Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


3 User Reviews
1 star (3) 

Posted by Jeisea (Byron Bay, Australia) on 11/09/2006


Someone on here asked about cough and reflux. My son had a chronic cough and was treated for asthma. He was in the worst category for asthma. He never had a wheeze. He just had a chronic cough. When he was finally diagnosed with reflux, he had developed Barrett's Oesophagous, a pre cancerous condition. Reflux causes asthma. The meds for asthma cause reflux. You see his problem. He had a laproscopic fundoplication operation which completely stopped reflux. He hasn't had asthma at all since. If you are coughing it could mean your reflux isn't under control. Chronic reflux isn't safe.

Replied by Ali
(Portland, OR USA)

Re: Posting of 11/09/2006 by Jeisea from Byron Bay, Australia: Please tell us the age of your son, and if he had any problems after having fundoplication surgery. Thanks


5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 11/08/2017

Editor's Choice

I was Rolaids #1 customer from the time I was a teen until I was into my 40s at which point I got a tip from an old geezer - a heavy drinker - which was 2 glasses of water, you're dehydrated.

I haven't had indigestion or acid reflux since, And I don't drink so it's not some weird combination of that and water. I only mention the drinking because the guy was in his 80s and the only heavy drinker I ever met who wasn't averse to drinking plain water. He'd stroll into the tavern where I tended bar, shortly after dark, and drink until 11 o'clock - you could set your watch by him. But come 4:30 am, he'd be eating breakfast at the diner, happy as a clam with his bacon and eggs and a whole pitcher of water then back out in the fields by sunrise.

He was a character. He took in any stray that would happen to come around - always had at the least a half dozen dogs running around - and you always knew when one of the dogs was either new or sick because he'd cover them in clay. He'd loosen up some dirt and dump in the water and just pack the mud on them, no matter what, and they'd roll around in the mud and the other dogs would come and roll around with them until they were all running around muddy - it was awesome.

Posted by Michael (Alton, Il) on 05/27/2014

After suffering 2 years with acid reflux I was cured in 3 days drinking water.

1) upon waking, drink 44oz glass of water.
2) Required... drink (Only) water with meal.
3) Drink large glass of water before bed.

Posted by Hollyhock (Wellington, New Zealand) on 08/15/2011

Somewhere on this site I discovered drinking a glass of water a half hour before dinner prevented acid reflux. I would like to post that this is true for me and an older friend who also experienced acid reflux. Thank you.

Posted by Cindy (Wichita, Kansas) on 08/17/2008

For indigestion, drink 2 glasses of water. Not sipping, drinking. The last time I had indigestion - almost 4 years ago now - I did this. The first glass went down hard - it was literally painful. But I haven't had indigestion, acid reflux or suffered from hiatel (sp) hernia since. And I suffered indigestion since I was a child. I'm now 50. I've been following the watercure since then and use ice water for headaches as well. NOTE: You can't merely sip it. You must drink it down, a glass at a time. I have a whole big story about the watercure, ovarian tumor, cancer etc...but it's very long. EC is very cool! I'm preparing to use the banana peel remedy on one of the few problems the watercure didn't help - a 30 year old plantars wart! Yeah!!

Replied by AKR
(Jersey City, New Jersey)

Cindy, you said "I have a whole big story about the watercure, ovarian tumor, cancer etc"

Would love to hear about your story. I have started drinking about two glasses of water in the morning recently, and am interested to learn how true all those stories about "watercure" are.

Many thx,

Posted by Lawrence (Green River, Wyoming) on 01/17/2007

I first got GER...D 5 years ago at age 75. The Dr. wrote GER on the paper, the clerk added a D to make it match the TV commercials. Was prescribed Nexium, took it for two weeks while researching acid reflux on the web. I concluded that acid is necessary for proper digestion. A Dr, Spreen wrote that the problem is low acid, especially for older people, he recommended juicing some ginger and taking a teaspoon a day. I found the ACV info and tried it with some success. I tried raspberry vinegar, it helps also. I tried Betain HCL pills and Twin Labs super enzyme caps with food, if it is fatty two pills work well. putting any vinegar on food helps me. Some people dip bread in fancy vinegars. Dr. Batmanj??? cured everything with water while he was in jail. If I have an acid attack during the day I start drinking water and keep on drinking it until the pain stops; it has always worked, sometimes it takes three half liter bottles. The LEF site claims Limonine cures some people.

