Raw Potato
Raw Potato Juice
BTW, My 83 yr old mother-in-law can eat ANYTHING (and I'm talking greasy, spicy mexican food here) and be fine. Thank you for this site, I plan to contribute feedback for many of your wonderful remedies.
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I am so pleased to have found this site (out of desperation and ages on the internet)It is self diagnosis that I have acid reflux but have every symptom listed, burning pain, regurgertation, stomach discomfort etc. I have a doctors appointment this week. One of my symptoms has been the tight chest and dry cough and know this is due to acid irritation and possible imflamation.
I started using Ted's 2 remedy on Friday and already feel better. Can anyone tell me though how long should it take for the tight chest and cough to heal. It is better and only seem to have it morning and evenings rather than all day now. I would just like a rough idea so I can keep an eye on it. Many thanks for any help, Frances
(Holmfirth, Uk)
Just thought I ought to add that my acid reflux is most probably due to the drug I am taking for Atrial Fibrillation (irregular heartbeat)and low dosage aspirin. I stopped the aspirin 3 days ago as it isnt really necessary for me as my condition is mild and controlled. I have had acid on and off since being on the medication (4 years) but it went big time almost 24/7 a couple of weeks ago.
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I can't help but think that the REAL problem is not so much the acid, but my weakened or dysfunctional esophageal sphincter allowing stomach contents to come up into the throat, where their acid or spicy nature causes irritation and pain. I will try the ACV cure, but I think what would really help is an excercise to tone that particular muscle. Any suggestions?
(South Africa)
Hi there .....look at Dr John Bergman on Youtube .....on reflux and hiatal hernia cures. Also Google Breath of Fire which is a yoga breathing technique for same.
Helps me a lot.
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--I stopped drinking the chlorinated tap water from the City of Chicago (which some claim is the cleanest/healthiest water in the US. Well, I can almost guarantee this water has been the main culprit of my reflux. I remember purchasing a water purifier that removes chlorine around March of last year. Then I used the water filter until about August, when it needed a new filter. During this time, my reflux was not too bad (but it was still present) and I was only taking 1 purple pill per day. Then after needing a new filter, time lapsed and I just went back to drinking city water. What do you know, I started suffering really bad around the end of October. At this time I went back to the doctor and they upped my purple pills to 2/day. I started to feel better, but never really recovered. After reading your articles, I bought a new water filter and a week's worth of spring water. All of a sudden, I'm feeling really really good -- Hmmmmm??
--The other change that I made just one week ago was the addition of Apple Cider Vinegar to my diet.
Because I made these changes at the same time, I'm not sure who should get the credit, but I really don't want to stop either one of them as I never want that feeling again! I cannot begin to express my gratitude but this site is awesome! Thank you!"
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(Edinburg, TX)
My son was diagnosed with acid reflux at the age of 7. He has been on and off prevacid for 6 years now. I am new to your site, but read an entry of 12-25-2007 by HD from Bothell, WA about testing his "acid reflux for h. pilori."
HD talks about a second trial and a new medication. Please let me know what that means and what the new medication is so that I can speak w/my son's doctor about it. Thank you so much!! Kaye.
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(Humboldt, Tn)
First I do not have my Gallbladder so stomach has worsened since when it comes to eating. I found that on occassion I would have bloat in my stomach when I would eat anything, like the food was not digesting and would sit in there for days, ouch hurt. Nothing helped. Not baking soda, gas tabs, nothing. I could see the air pumping up my tummy and it stayed in there, no gas no burping just bloated pain. Which of course greatly reduced ability to eat anything. I felt full all the time. Hardly ever did I have acid reflux, but on occassion I would get a sharp pain in my chest that took my breath away and made my heart race for a few seconds till it passed. Feeling of someone scared me bad. Anyway I found out by accident something that worked for the acid and bloat.
