Milk and Honey
Miso Soup
Multiple Remedies
(West Orange, Nj)
Hi Kaizzzma! Was wondering how long it took you to heal your gut and did this heal your reflux for good?? Or do u still have to continue with supplements?
Multiple Remedies
Multiple Remedies
Quit prevacid
Began taking L-Glutamine to heal my stomach
1000 mg Calcium 1000 mg Magnesium to get those levels back up after depleting them for 10years of prevacid
Probiotics with digestive enzymes
1 glass red wine
After 4 weeks, no burning, no throat clearing, no chest pains, no hard time breathing and I can drink coffee all I want.
HOWEVER, if I get a sinus infection/virus. My doctor puts me on Allegra D and an Antibiotic. And the misery starts again. It takes me 3 weeks or more after the cold is over to calm the acid reflux down and get rid of the wet cough. Why????
(Houston, Usa)
Shelley, Please read this....
Thanks, T
(Honolulu, Hi, United States)
My reflux was very similar to yours. I also got a lot better when I stopped taking ompreazole, and started taking L-Glutamine and probiotics. Betaine HCl stabilized everything for a little while. Ted's lemon bicarb remedy is my current weapon of choice.
From what I've read, the antibiotic use goes something like this:
Antibiotics kill the good gut flora, leaving behind the resilient yeasts and who knows what else. The bad flora now have very little competition and proceed to digest/ferment the food we eat. Pressure from the fermentation pushes stomach acid up the esophagus, and we experience reflux. Cough/throat problems abound.
I'm not sure if that's true, but it certainly lines up with my experiences -- be it antibiotics, acid reflux drugs, or any other source of damage to my digestion.
Multiple Remedies
(Manila, Philippines)
To restore healthy and balanced intestinal flora, you need to have Sulforaphane (from Broccoli), Vit. A, Ginger, Zinc and Copper to provide essential Vitamin, minerals and phytonutrients to help support gastric health and to minimize oxidation during gastric tissue repair.
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Multiple Remedies
Multiple Remedies
(New York City, Usa)
I totally agree! The occurences of acid reflux become a lot less when avoiding sugar. Though, I love sugar, I found something that works as well: Stevia. I think it's banned in the USA but as I'm living in London it's no problem. Wikipedia says that the sweet extract of the plant is allowed in the USA.
EC: Stevia is available in the USA.
Multiple Remedies
If you take digestive enzymes, they will be cancelled out if taken with the betaine HCL. Avoid sugars after meals as the simple sugars want to be digested more quickly than proteins causing a backup. The body needs to spend more time digesting more complex foods especially proteins & adding sugars 'stalls' the process. Robert
(Chicago, Il)
Robert, I notice many enzymes include betaine HCL together. Ie Now Super Enzymes. Are you saying this will cancel out the effectiveness of the digestive enzymes ? Please explain. "If you take digestive enzymes, they will be cancelled out if taken with the betaine HCL"
(Naperville, Il)
To: Robert from Martinez, Ca
How did you come to the conclusion that HCL will cancel out Digestive Enzymes when taken together?
Multiple Remedies
Now I just started the purple pill today because my doc gave me samples to last 2 weeks. I found this site and I want to try all of the remedies at once.
I just took a tablespoon of mustard and it helped. I am occasionally burping and at least the mustard taste is better than the acid taste :)
I had a shot of ACV two days ago and it also gave me some relief. I was looking in the cupboard for baking soda and wishing I had some green apples.
I am guessing it might not be a good idea to try 4 or 5 of these remedies at the same time. If I feel better, I won't know which one really helped...or does it matter as long as I feel better. But maybe too many remedies will have a negative affect. All I want is to feel better. I think it won't be better until my sore esophogus heals. I am also taking a chug of milanta a few times a day. Thank you for all the suggestions.
Multiple Remedies
(L.A., CA, USA)
Hi Shobha, I work in the field of sleep disorders medicine and I have many patient that suffer from nighttime (only) reflux and many of them suffer from snoring and or Sleep Apnea (pauses in breathing or shallow breathing). The snoring/Apnea is an obstruction in the airway makes the person's breathing effort increase, however since the airway is compromised and narrowed it causes a "sucking-up" of the acid from the stomach into the throat when the person tries to breathe... Allot of these patients sleep at an incline with several pillows or a wedge. If you snore or have been told that you make breathing sounds or pauses in breathing while sleeping you should have it evaluated. Good luck.
(Chula, GA)
Hi, My response if for Shobha from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India and any other acid reflux sufferers. Before we married, my husband suffered from a severe case of acid reflux. He had to sleep on his right side propped up on pillows. He took "the purple pill" religiously after going through several other well-known "acid-reducing" meds, that one by one became ineffective as he graduated to a stronger medicine. I have always been opposed to these meds because most people suffer from too little acid and not too much acid, so taking medicines to further lower their stomach acids sounded quite "stupid" and dangerous. If you reduce your stomach acid, then your body can not break down your food for energy and nutrition. Then slowly you begin to get all kinds of health problems bascially due to "malnutrtion" and deficiencies. Kind of like starving yourself to death but with lots of bloat, constipation, and allergies and without the weight loss. Oh you'll still have all the fat broken down and stored on your hips and gut, but you won't be able to break down protein into amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of life. Without them your body cannot reproduce new blood cells, muscle tissue, etc. Anyway, back to my husband. Whenever I would try to convince him of the harm he was doing to himself, we would always end up in an argument over it. Finally, Thank God, he started his own company and lost his "company provided health insurance" that paid for a majority of his meds. When he went to refill his prescripton and they told him it was $80 for a month's supply, he turned finally turned to me to help "fix" him the natural way. I put him on a yeast-free-diet and oregano oil capsules. Basically he avoided all simple carbs (white rice, white flour products, all fermented foods and beverages, fungus foods like mushrooms, etc.) He followed the diet Mon-Fri about 95% but on the weekends he cheated alot. In less than 2 months he lost around 15 lbs and his acid reflux. No more meds needed. No more propping on pillows at night while laying on his right side. He could even bend over to wash the bottom of his car without acid coming up in his throat. That was 6 years ago. He rarely gets heartburn now unless he has been over-indulging in beer or refined carbs. And when he does get it, he uses about 1/2 tsp. baking soda in water to relieve it. No more "magic pills" for him. I suggest everyone using this stuff to do some research on the side-effects of it. You are slowly killing yourself. Proton pump inhibitors inhibit a lot more than acid production.
(Portland, Or)
Why should we not eat fermented foods? I had heard that if they are the right kind of fermented foods, they are good for us?