Natural Remedies

Coronavirus - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Coronavirus. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Oregano Oil

Posted by Glenn (CA) on 08/23/2022

Editor's Choice

Ever since being vaccinated in 1958 before entering fifth grade, I've been ill (sinus, colds, flu, allergy) with something virtually ever day of my life. 71/2 years ago a commenter on a oregano oil review mentioned oregano oil helped her with flu. I found the best effect by adding one drop of therapeutic grade oregano oil in a gelatin capsule just before breakfast, lunch and dinner and drinking 8 oz of water afterwards. I've never been ill since. My sinus problem was chronic in the summer and acute in the winter. The acute sinusitis was a nightmare because doctor's solutions were of little avail. I often had to sleep propped up to prevent myself from choking to death. The sinus symptoms gradually dissipated over time. I have not been ill from any airborne disease for over 7.5 years. It was a miracle for me. I thank God every day. I can feel when I'm attacked by a bug, usually around December, and I will take a fourth dose at bedtime usually. I refused the jab for obvious reasons. I seem to be immune to cv 19 as well, but I do take ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine or chlorine dioxide when exposed as when a person hugs or kisses me. I have cared for people with cv 19 and witnessed a 88 year old woman snap out of it in a week that took hydroxychloroquine (200 mg for 7 days). Two years later she contracted it a second time and she used all of the above (hydroxychloroquine 200 mg am), ivermectin (12 mg pm) plus black seed (1000 mg am for 7 days) oil and chlorine dioxide (3 drops from each canister with 8 oz water am) and recovered in less than 4 days with relatively little fatigue unlike the first time she became ill. Her son, on the other hand, was sick as a dog for about 10 days. He doesn't believe in the above treatments.


Posted by Art (California) on 01/26/2022 2379 posts

Editor's Choice

Last night I got a call from a friend who has a friend who was just diagnosed with Covid-19 and was asking my friend if she was aware of any home remedies for Covid-19 as it was giving her a tremendous headache which she described as a 12 on a scale of 1 to 10. She said it was unbearable and her doctor had told her to take Tylenol, which she said did not touch it. She also said that her body ached in all of the joints and it was pretty unbearable to her.

I reminded my friend that Dr. Neel was using 1 mg of melatonin per kilogram of body weight. She said her friend weighed 170 pounds so that worked out just over 77 kg. She told her friend to take 80 mg of melatonin per day in 4 divided doses. Either her friend misunderstood or my friend did not say it correctly as her friend took 80 mg of melatonin every 6 hours to start with which equals 320 mg of melatonin per day! I got a phone call from my friend this morning telling me what her friend had done and she said she suffered no ill effects from that dose. She further said that her headache was down to a 2 and all of her body aches were gone.

I explained to my friend that the dose her friend used was more like the dosing that they were using in Manila. In any case, she told her friend that Dr. Neel was only recommending one fourth of the dose she had taken, so her friend told her that she was going to go down to a 90 mg per day dose in 3 divided doses of 30 mg each dose or 30 mg every 8 hours. Her friend told her that she was feeling so much better after taking the melatonin and it was not causing her any ill effects that she could tell. She further said that she will continue the 90 mg per day for at least 2 weeks or possibly 3 weeks to try and prevent Long Covid.


Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 01/22/2022

Editor's Choice

My daughter woke up with flu symptoms yesterday. Could be flu or covid. Her husband is an EMT and around covid all the time. He had been mildly ill a day or two earlier in the week.

She is nursing her four month old baby. I had her take 20 mg of melatonin 4 times a day. She had never taken melatonin before. She was surprised that it did not knock her out. It did not have a negative effect on her baby (who is also sick.) It did not hinder her ability to take care of her little one.

This is not prescriptive - just one person's positive experience. Happily, she is feeling much better today and still taking melatonin.

~Mama to Many~

Selenium, Vitamin C, Garlic +

Posted by Arn (Kenmore) on 01/04/2022 20 posts

Editor's Choice

I noticed the symptoms early on, and found that my usual cold and flu protocols didn't faze this bug. So I got aggressive, taking 2 grams of C with a handful of garlic pills every 2 hours. ( I weigh 200 lb.) I was symptom free in 8 hours but kept taking C and garlic through the day. Then I went on a preventive dose of 2 grams of C per day.

Some time later a friend got sick. I had read a robust study that said if you have 250 mcg of selenium per liter of blood in your body, then no virus can live in you. So we had her taking a 200 mcg capsule every hour, and cured her in a day.

But the most amazing cure was my mother-in-law. She was 94 and living in that elder care home in Kirkland, Wa. where the first covid deaths were reported. Of course mom got the bug. They had her in isolation with IV and ventilator. My wife takes her mom a little pot of homemade soup every day, so we began to spike it with an ounce of silver water. Mom was out of iso in 3 days. The docs said they had never seen anyone recover so fast.

Covid 19 is a weaponized cold virus, lab mutated to make it more tenacious. They say there is no cure, but there are many vitamins, minerals, and herbs that can kill or disable any virus. Don't buy into the paranoia or the official medical nonsense.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation

Posted by Angie (America) on 12/25/2021

Editor's Choice

I used Mercola's basic peroxide recipe:

Using 3% H2O2, using 1/4 tsp., mix with 7 1/4 tsp of normal saline to equal a .1% solution. You can add 1 drop of 5% Lugol's solution to the nebulizer cup with the peroxide solution. I add a drop of 10% Povidine Iodine. Use only saline water, never just straight distilled water.

The past two weeks I've gotten some congestion and a slight dry cough, and so I have used this recipe two days in a row, each time I had symptoms, and within hours I start to feel better and within 24 hours I'm almost all better.


Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 09/24/2021

Editor's Choice

Hi everyone,

I thought that it might be useful to post some helpful info on Ivermectin.

I decided to try Ivermectin for myself not just because it stops or helps to cure COVID-19 but also because it's very useful for getting rid of all parasites from your intestines and body. IVM also kills both viruses and bacteria as well. So I was really taking high dose Ivermectin to basically purge my intestines and body of parasites, bad bacteria or viruses.

I was able to get my Ivermectin at a reasonable price from a local asian online retailer -- called Lazada -- that serves the Philippines(where I live) and other countries in the Far East. Interestingly, if I typed "Ivermectin" into Lazada search I would get nothing found. However, if I typed in "iver" or "ivm" I would get many retailers selling Ivermectin on Lazada. I could also locate and find Ivermectin on other online retailer platforms such as Shopee and Alibaba (but not Ali Express). But just remember that if you type "Ivermectin" into search then you will probably get nothing -- but if you type "iver" or "ivm" into the website search box this usually comes up with alot of Ivermectin retailers. Of course, you will have to be careful what you buy. I bought 20 x 12mg tablets of Ivermectin(manufactured in India). I chose that Indian brand because all the tablets were in closed strips of 10 tablets that were all sealed and the back of each strip of ten tablets also had the address, phone no, batch number etc. There were other makers of IVM on the website including several from the US and one brand from the Philippines. I also haven't a clue whether anyone from the US or Europe can actually purchase from these online retailers but, if not, then hopefully this might help those people living and residing in the Philippines and the far east.

The Philippines is perhaps a wee bit more lax on what's allowed and what cannot be used for COVID-19. For a while, a Filipino doctor -- Dr Allan Landrito -- has also successfully used a protocol for COVID-19 using Ivermectin. This protocol incorporates or uses the following: Ivermectin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Melatonin, Virgin Coconut Oil, n-Acetyl Cysteine, Minerals, Aspirin, DMSO, Hydrogen Peroxide nebulization etc. More information, including Dr Landrito's complete anti-COVID-19 protocol, with dosages and much more, is shown here on his website.

Dr Landrito's website:

Main video on the research history of Ivermectin usage vs COVID-19 from his website:

Essential Ivermectin dosing Information for Dr Landrito's protocol:

I have also researched Ivermectin and read that it can be used without problems on humans within a dosage range of between 0.2mgs/kg to 0.6 mgs/kg. So that means that a human weighing 80kg should be able to take an Ivermectin dose of between 16mgs(0.2 x 80kg) and 48mgs(0.6 x 80kgs) or more without any problems.

A week ago I just took one dose of Ivermectin which was 24mgs(2 x 12mgs tablets). That dose worked well for me. I had no side-effects at all from that dose. Next time I take Ivermectin(for parapsites), in maybe three months' time, I will take a much higher dose, such as 36mgs or 48mgs of Ivermectin.

By the way, all the research that I've looked at says that Ivermectin inhibits viral replication in COVID-19 and it also works on another level as an anti-inflammatory. In fact my single dose of Ivermectin(with Lugol's Iodine) also helped me to recover quickly from the awful effects of taking Clarithromycin and Ciprofloxacin (taken in early March and April respectively for my COVID-19 symptoms). Those two antibiotics completely destroyed all the essential mycrobiota -- all the friendly, helpful, and essential bacteria -- in my intestines. I basically had diarrhea(explosive) caused by dysbiosis for about 5 months. I managed to eventually recover from the diarrhea by taking high dose lugol's iodine(5%) every day(approx 32 drops or 8 drops in water 4 times a day) which is equivalent to supplementing about 200mgs iodine/iodide per day. Later on, I also took high doses of Bifido and Lacto bacteria to replace the lost good bacteria in my gut. My gut is thankfully back to normal now -- no more diarrhea. I've also decided to continue taking the high dose Lugol's Iodine as ongoing extra protection against COVID-19. I recently bought a 200ml bottle of 15% Lugol's iodine which should last me a long time. By the way, if anyone else is thinking of taking high dose lugol's iodine protocol, please be sure to start off with a small dose and always be sure to take all the necessary companion nutrients as well -- I.e. zinc, magnesium, niacin, selenium and vitamin c etc. More on companion nutrients for LI here:

I will say that everywhere you look, the FDA affiliated research and advice says that Ivermectin will not cure COVID-19 and the usual excuse is that there is not enough research so it's unproven. I have also recently read that Pfizer/BioNTech have already recorded a gross profit of $45 billion so far with their vaccine. You heard that right -- $45 BILLION gross profit in only six months. Isn't that a disgusting amount of profit? And wouldn't you lie and cheat like the FDA and drugs companies in order to promote vaccines as the ONLY way to deal with COVID-19?

And if there are still any doubters out there, I recently read some research which brought together 64 separate pieces of independent research on Ivermectin vs. COVID-19 involving in vivo research with the participation of over 24,000 COVID-19-infected patients in the research. The conclusion drawn was simply that using Ivermectin protocols worked well and saved alot of lives.Anyway here's that research I've been talking about:

Of course, undoubtedly, the FDA's dedicated job is to run massive intereference with the above truth. I guess it boils down to who do you trust, right? Anyway, here's some more supporting evidence that Ivermectin works well against COVID-19 from the BIRD Group(British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group) -- see the research below:

Last thing -- this is just a reminder. Never ever take high dose antibiotics for ANY length of time or you might well pay a heavy price as happened to me.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation

Posted by LarJam (ID) on 09/10/2021

Editor's Choice

I have chronic Asthma and Congestive Heart Failure and have had Swine Flu (Sars-1) 4 years ago and now have early symptoms of Covid. My roommate brought Covid home 3 days ago. My wife told me about this HP therapy.

I used my nebulizer, which only has one setting. Filled up with any store purchased Hydrogen Peroxide 3 percent says ok to use as a gargle so that means its food grade. The actual brand is Equate .(Walmart I think) I didn't dilute it or add anything.

I did the treatment for 2-3 minutes and could feel it working once it hit my lungs. Since I only have a mouthpiece, I would inhale in my mouth and exhale out my nose. Then at the end, I allowed straight vapors out of the mouthpiece to flow into my nostrils for about a minute.

I then took an emergence Vitamin C treatment in hot water and drank it. With just one treatment I felt it working like a miracle. I will do this every morning at night I will add some to my CPAP at night to kill germs in my hose and face mask. Thank God for the internet to learn about these solutions.


Posted by Self Sufficient Momma (Dallas, TX) on 08/15/2021

Editor's Choice

My family of 6 have taken Ivermectin as a preventative for over 10 months now. None of us have been sick with anything. Healthy as a horse they say. I have made several videos on how to dose ivermectin horse paste. My videos have been taken down as well as my channel on YouTube. It is back up but I have to be very vague and sometimes talk in code. I have done a lot of research on ivermectin and use the latest updates from the

Here is how you can use the paste if you cannot get the pill form. This video give you the horse to human dose breakdown information

This video is for updated dose information

This video is for all the brands you can safely use

This video is a clear view of the tube for use

This video is for a huge amount of information on ivermectin and all the scenarios you may come across

I also made videos on long Covid and other forms of information.

EC: Please note that all the videos mentioned above were banned by YouTube shortly after this post was published.

Activated Charcoal

Posted by Julie S. (Union, MS) on 08/06/2021

Editor's Choice

Me and my husband suffered from covid for days. We took all kinds of things like lots of c, melatonin, zinc, etc. After really bad back pain for several days I realized it was probably my kidney. I took 5 charcoal pills and almost immediately my back pain and aches went away. Just the headache remained. After six hours I had to take more because symptoms returned. It also worked really well for my husband.

Celery Juice

Posted by Jackie (Phoenix, AZ) on 08/04/2021

Editor's Choice

Unfortunately, I have been exposed to Covid multiple times. Each time I get it, I drink 16 oz of celery juice. This can be homemade or store-bought. It must be pure celery juice, with no other additives or ingredients (besides lemon, at most! ). It is not the greatest tasting thing, but it works.

Today I woke up with a tight chest, a headache, and major muscle pain in my legs, torso, and hip area. Later, I had sensitivity to light and major fatigue.

This 4th time is similar to the 1st time I had Covid. It is miserable.

I usually take the celery juice right away if I start having symptoms and it nips it in the bud very quickly. I start to feel much better within an hour or 2 of drinking it.

But this time I waited because I did not think it was Covid at first. With my other covid experiences I usually had a cough or congestion. This time there I didn't have the coughing and congestion. I thought I just overworked my leg muscles or something. It wasn't until the severe shortness of breath, fatigue, and the light sensitivity that I knew it was Covid again.

I continue to drink the 16 oz of celery juice every morning until the symptoms fully subside. This usually takes about 3 - 4 days of drinking celery juice to feel back to nearly 100%.

During this time I also get lots of rest and eat a ton of greens and drink chicken broth with veggies and rice.

Finally, stay near a bathroom because celery juice has a strong laxative effect.

Lugol's Iodine, Coconut Oil

Posted by Maria K. (Frankfurt, Germany) on 07/16/2021 6 posts

Editor's Choice

My sister, her husband and her four kids got Corona, even her newborn got infected severely.

On my recommendation (I am not a doctor, only an old reader of Earth clinic ) she and her husband took 5 drops of Lugols Iodine 5% three times a day. In addition to Lugols Iodine they took 1,2 tablespoons of Coconut oil two times a day. She gave Iodine and coconut oil to her kids too.Kids' dose is 3 drops of Lugols Iodine thrice and 1 or 2 TB of Coconut oil.

Besides these remedies, they took panadol and vitamin C from the local doctor's advice. Adults gargled with warm salt water and iodine water too.

With the grace of God Almighty they were all relieved and Cured just in two days. After two weeks they tested negative for Covid 19. I personally use this protocol for the oral herpes, I start it seeing the first sign of tingling on my lips, always works, want to share on Herpes cures page too.


Posted by Art (California) on 07/08/2021 2379 posts

Editor's Choice

This is a very important update regarding an RCT for melatonin and Covid-19!

I haven't updated this thread in awhile and now seems like a good time to do that. This very recent (June/2021) human study (RCT) shows that even a relatively low dose of melatonin (9 mg) divided into three doses throughout the day, reduces symptoms and speeds recovery in hospitalized Covid-19 patients. Here is a link to the full study which seems very impressive considering the very low dose that was used in these hospitalized Covid-19 patients. Keep in mind that Dr. Neel is using a dose of 1 mg of melatonin per kilogram of body weight, which is much higher than the 9 mg dose used in this study. In an 80 kilogram person ( 176 lbs), 1 mg per kg would equal a daily dose of 80 mg in divided doses.

Some of the highlights of this study:

1. Nobody died in the standard of care group or the standard of care plus melatonin group.

2. Meantime to release from the hospital was 8.15 days in the standard of care group and 4.65 days in the standard of care group plus Melatonin. (p-value = 0.021)

3. Patients in the melatonin group showed a return to baseline health sooner than control patients (15.09 ± 8.69 vs. 29.60 ± 21.12; p = 0.004).

4. There were no adverse events in the melatonin group.

5. Labored or difficult breathing (dyspnea) was significantly less in the melatonin group. ( p-value = 0.049)

6. Fatigue was significantly less in the melatonin group (p-value - 0.02)

7. Cough was significantly less in the melatonin group. ( p-value = .045)

8. The inflammatory marker CRP was significantly lower in the melatonin group (p-value = 0.045)

As you can see from these results melatonin plus standard of care was significantly better than standard of care alone. The downside here is the small size of the study group, but this still tends to confirm the very good results that Dr. Neel has reported in the over 1000 Covid-19 patients he has successfully treated using a significantly higher dose of melatonin (1 mg kg/bw/day) than this study which used just 9 mg/day. This is the first melatonin / Covid-19 study (RCT) that I have seen completed.

The Manila study has not completed yet, but that is an important study because they are only treating patients who already have Covid-19 pneumonia.I know I have said it before, but I am going to keep saying it, please don't throw your melatonin away just because you have been vaccinated! If the virus continues to mutate rapidly as it has shown it can, this is a good reason to keep melatonin on hand, even if it makes you sleepy the next day. Getting any rest is useful in a disease that is noted for causing sleep problems. People who have been vaccinated still have gotten Covid-19 and died.


Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation

Posted by Robin (Pinckney, Mich) on 06/27/2021 2 posts

Editor's Choice

I was in the hospital for two weeks because I could not breathe. 14 days later I was sent home on oxygen. I could not take three steps without being extremely hypoxic. I thought I was sent home to die. I asked my friend who I have a share purchased for raw cow's milk if she heard what I might do...she said " look into nebulizing hydrogen peroxide with iodine in saline solution." Lugol's is better but could not buy it in time so I used 2 drops nascent iodine in a saline solution made from pink Himalayan salt and distilled water..

My husband diluted food grade hydrogen down to the correct protocol. I cannot give correct dosages at this point because I was very ill and my husband provided for me my care in this. All I can say is that after three weeks out of hospital nothing worked until this. I could breathe immediately and have been getting better ever since.

Hydrogen Peroxide in Nose

Posted by Jim (Murrieta, CA) on 04/27/2021

Editor's Choice

One Day Cure for Covid

Must be done when symptoms first occur.

Dilute the normal 3% solution of Hydrogen Peroxide with 9 parts water in a nasal sprayer.

Sniff a stream of the solution (not a mist, must be a short squirt) up each nostril, wait 30 seconds then blow your nose. Do NOT do this excessively, it does kill good and bad cells. I did this 6 times the first day. The second day I felt fine, but, I did the treatment 3 more times. On the third day I felt better than fine, I felt great!

(Note: several treatments may cause some blood speckles when blowing your nose. If so, STOP! I got some blood speckles which was not any problem, and no pain. I just waited 2-3 hours before the next treatment)

I am NOT a Doctor of any kind.

Now, 3 months later, and have felt great SINCE DAY#2, zero symptoms, zero side effects, zero vaccine.

At 70 years of age, this treatment worked quite well for me!

Have a Nice Day.

THIS should go viral! 🤣

Melatonin Recovery Testimonials

Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 04/22/2021

Editor's Choice

Hello, Caitriona of Dublin,

In March 2021, my adult daughter had what her doctor said was an upper respiratory infection. My daughter thought it was COVID19 but tested negative. She had a bad cough and shortness of breath episodes she did not have a fever. The doctor gave her an antibiotic prescription but it did not quite meet her symptoms. I upped her Melatonin intake to 100mg a day. Four days straight she took 25mg every 4 hours. After that, she only took 25 to 35 mgs of melatonin at night, because she had to go back to work (from home).

When the antibiotics were finished her health issues were still not resolved. I gave her:

1) Xclear Nasal Spray which gave her a good clearing of mucus via the nose,

2) I gave her Mucus Relief DM,

3) I made a chest rub for her with about 2 or 3 teaspoons of DMSO, and one teaspoon of Castor Oil, and three or four drops of 100% pure Peppermint oil. She also took Potassium 100mg, Vitamin C 1000mg twice a day, vitamin D 1000 IU, and Zinc 30-50mg.

My daughter was about a month with coughing and all. However, the cough helped her to spit out the mucus and clear her chest. Her energy is restored. Her appetite is restored, no more breathing problems. When I was sick, the onion soup was a great help in clearing the chest.



Posted by JJ (Wisconsin) on 04/19/2021

Editor's Choice

Kill any and all viruses in me with BHT, zapper, oscillococcinum, celljevity

I don't write that often and I am a medical professional. I am not here to cure or diagnose. This COVID and the mass ignorance around it has forced me to “come out” about what I do. I never tell people to take anything, just to study, learn and move forward. I do not sell any product.

Once and for all, the following has killed any virus in the world by patient report and killed over 50 viruses in me over a 25 year period, all in one to 3 days.

Let's roll:

BHT. Listen to Deirdre on this site. I take 1000 mg twice a day for 3 days and then 750 mg twice per day for 3 days.

Parasite Zapper. For me and thousands, these zappers kill a virus in hours. I have used zappers for decades. I hold the copper tubes for 3to4 one hour sessions per day for 3 days.

Oscillococcinum. This is a very strong homeopathic available at the drug store. I take as directed for 3 days. More seems to be better.

Celljevity. This is a massive immune booster through the glutathione pathway. I take 2 500 mg three times per day for 3 days and then 2 twice per day.

Chlorine Dioxide. Learn about chlorine dioxide as I take 10 or more drops per day when a cold, flu or virus appears.

The above works every time for me and I am going on 72 years old with the health and fitness of a 25 year old. I start the above at the very first sign or symptom of a virus. I will add that I eat no sugar in anything, get alkaline with vegetables, green drinks, and Ted's baking soda regimen on this site, drink an ounce of apple cider vinegar with a half teaspoon of baking soda a day, eat as much garlic and onions and cayenne as I can stand in a hot soup, and other protocols on this site.

My 1000 clients have had massive success by studying these methods and if I add in more chlorine dioxide, I am willing to be injected with COVID or any virus and kill it in me in days.

For you, study, learn, and act as you wish for your best health and wellness.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation

Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 04/05/2021

Editor's Choice

I keep 2 nasal spray bottles filled with Bill Munro's HP Therapy. One is always in my travel bag along with a small container to refill. Haven't had a cold, flu, cold sore for 2 years since having pneumonia.

I truly believe the virus was covid as the ER docs said they didn't recognize the virus. I was so sick I couldn't remember what to take or do for myself. By the time the doctor (if you want to call him that) relented to my husband's concern, sepsis had set in. After that, I began keeping a notebook of natural treatments so my family will know what to do for me, and to continue caring for them naturally when I'm not around.


Posted by Art (California) on 03/14/2021 2379 posts

Editor's Choice

I mentioned in another thread that I would report if I got Covid-19 because that would indicate that melatonin does not work as a prophylactic as I am taking 106 mg+ per evening.

Well, last night at 8:00pm I started feeling off with pain in my chest, shoulders, back and upper legs. By 9:00pm, I was having severe chills and decided to take my daily melatonin a little earlier than normal, but I also decided to bump my dose up to around 125 mg and immediately went to bed. I put 4 blankets on and still felt cold so I pulled the blankets over my head to try and warm up faster, but when I put my face under the covers, it felt sort of like when you open up an oven door when you have had a turkey cooking for hours and that heat hits your face, so I pulled the blankets back down to uncover my head as I clearly had a fever, but was too cold to get up and take my temperature. I slept restlessly and each time I woke up, I felt worse with more pain in my joints, shoulders, legs and my hands and fingers felt like I had severe arthritis. My chest and back hurt even more than earlier and I could not take a deep breath without significant pain. I can say with complete certainty, I have never felt anything like this before. I also noticed I was getting little indications that my legs wanted to cramp up, but I could not get myself to get up and get the mag oil spray from the bathroom, I was just too cold!

I woke up at 8:00 am and with the time change, that would have been 10 hours since I first noticed I was sick. In all of my life, I have never had a cold or flu come on so quickly as I felt perfectly normal at 7:00 pm last night. I finally got up at 9:00 am and had a lot of congestion in my chest and surprisingly, for me, was able to cough most or all of it up. Usually, when I have that amount of congestion, it means I am going to be coughing for a month or longer. I decided to take a long shower and during the shower, I noticed that I felt almost normal except for the chest pain when I would try and take a deep breath. By the time I got out of the shower, I felt really good, but I decided it might be better for me to go back to bed rather than go for my walk.

I don't know for sure that this was covid as I had no test, but I feel as certain as I can that it was. I've never had symptoms quite like these before and the arthritic feeling hands is an absolute first. Sitting here typing, I also notice that it no longer hurts to take a deep breath and I feel normal! No more pain in my joints, no more chest pain, no more back pain, and no more congestion!

If this is covid, I will say that melatonin does not seem to prevent it, but neither does the vaccine. My understanding of the vaccine is that you can still get covid except it is supposed to be milder and not life-threatening or very similar to melatonin.

I am taking 20 mg doses throughout today and will likely continue that for possibly a week and then go back to my regular night dosing. I had previously mentioned that you should not throw your melatonin away just because you get a vaccine and I still feel that way because if you do get covid after being vaccinated, melatonin if used right away, looks likely to make that covid infection even milder.

I am glad I found Dr. Neel and his melatonin protocol because only having to put up with covid for 12 hours is wonderful! I think it is worth mentioning that I was not taking vitamin C or D, lysine, iodine or quercetin. I was taking zinc though.

I will update if things change as I know I will carry this virus for at least a week or more so I will stay on top of my melatonin dosing. Dr. Neel did mention that melatonin could work as a stand alone treatment for covid and my experience tends to confirm his statement.

I am not aware of any other treatment for covid that can reverse it so dramatically in just 12 hours!

Although there is so much more I can write about melatonin, I am only going to write one more post about it on EC because I think people just get tired of hearing about melatonin, no matter how many health issues it can be useful for.


Ted's Remedies

Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 02/19/2021

Editor's Choice

I discovered a fast H1N1 remedy that was recommended by Ted from Bangkok. Since H1N1 virus is very similar to COVID-19 I have decided to use Ted's fast remedy if I actually become infected with COVID-19. I like this remedy because it is such a simple and quick remedy. Here is what Ted from Bangkok says about his fast-acting H1N1 remedy:

"Swine Flu: There was an interesting case of a woman going to the butcher to buy a pig, that was somehow infected and had a very high fever for the entire family of only three people and have already recovered. The symptoms appear to be a swine flu. Unfortunately most antiviral drugs didn't work. What did work was three things, and in the order of importance is lysine, BHT, and alkalization. In this particular influenza A(H1N1) swine flu the temperature went very high, about 105 degrees Fahrenheit to 106 so obviously one of the person in the family was clearly dying. The dose used was 1200 mg of Lysine, 1000-1500 BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/2 teaspoon of potassium citrate. Within less than an hour the Swine flu for the family disappeared almost entirely. The symptoms were extreme fatigue, very high body temperature, chills, and a relatively resistant to most antiviral therapy and other known marketed cold remedy. " Source:

Here is a simple description of how this remedy works.

The core protein or amino acid that is essential to most viruses is arginine. Supplementing lysine acts to block the uptake of arginine in the virus, thus inhibiting viral replication. Alkalizing with sodium bicarbonate and potassium citrate acts to alkalize the blood and cell environment. Generally, the viral enzymes released by the virus work best when the blood is acidic. These enzymes help to attach the virus to the host cell for replication. So if you constantly alkalize the blood then these viral enzymes become incapacitated and the virus cannot attach to the host cell, thus also inhibiting viral replication. Incidentally, the beneficial action of Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine has nothing to do with the drugs they contain but they work in a similar way to make the blood alkaline -- which stops the virus replicating. Lastly the large dose BHT is necessary to actively kill the virus and reduce the viral load quickly in the blood.

Here is Ted's full protocol:

Lysine at 1200 - 1500mg, taken every two hours

BHT taken once or twice at 1000 - 1500 mgs.

Alkalizing using 1/2 tspn Sodium Bicarbonate + 1/2 tspn Potassium Citrate + water, taken at least 3 times a day.

Avoid food that contains arginine.

I know there will be some that might say that 1500mgs of BHT is too much and will be bad for the liver but I prefer to go with what both Ted and Steve Fowkes recommend. In Steve Fowke's book "The BHT Book" he confirms from the research that a single dose of 2000mgs of BHT is the safety limit. And also bear in mind that you will only take this large dose once or twice at the most to achieve a large and necessary viral kill and that's it -- you will not be taking this large BHT dose on an every day basis.

Xlear Nasal Spray

Posted by Nathan (UT) on 02/10/2021

Editor's Choice

I am surprised that you have not mentioned the Xlear nasal spray in your natural solutions to covid19. Been on the market for decades in the natural retailers, have known it blocks bacterial adhesion of common pathogens and now they have studies done in various labs showing it blocks and destroys the sars-cov-2 virus. Also human clinical trials that are being done and showing amazing results.

Clove Oil

Posted by Indri (Indonesia) on 02/08/2021

Editor's Choice

I had back pain after few days of covid sympthoms first appeared, occasional coughing. The pain mostly worst in the morning when I just woke up & became better after I was using heating theraphy lamp or sun bathing. But after few days, the pain only gone for few hours and come back again. Then I remember reading in earthclinic of using clove oil for curing bone virus. I tried the clove oil+vco, because clove oil is so hot, I thought I needed carrier oil. The pain immediately gone when I rubbed the oil. It didn't feel hot at all, then I tried only clove oil without mixing it with vco. To my surprise, it didn't feel hot at all & had immediate effect on pain.

So please it you have covid body pain, please try to rub clove oil, hope it helps. The virus is very cold, all sympthoms worsen at night or colder time, please don't use aircon & eat warm/hot food to helps & remember to breath deeply. Hope all are well & recover soon.

Elderberry Extract

Posted by Jerald (CA) on 01/28/2021

Editor's Choice

I am 80 yrs. old and last year when this virus started, I started having runny nose and sniffles. I started using a Black Elderberry tincture I had made several years ago. I started taking 1 tsp. in a cup of water once a day and in a few days it had stopped. I have used this all year and have had no symptoms of COVID-19.


  • To make it, you need 1/4 lbs. of dried black elderberries. (must be Sambucus Negra).
  • Clean a quart jar, add 1/4 lbs. of fired elderberries. Now fill to the top with vodka 80 proof. Put the lid on tight. Store in a dark cupboard and shake once every few days.
  • Label and date your jar. Let it sit for at least 30 days before you stain it. You can use it without straining it also and it will continue to get stranger.

Preventive. Adult - 1 tsp. in water once daily.

Children. scale back by weight.

For flu, HSN (bird flu) and other viruses, take 3 x a day in water. You can let it sit for 30 mins or so and some of the alcohol will evaporate.

All tinctures are made with alcohol.

With these new strains coming around, I now take 1 tps in water in the morning and one before I go to bed.

I got this recipe from a doctor at the Herbal Healing Academy who passed away several years ago. Hope this helps someone. Blessings and take care. Jerald.


Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 01/23/2021

Editor's Choice

Hi guys!

I am happy to report that I and my family are on the other side of Covid, at least til our immunity wanes.

We were doing a variety of Coronavirus preventatives around my house. My husband and I have taken coconut oil daily since last March. My husband and daughter have taken astragalus root that whole time as well. We take vitamin D intermittently, and even in winter my husband and kids get lots of outside time. I have been taking 15 mg of melatonin at night for quite a while.

Then we got Covid.

None of us had a cough. Several of us lost sense of smell. Adults had significant fatigue. One child had a fever for one day. Several of us had sinus burning pain and eye pain. Headaches were common. I never registered a fever but felt flu like for a couple of days.

At the very first sign of illness, especially since we realized we had probably been exposed to COVID, I put everyone on the appropriate amount of melatonin (1gm/kg body weight every 24 hours, divided into four doses.) We also took 50 mcg of zinc, 1-2 grams of vitamin C, vitamin D and 2 quercetin capsules. We ate a lot soup and drank tea with honey. Appetites were not amazing, so I just focused on fluids. I had just gotten an amazing deal and stocked up on organic orange juice, too, so that was handy. Everyone rested as much as needed.

We did use some tylenol, ibuprofen and alka seltzer (never at the same time! ) for fever and aches. Alka seltzer seemed to work the best but I did NOT give it to children. Covid is new and aspirin has a history of causing Reye's Syndrome for some children with some viruses (like flu and chicken pox.)

It may be my imagination but I think I could feel the melatonin wearing off. When I was close to redosing time I would notice that I was feeling worse. I did take an extra dose or two in the middle of the night sometimes.

My mother in law, who is in poor health and lives with us, never had any symptoms. I gave her the same protocol that we took ourselves, in hopes of nipping it in the bud if she began with symptoms, which she never did.

I had some concerns about high dose melatonin (HDM) and its blood thinning properties. I am a bleeder because I have chronic low platelets. I didn't have any bleeding trouble with the HDM. My 9 year old is prone to nosebleeds but they did not increase in frequency during HDM. I don't recall him having any at all during that time. My mother in law is on xeralto and didn't have any trouble with HDM. This is descriptive though, not prescriptive.

While astragalus, melatonin, and coconut oil were part of our preventatives, they didn't prevent the disease. But perhaps they made symptoms lighter? I don't know.

I do think the earlier treating any illness begins, the better. It seems the viruses might get less of a foothold.

I think an over taxed immune system puts one at greater risk for getting a bad case of anything. Good nutrition, stress management, enough sleep, fresh air and exercise are all important for that. But honestly that can be really difficult for many people to accomplish. I'm just making an observation.

I have known some hale and hearty people get seriously sick. A naturopathic local doctor who was doing tons of preventatives and being super careful still got covid and got pretty sick.

I don't think there needs to be guilt associated with getting sick, for some failure of preventatives. We are humans and sickness happens to most everyone. When we are sick sometimes we have time to regroup our priorities, read a book we have wanted to read, and then take care of others when we are well.

At the end of the day, I am thankful we made it through relatively unscathed. I would use the same remedies again.

This is only one story of so many covid stories. It isn't a recommendation for anyone, but a “this is what seemed to work for us” story.

~Mama to Many~


Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 01/10/2021

Editor's Choice

To Maya -

Cayenne pills come in 350mg up to 500 mg depending on who you buy them from. You will need to take them with food if you have a weak stomach. Or, you can simply mix 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper powder in a cup of warm milk. The reason you are using milk is because dairy products are known to "take the heat out of hot peppers". Making it easier to consume. That's why they give you sour cream at the Mexican resturant with your meal.

If you decide to use pills, do NOT buy them from walmart "Spring Valley" brand. I bought some and they had a yellow powder in them. I cracked one open to taste the powder and NO HEAT. I don't know what they were but it wasn't cayenne pepper. Found out later that Spring Valley is a Chinese owned company so there you go.