Replied by Cindy
(Wichita, KS)

Dr. Batman's "watercure" ended 30 years of indigestion and acid reflux in the time it took me to drink 2 glasses of water. I never drank plain water. I have since done a great deal of research on dehydration and have a theory that all water consumed in other things belongs to the colon. Even juice is processed like food, by the body. Nothing is processed in the same manner as plain water on an empty stomach and if one doesn't drink it, the body must steal the water it needs from the colon. And it needs water for every single process.

Everything the body does requires plain water. Even the emergency dehydration mode that steals water from the colon requires water to operate properly so that your body must steal water to use in the process of the theft AND to keep you alive.

The body processes plain water, on an empty stomach, differently than it process anything else. You need plain water. That's all there is to it. The body doesn't "make" water except in a dehydration emergency at which point it steals water from the colon. The whole body operates differently - in emergency mode - when it is dehydrated. So differently that most medical testing is useless because it doesn't take into account the widespread epidemic of chronic dehydration in the pool of test subjects.

Anyway, there are books and things that explain the science but the formula is free and the only expense is sea salt.

I'm glad to be able to share this here. The only reason I can is because I discovered the dangers of dehydration after being sent home from the hospital to "get my affairs in order". Well, I got them in order all right! AND cured my chronic indigestion! I'm currently the healthiest person I know despite smoking for over 30 years and drinking coffee even longer!! Both are extremely bad, but coffee is the worst as the body requires 1 and 1/2 cups of plain water to filter out the toxic caffeine in one cup of coffee. The Dr. even said that compared to drinking caffeine drinks, cigarettes are health food. Fortunately, thanks to EarthClinic, I've just discovered the wonders of hydrogen peroxide which has significantly reduced my craving for cigarettes! Thanks EarthClinic!!

Water and Sea Salt

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Leelannee (Vernon, NJ) on 07/12/2009


has worked wonders for my acid reflux.

I had been coughing for weeks, then the burning started...No matter what I ate, even just water and raw fruit all day, the reflux would start about 1/2 hour after I ate. I've also been taking probiotics every day for years. Within 3 days of starting the water cure, my coughing was gone and my reflux started getting better.

I take 1/4 teaspoon of UNREFINED SEA SALT with 1 quart of water at least 4 times per day (I just keep a bowl of salt in the kitchen with a measuring spoon in it, and whenever I think about it, I just chuck the salt in my mouth then wash it down with a bottle of water, rather than drinking salty water). Although for my weight, I should be taking 8 doses, I usually only manage 4. If I skip it due to running around & not being home, I might be all right that day but will suffer the next, and it takes about a day to re-normalize.

Other benefits that I have noticed: I don't have to urinate as often--I can hold it like a "normal" person! This may also be due to not coughing as much, which was causing some incontinence.

It has also helped with insomnia. I was taking several natural remedies to help me fall asleep, and would have vivid, disturbing nightmares if I skipped these (especially a powdered magnesium drink). Within a week on the watercure, I started falling asleep more easily and while I still have weird dreams, they aren't as vivid & I barely remember them in the morning.

I have difficulty taking ACV because of the flavor, and while taking baking soda helps I am reluctant to do so because you NEED acid to digest certain foods. It's also easier & cheaper than many of the other supplements I was taking! I've read some success stories about weight loss... haven't had any luck in that department yet (started June 11th, today is July 12th), but am still hoping it will help!

Water and Sea Salt
Posted by Karen (Randolph, New Jersey) on 02/23/2009

Acid reflux is sometimes a symptom of dehydration. The body turns on histamines in order to protect the BRAIN from dehydration; according to Dr. Batmanjelidh, "Dr. Batman" "The Water Cure", the histamine closes off water and function from different body parts in order to preserve all the available water for the protection and use of the brain.

In the stomach this can lead to sensations of burning - see the actual explanation of the mechanism is found in the book - I don't remember exactly how it works.

I have avoided salt most of my adult life, thinking it was bad for you; I found it difficult to even swallow water except for when I used to jog when I was young.

After reading "The water cure"I forced myself to drink water with a little salt in it - no more fatigue, no more constipation, tons of energy. When I get a little heart burn I just drink water - 2 to 3 glasses and it's gone.

