I quit the Nexium after being on the artichoke and aloe for 24 hours and had no burning I still followed the bland acid reflux diet. But at five weeks I forgot to take the artichoke one morning and had no burning, so I decided to back off the artichoke and aloe Vera in the next couple of days. Then quit it. I slowly started eating spicy foods again and had no issues. It has been a year now. I told one of my husbands customer about it. (she had been on Nexium for around a year). She called me the next morning an said she slept all night for the first time in ages, she stopped the nexium that day and was cured in 5 weeks with no more issues. My daughter told a coworker about it and hers is cured too. The artichoke help control the bile. Please try it. IT WORKS!!