Gallbladder Attacks
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Gallbladder Attacks

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

General Feedback

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Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 03/03/2011

Hi, the common mistake is indeed eat little fat! If you want to understand better how it works maybe you should consider reading Barry Groves' book Trick and Treat where he explains the problem of eating a low fat diet and why when you start eating fat the stones start moving and you get pain but after you get rid of them eating enough fat will prevent you from having them! I have just had an ultrasound this afternoon because of high enzymes in the liver, luckily everything was ok and... No gallstones! The book is very interesting........ Whether ACV would help I don't know!

You can also get some information in Adelle Davis' book Let's Get Well. It is pretty much the same advice. She says that people get to afraid of having pain again that they stop eating fat which only makes things worse. She advises a diet rich in Vit. E and A also B vitamins and high in fats, low in carbohydrates. She says you should stay away from saturated fats but keep in mind that this book is very old so some of the information may be out of date. Still.... a very interesting book advised to me by some on this site and luckily I could get my hands on one! I hope this helps.....

Ginger Tea

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Posted by Molly12345 (Cleveland, Oh) on 06/02/2015

Editor's Choice

I've had 10+ gallbladder attacks of varying intensity over the last year and tried various things including ACV and lemon juice but nothing works as well for me as ginger tea. It has always helped and in many cases allayed an attack. Once I feel better and get hungry again then I eat some simple carbs, this seems to help as well.

First of all as soon as I realize I am having a gallbladder attack I stop eating. Probably not recommended for diabetic folks and others who need steady blood sugar but this is absolutely crucial for me.

I boil (or have someone boil) a handful of peeled chopped ginger for 10 minutes or so. The concentration doesn't matter as I just dilute it if it's too spicy. The boiling time doesn't seem to matter either and I often leave ginger pieces sitting in the water after turning off the burner.

I drink a little and then lay down, sipping more at intervals. It helps me to lay on my left side and periodically turn and stretch The change in positions seems to help the gallbladder release the bile but of course when it's really bad I don't try to move at all.

I've sometimes taken the ginger with lemon as well.

This has only worked on an empty stomach. After the first couple of attacks I clued in on this. I wait until I feel better, and also hungry, to eat. Best foods for me after an attack are simple carbs--boiled potatoes mashed with a fork and some salt, or rice crackers if I have them, etc.

I hope this helps someone.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

M: Nice to hear your success story.

If I might suggest, the late, master, herbalist Dr Christopher developed an herbal formula along the same lines of your current list w/ the addition of more essential ingredience like Fennel, Peppermint, Goldenseal (or other natural antibiotics like Oregano, Garlic). If you wish, you could add all-the-above and make your own formula of powdered herbs and put them in capsules. Just saying.

Using menthol cough drops or lozenges is good way to melt cholesterol gallstones ( I use 3 loz's back-to-back to help open up bile flow). If stones are mixed or heavy calcified one may need to do a gallbladder flush. The herb Chanca Piedra is also good for gallbladder and/or liver problems.

Replied by Leigh

I had bad gallbladder pains after meals and found that training myself to eat slowly and chew well stopped them. Simple I know but it worked for me.

Hot Bath for Gallbladder Pain

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Posted by Jason (Michigan) on 07/12/2013

I just went through a lasting attack, 3 plus hours or so. I will have to try the Apple Cider Vinegar next time. What helped me tonight was a hot bath. My pain was pretty high when I got home from work, I could not get any relief from anything so I ran a hot bath and laid in there for about a half hour. The pain wasn't completely gone in the bath but it provided so much relief and that made me more comfortable.

Replied by Rebekah

Just had my first attack in a few years, finally stopped the pain by lying in the hottest bath I could stand and hugging my knees to my chest. Also put Epsom salts in the water but no idea if that contributed. I tried drinking the ACV with lemon & lime juice diluted in about 6 oz. of warm water about 10 minutes before the bath, that may of helped as well, although I didn't get immediate relief like other posters said they did.

Instant Relief Juice

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Posted by Semele (Australia) on 07/03/2014

I have a 4 week old child and got my first gallbladder attack at 15 weeks pregnant which put me in emergency. Throughout my pregnancy we managed avoiding attacks with a very strict diet; something as simple as lamb cutlets would strike a severe attack. towards the end of my pregnancy. I was getting a nasty attack weekly, so you know my pain threshold. My most recent attack was last week and that one put me in hospital and to compare the pain, I would have preferred to go through my labour and childbirth drug free again; and yes, the birth is fresh in my mind only being 4 weeks ago. My gallbladder attacks can be nasty; just waiting for my body to settle from birth to get surgery.