Also, you may want to look into making garlic salve or oil to apply to your son chest for congestion. This is a favorite used by the Amish/Mennonite communities. I wrote the instructions on how to make Garlic Salve in EC Pneumonia section here:


Posted by Jacob (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania ) on 01/01/2021

Editor's Choice

Ever since I read about Dr. Neel's success with melatonin on this site, I began taking bigger doses of melatonin every night at bedtime and kept a large reserve of different melatonin brands for myself and my friends and family. So when I contracted covid at the beginning of December and I found out I had it I immediately started taking about 30mg 5 or 6 times a day.

I also increased my vitamin d, c, and zinc intake daily as well.

Before I knew I had the virus, I had a pretty bad headache, a bit of a fever, and had some chills and heat flashes. My stomach was slightly bubbly as well. That was the first 2 days. By the afternoon of the second day I found out I had covid. So that is when I started taking megadoses of melatonin. My headache and fever started to leave.

The next morning, I woke up virtually symptom free. I could feel it just a little bit in my lungs and would occasionally cough up a little bit of phlegm but that was it. I continued with megadosing melatonin and taking extra c, d, and zinc for the next 2 weeks or maybe a little bit longer.

Then I tapered everything down gradually until I got back to my normal routine. Now I just take 20-30 mg a night before bed. I really believe that the melatonin increase basically made me asymptomatic almost immediately.

I used several different brands of dissolvable lozenges that were between 2.5 and 12 mgs a lozenge.

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil

Posted by P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, TN, India) on 11/22/2020

Editor's Choice


Coronavirus is very sensitive to pH value and temperature of its surrounding. According to an article titled “Conformational change of the Coronavirus Peplomer Glycoprotein at pH 8.0 and 37 degree centigrade”, coronavirus multiplication stops if the pH value is more than 6.0 and if the pH value is 7.0 or more, the count of coranavirus will come down continuously. But if the pH value is 8.0 or more very briefly, coronavirus will not survive. But if the pH value is 5.0 or less, coronavirus will multiply very fast. People with Covid-19 will have most of coronavirus in their air pathway of breathing system. Also, coronavirus normally enter the body through nose and mouth. If one keeps the air pathway alkaline, chances of becoming Covid-19 is very low.


Prevention can be done as follows: Mix one teaspoon of coconut oil with one fourth teaspoon of baking soda thoroughly. Then take one half of this mixture and apply inside the nose using Q-tips. Mix the remaining mixture with one half cup of warm water and gargle it. This can be done for about 2 to 3 times in a day.


If one has mild to moderate Covid-19, it can be treated as follows: First treat with baking soda and coconut oil as explained for prevention. This will target coronavirus in the air pathways of breathing system. The following two steps can be followed:

1) Alkalize the body. There are many different ways to alkalize the body. One can choose any one of them. But lemon is a natural substance that can alkalize the body very quickly. One can take warm lemon water. The quantity of alkalizing substance taken is adjusted so that the morning urine pH is in the range of 7.0 and 7.5.

2) Consume antivirals so that the residual coronavirus is eliminated. Antivirals can be any one of the following: Aspirin, Zinc, garlic, mustard oil, antiviral herbals, etc. Antivirals will not work efficiently if the coronavirus multiplication is not stopped. So, the pH value of its environment should be more than 6.0.

Best wishes.

P. Raghavan.

Black Cumin Seed Oil

Posted by Tassy (Giza, Cairo) on 11/20/2020

Editor's Choice

I totally recommend blackseed oil for corona virus. It's my cure all savior. I ingest a teaspoon of the oil with turmeric tea and lime juice, first thing in the morning, half an hour before breakfast, and it does wonders. I've been doing this for almost 6 years and have not got a cold or flu since.

Several of my family members have been cured from covid19 using this magical oil.


Posted by Lee (USA) on 11/19/2020

Editor's Choice

BHT for COVID-19

I am writing because I remain convinced BHT works best when taken by itself with a gulp of water on an empty stomach. I cured myself of hepatitis C using this BHT by itself with water on an empty stomach method. In about 2 weeks I went from being very sick to " undetectable" and well with normal liver panel results.

And if you think about it, it just makes sense to use BHT this way. Mixing BHT with some oil would greatly dilute the effect. When BHT is digested hydroxylation occurs at the tert-buty groups and or the methyl group. This makes these BHT metabolites somewhat polar and therefore somewhat water soluble. But these BHT metabolites still remain very lipophilic and readily drawn to the lipid coated viruses. This takes place in the intercellular fluids. Mixing the BHT with some oil would only dilute this effect in my opinion.

Using the BHT by itself is what worked so very well for me for hepatitis C and also oral herpes or herpes simplex. I recommend using 1mg to 4mg of BHT per pound of body weight per day. 200 pounds = 200mg to 800mg per day for an active infection. 200mg to 300mg per day as a preventive dosage for a 200 pound person. I left a dosage range because some people don`t tolerate BHT as well as others.

It's best to divide the dosage into 2 or 3 separate doses throughout the day. So for a 200 pound person a 600mg of BHT dosage per day is best taken as 200mg of BHT 3 times a day and so on. With water on an empty stomach.

Colloidal Silver

Posted by Art (California) on 11/16/2020 2379 posts

Editor's Choice

There have been many posts on EC discussing the use of colloidal silver (AgNPs) to attack SARS CoV-2 / Covid-19 and I had not contributed to that discussion much, even though I am a user and maker of AgNPs and felt that they would destroy the virus.

The reason I had only passingly mentioned AgNPs as one part of an anti-Covid-19 plan was because I had not yet seen a study that conclusively showed that AgNPs were effective against Covid-19 / SARS CoV-2. While I was reading this past week, I came across a new study that finally confirmed that AgNPs are effective for this purpose!

Although my impression was that AgNPs would be effective against the virus just as it is against other lipid coated viruses like HIV, I had no proof that it could actually impose itself on SARS CoV-2 and attack it. This is why I only mentioned that I would use it for my family and myself mainly based on my previous experience with higher dose AgNPs and the known safety profile of AgNPs at doses that have shown the ability to destroy pathogens while having minimal negative impact on normal cells.

This new study takes the doubt out of the effectiveness of AgNPs against Covid-19. Here is a link to the full study :

Here is an interesting quote from the study :

>>' AgNPs potently inhibited viral entry step via disrupting viral integrity. '<<

Based on this study, I feel that AgNPs will also be very useful via inhalation, orally and topically through a spray. I normally have used AgNPs in a spray bottle that I spray up each nostril as I inhale and this may be effective to use this way every so often when I am around people such as in a plane. I make 20 ppm AgNPs for this spray and that should be effective for this purpose. I may also spray my mask to disinfect it or increase the possibility of killing viral particles that come in contact with it while it is wet as might also be useful in a plane or area with a fairly high concentration of people. These ideas are untested, but I will utilize them as part of my anti-Covid-19 plan.

I have another potentially effective and unique treatment to add to EC's continuing growing list of anti-Covid-19 remedies and will try and post about that soon as it looks like it will add to the effectiveness of most of EC's Covid-19 remedies!


Melatonin Recovery Testimonials

Posted by Art (California) on 11/15/2020 2379 posts

Editor's Choice

I would like to update on how my friend's family is doing since they all 5 got Covid-19. The grandson, daughter and my friend are all doing well now and are back to their normal.

The wife and son were sent home to finish recuperating at home and were both given oxygen to use at home through their recovery. As soon as the son got home, he started on melatonin at 1 mg per kilogram of body weight. My friend's wife had started on that dose right before she went into the hospital with double pneumonia and took melatonin with her to the hospital to take it on her own and they released her a few days later.

I called her today to see how she and her son were doing and she told me that he is slowly improving everyday and that it is a huge change from when he was in the hospital. She said that she was able to get off of the oxygen on her second day back at home and was feeling better.

She said that her son only needs oxygen when he goes outside for a walk so that he can go further, but she said he no longer needed oxygen in the house.

I think this is going to be a very good Thanksgiving for them this year!

I would like to say that this virus is spreading in the US at a rate that has recently hit over 150,000 new cases in one day and is currently expected to continue to rise rapidly with some projections that are looking quite gloomy!

Keep in mind that this virus has not even been here a year yet and does not appear to be going away any time soon on its own and scientists have seemed to become quiet on what the effect of CovaFlu might be on humans. They had previously said that it could be risky if you were to catch the flu and then shortly after, catch Covid-19 or vice versa, but I haven't heard anything about what the outcome might be if you were to catch both at the same time, but that thought does not sound very appealing to me.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I am slowly coming to the realization that I may not be able to avoid getting this virus and since flu season will be coming on shortly, the thought of a double whammy of Covid-19 + the flu (CovaFlu) seems highly undesirable.

On that note, I hope to put up a post or two this coming week that may be useful toward trying to maximally shorten the duration of Covid-19, with a new addition to the Covid-19 armamentarium on EC that seems to show the ability to work with some of the other Covid-19 remedies on EC including melatonin. I think that being as prepared as is reasonably possible, makes a lot of sense to me and that is what I am trying to do for my family and friends and I want to share any practical information that I can with the Earth Clinic community as well as others.


Melatonin Recovery Testimonials
Posted by Art (California) on 11/14/2020 2379 posts

Editor's Choice

Hi Kristine,

Yes, you are correct and if you have not been following the Earth Clinic melatonin / Covid-19 thread regarding Dr. Neel's work with his Covid/19 patients, it would be close to meaningless, or as you said "no validity".

Below is a link to the original thread which I originally posted in April of 2020. As a poster on Earth Clinic, I have no access to the original post to update it as new information comes available, so the only way I have to update it is as a reply to the original post and this unfortunately means that in addition to reading the original post you will have to also read the replies in order to see all of the updates that I have added since April.

Here is a link to the original April post:

In addition to this post, I have also written another post explaining, via studies and articles, how and what melatonin does in terms of taking the "deadly" out of Corona virus and seems to convert it to a virus that we can possibly live with.

This post explains how melatonin interacts with the immune system to repair or lessen most of the damage being done to the body by the SARS CoV-2 virus. It contains links to many studies which tend to support the use of melatonin in the treatment of Covid-19.Once you have read the original post and replies, you will have a much better understanding of the how and why of melatonin for Covid-19, but you will also learn how melatonin can potentially help with the aftermath of Covid-19 in terms of long term damage to the lungs, heart, kidneys, liver and brain! There are multiple long term health issues associated with this disease that aren't mentioned much on the nightly news and melatonin may just help prevent or ameliorate some of the long term damage being done by Covid-19!

As an example, a new Covid-19 article suggests that nearly 1 out of 5 Covid-19 survivors will potentially develop some form of mental health issue.

Here is a link to that article :

Much of the damage caused by the virus has only been discovered in autopsy of the patients who have succumbed to the disease, but it is becoming clear that just because Covid-19 did not kill you, there is a good chance there is damage that was done to the body that may not be readily apparent until months or possibly years later such as pulmonary fibrosis or heart damage and melatonin in studies has shown the potential to improve both situations.


Melatonin Recovery Testimonials
Posted by Art (California) on 11/14/2020 2379 posts

Editor's Choice

Hi Tawanna,

Yes, cherries do contain melatonin as outlined here:

Unfortunately the amount of melatonin in the type of cherries considered to have the highest content of melatonin, Montmorency cherries is miniscule at just 13.46 ± 1.10 nanogram/gram of cherries. This is equivalent to only 0.00001346 mg for every gram of cherries that you eat. A cup of cherries weighs 140 grams. 13.46 x 140 = 1,884.4 nanograms per cup of cherries, so for every cup of cherries you eat, you only get 0.0018844 milligram of melatonin.

Based on these figures it would be physically impossible to get even 1/10 of a milligram from eating cherries. This type of dosing will do nothing in terms of having an effect on Covid-19, but it is a natural way to get a very tiny amount of melatonin.


Melatonin Recovery Testimonials
Posted by Art (California) on 11/13/2020

Editor's Choice

Earlier this year, a friend of mine's family of 7 members living in one house contracted Covid-19, and all seven household members died. I would have told them about melatonin, but they live out of state, and I did not become aware of the situation until they had died.

More recently, another friend of mine and his family, as well as their grandson, contracted Covid-19. My friend's son and son were currently living with his dad because he was having his entire house remodeled. My friend's wife and daughter are also living in this house, so there are 5 altogether.

I had, of course, mentioned melatonin to them. It was back when I had thought that 80 mg of melatonin per night was the appropriate dose for everyone based on the information that Dr. Neel had released at the time. Later I found out that the appropriate dose for Covid-19 was at least 1 mg per kilogram of body weight, so the amount is dependent on your weight, again based on Dr. Neel's findings with his Covid-19 patients' responses to high dose melatonin.

In any case, my friend's son was working with a skeleton crew at work with masks. A lady at his work contracted Covid-19, and he got it from her and took it home to the other 4 members of the household, and they all got Covid-19. My friend's son thought he was just catching a cold or the flu and didn't mention it to anyone. But then the lady from his work died of Covid-19, and he realized that he likely had Covid-19 also and went to the hospital, and they immediately checked him in because he was having difficulty breathing. The other 4 members of the household soon realized that they were likely infected and went and got tested for Covid. In the meantime, they were not eligible to be accepted into the hospital.

During this time, I had not heard from them, but another friend texted me to let me know what was going on, and once I got that news, I called my friend, and his wife answered, and I asked how they were doing. She was pretty casual about the situation and said the doctor said that her son would probably be released from the hospital in about 5 days, and she was very happy about that.

I asked her if they were taking melatonin to help deal with the virus, and she said they were, but that her son had only taken a total of 60 mg over the past week before going into the hospital, which is roughly equivalent to nothing. I told her that the latest dosing recommendation by Dr. Neel was 1 mg per kilogram of body weight, and she was surprised to hear it and said that she was not taking nearly enough. On the other hand, her daughter was taking that dosage, and her husband was taking just under that dosing level, but she was only taking about half of the correct dose. She said her husband and her daughter were doing pretty good, as was their 12-year-old grandson, who was also doing well at his correct amount. She said she was feeling exhausted and weak and was starting to have a little difficulty breathing.

I asked her if there was any way that she could get melatonin to her son in the hospital, and she said no, they wouldn't let her in to see him. I asked her to ask her son to ask the doctor if he would give him HDM. He texted her back, saying that when he asked the doctor about melatonin, the doctor told him not to worry because they were already giving him some. I told his mom to have her son ask the doctor how much melatonin they were giving him and if it wasn't at least one mg per kg, to ask the doctor if he would boost the dose up to reach that level. It turned out they were only giving him 5 or 10 mg of melatonin to help with sleep. My friend's son asked if they would boost his dose up if he would sign a waiver to protect the doctor and the hospital against a lawsuit, and the doctor said no.

A day later, my friend's wife called me crying because the hospital had just told them that their son had taken a turn for the worse, and it was now touch and go. She said that the doctor told her that her son now required 85 to 90% oxygen support, and it was looking like they would have to place him on a ventilator if he did not improve very soon. I asked her again about the possibility of getting melatonin to her son, and she said it was impossible. I reminded her to bring her own melatonin dose up to the correct amount. I asked her how her husband, daughter, and grandson were doing, and she said they all seemed to be doing pretty well, but she was feeling pretty bad. I told her to keep me posted and take melatonin with her if she had to go to the hospital, and she said she would.

The next day I got a text from her daughter telling me that her mom was in the hospital with double pneumonia! I asked her if her mom was able to take melatonin with her to the hospital, and she said yes. I asked the daughter how she was doing, and she told me she had started taking melatonin as soon as she began to feel symptoms since she already knew her brother had it and had exposed her. Her test later confirmed that she was positive for Covid-19, but she told me it was like she had a very mild flu, and she felt like she was over the virus, but just feeling tired as she usually did after the regular flu. She said her brother's son was similar to her, as was her dad, with all three presenting with mild flu-like symptoms, but in less than a week is almost back to normal except for the tired feeling.

My friend called me the same day and was very concerned about his son because the doctor had just told him that his son now required 75% oxygen. If he did not improve from this point quickly, his son would have serious health issues for the rest of his life, and that was assuming that he survived. He told my friend that if he does survive, he will require oxygen for the rest of his life, and he may have significant health issues and possible heart issues.

I texted my friend's wife in the hospital the next day, and she confirmed that she had brought melatonin to the hospital with her and was taking the correct dose on her own. She was released from the hospital 3 days later and recuperating at home now. A few days later, the hospital released her son as they said he only required 15 % oxygen assistance and said he could recover at home. As soon as he got home, he started on the correct dose of melatonin, and he said that he would stay on it for many months to try to assist the healing process.

I'm glad to know that they all made it past covid-19 safely, but the wife and son are going to have a significant amount of recovery time and healing to do.

My thinking on melatonin as relates to Covid-19 is unchanged. I keep it on hand, and my family and I will start at 1 mg per kg/day at the first sign of Covid-19 and even before being tested as the results took days for my friends to get them back to find out that they all tested positive for Covid-19. Suppose no improvement is seen the following day after initiating melatonin. In that case, I will consider increasing my dose by a small margin given the excellent safety profile of melatonin at higher dosing, as Dr. Neel is using.

Again, I am not recommending Dr. Neel's protocol, just reporting it and how it affected my friend's family.


Melatonin Recovery Testimonials
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 11/11/2020

Editor's Choice

You guys. If I could give melatonin ten stars I would.

My mother in law woke up with cold symptoms almost two weeks ago. She didn't have a fever. She had a cough, she felt like she had a cold, and her voice was lower. She didn't have her usual appetite. She takes colds very hard. She has COPD in addition to her a-fib and dementia. She has a lot of trouble walking because she broke her femur a year ago. She is 82. Her colds go from "just a cold" to bronchitis or pneumonia in a matter of days.

