2021

Editor's Choice

Hi everyone,

I thought that it might be useful to post some helpful info on Ivermectin.

I decided to try Ivermectin for myself not just because it stops or helps to cure COVID-19 but also because it's very useful for getting rid of all parasites from your intestines and body. IVM also kills both viruses and bacteria as well. So I was really taking high dose Ivermectin to basically purge my intestines and body of parasites, bad bacteria or viruses.

I was able to get my Ivermectin at a reasonable price from a local asian online retailer -- called Lazada -- that serves the Philippines(where I live) and other countries in the Far East. Interestingly, if I typed "Ivermectin" into Lazada search I would get nothing found. However, if I typed in "iver" or "ivm" I would get many retailers selling Ivermectin on Lazada. I could also locate and find Ivermectin on other online retailer platforms such as Shopee and Alibaba (but not Ali Express). But just remember that if you type "Ivermectin" into search then you will probably get nothing -- but if you type "iver" or "ivm" into the website search box this usually comes up with alot of Ivermectin retailers. Of course, you will have to be careful what you buy. I bought 20 x 12mg tablets of Ivermectin(manufactured in India). I chose that Indian brand because all the tablets were in closed strips of 10 tablets that were all sealed and the back of each strip of ten tablets also had the address, phone no, batch number etc. There were other makers of IVM on the website including several from the US and one brand from the Philippines. I also haven't a clue whether anyone from the US or Europe can actually purchase from these online retailers but, if not, then hopefully this might help those people living and residing in the Philippines and the far east.

The Philippines is perhaps a wee bit more lax on what's allowed and what cannot be used for COVID-19. For a while, a Filipino doctor -- Dr Allan Landrito -- has also successfully used a protocol for COVID-19 using Ivermectin. This protocol incorporates or uses the following: Ivermectin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Melatonin, Virgin Coconut Oil, n-Acetyl Cysteine, Minerals, Aspirin, DMSO, Hydrogen Peroxide nebulization etc. More information, including Dr Landrito's complete anti-COVID-19 protocol, with dosages and much more, is shown here on his website.

Dr Landrito's website:

Main video on the research history of Ivermectin usage vs COVID-19 from his website:

Essential Ivermectin dosing Information for Dr Landrito's protocol:

I have also researched Ivermectin and read that it can be used without problems on humans within a dosage range of between 0.2mgs/kg to 0.6 mgs/kg. So that means that a human weighing 80kg should be able to take an Ivermectin dose of between 16mgs(0.2 x 80kg) and 48mgs(0.6 x 80kgs) or more without any problems.

A week ago I just took one dose of Ivermectin which was 24mgs(2 x 12mgs tablets). That dose worked well for me. I had no side-effects at all from that dose. Next time I take Ivermectin(for parapsites), in maybe three months' time, I will take a much higher dose, such as 36mgs or 48mgs of Ivermectin.

By the way, all the research that I've looked at says that Ivermectin inhibits viral replication in COVID-19 and it also works on another level as an anti-inflammatory. In fact my single dose of Ivermectin(with Lugol's Iodine) also helped me to recover quickly from the awful effects of taking Clarithromycin and Ciprofloxacin (taken in early March and April respectively for my COVID-19 symptoms). Those two antibiotics completely destroyed all the essential mycrobiota -- all the friendly, helpful, and essential bacteria -- in my intestines. I basically had diarrhea(explosive) caused by dysbiosis for about 5 months. I managed to eventually recover from the diarrhea by taking high dose lugol's iodine(5%) every day(approx 32 drops or 8 drops in water 4 times a day) which is equivalent to supplementing about 200mgs iodine/iodide per day. Later on, I also took high doses of Bifido and Lacto bacteria to replace the lost good bacteria in my gut. My gut is thankfully back to normal now -- no more diarrhea. I've also decided to continue taking the high dose Lugol's Iodine as ongoing extra protection against COVID-19. I recently bought a 200ml bottle of 15% Lugol's iodine which should last me a long time. By the way, if anyone else is thinking of taking high dose lugol's iodine protocol, please be sure to start off with a small dose and always be sure to take all the necessary companion nutrients as well -- I.e. zinc, magnesium, niacin, selenium and vitamin c etc. More on companion nutrients for LI here:

