Natural Remedies

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alternative Treatment and Prevention

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Ethanol Vapor Inhalation

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Posted by Mary (NY, NY) on 06/21/2022

Studies of the virus have shown that bleach kills coronavirus on surfaces in about five minutes, and isopropyl alcohol destroys it on surfaces even faster, Bill Bryan, a senior official at the US Department of Homeland Security, told reporters Thursday 4/23/2020. Bryan, who is not a scientist, said a US Army biological lab outside Washington, DC had been conducting tests on the virus.

The following link contains an article titled Possibility of Disinfection of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in Human Respiratory Tract by Controlled Ethanol Vapor Inhalation

Alcohol for disinfection (rubbing alcohol in US, Surgical spirit B.P.) has been well established to sterilize various bacterias and disinfect viruses. Alcohols target the bacterial cell envelope, with resultant lysis of the cell and release of the cellular content.

The author suggests that it may be possible to use alcoholic beverages of 16~20 v/v% concentration for this disinfection process, such as Whisky (1:1 hot water dilution) or Japanese Sake, because they are readily available and safe (non-toxic). By inhaling the alcohol vapor at 50~60°C (122~140°F) through the nose for one or two minutes, it will condense on surfaces inside the respiratory tract; mainly in the nasal cavity. The alcohol concentration will be intensified to ~36 v/v% by this process, which is enough to disinfect the corona virus on the mucous membrane.

I personally poured isopropyl alcohol on a cotton ball and inhaled the vapors through my nose to kill COVID-19. My shortness of breath was relieved very quickly. I used this technique in July 2021 to recover from the Delta variant which was much more potent than the Alpha variant. Next time I would dilute it with hot water prior to inhalation in a 1:2 ratio.

According to the author:

Prompt Method

We use 40 v/v% whisky or similar alcohol, dripping on a gauze, inhale the vapor slowly at room temperature.

(1) Drip 1~2 ml (1~2 g weight ) of alcohol 40 v/v%, such as, whisky, on a gauze.

(2) Cover your nostrils with gauze (point where you drip the alcohol).

(3) Slowly and carefully inhale the vapor. If one of your nostril has narrowing, block other one.

(4) After a few tens of seconds, the smell of the ethanol will disappear, then stop.

This method works well for the front part of the nasal cavity. This is suitable for clinical workers, because their working environment means that they need may prompt preventative measure at short notice. Note that there is a risk of inflammation due to high concentration of alcohol, but we have to decide comparing with the risk from the corona virus itself. The prompt method is only suggested for use by medical professionals, and is not considered appropriate for use by the general public.

Far Infared Sauna, Melatonin, Vit C

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Posted by Tree (Hiawassee, Ga) on 11/20/2020 2 posts

Because it has been shown that the virus cannot live in temperature above about 135 degrees F, I think my daily sauna use was a key in helping me overcome the virus. My symptoms presented as a headache one day and then what felt like a head cold for several days and a sinus infection for several days.

In addition to daily use in my portable far infrared sauna, I followed the vitamin c protocol of two thousand milligrams every 1-2 hours, and melatonin hourly.

I am also taking vitamin D, lysine, and zinc daily. As well as gargling with hydrogen peroxide and sniffing it up my nose diluted with water. I also gargled with salt water for the first few days. I have lost my sense of smell but can still taste some.

I am feeling almost completely better, but curious to see how my energy level comes back.

Fermented Yeast

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Posted by Adrienne Vincent (United States) on 05/07/2020

I may have mentioned this in another part of the now massive Earth Clinic :-). Yyeeaayy! I love this website, and I am very impressed with and grateful for the founder of it! I endured colds and flus my entire life as many as three or four a year. It took me as much as four weeks to recover sometimes and one time I developed bronchitis. This may be why I discovered earth clinic. I did start receiving alternative newsletters, and one of them had a piece on medicinal mushrooms for immunity. I tried them and they helped my immunity as long as I remembered to take them daily. Then, a few years later I discovered a nutrient called Epicor. It is now showing up in several immunity formulas offered by companies that are big names in the supplement business and for good reason. Epicor is simply fermented yeast, but, boy, does it work! And, remembering to take one daily helps a lot, too! I can happily report that I have not had a cold or flu in three, maybe four years. I have had two incidents in which I felt like maybe I was getting something so I started taking Epicor every few hours and never got sick. I felt normal in one day the first time and two days the second time. The company that makes Epicor explains that it is Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is the strain of yeast used for making bread, wine and for brewing. And, I'm sure many of you who are into alternative healing know that our immune systems are based in our intestines and that fermented foods boost immunity. So, I am adding other fermented foods to my diet and feel that if I am exposed to the dreaded Coronavirus I will either not get sick or I will have a much milder version of what I might have endured. My son and his girlfriend take medicinal mushrooms and stay well, too, but at this time they have added the fermented yeast. I did send this information to CNN along with a link to a government study of Epicor. I also sent it to Sanjay Gupta directly as well as Chris Cuomo who has the virus, but I have not heard a word on that channel about any form of alternative healing. Hmm, I wonder why?

Replied by Adrienne Vincent
(United States)

I just thought of something! My mother loved sauerkraut and dill pickles and pickled beets, etc., and I remember her saying, "I never get colds".

Replied by Friederike Lehrbass

Isn't epicor the same as Beta Glucan? I used to take and then took a break, but started again hoping it helps with my extreme eczema.

FLCCC Recommendations

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Posted by JJ (USA) on 01/06/2022

FLCCC (Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance) Recommendations. Go to and look at I-MASK+ Protocols. Vitamin D3, Zinc, Ivermectin, Vitamin C, Gargle with antiseptic mouthwash, etc.

Replied by Pamela B.

Excellent advice, JJ. I have been very involved in the alternative treatments for Covid with FLCCC. Other things found in their protocols and on their informational videos that have worked remarkably well are Nigella Sativa, Autophagy, Photobiomodulation, and HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy). We also have protocols for flu and RSV. All have been proven to prevent hospitalization. See FLCCC at and See Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory at We have been able to save thousands, maybe even millions with these remedies. Dr. James A. Thorpe is one of the top experts for obstetrics & gynecology. Dr. Saleeby, Dr. Been, Dr. Larry Palevsky, Dr. Sherri Tenpenney, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Lee Merritt, and Dr. Christiane Northrop, Childrens Health Defense, Dr. Mercola, and Dr. Peter McCullough can all be found at, and Endless information for self-healing. Thank you for sharing.