Instant relief from severe gallbladder attack:

3 tablespoons organic apple cider vinegar mixed in a juice consisting of:

2 apples; 1 beetroot; 1/4 cucumber, 1/3 lemon (rough estimates) and a couple of drops of flaxseed oil if you can get your hands on it.

Get in the shower. Hot water on your abdomen/gallbladder, arms above your head against the wall; if you have someone with you, get them to apply pressure and massage in between your shoulder blades.

it takes between 10 - 20 mins to work. But you will have instant relief!

Only on 2 occasions did I need a second drink and same process above for it to completely get rid of the pain and only twice did I end up in emergency.

Lavender Oil

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Posted by Anna (Evans, CO) on 09/06/2014

Wow. After supper last night my sister had another severe gallbladder attack. We already ran out of pain pills and after $4000+ in urgent care bills she decided she didn't want to spend that much again just for acetaminophen. After searching the web we tried the Apple Cider Vinegar/Apple Juice mixture. After 3 minutes she threw it up sending her into worse pain then before. We tried the ACV and apple juice once before to try to help with the pain and she had the same reaction, vomiting and worse pain. Then we saw the one comment about 1 drop of PURE ESSENTIAL OIL OF LAVENDER IN A TALL GLASS OF WATER SIPPED SLOWLY BUT STEADILY. She said it tastes terribly bitter but Praise the Lord, within 5 minutes the pain level went from 10 down to 7 and she stopped shaking from the pain. Thank you so much Jim for sharing your discovery of this use for Lavender oil. I hope the ACV and apple juice works for those of your reading this, but if not please try the lavender oil. I'm so glad we did!

Lavender Oil
Posted by Sherry (Kalso, Bc Canada) on 02/13/2011

Hi I wanted to say thanks for this suggestion. I have recently started having attacks and found out I have gall bladder sludge. I checked out this site and found the lavender oil to be something I could both afford and consume without gagging. I am amazed!! It really has cut the attacks and pain down to almost nothing!! I put a drop in a large glass of water and just sip it all the time!! An extra benefit has been the freshest breath of all time! Thanks again for a great idea :)

Lavender Oil
Posted by Jill (Bronx, New York, United States) on 12/17/2009

Biliary Pain (Gallbladder, Sphincter of Oddi, Pancreatitis)

Although I had my gallbladder removed 9 months ago, I still get the classic "attack" pain every now and then. While I will get this checked out with my doctor (it is most likely a 'Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction') in the meantime I discovered a fantastic remedy that relieves the pain within SECONDS.

One drop of pure 100% essential oil of Lavender in a tall glass of water. Sip it slowly and steadily. I went from doubled over and delirious in pain to blissful relief in no less than 30 seconds (and have not had an attack since). I make sure I always have some on hand just in case though. A nice side-effect was it relaxed me so much I enjoyed a lovely afternoon nap! Lavender is on the FDA "GRAS" List (generally recognized as safe) for ingestion. Make sure whatever brand you purchase is 100% pure essential oil (not diluted with jojoba or other carrier oils... those would not be suitable for ingestion).

Laying Prone

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Posted by at (Clare, USA) on 09/14/2008

I have experienced the extreme discomfort of what I beleive to be gall bladder pain twice in the last year. Both times my symptoms lasted for several hours but were immediatley releived by simply laying down in a prone position. After a few moments the pain completly subsided. If it happens again I will not hesitate to try it at the onset!

Replied by Stephen
(Baltimore, Maryland)

This simply does not help. When faced with a bad gall bladder attack there's little I can do but lay prone. The pain may continue to persist or increase regardless.


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Posted by Minkxy (Brooklyn, New York, U.s.a.) on 03/02/2013

I had done a liver cleanse. The basic apple juice, epsom salts, olive oil and lemon. I had one last year for maintence. Had no problems. This time, a few weeks later, it felt like my bladder was struggling. A fluttering feeling all the time. I thought a stone was stuck, so I began the cleanse again. I got a far as drinking a gallon of apple juice, but the dread of drinking the oil was too much. Saw lethicin option, and gave it a try. I put roughly 3 tablespoons in about a half cup of water in morning and evening. I needed a quick delivery method like water. After 3 days I stopped. A little flutter the next day, then it stopped. That was 2 weeks ago and it it's fine now. I used soy lethicin granules. Non- GMO, identity preserved. I don't know if you can use names, I had bought a big 3 lb bottle online for other health benefits previously. THANK YOU so much for posting this cure, as I doubt I can ever do the whole cleanse thing again.