I started drinking cinnimon and honey tea I make Step One: Boiling 8 ounces of filtered water in the microwave for 1.50 minutes, then stirred in one level teaspoon of SIAGON(Spelling ?) ground cinnimon (because the cheap stuff turns to snot looking stuff impossible to filter, yuck! ) steep 30 minutes cover cup with plastic wrap of sandwich baggy. This makes one days worth which is two servings. You can drink it warm or room temp. Just don't add the honey to really hot water because it destroys the honey's properties.
Next Step: Pour half the tea in the cup you will be drinking out of reserving the remander infusion of cinnimon tea for at or around hour before bedtime.
Next step: add 1/4 teaspoon honey to the 1/2 cup of cinnimon infused tea, and stir. [I use local honey from my area due to allergies, store bought will work. ]
NEXT: Add 4 more ounces of filtered water to make a full 8 ounce cup and drink it on an empty stomach 15 minutes in the morning brefore eating and on an empty stomach before bed. Do not drink the sediment as it can upset your tummy. You can add 1/4 tsp ground or 1 slice of fresh ginger to the cinnimon mix at steeping time and that also helps restore natural balance in your tummy if you have been on meds for reflux. Not only will this over time rid you of your issue but will help with weight loss and detoix your intestines of sludge. Drink filtered water perferably room tempature cool or tepid and wait to see the difference you get. Never drink ice cold drinks when eating it turns the fats in your food to sludge in you stomach and wrecks havoic in your gut.
*If you can't find SIAGON cinnimon use the cheap stuff but there is a trick to getting the slimy blob to settle onthe bottom of the cup before pouring off measured amount for tea. After steeping stir, wait hour or so to settle on bottom then pour off for tea. Or make this the night before for morning tea to be room temp and then add filtered water to the remainder 4 ounces infused tea mix to equal 8 ounces. Stir and cover then by bed time the residue will settle to bottom of cup then just take care when pouring off this time no need to add water because you already did that. Tea time. I am having to do this for now due to stores here not carrying the SIAGON cinnmon right now.
I too have acid in my stomach, back, neck, arms and legs, it is very debilitating. Wish I knew what would help it.
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As far back as I can remember, my entire family played the eat and race to the baking soda to counteract the acid problem. I finally stumbled upon the cause of my constant heartburn, indigestion, and nausea, and flatulence (gas) in my thirty's. Elimination of all bleached flour from my diet worked wonders for my stomach problems. My PUD has only hit me once since I discovered this. I devoured a bunch of raw broccoli with dip over 2 days. I finally had to realize that the dip probably contained bleached flour. which caused the problem, since I have eaten raw broccoli since then with no problem. I now have what some call a cast iron stomach. I can eat hot salsa, black coffee, have my occaasional liquor on the rocks with no problem.
About 15 years later, I was researching PUD for a term paper. I learned that PUD became a problem in the uppersocioeconomic group about 11 years after someone came up with bleaching flour. It was so expensive only the wealthy could afford it. Some years later it became cheap enough that the middle socioeconomic group could afford it. Yep, PUD moved into this group about the same num of years later. Then somebody in (Minnesoto, I think) came with a process of bleaching it that made it so everyone could afford it. You guessed it-after approximately the same number of years later, PUD moved into this group also. My AHA! conclusion -SOMETHING IN BLEACHING PROCESS CAUSES UPSET STOMACH WHICH PROGRESSES TO PUD.
Now I still have a question. Can anyone explain why drinking,eating acid foods (tomatos, citrus juices, etc) from metal cans causes upset stomach or why eating bananas be they ripen enough to get brown speckles on peeling does the same.
Whatever, my advice to everyone is to eat your food as close to the way God grows it, if you want to be healthier.
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(Cartersville, USA)
In regard to Elissa from Asheville, I think you might be on to something. i didn't have acid reflux before moving to Georgia....and it seemed that everytime I drank some water it was so much worse, and my stomach would actually burn. I noticed that in the bathtub there were little flecks of black, and if you put your finger on them they would smear like grease. It took some scrubbing to get them off. They are coming from the water. So I am wondering what is in our water, and if it might contributte to the problem. I started buying bottled water...however it is kind of hard to tell if it is any better. Some seems to be as bad as the tab water for causing my acid reflux.