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Posted by Patty L. (EC Facebook) on 02/28/2020

I think I'll wear garlic ✌️♥️

Replied by HisJewel
(New York)

Hi Patty L.

Regarding "Garlic, " I think I'll eat it. For quick relief from a sore throat I usually rub a little Lugol's Iodine on my throat; however this time I forgot about the Lugol's. I felt a sore throat come on, I remembered that my daughter bought some fresh garlic. I threw together the cough recipe that includes water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, turmeric and honey in it. I put it on the stove and heated and cut it off before the boil. I bottled the drink. I took some about 2 pieces of the left over warmed garlic from the pot and before I knew it my sore throat was gone and did not return. When I rub on the iodine, I some times have to put more on the next day.


Garlic and Sunshine

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Posted by Mama jAck (Honolulu, Hawaii) on 01/19/2022

Garlic & sunshine successfully treated my husband of Covid-19. Each day he felt better & better!

My husband got Covid-19 and I wanted to share what we did to have him well in 5 days, after being diagnosed. He had already been sick for 4 days, but we did not know yet, that it was Covid. His symptoms were intense, even though he & our entire family received the Pfizer vaccination about 10 months ago. The following regime helped him to feel so much better right away. After four days of the regime, he was almost completely well.

This is what we did to battle Covid:

1. In the morning, drink a glass of water with a capful of lemon in it, with a sprinkle of Black Pepper, Or have water with 2-4 capfuls of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar. (Wait an hour before eating, or better yet, do not eat until 3pm or 4pm)

2. Then, (to combat Covid that has entered the lungs), suck on a small clove of raw garlic. (choose a small clove, about 3/4” long & 1/3 inch thick. If your cloves are bigger, just cut them in half or in thirds). The goal is to suck on the clove as long as you can. As the garlic flavor decreases, you can chew it a little, to get more flavor out, until you eventually chew it completely & then swallow the rest of the garlic with water. Keeping the garlic in the throat will give it time to kill the bacteria that is seemingly trapped in the throat area, as well as get rid of the Covid bacteria which is seemingly trapped in the lungs.

3. As he sucked on the garlic, we sat outside in the sun for about 15-20 minutes, as I read our favorite relationship book by Joel Osteen called, “Our Best Life Together.” (I highly recommend this affordable ebook to help heal & strengthen marriages). Getting sun helps the body to receive natural Vitamin D & light exposure, which helps the mind return to positivity & the body to be restored to wellness.

4. He did take a nap in the middle of the day, for about an hour or two. (Try to listen to your body, & rest until you feel like getting up).

5. I encourage him to stay away from eating sugar treats, as sugar feeds Covid. I also encouraged him to eat Salads, but he said he didn't feel he could chew it, so I made him a lot of soups, using the chunky & other canned soups as a base, and I would add some fresh onions to it, and sometimes Bell Pepper, Carrots & Potato. Basically, I just looked at the ingredients on the can, and added all that I had which was listed.

After doing all of these things, the following day, he felt a lot better. Keep in mind that he had already been terribly sick for 4 days, before we found out it was Covid, and by this point, he had shooting headache pain, which was unbearable. He also had a sore throat which he said felt like it was on fire. He was able to breathe okay, but soon the Covid bacteria went into his lungs, and his voice became very low, and he began coughing. This is when we found out it was Covid, and started this regime.

Amazingly, the following day, he felt better, instead of worse, and each day he kept improving. By day two of this regiment, he was feeling so much better, and by day 5, he was completely well.

Another thing to note, is that in our family of 6, only he & my Son (who doesn't live with us) got sick with Covid. The rest of us stayed well. Things that I did for the rest of us, was to drink the 2-3 capfuls of Bragg's Vinegar in water. We didn't do it every day, but maybe every other day. At one point, my other son started to feel sick, so I gave him the Vinegar Water, and then I had him lay down & I poured Hydrogen Peroxide in his ear & set a timer for 10 minutes, and then did the other ear. (It will start to fizz, but don't worry, it doesn't hurt, It is actually very soothing. The fizzing means that it is killing the bacteria.)

After 10 minutes, dump the hydrogen peroxide out of the ear & then gently use a Q-tip to clean the ear. Then do the other ear. Surprisingly, my son said he could tell that he felt better. The following day my son had no symptoms. Meanwhile, the rest of us 3 stayed symptom free. I know that God helped our family to know what to do to overcome Covid & to be made well & whole so quickly. I hope this can be a blessing for everyone who is suffering from Covid & other sicknesses. Remember, God IS with Us & trying to help us. We are indeed All His family!

Blessings2you from the Islands of the Sea, Mama jAck.

Garlic and Tea Tree Oil

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Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 07/30/2021

I just got thru speaking with a friend Jason (he is a licensed naturopathic) about Dr. Reuben Schwartz's battle with Covid19 virus, he is the Amish doctor here in Southeastern Kentucky and Jason studied under him. He is as old as “Methuselah” but still in great health and practicing medicine.

He was sick for only 3-4 days using only herbs as medicine. Here is what he used:

Garlic powder “O” size capsules and Cajeput essential oil (cousin to tea tree oil)

He complained about his lungs hurting and a lung crud developing. He applied Cajeput oil straight undiluted on his chest, back, and neck several times daily to kill the infection and open up his lungs. Please keep in mind some people may have sensitive skin so dilute 1:1 ratio with coconut or olive oil.

Protocol: He was taking 2 garlic capsules 3x/daily. 2 cloves of garlic are considered a medical dose. Take with food if you have a sensitive stomach.

Garlic has been used as traditional medicine by cultures around the world, including by the Chinese, Egyptians, Greeks, Japanese, Native Americans, and Romans. Its uses include fighting infection, improving heart disease, preventing certain types of cancers, and functioning as an antioxidant, and many more.