Water and Sea Salt
Posted by Cindy (Wichita, KS) on 07/22/2008

After more than 30 years of indigestion and 10 years of acid reflux the very last time I experienced either was about 2 minutes prior to drinking my first 2 glasses of water. I've been drinking water and eating sea salt ever since and have not had indigestion or acid reflux once, in over 2 years. Yes, I had a myriad of other life-threatening problems that the water and salt have fixed since I was sent home from the hospital to "put my affairs in order", but the constant acid was the worst of all and the one I'm most glad to be rid of. I can eat and sleep like a human being again.

EC: Cindy, can you please tell us more about these two remedies? How much water, how often, do you add sea salt to the water, etc. Thanks!

Wheat Sensitivity

Posted by Elaine (Edmond, Oklahoma) on 08/26/2010

I was checked for celiac disease about three years ago and my Dr. Said I showed no signs of it. This is when you are sensitive to wheat. About a month ago I decided to cut out wheat products and sugar. I haven't lost any weight, but I have noticed my acid reflux is much better.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Judy (Riverside, California) on 07/20/2016

Whiskey cured my husband's acid reflux!

For 2 months now my husband age 71 was suffering from severe Acid re-flux. His condition was so bad that the Acid Re-flux was going up his throat and causing sore throat and even his ears to burn. And eventually was causing severe asthma attacks! This had gotten so bad that he would go into coughing spells and 2 times we had to take him to the ER as he was having trouble breathing!One time his asthma became so bad we had to call 911 on him and an ambulance took him to the ER! He was given an Inhaler to stop the asthma attacks! One doctor told him he would have to learn to live with his asthma.

One day my husband had to go to the store and bought a small bottle of mild and inexpensive whiskey. He doesn't normally drink but thought since Whiskey was once considered "medicinal" he would try it as he was desperate!

He poured himself 2 shots of whiskey in water and drank it down and he said his stomach churned and this stopped his acid re-flux! So far it stopped his asthma from becoming really bad. He has had a couple coughing spells and has used the inhaler about 2 times but he has improved greatly!

This Whiskey treatment also brought out that my husband had a "silent strep throat" he didn't know he had? And he is treating his strep throat with organic vinegar/salt/and water gargle! Another improvement!

We wonder if the mucus from his strep throat was going down his stomach causing all the trouble?

Just letting others know what has worked for him.

White Vinegar

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rd (Nebraska) on 06/27/2016

I had acid reflux most of my adult life. One day after hearing about what I could do from an elder, I tried it and to this day I no longer suffer from it. It was an old family cure that worked for me and others I passed it on too. Well here it is.

Take 2 tablespoons of pure white Vinegar, heat it up and shoot it down.

Within 3 days the acid reflux was gone forever. All I can say is try it. And by the way don't swallow any water for a few hours. But you can rinse out your mouth.


4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Michael (Buford, GA) on 01/11/2007

What helps acid reflux: 3 Yogurts a day, 5 small meals, plenty of water, and fiber. Also get up.... Sitting around or laying around will not help reflux what so ever. Walk around the block. Walk at the mall, stay somewhat active and upright. Don't know about curing, but seems to happen alot less, unless I do something stupid like eat spicy foods for a month and think I'm cured. It will always bites back if you bite first.

I agree with the woman about the yogurt. Although I am trying the AVC as of today. I also have had back surgery back in the mid 90's and could drink hot sauce out of the bottle at the time, but after tylenol, Ibuprofen, and pain killers I have joined the masses with reflux and stomach problems, and don't forget constipation. I do feel that at least three yogurts ad ay and as much fiber and water as you can get your hands on through the day helps, along with the staying somewhat active as possible and upright at least until the symptoms go away. Then just pay attention to your diet. America may be great but we eat like dogs, and I don't have the same stomach as a dog. Please just know this is my body and not yours, so your may need different attention.

Posted by Coreen (Bklyn, NY)

Plain yogurt (not flavors) also heals acid reflux it tightens the walls around the stomach area.

Posted by Calvin (Atlanta, GA)

I had been suffering with Acid Reflux for 3 weeks until a person told me that i should try yogurt. I tried yogurt for 3 days, and i already notice a change. Yogurt has helpful bacteria cultures that aid in strengthening your immune system which all boils down to your GI tract. Now, my acid reflux is nearly all gone. I still have the symptoms, but day by day, they ease away thanks to the yogurt.
