Gallbladder Attacks
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Gallbladder Attacks

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Apple Cider Vinegar, Magnesium, Beet, Olive Oil
Posted by Peach (Bath, Wiltshire, England) on 02/15/2012

After suffering a gallbladder attack six weeks after giving birth I knew I had to change my lifestyle. The pain of that attack was worse than my labour pains and I couldn't imagine going through it again.

A trip to the Dr resulted in a referral to a surgeon who after confirming by ultrasound that I had a collection of small stones advised that the best result would be if I had it taken out.

Leaving my little boy just wasn't an option so I went about researching as much as possible to prevent a recurrence. I now drink organic apple juice every morning and have 1 tbsp of ACV with a little apple juice at night. I take magnesium everyday along with high strength (time release) vitamin C. The vit C I take at night as your immunity is naturally lower at night (when you are also more susceptible to an attack).

I also eat a beetroot everyday, and a spoonful of olive oil. I eat lots of fresh foods and try to eat as much raw food as possible, I have dramatically limited my sugar intake which has had an amazing effect on the horrible bloating I always seemed to have.

Thank you for this site and for all of the amazing comments that have helped me so much and prevented me losing my gallbladder.
