Health Benefits

COVID-19 Commentary, Conspiracy and Concerns

Posted by Bill Sardi (California) on 04/21/2020

These may be your readers' favorite natural cures, but they don't make up for essential nutrients, namely zinc (required for T cells), vitamin C and vitamin D. You could end up with people relying on your list of remedies and seeing their symptoms worsen. Prevention is different than treatment for active disease.

Posted by Mary (USA) on 04/18/2020

Can wearing a face mask of any kind, be it coffee filter, cotton. cloth, etc. develop mold? I have read it make take a few hours before mold develops. Is this true? Most people wear the same mask day after day. Is this ok?

Posted by Akamai (Hawaii) on 04/18/2020

From an article in TheMedicineJournal: April 9, 2014 "Based on the mechanism of ingestion, most medical professionals agree the potential for deadly consequences is considerable." "When you inhale air, and all of its impurities (in this case alcohol), the vapor easily crosses the capillary beds that reside in the small air sacs within your lungs, called alveoli." "While the party-fueled vaporization and inhalation of alcohol is extremely dangerous, there are some real medical benefits when done appropriately.  In 1954, Dr.'s Aldo Luisada, Morton Goldmann and Ruth Weyl used this as a method for treating pulmonary edema, resistant to all other forms of therapy." "The fluid in the lungs, associated with pulmonary edema, contain blood elements that get churned into a froth by the act of breathing.  This leaves foam-like bubbles that make it extremely difficult to diffuse oxygen through the capillary beds.  By bubbling oxygen through a 50% ethyl alcohol solution, the frothy bubbles collapse making it easier to breath.  It's thought the alcohol alters the surface tension of the bubbles, causing the collapse.  The resulting sputum is also more liquid and is much easier to expel from the lungs." ------------- In my opinion this was a very informative and well written article. Ethyl alcohol inactivates virus everywhere else, why not in the lungs? Limited exposure would help with the suffocation by surfactant problem also. You mean it worked in 1954 and it doesn't work now; or haven't they tried it and why not? This would not be my first choice because it does not address the hypokalemia and aerated alcohol is extremely dangerous and highly flammable. However using a one breath only and waiting a couple of hours approach, it is second on my list. And it certainly looks approriate for pulmonary edema patients on ventilators.

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 04/15/2020 439 posts

What if...'s not mutating but, rather, merely reproducing at an accelerated rate? Overwhelming the body, causing it to bind huge amounts of it in mucous in an effort to slow it down? Perhaps it is the "curing" of it that is the problem. It actually seems quite easy to kill off but if it's "enhanced" and producing at an accelerated rate, the continuous killing of it would load the body with an overabundance of its toxic remains. Which would explain the liver and kidney problems. What if the solution to the problems of reinfection created by forcing the untimely breaking up of the mucous in which the overflow is encased for safe keeping with "remedies" and the liver and kidney damage from its toxic remains after killing it is something super simple? For INSTANCE, something like activated charcoal? Holy moly - if I was evil and super smart and wanted to create a virus that is more dangerous dead than alive...I think speeding up its reproductive cycle, forcing the body to trap and store huge amounts of it and THEN making it relatively easy to kill to release massive amounts of toxins in the form of its waste is how I'd do it. And, of course, if I could tweak how it dies and make its waste even more toxic, Why wouldn't I? I can't think of any reason not to add activated charcoal to one's nasal rinse and, of course, taking it internally would be a no-brainer. I won't recommend the nasal rinse as so many are doing it so often but I'm going to do it. As I write this, my stomach doesn't so good. I've not had any problems with my stomach through any of this so the cause may just be the idea of someone having done this deliberately but it could also be a shot of toxic dead virus waste from the extended steam session I did just prior to writing this as it seems to me that the toxic effects of dead viral waste would be cumulative. Which would also explain why the virus is presumed to be mutating.

