The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Olive Leaf
Posted by Bigpete2 (Eugene Oregon) on 12/05/2013
Hello: acid reflux or GERD is caused by the bacteria 'heliobacter pylorii"
This is the exact cause of stomach ulcers also. The symptoms of gerd are worsened by eating rich foods, and especially late at night.some thgeories blame the condition on a weak pyloric sphincter valve at the base of the esophagus but the condition is always food intake related.. ie no food eaten no symptoms noted. Taking drugs such as prevacid which reduce syomach acid production are counterproductive in the long haul as they can cause constipation and reduced energy due to lessened base sugar intake into the digestive system ie glucose the primary energy causing sugar.thus the type and time of ingestion of most foods is of great importance. Don't eat late at night!! And only eat unprocessed foods. but why worry about what you eat or when you eat it, when there is a BASIC CURE fore the condition. If you consulted a physician to have a stomache acid culture performed y the results nearly always would point to HELIOBACTER PYLORII as a bacteria that is present in the stomache walls. curing this conditionis VERY EASILY!
The condition can be CURED for literally months by ingesting the following "Food"!! Olive leaf powder (capsules) the prefered method of treatment is to open the capsules into the mouth and swirling them around until they dissolve! Then the user is to SWALLOW tyhe mixture of the olive leaf powder and saliva. the taste is clerly awful but lo and behold the GERD will quickly disappear and not return for weeks or perhaps months! With no side effects. the capsules MUST contain at least
16 % euloropein acid!! And the user should also try to avoid a product that contains fillers such as clover etc as the addons basically waste your $$$ olive leaf powder also treats ALL CLASSES of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungis, and even prions. unfor tunately it does not seem to be a systemic "food" and thus has little use unless it cah physically contact the offending organism . it is also effective against
Gum disease and any other symptom where itr can physiaclly contact the microorganism good luck bigpete2
Replied by G
Olive Oil
Posted by Terry (Mount Vernon, Illinois) on 05/26/2007
HI, I lived in the south of France for many years. I am a massage therapist and use aroma therapy and plants. What works the best FOR ME to decrease the effects of acid reflux is 1 tablespoon of OLIVE OIL every morning and evening. There might be a little discomfort the first few times, but the results, for me, were well worth it. My old 30 day supply of pills lasts me all year now. I haven't tried the ACV remedy, but yes, the apples help me a lot too. But we are all different. I find that the Olive oil works best in my case.
Replied by Episolve Gi
(California, Usa)
Posted by Sandy (Covington, Georgia) on 11/23/2008
I was on Nexium for over 3 yrs and after loosing my insurance I cant afford that little purple pill anymore. I had heartburn so bad I felt like Puff The Magic Dragon. I came to this website looking for any relief considering that I have been trying to go to sleep for the past 5 hours, and couldnt due to the severe heartburn. I read about OLIVES....So I ate 10 of them, WOW, in less than a minute I can breath without melting my tounge off...Thank You, Thank You, I will be eating OLIVES everyday, and I am gonna consider the mustard. Great Website. GOOD NIGHT.
Posted by Shirl (Peoria, IL) on 09/05/2008
What I have is like acid reflux but ten times worse... Didn't have apple cider vinegar available so I tried green olives. Ate 6-10. Also took 2 baby Aspirin. Hope it isn't the start of something worse. Thanks for your ideas, they are so helpful tonight. I couldn't swallow, and it burned like fire in my throat. Think I will try the ice now. Am feeling nausea but so much better. Thank You, this site is so very helpful. Shirl
Posted by Dawn (East Bay Area, California) on 07/25/2007
I just read on this site that drinking some of the juice from a jar of pickles might help get rid of my acid reflux. I checked the fridge, and the closest thing I could find was a jar of Cocktail Olives (the green ones that are stuffed). I had a couple small sips of its juice. At first things felt like they were getting worse. I then had a sip of water, and in less than a minute I was feeling better. Not cured, but at least better.
