I'm a 41 year old white female. I stay active and I'm a healthy ideal weight (5Ft - 108lbs) Approx. 65% of my diet is organic foods and I do my best to avoid processed foods. I don't drink soda or consume artificial sweeteners. I avoid foods that contain High Fructose Corn syrup and Hydrogenated oils. However, I have come to discover my healthy diet wasn't as healthy as I thought.
For the last 3 years I have had recurring scabs near the back/crown of my head, sometimes infected. Like a bad habit, I've picked them for years not knowing what they were exactly. This summer's heat triggered the worst ever of my smelly scalp problem which would subside and get bad again. I wash my hair every morning but in the past few months I would notice my head got stinky before lunchtime. I would be sitting in my chair at work and could smell my own head just sitting there. It's smelled like a dirty cheesy rotten sock. If I rubbed my fingers on my scalp they smelled bad. I just started dating this summer and would rush home to wash my hair before going out on dates. I began researching and discovered other people with the same exact story as me. I was shocked and saddened to read it was a fungus and how it was so hard to get rid of. I'm against taking oral drugs as I've read they hurt your liver and never seem to work anyway. I found EarthClinic and I fully believe in natural remedies and that food is medicine.
I've tried many different topical scalp approaches listed on EarthClinic. They made my hair look great and lessened the smell a bit but never cured it. I read a few posts where people said they were cured from cutting sugar completely out of their diet. I wasn't ready to go that extreme and kept trying various topical treatments. As months passed and my dating relationship failed due to my avoidance of my partner, I knew I had to do the extreme and starve the fungus from the inside out.
I have cut out sugar completely. No sugar/honey, no ketchup, or mustard, (nothing with vinegar in it) no salad dressings, no flour, no white potatoes, no wheat, no fruit, no dairy, *although I do allow myself 2 tablespoons of cream in my coffee with stevia extract powder. My diet consists mostly of fish, chicken, eggs, beans of all kinds, tahini, spinach, zucchini, veggies, olive oil, seasonings, lots of quinoa.. For dessert I mix almond butter cocoa powder coconut oil together, it's delicious. I bought Ted's Alkaline ebook and in the morning and evening I drink the formula of lemon juice, water and baking soda. I also take probiotics in pill form since I can't eat yogurt right now.
I have been washing my hair for 2 months using a mild non SLS tea tree botanical shampoo and conditioner found in a local health food grocery store.
At night, I apply a mixture of lemon juice and a drop of pure tea tree oil to my scalp using a cotton swab or sometimes I drizzle it on. A few days a week I do a borax rinse in the shower. I go about shaving and let it sit for a few minutes then rinse it out. These seem to be working along with my new diet.
NO SUGAR- Day 1 - the worst that happened was I had a mild headache all day. I was a bit emotional but not irritable.
Day 3 of No Sugar - my head did NOT smell by lunch time! It did have a faint odor in the evening but only because I was rubbing my scalp to see if any smell rubbed off. It has been easier than I thought possible to do this diet and I feel very good so far. I am amazed and finding it hard to believe my head doesn't stink! This is a first.
Day 5 - I felt kind of weak and had foot cramps that woke me. Overall, doing very well and not craving sugar at all. My tongue is actually pink, not the regular whitish. Oh and I've lost 4lbs so far but I'm never hungry because I eat as much as I want.
Day 7 - It's gone, the smell is gone. I am in the practice of washing my scalp morning and night to keep it clean and so the fungus have nothing to feed on.
Day 14 - which is today the day I'm writing this. I am certain No Sugar is the CURE for scalp fungus. I plan on staying on this diet for a full 21 days. I'm a little nervous about going off it. I dont want to scoop sugar in my coffee anymore and I don't plan on it. I feel like all those foods I gave up are just useless filler foods with no nutrients. It doesn't mean I don't want those delicious cupcakes or chocolate chip cookies I smell baking in the store but I'm certainly not going back to my old ways of eating. I feel brand new now. This is a wonderful thing.
P.S. I think because my diet was pretty healthy to begin with that I didn't suffer from a lot of the sugar withdrawal symptoms people encounter.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Castor Oil
I have used this for everything from lacerations, dog bites - dog to dog, dog to human, face discolorations, interal for immune boosting, cosmetic oil, etc. Palma Di Christi is another name for it. Bacteria and fungus cannot grow in it because it is so viscous. And it's soothing.
I don't think there is a need for exact measurements of the vinegar and borax - just as long as you have a good solution of both ingredients. The lady of whom I read used a plastic tray and put enough vinegar in it to cover her feet, and used 2 t. Of borax, and she got great results. I hope this will help someone out there.