Posted by Sarah (Orlando, FL) on 05/20/2009

After my first gall bladder attack, I began experiencing chronic gall bladder pain in the way of a constant ache in my back on the right side below my shoulder blade. After doing some reading about natural cures for gall bladder issues, I decided to start with Lecithin. Within a few weeks of taking (not pill form) Lecithin Granules in yogurt, my pain was almost completely gone. I started taking it in 2005 and it's now 2009. And so far I haven't had another attack. Sometimes I do experience a small ache after eating cold dairy or a fatty meal, but once I take a dose of lecithin the ache goes away. The other thing I want to stress is that changes in the diet must be made as well. Eat low fat meals, cut down on sugar, dairy and caffeine. I have found that organic dairy products are less likely to cause gall bladder pain. My Lecithin dose was twice a day. Two teaspoons in the morning and two teaspoons in the afternoon. I did this for a year, then after wards cut back to every other day, and then gradually down to a few times a week.

Posted by Rose Fenton (Bournemouth, England) on 12/24/2008

Have just read about lecithin helping gall-stones, and I have been taking lecithin in granules for about a year, mixed in foods, but am still getting gall-bladder attacks. I have five small stone in the gall-bladder and one stone blocking the bile-duct. I also take plenty of apple juice and other juices and also milk-thistle and aloe vera juice. As I am very ill and weak anyway with a muscle disease, I want to avoid surgery if at all possible. Can anyone suggest anything else to ease these attacks. I went about 6 months without any and they have all started again.

Posted by Mary (Otisville, Michigan) on 10/26/2007

My mom had such painful gallbladder attacks that she would take to her bed, telling us that just our footsteps in her room were unbearable! I knew that, because she had the malady, I, being her daughter, might get it, as well. 'Sure enough, after I had my 3rd child, while still recovering in the hospital, I got my 1st attack. They tried to tell me it was afterbirth pains, but I knew better. As time went on, anytime I ate something containing fat, such as ground beef or sausage, I could expect excruciating pain. When my dad died, I was 7 months pregnant with my 4th child. I ate some rich ice-cream the next day; got so sick I spent almost an entire week in the hospital, unable to attend dad's funeral. The pain was always on my right side, and felt like someone tied a thick rope around my waist and pulled it tight. One day I took about 5 Swan aspirins to lessen the pain, but broke out in hives. When my tongue began to thicken, I called a friend to take me to ER, where I was given shots of benadryl and adrenaline. At a later date, when another attack occurred, I drove myself to ER. This time, I was told I needed immediate surgery; my gallbladder was full of tiny gallstones. They sent a prep nurse to my room, but, when I realized they meant business, I became so afraid that I jumped out of bed, got dressed and went home. The surgeon was not happy with me; told me I wouldn't live long! Shortly after, I joined a multi-level company that specialized in food supplements. During a meeting, a woman got up and testified that she'd been taking the company's lecithin for her gallbladder attacks; that her attacks had stopped completely. Excited, I ordered a bottle of the tablets that night, and began taking them religiously. Long story short: I've had no attacks since then; continue taking lecithin to this day. No matter what form or brand I use, the lecithin always works. I thank God for leading me to this miraculous cure! What I find strange is the fact that I've never read anything anywhere about lecithin for gallbladder symptoms. Thank you for helping me get the word out, via your wonderful website! Please, everyone suffering from gallbladder attacks, try lecithin before you opt for surgery. One tablet or capsule daily is all I take.

Replied by Faith
(Forest Park, Ohio)

NOT EVERYONE can HANDLE the SOY, I would not recommend it for anyone because it could eventually lead to other problems. That said, FLAX SEED and EGGS are rich in lecithin, so is BEE POLLEN, make those a part of your daily regimen and you will get plenty of NATURAL lecithin!

Pay It Forward
62 posts

Sunflower Lecithin powder works great. I use a personal blender to combine it into a hot herbal tea 2X daily (1 Tbsp ea). Granules blend easier but are challenging to find. I would buy a bag at my local health store but then I moved and need to find a new source. Back to the powder.

Lemon and Lime Juice in Hot Water

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Posted by Ellen (Gainesville, Fl) on 10/07/2009

Gall bladder pain: Lemon and lime juice in hot water

I have had mild to severe gall bladder pain for years. A recent spell of attacks was so bad that I could hardly sleep. My GP scheduled me for an abdominal ultrasound which revealed that I am "full of gallstones" and I was urged to have my gall bladder removed. Instead, I consulted with my acupuncturist who told me to drink the juice of a whole lime and a whole lemon squeezed into hot water every morning. I couldn't quite take the taste of the whole lime and lemon all at once so I broke mine up into a morning drink of 1/2 lemon plus 1/2 a lime in hot water (sometimes brewed with my organic green tea to add some flavor) and then again at night before I go to sleep. After 2-3 days, my pain was reduced by 75%. Within a week I was experiencing mild twinges only. Now, after 3 weeks, I am pain free and I am losing weight!