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 04/15/2020 439 posts

The activated charcoal settled my stomach right down, as expected, but I have no way of knowing, for sure, what upset it in the first place. So, it would appear, that toxins in the digestive track from sinus drainage would be an easy fix in guarding the liver, when that's a problem. On the other hand - the respiratory system...and thereby the kidneys...I just don't know. I'm wondering how olive oil gets to the kidneys - in a kidney stone treatment. It must, right? One can pass quite large kidney stones painlessly with olive oil must get there somehow. Right? So, I'm wondering about the ingestion of activated charcoal in olive oil? Or how many microscopic particles one could actually get - and how many it would TAKE - via inhaling an activated charcoal/water steam... I just can't seem to reconcile charcoal with the respiratory system. I suppose drug addicts snort far worse things than activated charcoal and people are snorting cayenne pepper - which just astounds me - but...still...there are only two ways OUT of the lungs - barring lung lavage - and I'm quite fed up with coughing. Anyone have any ideas?

Posted by Michelle (United States) on 04/08/2020

Hi Amanda, The reason I decided to check out Earth Clinic was because of that very article! From what I got out of the article, COVID-19 is causing, among other things, pulmonary oxidative stress since iron ions cannot go to the proper areas it needs to. The iron ions are just floating in the bloodstream, and the kidneys release ALT (alanine aminotransferase). Here is a link for info on ALT: I copied and pasted this from the site: "ALT is normally found inside liver cells. However, when your liver is damaged or inflamed, ALT can be released into your bloodstream. This causes serum ALT levels to rise." What has been showing promising results is hydroxychloroquine with azithromicin and zinc. We need to lower our pH, which can halt or slow down the replication of the virus. I'm in no way indicating these statements as scientific facts, but I'm just alluding to what the gist of the article is.

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 04/04/2020

If covid19 is so amazingly contageous that it can be spread merely be breathing on people, why do they have to test for it by shoving a swab all the way to the back of your nose? Why is the map of covid cases in the US nearly identical to the map of 5G coverage?

Posted by Holly (Atlanta ) on 04/10/2020

Both are very good points! I've yet to read much about 5g but I guess now is a good time.

Posted by Cindy Pronschinske (Wisconsin) on 04/01/2020

I am looking for an effective DIY, non -bleach, disinfectant spray recipe for covid19. Can silver be used as well? Thanks.

Posted by Susan (Israel) on 04/06/2020

Hydrogen Peroxide 3% is supposed to sanitize against COVID-19

Posted by Randy (IN, US) on 04/15/2020

I wonder if bentonite clay would have the same effect as the activated charcoal at removing the toxins?

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 04/15/2020 439 posts

I wanted to add a caveat to my post about breaking up the mucous of an unproductive cough. I am wondering if the very thing that makes one uncomfortable - the thing that sort of feels like an immovable mucous brick - is actually the body's way of trapping an overabundance of virus. I've been breaking up the mucous for about a week, over and over, and sort of going up and down with it. Feeling good one moment and then feeling like crap again. And, this time, with the addition of a sore throat. It's as if I'm releasing some virus and then having to hit it with the virus-killers. Then releasing some more and having to hit THAT. Although, I'm not hitting it very hard because I'm still trying to suss out a proper smackdown but, unfortunately - or fortunately, depending on how you look at it - I think I'm about out of virus to play with. I've just been using steam but the heat seems to smack the new batches pretty efficiently. So, anyway, I think my usefulness is coming to an end. And since it is generally frowned upon to experiment on others... I will add that it may be possible that the benefit of laying on one's stomach is that one's head is turned to the side as when I have a cough and it's unproductive, if I turn my head to the side, it becomes productive. Which is nice because I don't have to stop what I'm doing and lie down :)

Posted by ORH (TEN MILE , TN.) on 04/15/2020

ORH here, please, please, please everyone stop referring to what the FDA says to take. They have no clue. Some of you folks need to understand that Rx is not the answer. That CDC guy is 79 and screwed up every thing he has come into contact with. He is partners with Bill Gates. Both are sick dudes. Their program is depopulation by virus shots. Have you noticed that Africa is not getting this disease. Why? Because they all take the malaria drug which shorty says won't work. Get real. This was planned from the beginning. ====ORH====

Posted by Helen Simmonds (Australia) on 04/21/2020

So pleased I've found this site. Love the focus by everyone on health/the immune system. I have my own protocol, which is corresponds to different posts I've read. Just wanted to let people know that working on the immune system works. We returned to Australia from France on March 19. My husband tested positive, but was asymptomatic. I tested negative, even though we had not been apart. So why didn't I get this incredibly contagious virus?? Orthodox/big Pharma doctors don't even ask questions, don't want to know. Great to know there is a community of like minded health seekers out there.

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