Posted by David (Annapolis, Maryland) on 02/06/2007
Great page. Thank you all. Along with ACV recipe #2, I would like to add that I have found Olives to be excellent against reflux and easier than pickle juice to swallow. They are PH neutral and some brands contain Sodium Alginate in the brine. Can anyone out there elaborate more on Sodium Alginate? From what I've read it sounds like studies are finding conclusive advantages. Along with apples and olives, other diet changes include a switch to snacking on almonds, raisins and Green tea with maple syrup.
Posted by Wanda (Newcastle, Nsw Australia) on 10/02/2010
Zantac has been my close friend for a long time. Kept clear of most spicy stuff. Two weeks ago I had the desire for some raw onion on my avocado sandwich so, thinly sliced some (a fair bit) over the avo & cheese. I haven't had reflux since! What's that about? I've had onion (Purple) often since, and I seem to be fixed!
Orange Peel
Posted by Christine (Nottinham, Englandhi Ap) on 07/27/2011
hi Apil glad the aloe is helping your reflux. I have tried most of the remendies on the site and they help a little. Over the last few days I have trying orange peel, Im just using well washed satsuma peel, i wanted to try it first before buying the extract. Its helping and the frothing from the gut seems to be a lot less this morning. Goggle it and see what you think. Hope this helps.
Orange Peel Extract
Posted by Leslie (New Castle, PA) on 02/24/2009
I went off the "purple pill" after being on it for 12 years for severe acid reflux. The reason I went off it was because I had developed a lower eye lid twitch. When I stopped the "purple pill", the twitching stopped. So I had to find an alternative way to deal with my reflux problem and stumbled upon this website. The ACV and baking soda mixture w/8 oz. water helped but only lasted a couple of hours and then I would have to drink it again. I heard about Orange Peel Extract (1000mg. every other day) and purchased it recently. Let me tell you I took it for the first time yesterday and I feel great! I was nervous about today being that you only take it every other day but so far I feel good - no reflux. I did have to cut out my cup of coffee in the morning because it seems to aggrevate the situation but other than that no issues.
Replied by Leslie
(New Castle, PA)
Orange Peel Extract
Posted by Jake (Tampa, Florida) on 01/28/2006
I have been suffering from heartburn for many years. I've been taking different medicines and found no relief. Just lots of medical bills and switching from Prevacid to Nexium to Prilosec and drinking lots of Maalox. I found online that Orange Peel Extract can cure heartburn. I was skeptical, but I decided to try it anyway. After using the second softgel tablet I felt total relief from heartburn. I thought it was an absolute miracle! For about six months I didn't have any heartburn! My old doctor did approve of herbal medicines but my new doctor doesn't. I have to take their medicines again and I feel miserable everyday. I don't eat regularly like I was. That's all those medicines do is cover the problem up, but your body counters the medicine by producing more acid. Prolonged use of meds can lead to cancer. Orange Peel Extract actually prevents certain cancers. I am planning on changing doctors soon and going back to Orange Peel Extract.
Replied by Lindsey
(Oakland, Ca)
Posted by Doris (San Antonio, Tx.) on 07/17/2008
I have certainly enjoyed reading the comments. Just warning on taking Nexum for long periods of time. I have suffered Acid Reflux for years and was prescribed Nexum and the Doctor never took me off it. Well I have a new Doctor and I told her how I had been having Pain in my Hip joints seemed like where the ball of it is. She then told me that was one of the side effects of Nexum on bones. So we decided it was best to get off of it. Tried Zantac and by the 3rd day I returned to Nexum. Well now I'm about to take the ACV challenge! After so many years of abusing Aspirin etc. for Migraines that was the effect on my stomach, esophogus was Acid Reflux. My daughter and friend suggested ACV and so will let you all know how it helps.