How to Make your own Garlic Bulb Powder for Capsules: 2 ways to make.

Hard way:

Peel and thinly slice the garlic into ⅛ inch pieces. Place garlic slices onto dehydrator racks without overlapping pieces. Once fully dried, place the garlic in a blender or food processor and blend until a fine powder is achieved. Use a fine-mesh strainer to sift the blended powder before placing in a storage container.

- Or -

Lazy way: You could buy Garlic Powder in the spice aisle at most grocery stores, place the garlic in a blender or food processor (I use an electric coffee grinder) and blend until a fine powder is achieved. Use a fine-mesh strainer to sift the blended powder before placing in gelatin capsules. Load this powder into size “O” gelatin capsules.

The universities do not teach all things, so a doctor must seek out old wives, gypsies, sorcerers, wandering tribes, old robbers, and such outlaws and take lessons from them. A doctor must be a traveler… Knowledge is experience.

- Paracelsus

Garlic, Vitamin C, NAC

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Posted by Daily (Wash) on 12/16/2024

Garlic, Vitamin C, NAC

We were exposed to two people that found out they had COVID they both got very sick. We immediately started this protocol which I think helped cure us rapidly. I read a study where a certain strain of garlic kills covid. That study was never published but it was a valid study . I did not have that specific strain of garlic that was used in the study, but we did have three different types of garlic, one was aged garlic oil pills, second was garlic oil with parsley oil and the third was just strong garlic tablets We took the garlic every hour along with liposomal Vitamin C and NAC. We also followed the Front Line Doctors advice of gargling with iodine, sea salt in glass of water 4x a day and we also used the neti pot with sterilized water, sea salt, baking soda and four drops of iodine 4X a day this helps cut down the time of covid illness drastically. We only got sore throats and felt exhausted within 10 hours of doing this protocol we both felt better and it never progressed, we never got sick it was stopped in it's tracks! We continued this for ten days to be sure, and I think our early intervention was the key . Hope this helps someone

Grapefruit Seed Extract

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Posted by EH (USA) on 03/02/2020

Grapefruit seed extract kills bacteria, fungi and viruses. I have used it for everything from common cold, stomach virus, UTI, to strep. Dries up poison ivy, disinfects household items, clothes, towels, etc. I have it on hand always. I put ten drops in an empty capsule. But you can put in water or juice and drink. It's very bitter though .. it's an amazing product.

Healing Frequencies

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Posted by Adam Scibich (East Windsor, NJ) on 04/06/2020

Replied by Marsh

The site is done. Any other suggestions?


2 User Reviews
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Posted by Sasha (Freshwater NSW, Australia) on 04/29/2020

What about using saunas to kill the virus. If the sauna is hot enough maybe it can kill the virus?

Replied by XKatalinx
(United States)

Hi Sasha, A Doctor treating Covid-19 patients in the USA talks about research into this in a few of the videos he makes at YouTube. (I think it's called thermotherapy) The channel is MedCram and the videos are also available at Medcram dot com. He takes a hot/cold shower after returning home from work where he has exposure to the virus, as a prophylactic. (He explains the timing of the hot and cold). He also is on a regimen of Hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and azithromycin as a prophylactic. The MedCram channel reviews medical literature and scientific studies, explains how therapies work at the cellular level and was originally intended for medical students.


I think far infrared sauna may help, if it doesn't it will be warm and relaxing which the immune system will enjoy.

Bo. K
(Dom Rep)

He is not using azithromycin as a prophylaxis. Everyone should be warned that azithromycin has qt prolongation and has a 2x to 3x higher mortality rate than other antibiotics. For covid patients, azithromycin should be USED STRICTLY IN A HOSPITAL SETTING where they have a crash cart available.

Replied by Hielke
(The Netherlands)


Infra Red does work!
(not only in animals)

The answer is nature, not jabs.



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Posted by Bob W. (United States) on 03/18/2020

Dr, Laub with Laub Biochem: 2002 Issued patent for use of humates against herpes viruses awarded. 2002 Issued patent for use of humates against hemorrhagic fever viruses awarded. 2002 Issued patent for use of humates against HIV/AIDS awarded. 2003 Issued patent for use of humates against infulenza viruses awarded. Humate is readily available and cheap to make: Humic and Fulvic Acid

Replied by Laura

How do you make this?


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Posted by Melissa Spiegler (United States) on 05/15/2020

It is very clear that different methods work for different people.

Bottom line: Fluids are a must as soon as possible (when you're not feeling "yourself"). Dehydration is the culprit of many ailments and can be detrimental to our overall health...especially when fever is involved & our body burns up fluids at a much faster rate. Don't Drink alcoholic beverages (dries up body more) Don't drink high salt fluids (ex: canned soup) or processed sugars which can also contribute to circulatory inflammation.

DO DRINK WATER (preferably warm to increase sweat) with electrolytes (potassium) DO use humidifiers (to get through skin and into system) moisture through skin however possible

DO DRINK anti-inflammatory herbal teas ( many herbs are anti inflammatory, in addition to pepper fruits which keep the circulatory and digestive system flowing )

DO Gargle (ex: saltwater natural expectorant ) **Avoid over the counter suppressants which hold back the mucous which needs to be excreted increasing the risk of infection and fluid buildup in lungs.

DO Rest body

DO keep fresh air flowing (open a window whenever possible)

***Make a habit out of :

Washing hands thoroughly for 20 seconds each time Cover mouth when coughing and sneezing Brush your teeth, gums, and tongue for 120 seconds each time Keep hands and fingers away from eyes and nose.

Replied by Kimberly Coppage
(United States)

I have veen reading everything I can get my hands on from reputable sources such as NCBI.

These are the supplements I found info on and I have stocked up on:

Artemisinin (sweet wormwood) is otc and is also an antimalarial remedy and is safe to use vs using prescription hydoxycloroquine.

Nattokinease breaks down the proteins/fibrin needed to fight Covid. Japan has done very well fighting Covid and Natto sales have skyrocketed since Covid started. Melatonin seems to be anti everything. It has numerous benefits for use against covid. There's a doctor that is using high dose (80 mg) and says all symptoms go away. I looked it up and it is not toxic, but I'd check with your naturopathic doctor. You can get 10 mg disolvable tabs. Bats have 4 x more melatonin, women have more than men and African Americans have less, which fits the patterns of Covid.