Even though I didn't think it was covid, I thought High Dose Melatonin would be the best thing to try since surely covid isn't the only virus it fights. I immediately started her on 20 mg of melatonin 4 times a day. I was also giving her alka seltzer. (I have generally felt it helped colds get better, not just relieve symptoms) I added 50 mcg of zinc gluconate and vitamin D daily.

I was giving her mucinex a couple of times a day as well. 24 hours later, she was no worse and perhaps improving. 48 hours later she was spunkier and sounded better except for occasional coughing fits (which she has even when she doesn't have a cold.) I bought lots of melatonin (Natrol) months ago in preparation for when I might need them. I had two concerns about using it with my mother in law but neither turned out to be an issue.

I was afraid that much melatonin would make her so sleepy that she wouldn't take in adequate calories or fluids. While she did sleep more it seems, it was a normal amount for an elderly person with a cold. So that fear was unfounded.

I was also concerned that if it made her sleepier, she would have a harder time getting up for the bathroom (which is already hard for her) and affect her balance if she was sleepy. Again, the concern was for naught. I have had my mother in law on 80 mg of melatonin a day for almost 2 weeks. (Even though she is close to 100% I wanted to give it a full two weeks to make sure it didn't relapse.) She is back to her normal amounts of napping and sleeping. Even with her 20 mg of melatonin at dinner time, around 6:30 pm she doesn't fall asleep in the evening until her normal bedtime, around 11pm. (She is a night owl.)

For the record, she is taking medication for afib, high blood pressure and anxiety and I noticed no ill effects from the added supplements. I am a big fan of inexpensive and effective remedies. When it is easily available, that is extra wonderful.

And Natrol melatonin is even on the shelves of Dollar General Stores!

Art, thanks for all your research and writing on the subject of melatonin. It has been a huge blessing to me!

~Mama to Many~

Chanca Piedra

Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 10/28/2020

Editor's Choice

I just thought I'd add another good herb for use against COVID-19. As some might know, my favorite herb is Chanca piedra. My wife and I have just harvested a large amount of Chanca piedra (Phyllanthus niruri) in our area (it grows as a rampant weed on Cebu island where we live) and I've started taking Chanca piedra decoctions twice a day. So you might also say that my Chanca piedra (CP) has been wildcrafted and prepared by my wife and me. "Wildcrafted" means picked and prepared the old way by our fair own hands without the use of chemicals, excess heat or FDA herbal 'standardization'.

My purpose in taking these Chanca piedra decoctions was to help remove any plaque build up in my arteries. As some might know, Chanca piedra easily removes both gallstones and kidney stones (which contain calcium) and CP also lowers calcium to safer levels in the blood. That's why I'm using this herb to remove arterial plaque(which contains calcium). And after taking this decoction for less than a week, it seems to be working well. I can tell its working to remove the plaque from the capillaries at the extremities because my vision is getting better along with other positive indications as well.

I learned most of what I know today about tropical herbs mainly because I read and studied Leslie Taylor's large book "The Healing Power of Amazon Rainforest Herbs". Many of the plants mentioned in that book also grow in the Philippines where I live. Here's what Leslie Taylor, a medicinal herb expert, has to say about the anti-viral power of Chanca piedra:

"I've used chanca piedra for many years as an effective herbal antiviral. It's been the subject of clinical research in humans to treat hepatitis B and C. It's also been confirmed to be effective against several herpes viruses (including the chicken pox virus in children), HIV, influenza, dengue, and others. It works by inhibiting enzymes and other substances that viruses need to divide and multiply (transcriptase and protease), while also providing a direct toxic effect to some viruses (as well as bacteria). Researchers have confirmed the presence of at least 8 natural plant chemicals in the plant with antiviral actions. It has not been scientifically tested against this current coronavirus, however I used it effectively with several clients (including my own granddaughter) when the country was fighting the H1N1 swine flu virus years ago.

In addition to being a good antiviral, significant new research on chanca piedra confirms it is an effective immune modulator. It significantly increases the production and activation of immune cells responsible for fighting infections, while lowering the production of immune cells that cause inflammation. This has also been confirmed in human research. In human trials, adults and children with pneumonia, tuberculosis, hepatitis, chicken pox, and Hanson's disease (leprosy) mounted a much stronger immune response to fight these infections which sped healing and viral/bacterial clearance. It was also noted that immune cells responsible for immunity were also increased, and those taking chanca piedra for their infections had no relapses or secondary infections and had higher levels of antigens (cells responsible for immunity). The small trial on leprosy patients led researchers to surmise that it's strong and immediate immunity response might be helpful as a preventative/anti-infection remedy to protect caregivers of this devastating disease.

In the people with pneumonia, asthma, and tuberculosis that were studied, a significant reduction in lung inflammation was also noted with significantly less pro-inflammatory immune cells causing lung cell stress, damage and cell death. Chanca piedra's many strong antioxidant plant chemicals were probably one reason for this noted effect. However, other research has been published on chanca piedra's effective anti-inflammatory actions delivered by other novel anti-inflammatory chemicals in the plant.

I don't know if chanca piedra can kill this particular coronavirus outright like it can other viruses. That it boosts the immune system to fight both bacterial and viral infections naturally, as well as protects the lungs from inflammation and cell damage bacteria and virus causes in the lungs was enough for me to stock up on chanca piedra to protect myself and family, just in case, during these trying times."


So why is Chanca piedra my favorite herb? It's my favorite simply because it does so much to protect and heal the human body -- more than any other herb/plant I know. Here is a list showing all the beneficial properties of Chanca piedra on the human body:

Expels stones

Supports kidneys

Relieves pain

Protects/Detoxifies liver

Reduces spasms

Reduces inflammation

Kills viruses(CP contains 8 anti-viral chemicals)

Clears obstructions(in the blood)

Aids digestion

Reduces blood sugar

Reduces cholesterol

Reduces high blood pressure

Reduces excess blood calcium

Kills bacteria

kills malaria

Cures Hepatitis B(CP cured a family member of Hep B within 2 months)

Prevents mutations

Reduces fever

Mild laxative

Expels worms


Lugol's Iodine

Posted by Luann (Indiana, USA) on 10/23/2020

Editor's Choice

My husband and I both came down with the Covid-19 symptoms and after a few days I knew we had it. So I did some research on Lugol's Iodine 5% solution and this is what we did.

We both used 6 drops of this type of Lugol's liquid solution in our morning cup of coffee, then put 6 more drops into a glass of water, was just plain well water from our faucet and we drank this twice again during the was a total of 6 drops in coffee or water 3 times a day.

The coughing stopped on for both of us within an hour or so of taking the drink and by the fourth day the coughing hadn't came back, as well as the headache and body aches, fever, chills, just feeling totally rott'in and we felt completely well.

We didn't stop taking this for fear the virus would come back on us so we took this amount daily for a couple of weeks more. And we had no reaction from this amount of Lugol's iodine other than it killed the virus for us quickly and easily and we had no ill side effects from using it. I am not telling you to do this but just relaying my experience with using the iodine.

By the way, I'm 67 yrs old and my husband is almost 70. I read up on using this Lugol's Iodine 5% solution and many years ago this was the preferred method of healing as it kills better than any antibiotic. It said it was used for and kills viruses, bacteria, parasites and they have been researching it and say it's being used for cancers. So do your own research on it and don't believe all of those nay sayers, I didn't and I'm so glad that I used it. To each his own I guess.


Posted by Art (California) on 10/18/2020 2379 posts

Editor's Choice

Hi Mary Lou,

Thank you for the great feedback on your Covid-19 / melatonin experience!

Based on what you wrote, it appears that your Covid-19 "preventative protocol" was insufficient to actually stop or reverse the virus progression in your system as suggested by your steady system increase during those first 7 days.

My opinion of your preventative protocol is that most of those components are synergistic with melatonin and can improve the outcome of the melatonin treatment, but without melatonin they are insufficient and I feel that your experience adds confirmation to this theory.

From what I have seen so far with most things being tested for Covid-19, the sooner they are initiated, the better the outcome. Unfortunately you weren't able to actually take melatonin until a week had passed and this allowed the virus to multiply unabated that first week and the increased viral load seems to be confirmed by that continuing increase and worsening of your symptoms in that first week.

Studies of Covid-19 show that increased viral load equates to worsened symptoms and sometimes death, while lower viral loads equate to moderate to being asymptomatic and living.

On the 7th day, your first day of taking melatonin, you already had very significant symptoms and you only took a 40 mg dose of melatonin and that allowed you to get good sleep which is actually very good! Some people say that melatonin can make them feel tired the day after they take it, but it is a good thing to sleep and reach REM sleep where your body is able to do a lot of needed repair work.

Consequently, even though you only took 40 mg of melatonin the night before, you already felt a smidgen better the next morning which was a first! This is exactly what Dr. Neel has been reporting in his patients with noticeable improvement the day after the first dose. Dr. Neel recommends to other doctors to give their patients 1 mg of melatonin for every kilogram of body weight.

I don't know what you weigh, but 80 mg is probably close enough to that dosing schedule to work as Dr. Neel has been reporting in over 400 Covid-19 patients treated successfully so far.

On the 8th day, you actually took your first full 80 mg dose of melatonin that you planned to take. You noticed increased coughing and again, this can be a good indication because one of the first things that melatonin does is reduce inflammation in the lungs and with reduced inflammation and consequently reduced swelling in the lungs, the body will attempt to start clearing fluid and mucus buildup which would represent as increased coughing that should be more productive than previous coughing.

The symptoms on day 8 are to be expected.

Day 9, your second day at the full 80 mg dose again showed symptom improvement and that was to be expected.

You stated, >>> ' I felt fairly good, but shaky, a little dizzy, weak, tired, and coughing a little less. I reduced Vitamin C to every 2 hours.' <<<

Again, you are showing improvement at just your second day of full dosing!

One thing that has been shown by Dr. Neel and studies is that vitamin C has synergy with melatonin, so it may have been a bit premature to reduce the vitamin C dose, but that is unknown for certain in your case. Remember that your original preventative formula mostly has synergy with melatonin.

Day 10 you reported reducing your vitamin C dose even further after getting a little diarrhea. This is where the way the post I wrote on this subject gets a little harder to follow.

You see, whenever I got new information regarding using melatonin for Covid-19, I can not add that information to the original post, so I have to add it as a "reply" to the original post so if you don't read the whole original post "and" all of the replies to that post, you will not get all of the information needed.

In one of my replies I said that in later cases of Covid-19, Dr. Neel is seeing gastrointestinal issues that he did not see in his first 200 patients or so and he surmised that these gastro issues were likely related to a mutation of the viral strain. His solution to the problem was to add an antibiotic to try and kill whatever bacteria was causing the gastro issues, but you were probably not even aware of that update. Now if you were going to try to use some type of natural antibiotic to treat the diarrhea, it would probably be things along the line of garlic, Olive Leaf Extract, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Colloidal Silver etc.

Really just a personal choice based on what you prefer.Day 11 went fairly well with tiredness, a light cough to clear the lungs and more sleepiness which would all be expected on your third day at full dose melatonin. No mention of diarrhea.Day 12 sounds really good and again no mention of diarrhea.Day 13 sounds similar to day 12 and no mention of diarrhea.

Day 14 you said, >>> ' I considered myself healed at this point. ' <<<

On this point I would completely disagree. Your symptoms may have abated, but this in no way means that you are no longer sick! I think that many people think that if they have no symptoms, then they are no longer sick.

You are only on your 7th day of melatonin at full dose and you started a week later than you should have which essentially gave the virus a head start. Chances are you would have still tested positive at that point and to let up at that critical point is a mistake imo.

For myself in a similar situation, I would have continued with everything for at least a week more and I would probably gone even longer than that with the melatonin. Here is why. In the beginning of the original post I am talking about all of the damage that Covid-19 has shown in autopsies to many of the major organs and melatonin has shown the potential in other studies to help prevent or lessen this damage which can in time become long term or possibly life long damage.

It is my opinion, based on melatonin studies, that much of this damage can be prevented or reduced with longer use of melatonin after all symptoms have cleared. No mention of diarrhea.

From day 14, you skip to day 25 and I assume that you are relatively okay during these 11 days.By day 25 you have cut back on everything and are now trying different things to control the diarrhea.

I believe that the ACV with baking soda is a bad idea as you do not want to raise stomach pH as one of the purposes of stomach acid is to kill bacteria that enters the stomach with your food and imo can possibly be a reason for the diarrhea.

Eleven days with no symptoms suggests that you had the virus under control, but reducing stomach acid via your alkalizing method does not seem like a good idea imo.Unless I missed something, none of the things you have been taking seem to have strong antibacterial effects, except curcumin, but it is not well absorbed and would likely require a high dose, but I have no knowledge of using curcumin in this way.

The supplements I mentioned above, do have antibiotic effects as do others. Generally, but not always, diarrhea is caused by a bacteria and in your case you do not know the exact cause at this point, but if you went to a doctor, he might put you on an antibacterial regimen to try and kill any bacteria that might be causing the diarrhea.

ACV by itself might be helpful because of its low pH, but likely insufficient for full blown diarrhea and by adding baking soda to the ACV, you are significantly raising the pH of the ACV and possibly your stomach acid depending on what dose you have been using thus nullifying the possible benefit of the ACV.

Ideally, a visit to the doctor to take and test a stool sample to find out if it is a bacteria and which bacteria and knowing which bacteria would be very useful. With that knowledge he would know the best antibiotic to use. Failing that, you have a decision to make to either go to the doctor or decide if you are going to try and use naturals supplements with antibiotic effects on the diarrhea.

I am not a doctor and can not tell you what to do regarding the diarrhea.This diarrhea situation is questionable at this point whether it is related to Covid-19 or not because you went well over a week with no symptoms or diarrhea and Dr. Neel's reports only discussed earlier onset diarrhea which you did recover from, but those reports are not overwhelming with information.

It is entirely possible that this current diarrhea is unrelated to Covid-19 as even you thought that it might be food poisoning.



Posted by P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, Tn, India) on 10/08/2020

Editor's Choice


Coronavirus is very sensitive to the pH value of its environment.

There is an article available in the net titled “Conformational change of the Coronavirus Peplomer Glycoprotein at pH 8.0 and 37 degree centigrade”.

According to this article, the coronavirus was quite stable at pH 6.0. This means the coronavirus count will not change appreciably at pH 6.0. But the coronavirus was rapidly and irreversibly inactivated by brief treatment at pH 8.0 at body temperature. The above article is associated with another coronovirus strain (not the coronavirus strain associated with COVID-19). But it gives some idea about coronavirus. If the pH level is less than 5.0, coronavirus will multiply very fast. There is a need to alkalize the body so as increase pH level of the body for treatment and prevention of COVID-19.

There is another article available titled “Testing Your First Morning Urine pH”. According to this article, if the first morning urine pH level is between 6.5 and 7.5, then overall cellular pH of the body is appropriately alkaline. Pocket pH meter is available online for about US $ 20 and it may be used to measure morning urine pH level.

A powerful alkalizing tea can be made using tomato, garlic and lemon juice and it is called Lemon- tomato tea. It is very similar to Jean's tomato tea. Tomato is rich in potassium, magnesium and antioxidant “Lycopene”. Garlic is rich in calcium, iron, potassium and zinc. It is also antiviral. Lemon juice is rich in citric acid (Vitamin C), potassium and magnesium. Lemon tea can be made as follows: To make one cup of this lemon tea, put 2 tomatos and 3 gloves of garlic after washing in a blender and then add lemon juice from one half lemon. Make a paste and then add water to bring it to one cup. Boil this liquid for about ten minutes and drink this lemon tea. It can be used as follows:


Consume one cup of this lemon tea in the morning, another cup in the afternoon and another cup at night. If one has a pH meter, then adjust the quantity of lemon tea consumed so that the morning urine pH level is between 7.0 and 7.5.


Consume one cup of this lemon tea in a day for about 3 to 4 days in a week. If one has a pH meter, then adjust the quantity of lemon tea so that the morning urine pH level is between 6.5 and 7.5.

I hope the information provided here will be useful.

Best wishes.

P. Raghavan.


Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 10/08/2020

Editor's Choice

As some might know, I'm over 70 yo and I currently take high dose niacinamide twice a day at 500 mgs directly after meals. Why? Because it's one of my prime preventions/protections against Covid-19.

According to recent research from Arkansas Uni., if you take higher dose niacin or niacinamide every day, this will increase the strength of your immune system defense against all pathogens -- including viruses -- by 1000 times. That means that my own immune system is now at least on a par with any youngsters' immune system now.

I also use a teaspoon of turmeric + pepper + a tablespoon of coconut oil mixed together. I take this once or twice a day dissolved in my coffee and it isn't really any hardship at all. This is all about using a common-sense approach for anti-viral prevention.

I might've mentioned this before but I'm going to tell it again anyway.

3 or 4 months ago and over the mountains from where I live in the Cebu provinces, the prisoners in the Cebu city prisons were dying like flies from Covid-19 -- hundreds of deaths. It was truly awful. Then they started to feed the prisoners virgin coconut oil (kills the virus) with turmeric (stops inflammation, stops cytokine storms etc causing death) several times a day, every day. Because of that protocol the COVID-19 virus was completely suppressed and eliminated fairly quickly and every prisoner got well with a minimum of deaths.

This news was fully tracked and reported in all the local Cebu papers and on local TV. Now tell me -- raise your hands please -- does anyone out there reading this piece really think that we need a double blind placebo trial, which will probably cost upwards and beyond $200 million and take about six months to a year to complete, to actually prove that the turmeric and coconut oil remedy is completely safe, effective and WORKS WELL against Covid-19?

Now let's turn our attention to the drug cartel's greatest wish -- achieving fabulous wealth through WORLDWIDE VACCINE SALES.