Posted by Mike (Madison, WI) on 04/15/2008
Hi, I've tried sooo many things: All brands of antacid tablets, prescription Prilosec and Protonix, all brands of OTC acid reducers, Bismuth products, etc, etc. I will probably try many of the things I have read about here, however, that said, I and all of us sufferers must first stop the serious and deadly esophagus and throat damage IMMEDIATELY. We must use gravity to our advantage for a change instead of our worst enemy. This damage is not an issue as we go through our day in an upright position. All the damage is being done every hour we lay flat and sleep. All that acid lays in our esophagus and throat eating away at and destroying our precious membranes. Purchase one of those steep wedge type pillows or [if you're wealthy] a bed that will allow you crank up the head end. That will keep the acid in the stomach where it belongs allowing the membranes a chance to heal. Remember, the throat and esophagus was NEVER intended by natural design to have any regular contact with stomach acid. This is very serious and urgent for those of us whose stomach valves are damaged or defective. I've read reference to stomach acid "seeping" back into the esophagus. Mine doesn't seep; it FLOWS. Heck, if I bend over quickly to pick something up, I can get a mouthfull of vomit! Nice huh? Anyway, my point here is to make gravity your friend and stop letting stomach acid eat away all night at your delicate membranes. Get yourself upright as much as possible FIRST then start experimenting with the "cures". Good luck to all of us. Mike
Posted by Mary (Atalissa, Iowa) on 03/30/2008
for those who think that neutralizing your stomach is the way to go think back to when your stomach problems started.did it seem to get worse the more you took antacids your stomach acid is far more acidic than anything you are going to digest. nuetralizing the stomach acid interfers with your bodies natural ph, every time you take a antacid your perpetuating the problem. if milk does not work and taking pills every day for years does not help, what does that prove? that years of neutralizing stomach acid does not solve the problem. the market is full of over the counter antacids if these cured you, you would not need to take them every day, sure they neutralize stomach acid but if the industry cured everyone's acid problems they would not have a market any longer. is that not what they are, marketing a product to make money. i had been on medicines for ten years, changed my diet everything you're supposed to do. it only got worse. only after taking kombucha tea and acv did i relieve my heart burn and acid reflux i have been off any medicine for nine months. i can drink a little before a spicy meal and not have a lick of heart burn.
Posted by Mary (British Columbia, Canada) on 01/07/2008
For about a year I have been bothered periodically by acid reflux. In December 2007, it traumatized my throat and I was having trouble swallowing vitamin pills. The doctor urged me to take Pantaloc. I took one pill and within a day developed erythema nodosum with excruciatingly painful joints and red blotches all over my lower legs. The doctor tested for all other causes, but it was likely an allergic reaction to the sulfur in the drug. Ironically I took Ibuprofen for the joint pain which only made the acid reflux worse. I also now notice that I have developed vertical ridges on my nails and loss of the white half moon on all but the thumbs. The Internet tells me that this is due to a B12 deficiency due to use of antacids. Do a search on "B12 Antacids nail ridges" to read about the potential adverse effects (memory loss, etc). I immediately swore off antacids (even Tums) and went hunting online for natural acid reflux remedies and found your great site. Yesterday I used ACV in water and it cleared up the reflux almost immediately. I will be purchasing the organic today. MANY THANKS!
Replied by Rosesgift
(Grafton, Wi, Usa)
Posted by Scott (Atlanta, GA) on 01/01/2008
I have had acid reflux for several years now. I was on a prescription for Prilosec before it was OTC. Usually only took a pill when I felt the reflux coming on strong. Over time, it has gotten worse with many reflux attacks daily. Two months ago, I started taking Prilosec OTC every day to see if I could fend it off. It worked great and I rarely felt any reflux all day long. Then, I had three violent episodes of Vertigo....which is similar to being spun around while you are violently seasick and stays like that for about 5 hours. Turns out this is rare but known side-effect of Prilosec. Needless to say, I'm off it now. I am relying on Pepsid AC now which works great but only last for a few hours and gets expensive. I'm planning to try the ACV next.