Bats aren't effected by covid and men seem to be more susceptible. Quercetin can quiet the immune system overreaction (cytokine storm), which is indicated with Covid present. I also believe zinc is helpful early on or as a preventative. I use the throat spray version. Vitamin D status is important; however, once covid starts you don't want anyhthing that stimulates your immune system. Immune modulators are better and some of the things listed above are immune modulators. Stay well!

Replied by Bo. K
(Dom Rep)

You forgot one item.

Avoid Coffee is a diuretic (dehydrates you) also stops arginine consumption (bad) it also stops your body from exhaling nitric oxide(VERY BAD).

I can promise you as a person who has helped many long haulers, coffee with intensify your symptoms, prolong your recovery and if you are a 2 to 3 cup a day person, may even KILL you. My worst night was day 7 or 8, wife made me a cup of coffee, from zero symptoms (thanks to lysine) to oh my god, get dressed and lets get ready for you to drive me to the hospital (for o2). Thankfully used every trick in the book, to get the cytokine storm under control.

Hydrogen Peroxide

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3 star (1) 

Posted by Mary (NY, NY) on 03/14/2022

Hydrogen Peroxide Gargling & Nasal Rinses May Prevent Viral Infection

The following link is from early September from a hospital in Ghana, which is an extremely poor country where they have no money for PPEs etc. The hospital workers caring for COVID patients gargled 3 times a day with dilute hydrogen peroxide, and none of them got COVID. Seems too simple and too cheap of a prevention, sadly not promoted by our media. (See excerpt of Ghana report below.)

To read the whole orthomolecular news bulletin: “COVID-19 Efficient Protection of Contacts is Simpler than Imagined”

The virus tends to live in the nasopharynx for 10 days before causing respiratory problems and extreme inflammation. Hydrogen peroxide kills the virus nearly on contact.

You can read another article from Penn State College of Medicine: “Mouthwashes, oral rinses may inactivate human coronaviruses.”

This article confirms that the viruses are inactivated by mouthwashes, nasal rinses, and hydrogen peroxide on contact or in less than 30 seconds.

This is a quite simple and cheap prevention that anyone can do. I have been gargling with food grade 3% Hydrogen Peroxide to ward off sore throats and colds for many years. (It also can whiten your teeth.) You can find food grade hydrogen peroxide at any natural food store, co-op, Whole Foods etc. or online.

The Ghana Hospital used 1.5%, so you could dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide with distilled water 50-50 and make it go farther or use the 3%. Do not swallow. Just gargle for 30-60 seconds or more and spit out.

Nasal rinses: I have been using nasal rinses once a day for a long time, and haven't had a sinus infection for many years. I use Xlear brand because it contains xylitol, which kills fungi as well as other bacteria. Neilmed is another brand of saline rinse. Each can be bought with a kit including a squeeze bottle to rinse the nose.

These are remarkably simple techniques to keep you healthy and more evidence is making it clear that the simple techniques can help prevent catching COVID. You can use this technique to help especially if you are around family members or friends who have it or if you have been exposed. Gargling with hydrogen peroxide 3 times a day has shown to be preventive in hospital workers taking care of COVID patients.

Here is an excerpt from another article about vitamin C used for prevention and includes suggestions if you get sick.

“High-dose Vitamin C Cuts COVID Deaths by Two-Thirds”

Orthomolecular news article: Where Does Hydrogen Peroxide come in?

Dilute hydrogen peroxide can help to destroy invading viruses, bacteria and fungi. We have suggested deployment of hydrogen peroxide as an oral cleansing agent to destroy the virus. None of our clinical research team members and their relatives, protecting themselves only with face masks while caring for COVID-19 patients, who used hydrogen peroxide, have had symptoms suggestive of the disease. At the Shai Osudoku District Hospital in Dodowa, seven members of staff with minimal protective clothing who cared for a COVID-19 patient and who used hydrogen peroxide mouthwash, did not contract the disease. Previously, 27 other staff at that hospital had become infected caring for COVID-19 patients. Dr Richard Cheng's success with Vitamin C is published and known to the WHO, NIH, and CDC . To augment the effect of vitamin C, we use nasal drops containing 0.5% hydrogen peroxide and reduce the risk of infecting healthcare workers.

Vitamin C and COVID prevention and treatment article excerpt:

But even better is to prevent a person ever getting into this critical phase of COVID-19. That's why early intervention, taking 1,000 mg of vitamin C an hour upon first signs of infection, is likely to save even more lives. This reduces duration and severity of symptoms, with most people becoming symptom-free within 24 hours. It takes on average, two weeks of being sick with COVID-19 to trigger the ‘cytokine storm' phase. During that time, the patient is at risk of becoming vitamin C deficient and then developing acute “induced scurvy.” If you can beat the infection within 48-hours you'll be out of the woods. You can lower your risk even further by taking vitamin D (5000 IU/d, or more: 20,000 IU/d for several days if you already have symptoms), magnesium (400 mg/d in malate, citrate, or chloride form), and zinc (20 mg/d) Prevention is better than cure.

You can see previous Prolonews Newsletters for immune boosting supplements and other prevention and treatments that are effective.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by H2O2 (Memphis, TN) on 02/05/2022

I have been using this method with a nebulizer for years. I inhale several times, 2-3 times per day. I used to get the flu twice a year, every year. Since I started H2O2 therapy I have not had even a cold or sniffle in the last 10 years! Could not worry less about Covid.

