An Earth Clinic reader describes how he has taken a salt and calcium carbonate home remedy to successful prevent viruses for the past 16 years!
James Wallace Protocol
- One (1) Gram of Iodized Table Salt
- One (1) 500 mg tablet of calcium carbonate
At the first sign of the chills, put the salt on your tongue and then slowly chew a calcium carbonate tablet.
This is a one time remedy. Do not repeat it. If the chills are still there after 15-20 minutes, the remedy did not work.
James Wallace writes about his protocol: "I believe the chills are caused by the rapid firing of the sodium/potassium pumps of the cells. The virus does this to feed off of the residue energy from the break down of ATP (called Na/K ATPase).
When I taste salt and calcium my body interrupts that there is an increase of sodium and calcium. When sodium and calcium are increased the sodium/potassium pumps are inhibited from spinning out of control. This cuts off the virus's fuel and the virus starves."
If you try this remedy, please let us know if it worked!