I've also been eating a lot of organic apples and grapes (good for flushing the liver) and I have cut out dairy, wheat, and all fried or processed foods. I feel lighter and my belly is shrinking daily!

My acupuncturist has said that the reason I wasn't able to lose weight is because my body can't metabolize the fat properly and removing my gall bladder would have been the worst thing to do and would NOT have solved my problems at all.

Lemon Juice

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Posted by Stephanie (Georgia, US) on 09/27/2014

My daughter had a severe attack about 4 years ago and we had no idea what was happening. A visit to the ER told us it was gallstones.

We tried the ACV but she would not take it, I tried it in every concoction imaginable... no go. Then I read somewhere on EarthClinic about lemon juice for gallstones. This was a miracle for her.

She likes lemon juice and had no trouble taking a big swig straight. HER RELIEF WAS INSTANT!!! She was doubled over in severe screaming pain and within 5 minutes or even less she was pain free. She did feel sore after such a bad attack but the lemon juice worked like a miracle.

She used it every morning first thing and she would take a swig before every meal. After about a year she could start eating some of the trigger foods again like eggs and beef. One bonus of the lemon juice is that it will start to dissolve the stones but this takes a year or longer depending on the size and severity and you have to be consistent and take it daily.

My elderly mother always complained her back hurt and they would give her Tylenol which never helped at all. Then I noticed it always happened after she ate, after what I learned with my daughter I guessed it was gallstones and not mom's back cause my daughter always said it hurt in her back.

I got mom some lemon juice and it worked! Mom couldn't believe it. The nurses couldn't believe it. The doctor was amazed and once they saw with their own eyes they started asking me the dosage. The doctor actually wrote it down! Huge win for natural remedies!!

The sooner mom would take the lemon juice after she ate the faster it worked but if she forgot about it and waited an hour of being in pain, it would take about 10 minutes to work completely but she could feel it ease off immediately.

We always used the lemon juice straight. No water or sugar added. We found that if we added anything it would not work as well. We never really measured just took a big swig. If I had to guess on the amount I would say about 1/4 cup.

Another thing lemon juice cures almost instantly is an allergy attack. My husband has allergies that cause his eyes and noise to run and he will start sneezing. Lemon juice stopped it all. He would take about 1/2 cup and sometimes need a second dose if he had waited too long or its a really bad attack.

Thank you EarthClinic and thank you to all the people that have contributed, you are saving lives and you have done more for my family than I could ever fit in one post. ~Steph


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Posted by Angela (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) on 05/26/2008

I had about 15 atleast gallbladder attacks in 2 weeks -hospitalized one night as well and they wanted to take out the gallbladder for my "diamonds" gallstones which I'd had for 16 yrs. at least with no probs. except very sick in my 4 pregnancies because of excess bile... The attacks started due to taking digestive enzymes for 2 days and then going off them. The attacks began the next night with coleslaw, sausages, and saurkraut ..but continued for the next 2 weeks pretty much whatever I ate. In my worst attack I practically crawled to the computer to The 1/2 cup lettuce cure came up with 2 yeas. Sent son running to store for it and 20 mins. later after eating the 1/2 c. I had complete relief. As one writer speculated that it stimulated the liver to produce digestive enzymes that would stop the body from calling on the gallbladder to produce digestive bile.. So for the next 24 hrs. I ate nothing but iceberg lettuce -lots of it - and slices of organic apple. The next day I tried out eating whatever I wanted which had caused attacks throughout the prev. 2 wks. (except the cabbage/sausages -bad memory!) Even McDonald's failed to give me an attack. I am so thrilled with this cure of course!

Hearing once recently that digestive enz help people lose a lot of weight, I wonder if the stimulation of the liver a couple times a day with particularly iceberg lettuce (as it's supposed to work the best rather than other lettuces) would be a natural weight loss cure as well? I know it seems to make less of the slight puff around my ankles -more definition. So it might also help with fluid retention. As well my new pretty set wrinkles of 6 mos. ago have almost completely disappeared within a few days of ingesting 3x per day atleast (vertical ones beneath my eyes -not the crow's feet). Try it and I'd love to hear your feedback as I'm a personal trainer and would love to see if it helps people lose weight -at least it brings down the glycemic index of each meal you eat it with some.

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