I have also used it more intensively to help with detoxing (longer sessions 4 times a day), and on the 2nd or 3rd day experienced an intense Herxheimer reaction immediately after, which proved beyond a doubt the effectiveness of this therapy.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lilu (Los Angeles) on 01/29/2022


"Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2021; 2021: 5592042.
Published online 2021 Jul 3. doi: 10.1155/2021/5592042

Hydrogen Peroxide as an Adjuvant Therapy for COVID-19: A Case Series of Patients and Caregivers in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area


Knowledge of the antiseptic effects of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) dates back to the late 19th century, and its mechanisms of action has been amply described. Globally, many physicians have reported using H2O2 successfully, in different modalities, against COVID-19. Given its anti-infective and oxygenating properties, hydrogen peroxide may offer prophylactic and therapeutic applications for responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. We report a consecutive case series of twenty-three COVID-19 patients (of 36 initially enrolled) who had been diagnosed by their primary care physician (mean age: 39, range: 8 months–70 years; 74% male) and twenty-eight caregivers in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area who received a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) telemedicine treatment with H2O2 taken by mouth (PO, at a concentration of 0.06%), oral rinse (mouthwash, 1.5%), and/or nebulization (0.2%). We describe the treatment program and report the response of the COVID-19 patients and their caregivers. The patients mainly recovered well, reporting feeling “completely better” at 9.5 days on average. Two (9%) were hospitalized prior to joining the study, and one did not fully recover. Patients frequently reported nausea and sometimes dizziness or vomiting related to the oral treatment. None of the twenty-eight caregivers in close contact with the patients reported contracting COVID-19. Given its low cost and medical potential and considering its relative safety if used properly, we suggest that randomized controlled trials should be conducted. These should include both SARS-CoV-2-positive and SARS-CoV-2-negative participants, with single or combined modes of administration of H2O2, to study the benefits of this simple molecule and offer safe guidance regarding its use by health professionals.

Go to:

1. Introduction

A case series is described on twenty-three ambulatory patients diagnosed with COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) and monitored by telemedicine, using an adjuvant therapy of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), administered PO (per orem), by mouth rinses (oral gargles), and by inhalation routes. We report the clinical outcomes of the consecutive COVID-19 patients and their caregivers, who were treated by our medical team between May 11 and July 19,2020.

Among other things, the team conducted a nonexhaustive review of the scientific literature to identify possible therapeutic and prophylactic alternatives. This review was supplemented by literature from the complementary, traditional, and integrative medicine fields. Our aim was to identify nonstandard therapeutic alternatives for treating viral infections, such as COVID-19, that could be easily and cheaply attained in Mexico over the counter and aid in the primary health response to the pandemic. With these requisites in mind, we identified this clinically useful molecule, hydrogen peroxide.

Dating back to 1888, Love et al. reported the use of hydrogen peroxide as an anti-infectious agent and described it as effective in treating numerous diseases including scarlet fever, diphtheria, runny nose, coryza, whooping cough, asthma, hay fever, and tonsillitis [1]. Specifically for viral diseases that attack the respiratory system, the first reported medical success using hydrogen peroxide therapy dates back exactly 100 years, when doctors Oliver and Murphy reported in The Lancet how they had successfully applied intravenous hydrogen peroxide to treat a group of patients with influenza; they reduced by half the mortality among this group of patients, which consisted of troops from the Indian army during the 1918-1919 Spanish Flu pandemic in the Mesopotamian valley [2].

Although the use of hydrogen peroxide therapeutically has generated great controversy in alternative medicine [3], this ubiquitous molecule is not just one of the many components that help regulate the amount of oxygen that reaches cells, but its presence is vital for a variety of other functions of the body. Many positive effects of hydrogen peroxide on the immune system response have been described, including the stimulation of monocytes and T-helper cells which help fight infections, the increased production of interferon-gamma, which has a role in immunoregulation, and the effect of decreasing the activity of B cells, which have a role in up-regulating the inflammatory response [4].

Known in medical terms as oxidative therapy or bio-oxidative therapy, hydrogen peroxide is a simple, well-studied, and useful molecule for a range of medical and sanitary applications. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) contains one more atom of oxygen than water (H2O) and is naturally produced in the human organism as a by-product of oxygen metabolism. It is metabolized by enzymes known as peroxidases and catalases, which decompose low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide into water and a free oxygen ion. “Hydrogen peroxide appears to be a ubiquitous molecule. We exhale it, excrete it and take it in from diet” [4]. It is produced endogenously for many functions of living organisms, and there is an abundance of scientific knowledge on this molecule, with sufficient documentation on its uses for sanitation, sterilization, and, importantly, diverse therapeutic modalities.

Given that the H2O2 molecule decomposes into water (H2O) and oxygen (O−), in appropriate doses, it is relatively safe for animal and human uses, as well as relatively nontoxic. In the late 1980s, Farr reported that hydrogen peroxide offers therapeutic benefits by directly destroying microorganisms through dual oxidative and oxygenating actions, caused by the released oxygen molecules [5, 6]. In more recent times, hydrogen peroxide has been widely hailed for use in the so-called “oxygenation therapy” in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), several types of cancer, heart and blood vessel diseases, immune disorders, infectious or pulmonary diseases, and many other ailments and conditions......

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Robin (Bristol) on 02/03/2021

The human body makes hydrogen peroxide in the mitochondria of cells to fight any invading pathogen.

Unfortunately, the level is is too small to stop a viral infection like Covid 19 taking hold and overwhelming the lungs and respiratory system

Using 2% - food grade ONLY - in an ultrasonic nebuliser - 10ml - last thing before bed EVERY night will kill ALL viral particles in the entire respiratory tract.
Most importantly it penetrates the alveoli where oxygen/CO2 exchange takes place.

In addition to killing all the covid particles the H2O2 stimulates the immune system to generate large quantities of T cells and other neutrophils that mop up any infected tissue to prevent covid replication.

I have been using this every day since the January 2020 pandemic broke because I knew what was coming from my researches into SARS-1 and MERS.

2% H2O2 is totally safe but if you are concerned even 1 or 1.5% will work but inhalation needs to be longer. With 2% it only needs about 8 minutes inhalation.

Under NO circumstances use commercial grade H2O2 as it has undeclared toxic stabilizers mixed in to maintain long term warehouse storage.

Food Grade is very unstable and needs to be kept in small PET bottles with no air headspace. Not a problem as lots of small bottles are PET and PET stops air and oxygen reaching the H2O2 to degrade it.

I have been tested 5 times for Covid and come up negative BUT have tested with high antibody count.

This means that although I have stopped any dangerous infection taking hold I have indeed inhaled the virus and my immune system was able to produce antibodies in response to the presence of covid virus before I killed it every day.