I will say that everywhere you look, the FDA affiliated research and advice says that Ivermectin will not cure COVID-19 and the usual excuse is that there is not enough research so it's unproven. I have also recently read that Pfizer/BioNTech have already recorded a gross profit of $45 billion so far with their vaccine. You heard that right -- $45 BILLION gross profit in only six months. Isn't that a disgusting amount of profit? And wouldn't you lie and cheat like the FDA and drugs companies in order to promote vaccines as the ONLY way to deal with COVID-19?

And if there are still any doubters out there, I recently read some research which brought together 64 separate pieces of independent research on Ivermectin vs. COVID-19 involving in vivo research with the participation of over 24,000 COVID-19-infected patients in the research. The conclusion drawn was simply that using Ivermectin protocols worked well and saved alot of lives.Anyway here's that research I've been talking about:

Of course, undoubtedly, the FDA's dedicated job is to run massive intereference with the above truth. I guess it boils down to who do you trust, right? Anyway, here's some more supporting evidence that Ivermectin works well against COVID-19 from the BIRD Group(British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group) -- see the research below:

Last thing -- this is just a reminder. Never ever take high dose antibiotics for ANY length of time or you might well pay a heavy price as happened to me.

Replied by Daniel

I Duvet is selling their horse antiparasitic under the name Pyrantel Paste instead of Ivermectin. Does anyone know if the ingredients are comparable I do not see invermectin listed as ingredient?

Replied by Betty


Your intelligence and level of explanation (and papers) is impressive and easily understood.

Replied by Karen
(Dunnellon, Florida)

Thank you, Bill!

Replied by Letitia

What about ivermectin for cancer? I read I would have to take 17 mg but I don't know how often. Do I take it every day? Do I take it once a week? Do I take it twice a week and where can I buy a good amount at a decent price? I read somewhere that the tablets don't work as good as the paste. I don't know if that's true or not.


Search for "Joe Tippens Protocol". There are videos on YouTube and the web that will instruct on dosages and supplements recommended. Use the tablets meant for human consumption. The paste is for veterinary usage and may cause unwanted side effects due to additives.

47 posts

Many people have been using the paste with excellent results. I have it in my fridge, it will last for 2yrs there.

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 09/17/2021

Ivermectin “Horse Paste Dewormer” Storeage:

I was speaking with an old farmer (he is in his 70's) here in Kentucky who raises cattle and horses. We were talking about using ivermecin intended for animals for humans with covid19. He told me to store the horse paste in the refrigerator (NOT the FREEZER). This will keep the medicine fresh for years past their expiration date. He said he has de-wormer in his refrigerator that expired 5 years ago and is still good for use today.

The ivermectin without any other additives that is most desired for comsuming by humans is Duvet Apple Flavored Ivermectin 1.87% Horse Wormer Paste sold at Tractor Supplys. It comes in a yellow and white box with red lettering.

Image here:

It's becoming harder to find. I have not seen it on the shelves for over a month but lucked up and found 5 boxes in the next county feed supply store.

Replied by Jgny
(Thousand Islands)

I saw ivermectin horse paste right at walmart last week! I don't know if it was the Duvet brand, but it said apple flavored.

Replied by Sue

I bought the horse wormer paste from a produce store and squirted it (very slowly) into empty capsules. I ended up with 14 capsules (from 1.87grams) with way too much in each but have found no problem with any overdose.

Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 09/03/2021

Maybe you should exercise a bit of caution?

Believe it or not, I used to use this stuff on my beef cows years ago.

I can remember when it first appeared on the market and farmers were thrilled with the product (Ivermectin).

I would not recommend it for people though - just stock.