Here is an article from the CDC:

In that article, Dr Fauci even admits that the covid-19 vaccine will probably only be 50% effective. What does that mean? It means that for the 18/65 age group, out of 100 people that receive the COVID-19 vaccine, only 50 people will actually achieve immunity. And if you are 65 or over like me then that also means that only about 30% (30 out of 100 older people) will be able achieve immunity when they take the vaccine. Do those vaccine statistics -- from Dr Fauci -- make you or your family feel warm, cosy and well protected against Covid-19? Well does it??

I also did some digging into the ordinary flu vaccine statistics. What I found was that vaccine statistics vary a heck of alot. For instance when I checked the CDC ordinary flu yearly assessments for 2010 I found that the flu vaccine that year had an effective prevention rate of 60% for the 18/65 age group. But when I checked the 2018 CDC flu assessment the prevention rate was only 29% !! I mean, jeez, if they can't even get the common flu vaccine consistently right then what chance is there for ANY covid-19 vaccine succeeding??

And Dr Fauci also mentioned in that article that they would need a prevention rate of at least 75% to get rid of the covid-19 virus completely. That's another lie. The covid-19 vaccine would have to have at least a 98% prevention rate to stand any chance whatsoever of completely eliminating the covid-19 virus, any fool knows that.

And I haven't even mentioned all the dangerous adjuvants or additives that are so commonly used in vaccines these days -- like thimerosal(50% mercury), formaldehyde, aluminum, msg, antibiotics, polysorbate 80, egg protein, rogue nano-pathogens(like Guillain-Barre virus) etc, etc.

Oregano Oil

Posted by Robin A (Florida ) on 08/22/2020

Editor's Choice

I had a painful cough, inflammation in my lungs, headache, and fever. I used 2 drops of oregano oil in a carrier oil applied directly to my chest and within a few hours I was feeling significantly better and my fever was down. Oregano works!

Vitamin C

Posted by Brian W (Austin, Tx) on 08/14/2020

Editor's Choice

Here is some info for preventing and/or healing COVID-19. I've also included my personal experience.

Recently Dr. Thomas Levy published an article on the ways that COVID-19 can be cured. Dr Levy states, "While still unknown to most practitioners of traditional, or "modern" medicine, acute viral syndromes, COVID-19 included, can all be easily prevented most of the time. And when such viruses do get a foothold in the body, they are still easily eradicated if the patient is not too close to death before receiving any of a large number of treatments established to be effective."

In the above article, Dr Levy does not emphasize the importance of Liposomal Vitamin C. But in a previous article he states, "Liposomal Vitamin C is one of the keys to boosting the immune system and curing diseases." He then relates his personal experience of knocking out a bad case of the flu in about an hour by taking 5 or 6 grams of liposomal Vitamin C. He states, "liposomal Vitamin C rapidly supercharges the immune system cells. Liposome-encapsulated vitamin C, properly-dosed, can be enormously effective in acute viral and bacterial infections."

This is my personal experience:

I had stumbled across Dr. Thomas Levy's website at and had read most of his articles. And because of that info I had started taking Liposomal Vitamin C every day to boost my immune system and do some detox.

Last month, I had met with a friend and 2 days later he told me that he had tested positive for COVID-19. Five days later I came down with a virus, presumably the Coronavirus. I didn't go out that night to get tested. When I felt it coming on I took about 3,000 to 3,500mg of liposomal Vitamin C. I later wished I had taken about 2,000 mg more initially.

I also took a dose of Oscillococcinum (a homeopathic remedy that I had used previously to knock out the flu), Andrographis (an herbal anti-viral recommended by Shane Ellison (aka The People's Chemist)), Ionic Zinc, Magnesium, Quercetin, etc. (Zinc plays a crucial role in the function of essentially all immune cells.

Dr. Levy states that "magnesium is required in more than 300 different enzymatic reactions. Basically, adequate magnesium levels, within the body, will decrease the chance of dying from anything."

Quercetin is reported to be effective against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 disease as it binds to the spike protein of SARS-CoV (the virus responsible for severe acute respiratory syndrome or SARS), thereby inhibiting its ability to infect host cells.)

An hour after the first dose, I took about 2,500 mg of liposomal vitamin C. I kept taking about 1,500 to 2,500 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C and other products every hour to 2 hours.

If you take too much Vitamin C the body will remove it in about 10 minutes with a bowel movement. I would wait an hour or so then take some more. I also took a second dose of Oscillococcinum.

Because I had all of those products on hand, I was able to knock out the virus in less than 18 hours. I was feeling OK, just tired. I kept on taking liposomal vitamin C at a higher rate for 4 or 5 days. Since I did not get tested I can't prove that it was COVID-19 rather than the flu, but I do know that I dodged a bullet by using Dr. Levy's recommendations.


Posted by Art (California) on 07/24/2020 2379 posts

Editor's Choice


This is going to be a long answer.

To briefly answer your question, yes, I would lean toward "melatonin only", at least until you find that your breathing difficulty has improved significantly back toward your normal. This should help allow your lungs to heal to the extent that melatonin is capable of doing.

Once and if you improve from the melatonin supplementation, then you can consider whether you want to add H2O2 to the mix. Melatonin is likely to work against H2O2 as it is a radical and melatonin neutralizes radicals and melatonin can enter any tissues in the body and is proven to significantly affect the lungs.

More on this below and a possible workaround.This is a tough question for me, because I look at H2O2 as a very potent oxidant that can potentially lead to excess oxidative stress and I see that as the reason it would very likely be effective at destroying SARS CoV-2 that exists in the lungs via inhalation of H2O2, but once the virus is destroyed in the lungs, do you really need to keep inhaling a potent oxidant (H2O2) into COPD lungs that already have elevated levels of H2O2 as shown in existing studies?

I know there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that suggests H2O2 inhalation may be beneficial for COPD and in one sense that seems likely as it will very likely kill bacteria in the lungs that may thrive in the lungs of people with COPD and help to feed the disease process.

On the other hand, studies have shown that exhaled H2O2 is elevated in people with stable COPD compared to controls and is almost 3 times higher in COPD patients whose condition is exacerbated as opposed to stable.

This data could mean that the body is able to produce enough H2O2 for COPD lungs on its own, or it may turn out that even though the body produces more H2O2 in the lungs as the disease severity increases, it is not able to produce enough to reach maximum efficacy.

I have not seen data to confirm that additional inhalation of H2O2 will be beneficial, though the anecdotal evidence suggests it may be.

So inhaling H2O2 will add even more H2O2 to the already elevated levels in patients lungs with COPD and this is where the anecdotal evidence and the science seem to part ways as the science so far does not seem to support the inhalation of H2O2 in patients with COPD.

Oxidative stress is elevated in COPD as is inflammation and these two work together in a vicious cycle to increase each other as elevated oxidative stress increases inflammatory cytokines and mediators which also creates more oxidative stress ultimately creating an environment that is conducive to disease progression.

If you could look inside your lungs to see how they are reacting to inhaled H2O2, that would be very useful, but that is not possible and with no practical way to know if there is enough or too much H2O2 in the lungs, the melatonin may help with this aspect of H2O2 inhalation.

Melatonin, on the other hand, has many studies that show that it is beneficial for COPD patients and two of the effective mechanisms of action are its potent radical scavenging and very potent antioxidant activities as well as its inhibition of inflammatory cytokines which may have the potential to break that vicious cycle that can be quite active in COPD.

Another consideration is knowing that melatonin level drops when the disease is in an exacerbated state, exactly when more melatonin would likely be needed! Melatonin levels also decline with age.

Melatonin is the most potent antioxidant in the human body because it elevates the gene expression Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Glutathione Peroxidase (GPx), Glucose-6- Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) and Catalase (CAT) while increasing Glutathione. Melatonin doesn't stop there though. It is also a potent scavenger of Peroxynitrite (ONOO) which is elevated in COPD and has negative effects, it scavenges Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) / Hydroxyl Radicals, Reactive Nitrogen Species and H2O2 which are all mostly elevated and damaging in COPD and help extend disease progression.

Melatonin is also able to do something that other antioxidants like vitamin C and E can't.

Vitamins C and E can each neutralize one oxygen radical while melatonin can neutralize as many as 10 oxygen radicals because each time it reduces one oxygen radical, melatonin becomes a different metabolite of itself and each of these metabolites can in turn neutralize another oxygen radical.

Add in the antiinflammatory qualities of melatonin and it is a potent molecule to use against Covid-19 and COPD!So given all of the above, for myself, if I wanted to try one or both of these and if I believed they both had potential to help people with COPD, I would discuss it with my doctor to see if he thought that either one or both might be helpful for me and would be compatible with my current medications. If he or she approved the use of both, then I would consider an appropriate plan of attack.

I suggest that anyone reading this also get their doctors approval before trying to implement such a regimen.

Given that melatonin is likely to work against H2O2 by neutralizing it directly or indirectly through the upregulation of Catalase or other antioxidants which will also neutralize it, I might consider a rotating approach where I use one for a day or two followed by using the other for a day a day or two. This could possibly allow the H2O2 to work while the next phase allows melatonin to give the lungs a break and neutralize the elevated radical levels in the lungs as well as lower the elevated inflammatory levels in the lungs.

H2O2 is highly likely to do some damage in the lungs and the idea being that melatonin may nullify or repair some of this damage while helping to work against COPD through its known multiple actions against COPD.

So that is my idea of how I might use these two substances under my doctor's supervision based on my experience with both substances and the available studies I was able to find. I did not include any study links in this post because it is long enough already.



Posted by P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, Tn, India) on 07/16/2020

Editor's Choice


I am providing some additional information on alkalization for Covid-19. There is an article available in the net titled “Bengal Cops use mustard oil, lemon water to battle Covid, claims many recovered with the remedies”. From this article, it appears that mustard oil has antiviral properties. It appears that among natural substances that can alkalize our body, lemon and lime stand at the top. For anti virals, one can take aspirin, anti viral herbals, mustard oil, etc.

There is a question raised in Quora “Why is lemon water considered alkaline? Aren't lemon acidic?" There is an answer by Mark Roseman, Biochemistry Professor. It is as follows:

“Citrus fruits are acidic but do alkalize the body after metabolism. This water is mixture of acids such as citric acid, but also the sodium salts such as sodium citrate. This mixture is acidic since citric acid has pH = 3.1. Ingestion of the sodium salts, the acids produce sodium hydroxide as an oxidation products. This is sometimes referred to as “alkaline ash”. Sodium hydroxide is also known as caustic soda which has very high alkaline level (near pH = 14). There are chemicals that can alkalize the body. One such chemical is cesium chloride. Cesium chloride is used in the alternate treatment for cancer to alkalize the body. But it has side effects. When a person consumes cesium chloride, potassium level in the body will drop drastically.

A virus has a DNA (DioxyriboNucleic Acid) or RNA (RiboNucleic Acid) genome and is called a DNA virus or an RNA virus respectively. The vast majority of virus have RNA genome. Notable human diseases caused by RNA virus includes the common cold, influenza, SARS, COVID-19, hepatitis C, hepatitis E, west Nile fever, Ebola virus disease, rabies, polio and measles. Two diseases in the list are associated with coronavirus with different strains. They are as follows:

1) SARS ( Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) – Coronavirus strain SARS-CoV.

2) COVID-19 - Coronavirus strain SARS-CoV-2.

There is an article available in the net titled “Conformational Change of Coronavirus Peplomer Glycoprotein at pH 8.0 and 37 Degree Centigrade”.

A peplomer is a protein spike on a viral envelope. These protrusions bind only to certain receptors on the host cell. The receptor of the coronavirus is the angiotension-converting enzyme 2 (ACE 2) on the host cell. Virus fusion to the host cell requires pH acidification. According to this article, the coronavirus was quite stable at pH 6.0 and 37 degree centigrade (half-life approximately 24 hours) ; but at pH 8.0 and 37 degree centigrade, the coronavirus has a half-life is approximately 30 minutes.

We will assume we have 1 trillion coronavirus inside our body and our body temperature is 37 degree centigrade. If the coronavirus has pH 6.0, body will have 0.5 trillion coronavirus inside our body after 24 hours. It will take 41 days at pH 6.0 to bring coronavirus count to zero. If the coronavirus was treated briefly at pH 8.0 and 37 degree C, it will take 20.5 hours to bring coronavirus count to zero as shown below:

1. 0.0 hour = 1 Trillion.

2. 0.5 hour = 500 billion.

3. 1.0 hour = 250 billion.

4. 1.5 hour = 125 billion.

5. 2.0 hour = 62.5 billion.

6. 2.5 hour = 31.25 billion.

7. 3.0 hour = 15.625 billion.

8. 3.5 hour = 7.812 billion.

9. 4.0 hour = 3.90l billion. ...........

10. 8.0 hour = 15.26 million...........

11. 12.0 hour = 59562. ..........

12. 16.0 hour = 232. ..........

13. 20.0 hour = 1. ...........

14. 20.5 hour = 0.

Alkalization has two benefits :

1) It interfers with the fusion of coronavirus with the host cell since it needs pH acidification.

2) It reduces coronavirus count drastically by brief treatment at pH = 8.0 at body temperature.

Even though the calculation shown above are for different coronavirus strain, it gives some idea what one can expect for Covid-19.

Best wishes.

P. Raghavan.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation

Posted by J. Park (La, Ca) on 07/13/2020

Editor's Choice

Sorry for late response to the person who asked me about nebulizing with peroxide. I REGULARLY use nebulizer with hydrogen peroxide as follows:

it is commonly recommended that one use 1% HP food grade, which I also follow. The dilution is very simple. You put 1 part of HP3% into a container, and add 2 parts of pure water. Then you get 1% HP! If you have 35% of HP food grade, just 1 part of HP35% to 34 parts of pure water(total 35 parts) to make 1% food grade. Please be careful only to use pure/distilled water. The nebulizer & ultrasonic humidifier shoot tiny water particle as as a fog these are nothing but small water particles, never steam, therefore they carry all the contents of water. The unpure water do carry all the impurities including those metallic contents. I never recommend RO, "purified" water.

  • Put some into your nebulizer.
  • Breath the steam into your lung thru NOSE(if you do into mouth, it may irritate you until you are well used to it, esp. with 1%, lower % is more pleasant. But you will get use to it). I do this for any minutes up to 5. I don't count # of breaths, I use regular/natural breath, no particular tricks. If I feel like I could easily hold it for a while. All I care about is time.
  • I do this whenever I feel slight sign of cold/flu/COVID-19?? :) :) ... in my chest/lung. Whatever disease that was bugging me simply disappears. This does not mean I use one single session of nebulizing. I do it multiple session until I feel very good. These singlet oxygen atoms generated from HP are powerful enemies to these germs.
  • I always have this nebulizer next to my bed and do it regularly just to kill any infections including COVID-19. I do not believe they have any chance against me. Killing bugs in my lung, breathing channel is the most directly way of killing these shits.

I always maintain bottle of MMS, CDH, CDS to back up. With these 2 soldiers, I could defeat any lung disease at all. All I need is "persistence".


Posted by P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, Tn, India) on 06/09/2020

Editor's Choice


A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of organism. When infected, a host cell is forced to rapidly produce thousands of identical copies of the original virus after virus enters into a host cell by fusion activation. Some virus undergoes Low-pH-Dependent fusion activation during entry into host cells. According to an article titled “Virus entry: What has pH got to do with it”, low pH helps viruses to activate their penetration mechanism. High pH forces viruses to stop their penetration mechanism. With respect to temperature, the activity of some virus types found to be more stable at 4 degree centigrade than at 23 degree centigrade. Any treatment for Covid-19 must stop this multiplication process a top priority.

There is an article available in the net titled “Conformational Change of the Coronavirus Peplomer Glycoprotein at pH 8.0 and 37 Degree Centigrade”.

According to this article, the Coronavirus was quite stable at pH 6.0 and 37 degree Centigrade (half-life, approximately 24 hours) but was rapidly and irreversibly inactivated by brief treatment at pH 8.0 and 37 degree (half-life, approximately 30 min). Basically it says that the Coronavirus will be irreversibly inactivated by brief treatment if the body cell pH is at 8.0 at body temperature 37 degree centigrade. Coronavirus strain associated with COVID-19 is called: SARS-CoV-2. But the above article is associated with another Coronavirus strain in the Lab. Half-life is the required time to reduce to half of its initial value. I made a calculation using half-time and assuming initial count of 1 trillion caronavirus inside a human body:

1) If the pH of body cells are maintained at pH 6 for 24 hours, coronavirus count will be 0.5 trillion coronovirus at the end of 24 hours.

2) If the pH of body cells are maintained at pH 8 for 24 hours, coronavirus count will be almost zero at the end of 24 hours.

Many hospitals in my state give lemon water throughout the day and also give immunity booster herbal medicine called Kabasura Kudineer few times in a day to COVID-19 patients. Many COVID-19 patients recovered in about 4 to 5 days. According to an article titled “Ayush Kadha, lemon water: Delhi Police mantra to protect personnel from Covid-19”, after consuming lemon water and immunity boosting herbal medicine, none of the police personnel from east Delhi had been infected with the virus for a considerable time. Ayush kadha is an ayurvedic herbal immunity booster medicine. New Delhi is one of Covid-19 hotspots in India. There is also an article available in Earth Clinic titled “Aspirin and Lemon Tea for Coronavirus recovery” by Marcie. According to her, she recovered from Coronavirus using lemon water and Aspirin in about 2 days. Aspirin has anti viral property.


1) Wash a lemon to remove any contaminants on the skin and cut the lemon with the skin into quarters. Suppose a person consumes 8 cups of drinking water per day. Then add 8 cups of drinking water to the lemon pieces and boil for about 20 minutes. Drink this warm lemon water throughout the day. Lemon skin is a rich source of antioxidant called ‘Flavonoid', a polyphenols.

2) Take 3 tablets of aspirin per day: one in the morning, one in the afternoon and the other in the night.