Replied by Ayesha
(Dubai, UAE)

Dear Robin,

My husband has been having fever with occasional cough for past six days.

In addition to all the antivirals and anti bacterials and vitamins recommended here on earth clinic, he has been nebulizing with 1% food grade hydrogen peroxide at least six times everyday which seems to help with cough but fever subsides around 3 am and comes back by the afternoon for past two days.

Any idea why h2o2 not working as well as it has been reported to work?


2379 posts

It would appear that H2O2 can work if given very early on after being infected. One possible problem is that some people who get Covid-19 don't show any symptoms for a week and sometimes more. If that were the case in your husbands situation, the virus would have had plenty of opportunity to spread in the body well beyond the lungs to other organs such as the heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, brain etc., if he did not take any H2O2 at or very near initial infection.

Another consideration is that the H2O2, which is an oxidant is only being delivered to the lungs via the nebulizer and will be neutralized by catalase fairly quickly and likely before the H2O2 could reach other areas of the body. In other words it may only be useful in the lungs themselves at a very early point of infection.

I didn't see any mention of melatonin in your post. I prefer melatonin because it can very likely go everywhere that the virus can in the body. Melatonin or its metabolites readily cross the blood brain barrier as well as all tissues of the body as well as the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and Dr. Neel has had great success using melatonin in well over 1,000 Covid-19 patients in conjunction with with vitamin D and vitamin C. He reports very significant symptom improvements in 24 hours or less, especially when given early on.



Ayesha – If the H2O2 nebulizing is not producing results (for reasons unknown), rethink your strategy. If I were in that situation, I would make some garlic infused olive oil on the stove and apply it to your husband.

Garlic Salve for Pneumonia - recipe

Apply this garlic oil to bottom of feet, chest, back, sides and around neck 3 – 4x/daily to draw out and kill infection in the lungs due to bronchitis or pneumonia and the best remedy for pleurisy. This garlic oil can be used on babies and the elderly. Also, drinking garlic tea sweeten with honey will help a lot.

For his fever, if it's to high, wrap a cool wet wash cloth around his neck. This will bring down the fever. Also make fresh lemon-aid from real lemons. This will bring down fever internally in about 40 minutes.

Also, here is a Home Recipe for Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) from Grapefruit Peels

I have drank this myself, Add honey!

By Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible World Health Intl

9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 242-2599

Note – The following is for informational purposes ONLY.
If you are sick, see your doctor. This is one person's opinion and is not suggested as a cure or treatment for anything.

Grapefruit peel tea benefits are quite known for their antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. The peel is known for packing large amounts of antioxidants that may help strengthen the body's resistance to damaging foreign organisms. The grapefruit peel, particularly the white portion under the rind, is said to be very high in antioxidant bioflavoroids that may help strengthen the immune system.

Making a tea of grapefruit peel is great for getting rid of mucus and opening up the lungs. Grapefruit peel tea may help break up mucus, clear the respiratory tract, and may help fight against certain respiratory ailments like pneumonia. Grapefruit peel tea makes quinine and is said to treat covid19.

How to make:

Here is all you need to do, take the rind of 2 – 3 grapefruits, use the peel only and cover it with water about 3 inches above the peels. Put a glass or metal lid on your pot. Let it simmer for about 2 hours. Do NOT take the lid off of the pot til it has cooled completely as this will allow the Quininie and bioflavoroids to escape in the steam.

The taste of the grapefruit peel tea is quite bitter so it is permissible to add some honey to sweeten the taste.

Dosage: Take one tablespoon every few hours to bring out phlegm for the lungs. Do this til you are completely better.

If you take Zinc, it will help to propel the quinine into your cells to speed healing.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Iodine

Posted by Wanda (Spring, Texas) on 01/14/2022 33 posts

Has anyone who has had Covid and asthma done the hydrogen peroxide/iodine nebulizer? Can you tell me the dosage and did it help with your breathing? Need help

Replied by SandyM

Here's the video from Dr. Brownstein and Dr. Mercola regarding nebulizing with Hydrogen Peroxide for Covid relief.

Condensed Mercola interview with Dr David Brownstein H2O2 Nebulization

Replied by Sunny

When using 2 percent Lugols Iodine when nebulizing HP, if I am doing the nebulizing multiple times a day, am I supposed to put the Lugols into the nebulizer EVERY time I nebulize or just a certain number of times per day?

Hydrogen Peroxide in Ears

1 User Review

Posted by David (Raleigh, NC) on 11/27/2020

Is there any risk from using H2O2 in the ears too frequently? I have lingering symptoms from Covid-19 and when I use H2O2 in my ears it literally heats up it foams so much.

Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

That's interesting. Are you putting it in your ears, letting it drain out, and repeating until it stops foaming in a single session? Or are you just putting it in once?

Replied by Beverly

In the 60's at a YMCA Camp for girls, we swam in a river and when we finished the counselors always put a solution of 1/2 alcohol & 1/2 H2O2 in our ears. We rolled our heads immediately and emptied them and it seemed to work at camp. I have done it for many years and used it for anything ear related. I usually lie down and hold the solution in for 5-10 minutes. It does bubble up, no problem though.

Replied by Marletta

If it hurts, you should stop doing it for a week and let your ears recover. You may have a lot of ear wax buildup after getting sick. That is what typically heats up the ears when you add peroxide. Keep adding small amounts of peroxide until the fizzing stops is the rule and shake your head to the side vigorously afterwards to clear the peroxide.

Replied by David
(Raleigh, NC)

I used to leave peroxide in my ears for 30 mins, which I think may be too long. Now I leave it in for 15-20 mins at a time, usually once a day or so. It works as I always feel better afterwards. Thanks

Hydrogen Peroxide in Nose

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jim (Murrieta, CA) on 04/27/2021

Editor's Choice

One Day Cure for Covid

Must be done when symptoms first occur.

Dilute the normal 3% solution of Hydrogen Peroxide with 9 parts water in a nasal sprayer.