Replied by Debra
(Clutha District)

Michael, not so. Maybe you should do some research on it, it has been used in millions of doses around the world in humans cure all sorts of parasites' in humans, as well as animals used to cure river blindness approved by the FDA for human use even my Dr here in NZ, prescribes it now used around the world for the virus they actually call it a wonder drug with no known side effects of cause in the right doses a fascinating read of how it was discovered by the scientist/Dr can't remember his name from Tokyo got a Nobel prize.

Replied by Brant
(South Dakota)

They make human grade Ivermectin, but if you can not obtain it then go to the FLCCC website for dosage.

60 tablets of 12mg Ivermectin or 200mg HCQ is enough for a year if one tablet taken weekly.

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) - Take one 200mg tablet daily for 5 days with food, then take one tablet weekly. If you are taking hydroxychloroquine, take a 50mg or more zinc sulfate supplement daily.

Ivermectin (IVM) - Take one 12mg tablet daily for 5 days with food, then take one tablet weekly. Also take a daily zinc supplement.

A pharmacy site in India that accepts E-check that I've ordered from:
(Prescription? You don't need no stinkin prescription!) (Get Ivermectin)$128.00 for 60 12mg tablets
(Get Hydroxychloroquine)$50.50 for 60 200mg tablets.

I ordered 60 12mg Ivermectin tablets by Austro Labs Oct. 26,2021 and received Nov. 20. Cost $108 +$20 shipping.
(An american study that recommends Ivermectin for treatment of covid-19) (Large Ivermectin study) (More studies) Latest Ivermectin and vitamin protocols–-A-Guide-to-the-Management-of-COVID-19.pdf

Ivermectin Treatment Protocol from FLCCC doctor: Check FLCCC website for latest information.

Prevention: .1mg/kg taken once per week (increase by 2x to 3x for more aggressive strains of the virus such as in Brazil and India).
(Can't hurt to take more, a 90kg or 200lb pound person could take one 12mg tablet weekly.)

Post-exposure prophylaxis: 0.2 mg/kg per dose, one dose today, 2nd dose in 48 hours (if you did the prevention, then this is unnecessary).

Treatment: .2mg/kg taken per day for at least 3 days and not more than 5 days (stop earlier if recovered). However, for new more aggressive variants such as P.1 and the double mutant in India, people have needed to use 2x or 3x that dose and continued treatment until all symptoms fully resolve (i.e., longer than 5 days).

Hospitalized: .3mg/kg (i.e., same as treatment, but 50% higher dosing). Increase by 2x to 3x for aggressive variants.

(Long Valley, Nj)

Hi Brant,

Thank you for the information about dosages. Do you know if it's best to do both ivm and hcq as preventatives, or just choose one? Also, after being exposed to someone with virus, do you know if it is best to do both ivm and hcq, or just one? Also, do you know which one is easiest on the liver?

Thank you!

(South Dakota)

I take one Hydroxychloroquene 200mg and one Ivermectin 12mg weekly and a 50mg Zinc supplement daily and no problems. If I had to take just one, I'd go with one Ivermectin 12mg tablet weekly along with Zinc as both HCQ and IVM are what is known as an Ionophore that facilitates the entry of Zinc into our cells. Ivermectin is also a Protease Inhibiter (whatever that means), so it's probably better than HCQ.


How long are you taking this protocol? How many weeks of ivermectin?? Assume this is for covid. Thank you.

Posted by Aubrey (Oklahoma) on 08/28/2021

Hello all you lovely earth clinic people, I've been reading a lot on here after a clinic dr recommended it while I had Covid and I'm so glad she told me about this site!

I suffered from asthma as a child but I pretty well grew out of it, as I haven't had to use an inhaler/nebulizer for years. Covid hit me hard on July 27th, making it nearly impossible to breathe let alone catch a deep breath, it would constantly get stuck in my chest. I went to the ER out of fear it was turning into pneumonia (luckily it hadn't) but then I was told that I would test positive for at least 2 months. I had to have a negative to return to work, and I wanted my normal life back.

I knew my boyfriend took prescribed ivermectin pills and it cured him, but after I read on here about ivermectin horse paste curing people, I decided to try it for myself (I asked my pcp to prescribe the pills but she wouldn't so I was desperate). Y'all! It cured me within 6 days.