1) Consume warm lemon water instead of regular drinking water for one day in a week.

2) Take one and half tablets of aspirin in that day: half in the morning, half in the afternoon and half in the night.

It will be very difficult to determine pH level of body cells. Different parts of our body have different pH levels. But we can determine pH level of urine which is a body waste. Urine pH level will be in the range of 4.6 to 8.0. The average urine pH level will be 6.0. When we alkalize our body, we are trying to bring average pH level of urine much higher than 6.0. One can determine the effectiveness of warm lemon water to alkalize our body as follows: First measure pH level of urine. Consume one cup of warm lemon water. Then measure pH level of urine in the next time. There will be significant increase in the pH level indicating its alkalization effect.

I hope the information provided will be useful.

Best wishes.

P. Raghavan.

Vitamin C

Posted by Lawrence Mallette, MD, PhD (Texas) on 05/28/2020

Editor's Choice

I am an allopathic physician with an open mind and a holistic approach to my patients. I detest the current censorship on YouTube and the social media about vitamin C and vitamin D.

I developed chest aches, body aches, low grade fever, cough, sore throat a few days after attending a large music festival in March. I increased my vitamin C from my usual 1000 mg a day to 7000 mg every 8 hours (backing off to 6000 mg three times a day when loose stools developed). I increased my vitamin D from the usual 2000 IU daily to 5000 IU twice a day. I used zinc-elderberry gummies several times a day. My symptoms largely cleared in 4 days, and completely in abut a week.

Did I have Covid-19? I didn't qualify for PCR testing. I am awaiting development of an antibody test with a low false positive rate to confirm, but I'm pretty sure I did.

Main messages:

1. Short term oral use of 20 gm of vitamin C a day is harmless, and even if it fails ever to be proven effective in randomized prospective tests, it should still be used in such a dire situation as has been caused by this pandemic. There is nothing to loose. In fact the academic docs don't have the guts to set up a study with such a dose of vitamin C. It would be called dangerous by the various review boards who have to approve studies, because of their ignorance, so it simply will never be part of “evidence based medicine,” as currently defined.

2. There are at least 3 studies now that look at the vitamin D metabolite (25OHD) level at presentation with Covid-19 (all patients confirmed diagnosis). Those with an adequate level (over 30 ng/mL) were over 90% certain to have mild disease. Those below 20 ng/mL generally required ICU admission or intubation. There are two possible explanations: A. Vitamin D is protective, or B. Having moderate or severe Covid-19 quickly lowers the blood level of 25OHD (for which we have no data at the moment).

See Robert Heaney's YouTube lecture on optimal vitamin D dosing:

• Toxicity with vitamin D requires doses of 20,000 IU daily or more.
• A dose of 10,000 IU will give you the level that life guards carry around at the end of a summer of patrolling the beach.

When you encounter the virus, it is important already to have adequate D nutrition, so that the immune system is ready to go.


Posted by Bill Thompson (Philippines) on 05/22/2020

Editor's Choice

I really can't understand why the US President is taking Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). This drug has been recently undergone several high-profile trials (that have been completely ignored by the US media) both in China and the US. In 11 research papers on HCQ, it was found that HCQ was causing serious retinopathy problems (eye problems) as well as adverse heart events (heart attacks) which is why those 11 pieces of research did not recommend HCQ for COVID-19.

It's also well-known that HCQ is an anti-malarial drug that is normally taken together with Artemisinin in Asia.

Artemisinin has a unique way of killing pathogens -- including viruses. Artemisinin contains a weak peroxide bridge which, when it enters the pathogen, will immediately react strongly to the iron stores within the pathogen. Most pathogens, including viruses, are voracious for iron and have high stores of iron. When Artemisinin reacts with the iron, it produces excess hydrogen peroxide as a by-product within the pathogen, which immediately acts to destroy and kill the pathogen quickly.

So if it were me, I really wouldn't give HCQ leg room but instead I would always prefer to take Artemisinin at 500mgs once a day. Artemisinin, being a natural plant chemical -- not a patented drug -- with a long history of anti-malarial use, is also far safer with a fairly high safety profile.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation

Posted by Conrad LeBeau (Wisconson - United States) on 05/16/2020

Editor's Choice

Hello everyone. I have used hydrogen peroxide since 1989 in several different ways.

They are:

1. Oral - low dose - diluted with plenty of water.

2. Skin absorption in bath water.

3. Absorption through the bottom of your feet.

4. By adding some to a humidifier.

Around 1990, I recall 3 people with Emphysema telling me at the time that they applied a hydrogen peroxide gel to their feet each day and it healed and reversed their Emphysema.

Recently, I had a chronic low level sinus and lung infection that has lasted for over 6 months that I blame on my addiction to ice cream. I decided to apply regular 3% H2O2 solution to a large wash cloth and stand on it with my bare feet for 5 minutes.

Specifically, I used a 10 or 12 inch square piece of aluminum foil and set it on the floor (a cookie sheet would also work). I then take a large wash cloth - about 10 inches square and rise it out with warm tap water. I place the warm wet cloth on top of the metal foil or pan and pour about 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide over the wash cloth. Then, I either sit on a chair and place both my bare feet on the wash cloth or I stand it. I look at my watch and wait 5 minutes. When done, I lift my feet away and let them air dry. The result is that the hydrogen peroxide that is absorbed through my feet travels up to my lungs and throughout my body.

It breaks up the mucus in the lungs and it is easily spit out. The benefits last for 12 to 24 hours or more. I believe this method is not only safe but reduces the need to use the H2O2 in a nebulizer or even taking it orally. My breathing improves very quickly. Chest tightness goes away and you are able to take deep breaths without straining.

I think this method of using hydrogen peroxide topically by absorption through the bottom of the feet would benefit anyone with pneumonia, Covid 19, chest colds, TB, sinus infections, and COPD. I would like to hear what other think after trying this simple method. I find normal breathing and clear lungs after treatment once a day for 5 days.

Disclaimer Note- I am not a doctor, but I would like to hear from others who try this method of absorbing H2O2.

Conrad LeBeau

Colloidal Silver

Posted by Art (California) on 05/08/2020 2379 posts

Editor's Choice


The links you posted don't seem to work.

Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) will accumulate, at least temporarily once inhaled which is pretty much what is wanted, for them to stay around long enough to kill whatever the target pathogen is. In many studies (animal) the exposure levels are ridiculously high and often times quite lengthy. Particle size is always a factor and going below 10 nm will always show more toxicity. Staying in the sweet spot of 12~20 nm will give maximum pathogen neutralization with minimum toxicity to normal cells as shown in previous studies. On the other hand, something like inhaled H2O2 will be neutralized fairly quickly by catalase into oxygen and water and will essentially be gone quickly.

In many animal studies, the AgNP exposure that the researchers start with is already known to be toxic and these type of studies are questionable at best. If you give rats aerosolized AgNPs at dosing that is already known to be toxic and then say the AgNPs were toxic to the rats, well, I'm not sure of the purpose of such a study. In one study I read, they exposed rats to aerosolized AgNPs for 6 hours everyday for 90 days and then said that there were signs of toxicity! For people that actually inhale AgNP in an attempt to destroy a pathogen, the actual amount of silver inhaled is going to be magnitudes less than such a rat study and length of exposure for such a course of AgNPs is going to be much much less. In the 90 day rat study, the rats were killed at various stages up to the 90 days of the study period and then examined for AgNP buildup in the lungs and other organs. Not surprisingly, there was measurable AgNPs present, exactly as there should have been under the test circumstances as the rats had no time after AgNP exposure to rid the body of the AgNPs as they normally would because they were sacrificed and examined before their bodies could rid itself of the AgNPs. These type of studies have little practical value other than to further solidify the idea that if you inhale toxic amounts of AgNPs, you are going to see toxic effects.

Here is a link to a fairly recent study abstract (March 2020) where they used rats and exposed them to relatively high doses of aerosolized AgNPs for 6 hours a day for 28 days. In this study they allowed time for clearance of the AgNPs and noted two probable avenues of clearance. To me, the importance of this study is that the animals were given time to excrete the AgNPs and clear them even at the highest dose and even with elevated inflammation at that dose, through the rat's own natural process.

Note how the elevated inflammatory markers also decreased as they should have. Neutralization of any pathogen can involve a certain amount of inflammation and oxidative stress as this is typical for the body, with or without AgNPs. Had they sacrificed these rats directly after the final AgNP exposure, of course it would have shown residual AgNPs in multiple locations, but in this case it showed that even the highest dose exposure of AgNPs had cleared from these rats.

Sometimes understanding what the researchers underlying intent is, is helpful in determining the value of any given study. If a research team is merely replicating a previous study that has already been proven 10 times over, then maybe those researchers are professional researchers who are more in the business of getting funding for further research rather than actually establishing new and useful data.


Lugol's Nasal Rinse

Posted by Yohanan Burket (Israel) on 04/29/2020

Editor's Choice

Iodine Kills ALL Viruses By Yohanan Burket

A survivor of the Avian flu in 2007, I have been actively investigating various modalities to get rid of any type of flu, regardless of the strain. As it turns out, there was a universal medicine used over 110+ years ago that did just that: it completely destroyed all bacteria, viruses, and even fungus. I speak with experience; I can now get rid of the flu of any strain within a half hour. Doctors are aware of the antiseptic properties of iodine, as they use it before operating on surgery patients. However, it is not promoted to the public as a general remedy.
Various Other Remedies for Influenza (the Grippe)

Over the years, I have experimented with various other remedies for the flu, all of which only diminished the misery and the length of the flu infection, but none of which could stop the flu in its tracks.

Here are the various remedies I tried:

1. Vitamin C, 2 grams orally

2. Elderberry, said to be the only herb to be effective against viruses according to research

3. Vitamin D3 or lots of sunlight

4. Honey, Lemon, and Apple Cider Vinegar

5. Ozone

6. Hydrogen Peroxide sprayed into the throat

7. Oregano oil, one drop under the tongue

8. Colloidal silver, 10 ppm, a tablespoon at a time

9. Olive leaf tincture

10. Boneset tincture for muscular aches

11. Thyme tincture for a runny nose

12. NOW Amino complete (NOT BCCA; it is worthless, as are any protein sources) for energy

13. Niacin (nicotinic acid) vitamin B3, the flushing kind, in 100-400mg doses

14. Zinc

Simply put, iodine kills viruses on contact. Unlike some modalities, iodine in the correct form can even be taken orally. Never take drugstore iodine, as it is clearly marked “FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY”. The reason for this is because drugstore iodine contains toxic isopropyl alcohol, NOT because iodine is toxic. Iodine had been safely used internally for decades before the medical mafia took over in 1911. See the work of iodine specialists such as Dr. David Derry, Dr. Guy Abraham, Dr. David Brownstein, and Dr. Gorge Flechas to see the research.
Some think that colloidal silver is the universal medicine, and indeed, it is a superior antibacterial (antibiotics are antibacterial). However, it only weakly suppresses viruses, and cannot kill them. I know personally as I once offered an antiviral nose spray based upon colloidal silver. The colloidal silver kept the viral situation in my nose from getting worse, but could not get rid of the viruses. Only iodine can do that, as iodine is antiviral as well, whereas colloidal silver is only weakly anti-viral. Of course the concentration of the iodine used is important, and the Povidine iodine in drugstores is only 1% and is essentially useless. To kill viruses in the nose, a 2-3% concentration of iodine is needed. To kill skin fungus, aka cancer, you need a 7% iodine concentration, as proven by Dr. Tulio Simoncini of Italy, a former oncologist.

Dr. David Brownstein writes:“So effective is iodine that aerosols can be effective in sterilizing a room at levels not even detectable by humans.”

Dr. Marc Sircus writes: “I have suggested that people put iodine into a nebulizer for aerosol treatment for transdermal effect into the lung tissues in the case of lung cancer, emphysema, asthma, and tuberculosis.” To which I would add viruses of any type, including mutated viruses and corona COVID-19.

Ways to Apply Iodine to Kill Coronavirus (COVID19) or Any Other Virus

The highly contagious Coronavirus can enter the body through the nose, mouth, eyes, and ears. Yes, even the ears can receive viruses. Taking iodine in the form of Lugol's iodine internally is a good first step, but one must start with a small dosage and work up to larger doses over a period of weeks to avoid severe itching, especially in people over 50.
Lugol's iodine is elemental iodine mixed with potassium iodide to make it soluble in distilled water, and was discovered by Dr. Lugol in France in 1829. It is the best and safest form of iodine, in my opinion.

Iodine taken Internally

Standard Lugol's iodine contains 6.2 mg per drop, where 100 drops equals 1 level teaspoon. This is the European standard drop. The American drop is defined to be 70 drops per level teaspoon. Iodine doctors suggest a daily dose of around 2 drops daily for optimum health. For cancer patients, the dosage can go up to 300 mg every other day, called pulsed dosing. Iodine, besides being essential for the brain and thyroid, is also utilized by several other organs in the body, including the skin. Taking iodine only internally will not make one immune from a direct viral attack, however.

Gargling with Iodine

Putting roughly 10 drops of Lugol's iodine into 50 ml of water and gargling with it will instantly get rid of coughing, meaning coughing is completely gone within a half hour. I offer two concentrations of Lugol's iodine. Hormone Catalyst is Lugol's iodine at 6.2 mg/drop, and External Tumor Remover is Strong Lugol's iodine (without alcohol) at 8.7 mg/drop.

Using Iodine Nose Drops

Carrying a nasal sprayer with you is convenient when you are not at home, as you can kill viruses that enter your nasal passages instantly with diluted iodine. I offer the Virus Terminator, which contains diluted Lugol's iodine with colloidal silver. It offers a one-two punch to any type of pathogen that enters your nostrils. A large, 250 ml Virus Terminator Refill bottle is also available.

Using Iodine in a Nebulizer

The same concentration of iodine used in the nasal sprayer can be put into a nebulizer, which has the advantage of sterilizing not only the throat, mouth, and nose, but also your eyes and ears. The portable, battery powered Nebulizer can be taken anywhere, but the downside is its cost.

Using Iodine in a Humidifier

The older steam humidifier or the newer cold mist humidifer are good for sterilizing rooms. I've discovered that a concentration of 15 drops of Hormone Catalyst (6.2 mg/drop) per 100 ml. (100 ml = 3.4 oz U.S.).

Using Iodine in a Vaping Device

The electronic cigarettes have a provision to add external liquids to the base liquids. The base liquids are provided by the Vaping stores, namely Vegetable Glycerine and Propylene Glycol. I will offer the mixture for customers complete with the addition of an appropriate amount of iodine. The Vaping device is a low cost alternative to the Nebulizer, only costing one third as much, and is just as portable. It fills the lungs with iodine completely, eliminating any lurking viruses or bacteria. When exhaling, you can also blow the “smoke” out of your nostrils to disinfect them, too. It is a superb solution for someone who already has coronavirus. I am now offering the iodine cigarette (vaping device), minus tobacco or nicotine.

Using Iodine Away From Home

The Virus Terminator nasal spray, the vaping device, and the battery operated portable nebulizer are all good products to take with you to work or any other public outing. A small, 30 ml bottle of Hormone Catalyst (Lugol's iodine) is handy if you want to also be able to gargle to promptly get rid of a cough.

Be sure to visit Out of the Box to order anti-COVID19 iodine products.