Sniff a stream of the solution (not a mist, must be a short squirt) up each nostril, wait 30 seconds then blow your nose. Do NOT do this excessively, it does kill good and bad cells. I did this 6 times the first day. The second day I felt fine, but, I did the treatment 3 more times. On the third day I felt better than fine, I felt great!

(Note: several treatments may cause some blood speckles when blowing your nose. If so, STOP! I got some blood speckles which was not any problem, and no pain. I just waited 2-3 hours before the next treatment)

I am NOT a Doctor of any kind.

Now, 3 months later, and have felt great SINCE DAY#2, zero symptoms, zero side effects, zero vaccine.

At 70 years of age, this treatment worked quite well for me!

Have a Nice Day.

THIS should go viral! 🤣

Hydrogen Peroxide on Feet

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Theresa (North Carolina ) on 01/10/2021

Had tightness in left lung after Covid. Instead of using foil or tray, I used a gallon ziplock bag, then put washcloth inside, soaked with 3% H2O2. I put my feet inside 10 min. Felt significant relief in a few hours.


8 User Reviews
5 star (7) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by ORH (TEN MILE , TN) on 12/03/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS,,,,, ORH here and my posts are hard to come by these days. Persona non grata, I guess. My two integrative doctors have both experienced the Vax shedding thing. Our Knoxville Doc almost died after she treated an MD that had the Vax. She missed 23 days of work. The other is just now coming down and is using homeopathic to address his problem. I just learned that the famous Dr Z has learned that nebulizing HDC will treat Covid in one hour and not 80 hours as oral will. It goes directly into your blood via your lungs and not trough your digestion. I have the pills and the saline solution and will make my own concoction.

Finally years of studying Ch E at Ga Tech is paying off. Yep, I's practicing medicine without a license. So do you when you eat right. We go Monday to get our monthly UBI to avoid the flu shot. All this is on the net and you don't need me to hold your hand.


Replied by Betty

What is UBI?

EC: Ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI)

Replied by ORH

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and bombed out on making a HDC from my pills. It would not totally dissolve. Called a local compounding pharmacist that is good and I have used before. He said the binders in the pill are the problem, and I needed bulk powder. I ask if I got him an Rx to make this could he do it? His answer was NO because he did not have the powder. At this point he was getting nervous and about to fill his underwear. So you have the story. Dr Z says nebulized HDC will treat Covid in 10 hours by entering your lungs. Yet, our medical field is afraid to take on BIG BROTHER. He cautioned me about trying to use the pill because anything going into your lungs has to be pure. I wanted to ask him if he knew that Bill Munro had cured two cancers using brown bottle hydrogen peroxide that has preservatives. We no longer think..... cookbook... like robots. We nebulize Glutathione by dissolving the powder from a capsule using a saline solution. Again practicing medicine without a license. Folks feel for my Tractor Driver, but she has had the ride of a lifetime . Go to the farm Sat to get Greenhouse things in order for 2022. Food will be a scarcity next year. Buy your seeds now. ====ORH====

Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 08/17/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and got a text from our 50 year old youngest child in Atlanta that she has Covid. We got HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE a year ago for when this happens and overnighted her enough to hopefully get her through. She has a nursing degree from Auburn so why is her old Daddy having to bail her out? She has been in the medical field for some 30 years and is in LaLa land like most of the folks on EC. She was not a Boy Scout and does not know to BE PREPARED. We also have Ivermectin is required. Don't want D to flush this because we are close to when the SHTF. I am prepping like mad because my source says it starts this month and will be bad for some 6 months and last for years. The Afghan thing is just a warm up. We plant our fall and winter garden tomorrow and was going to be a minimum. That has all changed. Pulling my 2006 VW jetta diesel out of storage and tuning up because it gets 50 mpg and I have a 300 gal diesel tank. I will motor for a couple of years when others have no gas. Will save enough hens that we have plenty of eggs. Filling our 300 gal LP tank to generate electricity and diesel tank to last us 2+ years for farm tractor and Jetta. Have super rat traps to kill squirrels and will bait up and harvest a couple of deer from our log cabin bathroom. Have 2 years of firewood split and in the dry. I am lacking a solar generator. Will work on that. Just hope all take this with love....... not fussing, just want to be talking to all of you for many years to come.


Replied by Charity
(faithville, Us)

Hi ORH, You might like this family I enjoy watching on you tube, this guy knows how to be a dad in the storms of life. His last child is named Henry, he's 6 months old. They are homesteaders and teach as they entertain and encourage. You can feel the love coming across the video, and they keep it real. No one can be lazy in this homestead.

I Quit the Pain Meds But It Still Hurts - YouTube

I think you have come a long ways from your roots and you are a survivor. I know you and your tractor driver do amazing for your age group. I view a lot of behind the scenes what is going on and also study the Word. God likes to do miracles and quiet storms. I hope you get to live to 120 with your best friend and give away lots of produce to help others. You are a blessed man to have a daughter that studied and works as a nurse. That is a hard job. A lot of my friends are nurses. My daughter is an entertainer and teacher. She did not choose the safe path I wanted her to go and I couldn't protect her from the world, but the path she chose has made her a mighty woman the path I had for her could not give that strength to her. I am thankful I get to be her mom, even in seasons we are not in agreement of our beliefs and how we approach life. Thankfulness is a gift, when you give it out it comes back multiplied. I am sure your daughter appreciates your help and you should be thankful she needs you to be her backup plan. It seems to be one of your gifts. Enter his courts with praise and enter his gates with Thanksgiving. You are blessed, Charity

God's nick name is sneaky jahovah


CHARITY, ORH here and thank you for your input. I read what folks tell me to do, but I want to change the subject a tad. You know the supposedly wealthiest family in your town are totally broke, but it has not been declared, so they can blow and go like they always have. Come Monday the courts say that they are bankrupt and now no one will loan them a dime. I am not talking about the family in your town, but the US of A. We have been bankrupt for years ....... just the judge has not declared it. Now he has and we are in deep sheet. I have known this was coming and the reason we raise a garden, chickens, etc., etc. There is currency and there is money. Gold and silver is God's money. Currency is the devils money. We are into God's money. My message to our EC friends it to research junk silver. All our coins prior to '65 were 90% silver and thus the term junk silver. With silver at $24/oz, a junk dime is worth $1.69 and a quarter is worth $4.44. Silver is going to $500 and that old worn out quarter will be worth $65. Your paper dollar will light your fire but will not buy you anything. That old quarter will buy you several chickens, and we will be in a bartering system. Charity, I write lots of posts like this one, but they are declared persona non grata and flushed. The ones that get by are getting so much love that D has had to reflect. Maybe this one will get by. I only want to make folks think and do what is best for them. Google junk silver to find where to buy these old coins.