Finally, after so many years I see the light of getting new healthy nails. I will continue this routine for a few more months until the new nails are all strong and healthy. I should be able to wear sandles next summer. Using Vicks is important because without it my nails have these white spots, brittle and weak. I believe iodine is quite harsh for nails and strips them dry. Good luck. :)
Borax, Clove Oil
Ted's Remedies
It will cure all the things you are addressing.
Andre's Remedies
Condition: semi-advanced (bed nail of two of my toes is partially damaged)
Treatment stage: beginning (started 4 days ago)
Diet: I completely eliminated refined sugars and started eating more fruits and vegetables.
Remedy used: on the 1st day, I applied (every 2 hours) a mix of the following: apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil on cotton pads.
Noticed some slight improvement, but when I stepped out, there still was an annoying itch.
On the 2nd day, I added Vicks Vaporub and poured some urine on the infected area. Applying Vicks before wearing socks and shoes got rid of the itching.
On the 3rd day, I added honey (applied topically for 20 minutes) followed by washing the feet with antibacterial soap under very hot water (as hot as I could bear) followed by alternate applications of hydrogen peroxide (pharmacy only had 6% solution), lavender, cinnamon leaf and Eucalyptus essential oils (diluted with apple cider vinegar on cotton pads). I also started drinking 1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed in 1 cup of water (on an empty stomach last night before sleeping and this morning upon waking up).
I am glad to say the annoying itching is completely gone. The color of my two infected nails are yellowish. The only place still itching this morning was on the lower part of my toes (bottom part that touches the floor when I walk) - which is the only place I did not concentrate any treatment as it was much easier to keep the cotton pads on the top part of my foot when seating on the couch and watching tv than the bottom part. So what I did this morning was spread a generous amount of Thai Red Curry Paste on all the infected area and keep everything sealed with transparent plastic food wrap. It seems to be working great. The itching is completely gone.
Today, I will start applying virgin coconut oil (as well as eating 2 tea spoons daily) + peppermint and rosemary essential oils applied topically.
I will also start a detox program along with a gentle exercise program in order to strengthen my immune system.
I'll keep you guys updated on my progress :)
EC: Copper Sulphate is used for its blue coloring in fireworks and paints.
List of sources:
Local plant supply shops
Science Supply Shops
Hydrogen Peroxide
Application Hints
All I do is mix a little cayenne with salt in water. Maybe 1/8tsp of each in about 3oz, and just soak the nail or skin for athlete's foot. For nail fungus I try to clean out any debris and reapply it, to make sure it gets in. I only had to treat mine once. I have a thumbnail that looks like it is separating in one spot. Maybe I caused it by cleaning my nails with a penknife a few times, but I treated it anyway. VF
Urine Therapy
PS, it's free😍
I did this every night before bed until the nails grew out a beautiful pink color. I'm so happy to get my nails back! And this remedy is do cheap!
DIY Hand Sanitizer
The study used a solution of 0.1% Benzalkonium chloride which is a common ingredient in non-alcohol based hand sanitizer. At 0.1% there is no risk of skin irritation unless you are allergic.
The other ingredient was allantoin which is a mild keratolytic and surfactant. This can be replaced with a crushed up aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), dissolved in approximately 100ml of solution. Mild body soap may also be added in a small amount however this isn't necessary but it may help.
The study applied the treatment to the infected nail and the base of the nail twice daily over 10 months.
• Benzalkonium chloride 0.1% (Non-alcohol based hand sanitizer or a concentrate diluted appropriately)
• 1 crushed aspirin, dissolved in 100ml of solution (optional, dilute further or omit if you experience a skin reaction)
• A small amount of gentle soap or bodywash (optional, omit if you experience a skin reaction)
Cut away all excess infected nail with separate nail scissors or clippers so that you don't spread the infection to other nails.
Using a separate file, file back the nail on all surfaces well often. Ideally this should be repeated at least twice a week or more for best results.
Apply solution to infected nails once in the morning and once in the evening, ensuring that you cover underneath the nail where possible and where the base of the nail joins your finger or toe. Ensure that you apply the solution after showering and drying yourself for best results.
Continue until the infected nail has been removed and only uninfected nail remains.
This is a safe method of long-term treatment of nail fungus which has good results in controlled study environments.
Hand sanitizer can be applied regularly to the skin and left to dry and has very low risk of causing irritation.
I have personally been applying this solution regularly for about a month and a half and I can see a clear diagonal line of new, uninfected nail emerging from the base of my infected toe. I have often applied the solution more often than twice a day with no ill effects.
If you are a busy person or you have a disability which makes this sort of treatment regime difficult you can try applying the solution to a cotton ball or similar and attaching this to your infected nail using tape or a band-aid. The benefit of this is that you can re-wet the bandage for reapplication of the treatment, and as the solution remains in contact with the infected nail for a longer period this should result in a higher success rate. Ensure that you pay close attention to ensure that you are not causing irritation with the prolonged skin contact from this method.