Posted by Art (California) on 04/26/2020 2379 posts

Editor's Choice

Dr. Neel is recommending adult patients take 80 mg of melatonin every 24 hours and has seen improvement in each of his patients in just 24 hours with a reduction in symptoms. Since that is his suggestion and it is my intention to use melatonin if I were to get Covid-19, assuming I have not already had it, I tried taking 80 mgs last night in 4 divided doses. I took 20 mgs at 7:00 pm, 20 mg at 8:30 pm, 20 mg at 10 pm and 20 mg at 11:30 pm. I woke up this morning expecting the "melatonin hangover" that I initially felt in a previous months long test of melatonin at 70 mg, but to my surprise, there was no melatonin hangover! I actually felt quite rested and not sluggish at all! I did not include vitamin C even though he has mentioned its use with the melatonin because in the Doctor's Hospital trial of melatonin, they didn't use vitamin C and they got rapid results with melatonin, so I just thought I would keep it simple for now. Well that and my vitamin C order has not arrived yet! To be fair, I do take 30 mg of melatonin a night in 3 divided doses as what I have previously described as melatonin 123, almost every night, so I'm sure that is a contributing factor to why going from 30 mg to 80 mg didn't produce the hangover or have any other obvious effect on me. So now I know that 80 mg / day of melatonin should not be a problem for me and again, I reiterate that I am not recommending that anyone else do what I am doing, I am only describing my own experience. If anyone chooses to utilize Dr. Neels melatonin protocol it should be done under a doctor's supervision in order to be safe and make sure melatonin is compatible with everything you are taking. I have an idea (speculation at this time) about melatonin and Covid-19 that is based on the available literature about melatonin and Dr. Neel's results in his small group of patients as well as the little information that the Doctors Hospital in Manila has shared so far. I think that melatonin may alter the immune environment in such a way that the virus can not cause a cytokine storm or allow pneumonia to get started because melatonin's potent reactive oxygen species scavenging abilities as well as its reactive nitrogen species scavenging abilities in conjunction with its potent antiinflammatory qualities including inhibition of IL-6 and other inflammatory mediators and inhibition of lung inflammation by way of modulated expression of Apelin 13 as well as inhibition of NLRP3 inflammasome, very effectively seems to reduce lung inflammation and damage to a level that is no longer dangerous and it does it very quickly based on Dr. Neels results. In the Philippines, it even seems to work fast and well with patients who already have pneumonia. Three main things attributed to Covid-19 that has shown the ability to kill patients are severe Covid-19 induced pneumonia, the now famous cytokine storm and the addition of a ventilator. Melatonin seems to be able to prevent or ameliorate the first two items which automatically ends the need for a ventilator! Melatonin is also protective of all major organs which is important since autopsies are showing liver, lung, kidneys and heart damage that is attributed to Covid-19. Viral particles are also found in the brain, so it is felt that it is possible that Covid-19 could also cause damage to the brain if not checked early enough. So if you eliminate or greatly limit the 3 ways that Covid-19 has shown the ability to kill patients, then how much of a threat is Covid-19 once melatonin is introduced? My speculative answer to that question is very minimal. All of these actions of melatonin that work contrary to the normal disease process can allow the body to do what it is naturally supposed to do, destroy invaders to the system which in this case if the SARS CoV-2 virus. The body can now defend itself without the deadly cytokine storm, against the now marginalized virus. This is what studies suggest as possible and what Dr. Neel is showing in his patients which means that the studies tend to confirm Dr. Neels results and those results tend to confirm the studies. Given the above, melatonin seems to convert the killer virus into something that is not deadly at all. If the virus mutates as it has already with the known A strain, B strain and C strains that are already seen in different areas, there is a chance that by the time a vaccine is developed, it may not be effective against the current strain if that strain has mutated extensively. These mutations have occurred fairly quickly suggesting that extensive mutation is a very real prospect when it comes to SARS CoV-2. Whereas the known actions of melatonin are likely to be able to deal with mutations of this virus. It will take further testing of melatonin against SARS CoV-2 in Covid-19 patients to take this from speculation to fact, but if Dr. Neel's patient base continues to grow and other doctors take his lead as it appears may be likely, then that point of clarification and understanding may not be far away at all. Melatonin is showing the potential, via its ability to control and reverse the ability of Covid-19 to be so destructive within the human body, to actually take many people in the "at risk groups"off of that list! So this could make the virus more of a nuisance than a killer! Melatonin may actually be the answer to safely controlling the virus while allowing the economy to open again because it makes the virus tolerable to humans with minimal to no deleterious effects. Yes, people will still get infected, but melatonin appears to make such infection "livable" while allowing the body to make plenty of antibodies against SARS CoV-2. Still speculation at this point, but continued positive reports on melatonin can potentially turn speculation to reality! My other thought is, how many other practical choices do we have with what is currently known and available? Art


Posted by Bill Thompson (Philippines) on 04/23/2020

Editor's Choice

I would wholly agree with both Lee and Tyler Vincent's view of BHT. I bought 500 gms of BHT powder (USP grade) direct from an online chemical supplier and it only cost me $8.50.

For the last 3 or 4 weeks, I've been taking BHT at between 250 mgs to 500 mgs every day dissolved in coconut oil (which also kills the COVID-19 virus) as a preventative and for protection against the virus. I have also calculated, at that daily dose, that my BHT powder should last me between 3 and 4 years of constant daily supplementation if required.

I love it when you can find such a cheap remedy like BHT for use against a nasty virus like COVID-19 because that also means that BHT is accessible and easily affordable to everyone who needs it.


Posted by Art (California) on 04/22/2020 2379 posts

Editor's Choice

Hi Deborah, Yes, it appears that those supplements and combinations can be very helpful judging by the comments on them across the internet. Vitamin C seems to be most effective through IV, which can be hard to get and is pricey. Liposomal C can be similarly effective as IV vitamin C, but it too is pricey. Zinc can be helpful also, but zinc needs an assisting ionophore such as Hydroxychloroquine or quercetin at high dose in order to help get enough zinc into the infected cells and disrupt the viral replication process. Covid-19 has those spike proteins and these attach or dock to a specific cell receptor and once they dock, they inject RNA into the cell and hijack the cell to turn the cell into a virus making factory until the cell dies and all of the viral particles inside are released and move on to other cells to infect in the same way as the first viral particle did. When enough zinc can enter the cell with the aid of an ionophore, then the zinc can disrupt the viral replication process effectively. Zinc on its own seems to have limited access to the cells. The ionophore assists with cell entry by zinc. Iodine has already been discussed extensively on EC. There are a some specific things about melatonin that make it practical for this purpose. 1. It is relatively inexpensive and although a limited number of cases, Dr. Neel has seen improvement in just one day in his patients so it is fast acting and it alleviates the symptoms making it easier to tolerate the disease while it is active in your system. 2. It has shown that it is effective along side Hydroxychloroquine, and based on the available studies, it has shown synergy with other supplements such as the quercetin + melatonin study in the original post for this thread. 3. Melatonin has a very good safety profile as it should considering the the pineal gland produces it and excretes it every night. 4. Melatonin level peaks around the age of 5 years and the level declines very sharply from puberty on and is very low by the late fifties and beyond, the same age as those who are at highest risk for succumbing to Covid-19, as the chart inside the initial post clearly illustrates. 5. Melatonin is easy to obtain in the US. I don't know if you have shopped for the items on your list lately, but they are simply hard to come by right now, while melatonin is still available the last time I checked. 6. Melatonin actually attenuates part of the immune response so as to greatly reduce the chances for a cytokine storm and allows the immune system enough time to create antibodies to fight the virus the way it should and all the while making more antibodies to destroy the virus. Dr Neel is essentially just using melatonin with oral vitamin C, but the hospital in the Philippines is using melatonin by itself and melatonin + Tocilizumab / Actemra which is a specific IL-6 inhibitor that is sometimes used for arthritis and cytokine storms. The doctor who commented on it said that Actrema and melatonin seem to do the same things. 7. Melatonin appears to be effective on its own which makes it an inexpensive and very simple treatment with a good safety profile while significantly ameliorating C-19 symptoms while further allowing the immune system to do the job it was meant to do! 8. Melatonin in hundreds of studies has shown its ability to protect the major organs of the body and with the latest available information from patient autopsies, C-19 is showing that it is also attacking the kidneys, liver, heart, lungs and possibly the brain because viral particles have been found in the brain. 9. In reality, most of the possible drugs are still being trialed which means they are not available to the masses until one of the trials proves that that particular drug is effective enough and then the FDA will have to review the trial and approve the drug for off label use and all that means that it will be a bit of time until one of those drugs is ready for use by the public for Covid-19. Given the worldwide demand for such a drug, there may simply not be enough available to meet demand, even with a ramped up production plan. Bottom line, will there be enough to go around? This sounds like a pretty good case for melatonin, at least to me it does. Given all of the above, it certainly seems worthwhile to have a conversation with your doctor about melatonin before you actually need to take it. Art

Bill Thompson Protocol

Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 04/19/2020

Editor's Choice

I've already mentioned that both Traditional Chinese Medicine herbals (TCM) and Interferon Alpha 2b (a Cuban drug) are already being successfully used in China and are now part of their successful standard treatment for COVID-19 patients. I've already described the effectiveness of TCM on this page and just thought it might be helpful to describe what the Cuban interferon drug is all about.

In several newspapers that I have read, I've also noted that China, Spain, Mexico, Italy, Venezuela and Jamaica (and other Caribbean countries) have all been helped by special medical teams from Cuba who have used Cuba's Interferon drug. China, Spain, Italy and Mexico have all publicly thanked Cuba for saving the lives of their people using their interferon drug. In one Mexican newspaper I've read, the Mexican govt even went so far as to say that Cuba's Interferon drug helped to save the lives of 1,500 Mexican patients with serious pneumonia complications. This news has never been reported in the western media.

Interestingly, in a Fox News report no less, it was reported that China has deliberately dropped the Remdesivir drug from it's research. The reason that the Chinese doctor gave was that they had already found a fast and effective therapeutic treatment -- and a much cheaper treatment -- for the COVID-19 virus using Cuba's Interferon drug. Here is the Fox News report:

Also, I hope that you noticed in that Fox News report that the reporter or journalist deliberately avoided reporting exactly what drugs or protocols China was actually using so successfully. Any honest reporter would have reported that important news. That's why I doubt that the US Govt. would ever consider using Cuba's interferon formula which would probably help to to save the lives of many Americans. Out of interest, I also tasked myself with trying to find out the constituents of Interferon Alpha 2b.

I found an Indian website that was selling the drug. This form is called Viferon. They sell the topical gel ointment form and the suppository form. You can check out the detailed Viferon fact sheet on this Indian website for yourself here:

From this website, it accurately describes all excipients used in the Viferon ointment formula which, from the webpage, includes the following all-natural substances: "excipients: alpha-tocopherol acetate[Vitamin E] solution 5% alcoholic solution of methionine[a vitamin] with 2% of benzoic acid solution[anti-microbial, anti-carcogenic] of 0.4% citric acid solution — 10% sodium tetraborate solution[anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-mycobacterium] with 3% sodium chloride solution — 10% human serum albumin solution 10% glycerine distilled sodium carboxymethylcellulose purified water "

As far as I can see, the above formula isn't just anti-viral, but it is also anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic as well. The formula also seems to be safe -- because it contains no poisons or patented medicines. Also please note that if you buy the Cuba's interferon drug from any American or Western website, then it will probably cost you between $200 and $300 per pack. But on the above Indian website the gel ointment will cost you $8 to $12 per pack and the suppository form will cost you between $8 and $36 per pack depending on your choice. Interferon Alpha 2b has also won two top research design awards -- Interferon won the 2012 National Technology Innovation Award and the 2013 National Health Award. It is currently the most requested drug to limit the Covid-19 effects.​​​​​​​

Cuba's interferon drug is a great example of how to make a safe drug using natural excipients without using patented medicines and without using dangerous or poisonous adjuvants in the mix.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation

Posted by Joeann (Delaware) on 04/19/2020

Editor's Choice

Ok folks. As a nurse, I'm currently on the front lines of this virus and how I keep myself from getting it is as follows:

A) 1/2 teaspoon of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide added to 1 teaspoon of filtered water.

B) Add the above to a nebulizer cup chamber. Be sure to use a face mask that covers your mouth and nose

C) Nebulize for five minutes every time you get exposed.

My routine involves once before work and once right when I get home. At lunch I take the same mixture above (4x the amount) and place into a nasal bottle. I squirt my nose and mouth once at lunch time. The corona virus breaks down at less than 0.5% h202 strength so the above recipe works well. At the first sign of cold, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia the above 4X a day for several days.

Share this with others. It works - turn off the tv....juice, exercise, laugh. - don't get stressed - be empowered.


Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Terry (Missouri) on 04/10/2020

Editor's Choice

I used to nebulize hydrogen peroxide, but I discovered a much better way.

I use an ultrasonic diffuser. I put in a half ounce of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to 8 ounces of distilled water. I put it in the bedroom to reduce size of room. Breathed for 20 minutes. Checked oxygen level on oximeter - 99%. Never been so high. Energy levels went way up. Did 3 days in row. All mucous cleared from lungs. 2 weeks later, lungs still clear and oxygen levels still high.

Lung Remedies

Posted by Suzanne L. (United States) on 04/08/2020

Editor's Choice

In January I believe I had the virus but I didn't know about the coronavirus at the time. I rarely get sick and I am 73. It scared me because I smoked for many years before I quit and I was coughing.. really having trouble breathing. I thought, is this what I have to look forward to in my old age? That part lasted about 3 days but I was very tired for over a week. One night I laid down to sleep and my lungs were making so much noise I thought I wouldn't make it thru the night if I actually slept. I turned over on my stomach and immediately started breathing without all the noise of whatever was going on in my lungs. I purposely took slow breaths but I fell asleep pretty quickly and started getting better the next day. Recently I have read a few posts about laying on your front when having breathing problems. One doctor explained that the lungs are mainly in the back and it interferes with your breathing when laying on your back. He also said to lay over a bunched up blanket to ease your breathing. Another said to lay over an exercise ball if it gets really bad.

Salt and Calcium Carbonate

Posted by James Wallace (Seattle, WA) on 04/07/2020

Editor's Choice

Downgrading Coronavirus

I have not had a cold, flu or fever since 2004. I did this by tasting about a gram of table salt and chewing a 500 mg tablet of calcium carbonate at the first sign of the chills.

If you think back to any cold or flu you've ever had the chills were the first symptom. One of the first symptoms of the covid-19 virus is the chills.

It is my belief that the chills are caused by the rapid firing of the sodium/potassium pumps of the cells. The virus does this to feed off of the residue energy from the break down of ATP (called Na/K ATPase).

When I taste salt and calcium my body interrupts that there is an increase of sodium and calcium. When sodium and calcium are increased the sodium/potassium pumps are inhibited from spinning out of control. This cuts off the virus's fuel and the virus starves.

By tasting the salt and chewing the calcium you cut off the virus's fuel. Without this fuel I have found that none of the other symptoms from colds or flus have happened to me.

If the salt and calcium works (as it has worked for me for 16 years) a person who uses it would not be sick. but, they would still have the virus. They would still spread the virus, but since they are not sick they would not have to go to any hospital and thus not overload the system.

I must caution this salt and calcium thing is a one time thing. You feel the chills, taste the salt, chew the calcium and if the chills are killed, it worked. If the chills are still there (after about 15-20 minutes) it didn't work. But at least it cost you near nothing and you have caused yourself no harm.

Coconut Oil + Astragalus

Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 04/07/2020

Editor's Choice

For quite sometime I have been blending coconut oil into my morning coffee. My husband is now doing the same. He has never once voluntarily took coconut oil, but he has seen it work wonders for viruses in our kids. His work is considered essential so is around other people some and he is doing what he can to prevent covid19. Today I dug out my astragalus root. Years ago my youngest child had some angry looking tick bites and I was concerned about Lyme. I put him on 1 capsule of astragalus root a day to prevent Lyme. He took it for months. He was about 4. In the fall, while he was still on it, every member of my family got sick with a virus that he did not get. I think the astragalus was working as it is touted to do. I ordered some more astragalus root today and plan to get everyone in my family on that right now as a preventative. I must not be the only one with this idea as I am seeing it out of stock in several places that I order from.

What I tell my kids, "It won't hurt. It might help." My version of the Hippocratic oath. ;)

~Mama to Many~

Salt + Calcium Carbonate

Posted by James Wallace (Seattle, WA) on 04/07/2020

Editor's Choice

Downgrading Coronavirus I have not had a cold, flu or fever since 2004. I did this by tasting about a gram of table salt and chewing a 500 mg tablet of calcium carbonate at the first sign of the chills. If you think back to any cold or flu you've ever had the chills were the first symptom. One of the first symptoms of the covid-19 virus is the chills. It is my belief that the chills are caused by the rapid firing of the sodium/potassium pumps of the cells. The virus does this to feed off of the residue energy from the break down of ATP (called Na/K ATPase). When I taste salt and calcium my body interrupts that there is an increase of sodium and calcium. When sodium and calcium are increased the sodium/potassium pumps are inhibited from spinning out of control. This cuts off the virus's fuel and the virus starves. By tasting the salt and chewing the calcium you cut off the virus's fuel. Without this fuel I have found that none of the other symptoms from colds or flus have happened to me. If the salt and calcium works (as it has worked for me for 16 years) a person who uses it would not be sick. but, they would still have the virus. They would still spread the virus, but since they are not sick they would not have to go to any hospital and thus not overload the system. I must caution this salt and calcium thing is a one time thing. You feel the chills, taste the salt, chew the calcium and if the chills are killed, it worked. If the chills are still there (after about 15-20 minutes) it didn't work. But at least it cost you near nothing and you have caused yourself no harm.

Colloidal Silver

Posted by Earth Clinic (USA) on 04/06/2020

Editor's Choice

This afternoon, we emailed Art Solbrig, one of Earth Clinic's top contributors and leading experts on Colloidal Silver, for his comments to Akamai's post. I have posted Art's responses below.

* Art wants to make it very clear to Earth Clinic readers that this is strictly a conversation between himself and me, and he is not recommending or suggesting that anyone do what he is doing.


** The acronym AGNP stands for Silver Nanoparticles.
AG – Element for Silver.
NP – Acronym for Nanoparticle.

Many thanks to Cathy Colorado on Facebook for asking us to clarify the acronym AGNP.

Art writes: “Hi Deirdre,

This is a tough case to argue, one way or the other because quality human studies of AGNP inhalation are lacking. This leaves us only animal/rodent studies or anecdotal evidence to call upon and those studies show that inhaled AGNPs end up in the blood and from there to other parts of the body, which is very similar to if you had taken the AGNPs orally, in which case they will end up being excreted as though taken through the oral route. In those animal studies they are talking about continuous inhalation for many days (90 days), which is many magnitudes higher intake that what I actually do in practice where inhalation is limited to minutes over a period of perhaps a week at most. For myself, I might inhale AGNPS four times a day for 10 minutes at a time or a total of 40 minutes per day, times 7 days is 280 minutes or less than 5 hours of inhalation in total over a complete treatment cycle, compared to continuous inhalation for 90 days in animal studies which would be equivalent to 2,160 hours of inhalation. Based on the available animal studies in relation to actual use rate in humans, it seems like the risk is going to be similar to ingesting AGNPs with the main difference being that oral consumption is generally going to be much, much greater than the amount of silver that can be inhaled in my full 7 day treatment cycle. Almost everything we do has some risk involved including drinking and inhaling AGNPs, so the context of that use is definitely a factor in weighing the risk to reward ratio.

Typical discussion regarding AGNPs today is going to be generally aimed at its use against SARS CoV-2/Covid-19 which is known to be fatal in some cases and even survivors can end up with long lasting damage to their lungs. As an example, I have a cousin who was recently diagnosed with Covid-19 when he went to the hospital with great difficulty breathing and was admitted and tested positive for Covid-19. He was diagnosed with pneumonia and was treated for it, but there was permanent lung damage that he will have to deal with for years to come. The good news is that he survived Covid 19 and was eventually released from the hospital to finish healing at home. In the context of the known fatality rate of this disease and the many complications that can arise from it, my choice for “myself” would be to weigh the risk of what I am trying to treat, Covid-19, verses the potential benefit of using what I have always used for many years to treat colds, flu and various other health issues and after weighing those two risks, my choice is clear, especially since it is now proven that Covid-19 is found throughout the body and is not confined to the lungs of the people who have succumbed to this disease.