(Faithville, Us)

I am thankful for all the years earth clinic has been so helpful to get me through the crisis and find some hope in the pain. I also go to lots of other places to find solutions in the natural, spiritual and relational.

I also write a lot of things no one sees. I am aware of 45 being 19. I follow the prophets. Elijah list is good . I don't believe everything but seek the Lord. Also I follow the healers and teachers on other sites. Nothing like a problem to drive one to go find some answers. I don't have any chickens and just started to garden. All my neighbors have chickens, pigs, turkeys and gardens and horses. I keep my head up and listen to the spirit realm. Spirit realm trumps the natural. God is not slack concerning his promises. He is our good shepherd and provides and protects AS we believe...we RECEIVE. We attract what we think with our hearts. I put some links out for people to get complete wholeness if they see it. I trust the Lord for he is good all the time. So thankful America is full of people like you .You have learned to prepare. I did the same but recently I learned about leaning and resting and miracles are coming about in my world. Thanks for all your good heartedness. Blessings, Charity

what the enemy meant to harm me, God used to bless my sox off. 7 fold return


CHARITY, ORH here and daughter says she is much better after one day of hydroxychroloquin . Told her to take it for 5 days. We shall see. August 22 is the day all this evil starts to come to an end. We will go through troubles for the next 10 years.... so buy heirloom seeds because hybrid veggie seeds will not work. I will miss my hybrid Ambrosia Cantaloupe and Corn, but now have to shift to heirloom seeds that I can save and plant next year as our ancestors did. My hope is that I make EC folks so nervous that they start to think and prepare for what is coming.


(faithville, Us)


Glad your daughter is improving and she knows you are a good back up plan. No matter how old we get we are still role models. Mostly my parents modelled what not to do . I can't imagine what they experienced to be the way they were, and I made a lot of really bad decisions myself . Most of us want to be different, but can't figure out how . I know truth can set you free but you have to apply it. I drink water to start my day . Planning is good but fear is a door just as faith is . Fear invites the enemy to use our power, since he has none . I grew up hiding under my bed, the monsters weren't under there, only a few dust bunnies. I know fear. Sickness taunted me, I know pain. I also know faith and it is not by works that any can boast. No boasting in the flesh, only glory in the spirit, where fruit grows on the vine. The fruit is life and life abundantly beyond anything we can hope dream or imagine as the eyes of our heart open to what is ours. Everything we believe that is rooted in love is ours. I follow the healers, and the way to find that path is to be unhealed looking for help. The prophets have insights but they don't usually have timelines. The healers have NOW faith is. Now earth clinic has stuff to try that might turn the course and straighten things out but the mind will and emotions (soul) unhealed will keep one producing sickness and lack and manifesting fear. You can't clean a hoarders home because they have to find out why they hoard so they can prevent future piling up of unfinished business. The body is like the hoarded home, unfinished business, cluttering up the works. Trying to figure stuff out is problematic because the healing is free and not understandable and the stumbling block is, we try to acquire by learning doing and being what is free to take. I am becoming unstuck this summer. May you find your cloud in the heavenly seated(rest) admiring the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Blessings to you, charity

Hope I said enough but not too much..... XOXO

and to the rest of the readers of this, I pray your eyes of your hearts be open to see what is yours so you can be delighted and lifted up as we begin anew in the great shifting that is upon us, YOU ARE LOVED!

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 02/11/2021

Home Recipe for Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) from Grapefruit Peels


By Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible World Health Intl

9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 242-2599

Note – The following is for informational purposes ONLY.
If you are sick, see your doctor. This is one person's opinion and is not suggested as a cure or treatment for anything.

Grapefruit peel tea benefits are quite known for their antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. The peel is known for packing large amounts of antioxidants that may help strengthen the body's resistance to damaging foreign organisms. The grapefruit peel, particularly the white portion under the rind, is said to be very high in antioxidant bioflavoroids that may help strengthen the immune system.

Making a tea of grapefruit peel is great for getting rid of mucus and opening up the lungs. Grapefruit peel tea may help break up mucus, clear the respiratory tract, and may help fight against certain respiratory ailments like pneumonia. Grapefruit peel tea makes quinine and is said to treat cv-19. How to make:

Here is all you need to do, take the rind of 2 – 3 grapefruits, use the peel only and cover it with water about 3 inches above the peels. Put a glass or metal lid on your pot. Let it simmer for about 2 hours. Do NOT take the lid off of the pot til it has cooled completely as this will allow the Quininie and bioflavoroids to escape in the steam.

The taste of the grapefruit peel tea is quite bitter so it is permissible to add some honey to sweeten the taste.

Dosage: Take one tablespoon every few hours to bring out phlegm for the lungs. Do this til you are completely better.

If you take Zinc, it will help to propel the quinine into your cells to speed healing.

Replied by Barbara

Does this recipe need to be refrigerated? Can it be frozen for future use? For what period of time is it good or safe to use?


Hi Barbara –

This recipe will NOT stay fresh for more than 2-3 days max from the tonics I've made. The recipe is for people who are currently sick with no other means for medicine that is easy to find and make. Grapefruits are easy to find. As for freezing it? It may affect the potency when you go to thaw it out for later use. Not sure about this. Fresh is best!

Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld., Australia) on 08/18/2020

Years ago Australians working in Papua New Guinea took daily chloroquine as malaria preventive. Hydroxychloroquine is more recent drug which on March 4th 2020, Australia declared this drug a 'poison'. Prof. Dr Didier Raoult and his team in Marseille France have used this HCQ for respiratory illnesses for decades. Apparently it needs to be used with zinc and probably quercetin to get zinc into the ACE receptors.

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