I finally tested negative after testing positive twice within 11 days. I'm now taking it once a week for 4 weeks just for long haul symptoms and I'll continue taking it once a month as a preventative. On top of that, I'm taking all the necessary vitamins: C, D, B, Zinc, omega 3 and melatonin at night.

I've been doing more research here on natural asthma remedies (I hate the way Duoneb and Budesonide make me feel, I have to do 3-4 treatments a day). I've also recently learned that Mullein is a great remedy for any sort of upper respiratory issue, as well as ACV (apple cider vinegar) and VCO (virgin coconut oil). Out of desperation, I've purchased all three but I bought the Mullein in extract and tea form (to see which I like best). I've also been doing the Buteyko breathing exercises for about 2 days now.

I'm on day 31 post covid. My general breathing has seemed to improve but my deep breaths still catch in my chest and it feels constricted, making me very uncomfortable throughout the day. I feel depressed and sluggish, making my days even longer. My words get jumbled and my head feels foggy (thanks a lot Covid).

I guess my question is, has anyone had success with Mullein tea/extract? Could I mix the coconut oil into the tea along with organic honey to sweeten it? Or is oil pulling a better option? I've been taking the ACV with water and that really doesn't bother me but I've wondered if I could also put the mullein extract in there too?

Any insight or recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Happy healing y'all :)

Replied by Diane

Hi, I just tested positive for "the virus". Could you please tell me the dose of "horse" ivermectin to take? It's all I have available. Thanks in advance!


12mg per day for 5 days. Vit D, vit C atleast 3000mg per day for a week. Zinc, selenium & if coughing- deeply inhale Apple Cider Vinegar fumes to trigger a cough of the mucus & kill any virus in the lungs

Replied by Jenny

Do some research into Methylene Blue. It's being used by some doctors, mainly in India.

Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 08/23/2021

Has anyone taken ivermectin in any form and had side effects? I have a friend who took the paste on Saturday and has had joint pain pretty bad since then. She also started taking borax the same day, could either of these cause it? And how long do you think it will last for either? Per my research, both should clear your system by day 3, although the borax could be herx reaction and she'd have to stop taking it. Thanks

Replied by MissM
(New York)

I have had both Covid and Lyme and have take ivermectin.

Covid is very much like getting rid of Lyme and often the cure is similar to Lyme leaving body. Herxing or feeling super bad after medication means the body is getting die off of virus etc. it can be very unpleasant but does the trick.

Do not go overboard with Ivermectin. I did one 3mg tablet and another one two weeks later.

Borax is just a teeny amount in a glass of water.

Better to do these apart from each other so you can see if you react. Very hard to determine cause when you add multiple things to medical mix.

Replied by Betty

IVM is good for taking long term. I take it as part of my anti-cancer prophylaxis surveillance regime at 36 mg every 3rd day and have never had any adverse reactions in the span of over a year on the protocol. Bonus is cv19 preventive also.

Point is, IVM is safe at high frequent dosage and has proven anti-cv19 effective.


Where do you get it? I'm trying to get some for cancer treatment as well?

Redeemed 2004

You can search online. There are Canadian online pharmacies that sell Ivermectin in the pill form and HCQ.


This page shows you how to get Ivermectin. Excellent site with lots of data about Ivermectin. Started by Dr. Pierre Kory.


My oncologist. Push for it. You have the right to try in America. It is your cancer, not theirs. Remember that!

(South Dakota)

A pharmacy site in India that accepts E-check that I've ordered from:
(Prescription? You don't need no stinkin prescription!)

I ordered 60 12mg Ivermectin tablets by Austro Labs Oct. 26,2021 and received Nov. 20. Cost $108 +$20 shipping.


BRANT, ORH here, and I thank you for this post. One for all and all for one.


Replied by Freda

Helo. Can you please advise me where I can order invermectin in Canada? I have Covid. Thanks in advance 😊


Price Pro Pharm, Canada

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