Since the viral particles are slightly larger than or about the same size ( 70 to 90 nm) as some AGNPs (1 to 100 nm), they may possibly travel in a similar way in the body which would be ideal in terms of locating and destroying these viral particles in my body.

Another major point to consider is that the SARS CoV-2 / Covid-19 virus has shown the ability to initially retard the normal human immune response essentially giving the virus a head start against the immune system. This gives the virus a chance to attach to many cells unabated which it then hijacks to use to make these cells into mini virus replicating factories. The cells eventually die and all the virus that has been produced inside the cell are released to find other cells to hijack and use for virus replication. This sounds like a scene from Alien! The immune system then starts to return to normal and begins a massive production of inflammatory cytokines to try and compensate for the initial retarded response to the virus. Unfortunately this can be a major contributing factor to the “cytokine storm” that not only goes after the virus, but also destroys normal human cells in this “over response” by the immune system that often ends up in death. For me, I would like to avoid this cytokine storm as well as the potential for deadly pneumonia. So for me, and I can only speak for myself and not tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do, I will start an AGNP regimen at the first signs of infection such as fever, sore throat, body ache or flu like symptoms. I will not wait until I am having a hard time catching my breath or am otherwise having a hard time breathing as this can be an indication of pneumonia that is becoming well entrenched in the lungs. In this context, I will take the risk of using AGNPs over the risk of doing nothing until a hospital is willing to take me in and test me for Covid-19! I have been using this AGNP regimen effectively for many years now with no apparent problems! If there were actual human studies that indicated a risk of using AGNPs at this relatively low dose, I might reconsider, but even then, I would still weigh the risk of AGNPs compared to the risk of dying from the virus!

Lastly, I would like to mention that, if AGNPs work against SARS CoV-2 / Covid-19 (which is currently unknown)
and I do take the AGNPs at the first virus symptoms, this means that my body will be starting to make antibodies against the virus and I consider that the AGNPs are augmenting this virus attenuated immune response, I will be increasing my odds for survival as well as opening the door for herd immunity for myself in case the virus comes back annually, such as the yearly flu cycle, in which case my immune system will likely be better prepared to deal with the virus in the future.”

Art emails again:


Some of the statements that that poster made are incorrect.

He said that the virus is thought to gather in the throat area and then move on into the lungs, but as far as scientists and doctors have been able to determine at this point, that all happens in one step as the viral particles are inhaled. Some particles land in the lungs while some land in the throat, nasal passages and pretty much everywhere that the inhaled air takes it as it “rides on the wind”, so to speak, so it all happens at once and so if you have a sore throat, it should be considered that the virus is also in the lungs as well as other parts of the body. Because the viral particles are similar in size to AGNPs, this is likely how they end up in the blood, just like the AGNPs. The important point to remember here is that the viral particles in the lungs can do very significant damage while reproducing in the lungs rapidly. Whatever treatment is employed has to actively deal with the lungs or risk the complications associated with the virus in the lungs. Drinking colloidal silver will not accomplish this because it will never get to the interior of the lungs. Silver has to come in actual contact with a pathogen in order to neutralize it.

He mentions the use of two forms of iodine and like silver, it is highly likely to be active against the virus, but as yet not proven for either one. What he doesn't mention is the side effects related to iodine use or colloidal silver use. In this case, iodine is the loser. Here is an incomplete list of iodine side effects:

Iodine: Side Effects, Dosages, Treatment, Interactions, Warnings

Notice that one potential side effect of iodine is the accumulation of fluid in the lungs. This is probably not what you want in a patient that has pneumonia with already to much fluid in the lungs. Do you hand a drowning man a glass of water?

Silver does not have these side effects. There is the possibility that a person can be allergic to silver, but that would be rare and anyone can be allergic to almost anything. He describes skin testing the iodine before consuming it. That idea right there shows that he knows that people can be allergic or otherwise reactive to iodine, but skin testing does not guarantee that oral dosing will not cause an adverse reaction.

The way he worded his post, he wasn't very clear, but it sounded like he feels that iodine is more effective than AGNPs. I think they are comparable in some ways, but iodine has potential for many more side effects as illustrated above and that would be a definite problem for long term treatment of a chronic virus infection such as HIV where the treatment would have to be taken daily at a dose effective enough to neutralize circulating virus particles where as properly made AGNPs can do so without problem.

I think, Deirdre, that if you choose to make an argument for or against almost anything, you can, but in this particular case, the context is Covid-19 and given what is known about the virus, I don't really see much argument against AGNPs for the purpose of destroying the virus, which it is likely capable of doing in a way that people already use AGNPs, so for me, his argument is null.

The poster also mentioned nebulizing. I don't think a nebulizer can deliver enough silver in a reasonable amount of time whereas a small room cool mist vaporizer/humidifier can.

I don't know if I have ever mentioned this to you before, but when I vaporize AGNPs, I only use about two ounces per session and dump out any remaining in the vaporizer and pour in two ounces when I do the next session. The reason for never reusing what is left in the vaporizer is the fact that the ultrasonic force that is applied to the AGNPs in the vaporizer can knock the AGNPs out of suspension and cause them to agglomerate and fall to the floor of the vaporizer which means there will be less AGNPs available in what remains in the vaporizer after a use.

Bill Thompson Protocol

Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 04/02/2020

Editor's Choice

Here's what I'm using now to boost my immune system every day. This drink is based on Ted from Bangkok's famous drink containing lugols iodine + sodium ascorbate.

I've modified this drink to contain: glass of water 1 gm(1/4 tspn) sodium ascorbate powder(you can easily make sodium ascorbate by adding 1/4 tspn ascorbic acid + 1/4 tspn sodium bicarbonate(until the fizzing stops) + water. 1/4 tspn tripotassium citrate -

I make this in a glass of water by separately combining citric acid(1/4tspn) + potassium carbonate(1/4 tspn approx - until the fizzing stops).

1/4 tspn Sodium bicarbonate(Arm and Hammer brand is fine) A pinch of Borax(like a pinch of salt). 20 Mule Team Borax is fine. 250 mgs(1/8 tspn) potassium iodide -- Do not use Lugol's iodine because LI reacts adversely with the Borax.

Take this once a day

As my guide for the above, I've used Ted's safety advice from the Remedy Combinations section of EC, which is here:

I take this drink once a day for a good reason. It's like ammo resupply for the immune system front line elements like phagocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils which physically act to destroy the virus in the external mucus and in the blood. It's also a strongly alkaline drink, which also helps to reduce secondary infections from other bacteria(Borax also kills mycoplasma, mycobacterium and fungus).

I would take this drink as a preventative and, if I were to become infected with the coronavirus, I would take this drink twice a day or more to make absolutely sure that my immune system had the appropriate ammunition to fight back.

Vitamin C

Posted by Rosie Love (Spain) on 03/29/2020

Editor's Choice

3 members of our family (age 54, 50 and 15) have had coronavirus and 1 (age 20) still has it. Here is how we ensured a speedy recovery and very mild symptoms.

Using Dr Richard Cheng's advice for taking 2-3g Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) every 2-3 hours orally. Dr Richard Cheng is a frontline medic who treated patients with coronavirus in Shanghai. He says most patients recovered in 2 days. Our experience was similar.

The protocol:

Dissolve 10g powdered ascorbic acid (ideally non-GMO) into a 500 ml water bottle. Take 25 ml every 15 minutes or 50 ml every 30 minutes. 50ml is a couple of swigs but for children you need to measure it out – we used a small measuring cup. To ensure the dose was taken at the right time, we used a timer (on a phone or kitchen timer). When the bottle is empty, refill and keep taking all the time you are awake.

Using this method, I found that my difficult breathing became easy after just 1 hour (3 doses). My daughter went from being in bed, no energy, sore throat not wanting to eat anything, to out of bed, hungry and no more sore throat in 1 day.

You have to keep taking at this dose until your symptoms have gone or it will come back (as I discovered).

The advantage of taking Vitamin C this way is that you can achieve high levels without over-saturating the gut and causing bloating or diarrhoea. It worked amazingly well for us and we'll follow this protocol now for any other viruses.

Bill Thompson Protocol

Posted by Bill Thompson (Philippines) on 03/26/2020

Editor's Choice

I thought it might be useful and helpful to show what I'm currently taking by way of supplements, nutrients etc to avoid COVID-19 infection. There are two parts to my own current therapy.

The first part are therapies that stop you getting infected. The second part is what I would supplement if I do get infected.

I live in the Philippines and, fortunately or unfortunately, we are in full lockdown now with only supermarkets, pharmacies, gas stations etc open at the moment. To add to this problem, all retailer websites(local or otherwise) on the i/net are currently unable to consistently deliver goods purchased from these websites. So I can no longer reliably buy my nutrients/supplements online — I can only rely on what I already have.

Remedies that I'm currently taking to prevent infection:

BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene) + Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)

I'm taking this once a day, first thing in the morning before food. The dosage is between 250mgs and 500 mgs per day. Do not take BHT dosages with food. I simply dissolve the correct amount of BHT powder in a tablespoon of Virgin Coconut Oil and take it like tha t(BHT is only soluble in fats or oils).

I then drink some coffee which also helps to accelerate BHT and VCO absorption into the body. Both the BHT and the VCO act in the same way to destroy the COVID-19 virus by fluidizing the virus' outer lipid envelope — this exposes the viral protein as foreign protein to the immune system which then automatically destroys it.

Another important property of BHT is that it is also able to penetrate the blood/brain barrier which means that BHT will also kill viruses in the brain, which must also help to lower the temperature of the brain(caused by inflammation) thus helping to also avoid high fever and coma.

I bought 500 grams of food grade BHT direct from an American-based chemical company(via the Lazada website) in the Philippines. It only cost me $12.73 for 500 grams of food grade BHT, which should give me more than 1000 daily doses of BHT(or about 3 years worth of daily BHT protection). I have also been taking BHT like this for over 3 weeks now without any side-effects or problems. And if I did become infected with COVID-19 I would continue taking the BHT at an increased dosage of 500 mgs three times a day outside mealtimes. For your reference — 1/4 tspn == 1000mg, 1/8 tspn = 500 mgs and 1/16 tspn = 250mgs.

Vitamin C

There is ample research proof that shows that Vitamin C helps to prevent colds and flu caused by viruses. I know this from Ted from Bangkok's EC posts and I have also read Linus Pauling's detailed book on proper Vitamin C usage. I'm currently taking 3gms of Vitamin C per day in separate one gram dosages. I take the alkaline form of vitamin C – 1000 mgs 3 times a day outside mealtimes. Per dose, just dissolve 1000 mgs or 1/4 tspn of vitamin C powder(as Ascorbic acid) in a half glass of water then just sprinkle in Sodium Bicarbonate(Arm & Hammer brand is fine) until the fizzing stops. Now you have the alkaline form of Vitamin C — Sodium Ascorbate — which Ted from Bangkok always recommends. More on this later. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to purchase any Lysine to take with the Vitamin C (that Ted recommends).

But I still have confidence on taking larger dose Vitamin C more frequently on its own(1000mgs Vit C taken 6 to 8 times per day at hourly intervals for COVID-19 pneumonia) which, from the current research, should also help fight the virus to heal or help prevent pneumonia. And from the video below, Vitamin C just on its own has already been successfully used in large dosages to successfully cure COVID-19 patients with complications in China.

Ted from Bangkok's Alkalizing Remedies

I am using Ted's Sodium Bicarbonate + water remedy as well as the Sodium Carbonate + Sodium Bicarbonate + Tripotassium Citrate remedy which is also called the carbicarb remedy.

In my last post, I also mentioned that, according to the Chinese research, hypokalemia (inadequate or low serum potassium) is indeed a serious symptom(which could cause coma and death) for people with COVID-19 infections.

For that I would simply take larger dosages of just tripotassium citrate on its own to ensure that intra-cellaluar levels of potassium are adequately maintained. From the Chinese research, patients with pneumonia complications were just given 3 gms of potassium salt to good effect. Interestingly, Ted from Bangkok has also recommended just taking tripotassium citrate on its own for cancer as well. This is because cancer loves sodium and hates potassium. This also seems to be the case with COVID-19 infections. Lagundi (Chaste Tree, Vitex negundo Linn.) This is a herb that is recommended by the Philippine government for bronchitis, colds & flu, respiratory problems, pneumonia, asthma, fever etc. A very useful herb. This herb is also regularly used in TCM and Ayurvedic herbal medicines but is little known in the West. I'm currently taking this herb in capsule form twice a day outside mealtimes.

Makabuhay(Heart Vine, Guduchi (Sanskrit), Giloy (Hindi), Tinospora cordifolia Linn.) + Chanca piedra (Bhumy Amalaki, Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) I

'm taking both these herbs, which both grow as weeds in my garden, in a combined decoction. Both these herbs have amazing health benefits. Both are anti-virals and anti-fever. Chanca piedra is also currently being researched for use against Hepatitis B and HIV. This is because Chanca piedra prevents viral reproduction by inhibiting the reverse transcriptase viral enzyme which is found in both the Hep B and HIV viruses. Some Indian research has also shown that COVID-19 virus has four HIV insertions that are concerned with viral injection into the host and viral replication. More recently, some Chinese research has also confirmed that these four HIV insertions do indeed exist in the COVID-19 virus. So it's perhaps a reasonable enough assumption that the COVID-19 virus also uses the reverse transcriptase enzyme for replication — which is the main reason I'm taking a decoction of both Makabuhay and Chanca piedra every day. By the way, the discovery of the HIV insertions also means that COVID-19 could not have evolved naturally — it must have been created in a lab to perhaps be used as a Bio-warfare agent — but that's another story for another day.

Remedies that I will take if I get infected with the COVID-19 virus:

The first thing I would do would be to appropriately increase all dosages in the above remedies.

The second thing I would do would be to nebulize 1% hydrogen peroxide at least three or four times a day to help protect my lungs. Hydrogen Peroxide kills all pathogens — including viruses — electrically and decomposes to oxygen and water which is also beneficial to the body.

I still have about 1/4 bottle of lugol's iodine left. I would use this to create one of Ted from Bangkok's famous healing remedies, which consists of the following: In a glass of water, add the following:

1. Add 1/4 tspn( 1000mgs) Ascorbic acid powder. Then add Sodium Bicarbonate until the fizzing stops. Now you have Sodium Ascorbate — the alkaline form of Vitamin C.

2. Add 6 drops of lugol's Iodine

3. Take this remedy 3 times a day outside mealtimes.

Why You Need to Take Vitamin C, Iodine and Sea Salt every day.

The simple answer is because you need to take them to provide the right ammunition for your immune system. The first line of defense for your immune system is using neutrophils and eosinophils etc in the external mucus to kill any viruses incoming in your nose, throat, lung and intestines.

It's also well known from the research that immune phagocytes kill pathogens — including viruses — by spraying certain poisonous substances over them to kill them. Then they are ingested by the phagocyte and removed by the liver. So, what substances does the immune system use to kill pathogens in the body? The immune system phagocytes mainly sprays out hydrogen peroxide, hypochlorous acid and hypoiodous acid over the virus to kill it. How can we ensure that the ammunition for our phagocytes are at their correct high levels? In short, Vitamin C is very important and necessary for the production of hydrogen peroxide used by the phagocytes. Sea salt — or sodium chloride — is also important source of chloride for the production of hypochlorous acid. And lugol's iodine — via the thyroid — is important for the adequate production of hypoiodous acid.

In another research study I have also read that hypoiodous acid was 7 times stronger in its anti-microbial effect and protection than hypochlorous acid when used against pathogens. So if you're not taking adequate amounts of iodine, sea salt and Vitamin C in your diet then, if you get infected, your immune system might be firing blanks at the COVID-19 virus.

Right now, the best protection you have against the COVID-19 virus is your own immune system. That's really why you should always keep your immune system healthy and capable as described.

Cinnamon Oil

Posted by Tony (Canada) on 03/24/2020

Editor's Choice

I've been killing viruses with just cinnamon oil. Rubbed on soles of feet and palms it sweeps through the whole body very quickly. Follows the nervous system. Recently hit by an aggressive viral lung infection, I found inhaling the fumes off the bottle for only 5 minutes destroyed it. It also really wakes up the brain.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation

Posted by Kru T (Usa) on 03/18/2020

Editor's Choice

I've been reading earthclinic comments and recommendations for years, but I've never commented on anything. I just read a study on hydrogen peroxide 3% on multiple viruses including Coronavirus. In 1-30 min, the h2o2 had inactivated all of the viruses. The tests were done in vitro, but that didn't stop me from using the hydrogen peroxide inhalation on my flu/ virus.

I did not get tested to see what I had, but all of a sudden I could not breathe. I couldn't walk to my kitchen or bathroom without gasping for air. I did not go to get tested because I immediately tried the h2o2 inhalation.

I used 3% food grade in a cleaned out sinus mister and sprayed in the back of my throat when I inhaled. Be careful not to swallow if you try this; spit out what you don't inhale.

In minutes I was spitting out white gunk.

Within two days, I was breathing almost 100%. Because I used this right away, I'm not exactly sure what virus I had.

The study showed that Coronavirus and influenza were the most sensitive to the h2o2. Even if I did NOT have Coronavirus, this method should be used or attempted on those who do test positive unless they have other issues that would cause further harm with this attempt. For those who are dying from Coronavirus who are elderly or have weakened immune systems, what is the harm? This may save lives. I want to know why others haven't tried this already.
