Gallbladder Attacks
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Gallbladder Attacks

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


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Posted by Lori (Houston, Texas) on 03/07/2008

Thank you Kelly from Toronto, taking the handful of LETTUCE for a gallbladder attack works!! Symptoms gone in ten minutes!

Replied by Anne333

Did you use iceberg as well? I am having an attack now, first one in over a year after missing my lemon juice for 2 days. The only lettuce I have in the house right now is baby romaine.. :/

Posted by Kelly (Toronto, Canada) on 12/14/2007

re: Gallstone Relief -- This is not a cure, just a way to immediately relieve an attack. All it takes is a handful of lettuce and all the pain is gone within 5-15 min. I find iceburg works better than romaine or leaf. I think it is because the lettuce makes your liver produce bile so your body stops trying to get it from your gall bladder. Works for me EVERY time!

Replied by Deseree

I have been doubled over in pain and have been sitting here with a bag of lettuce trying to get this pain to subside even a little bit. I am having no luck. Unfortunately this method hasnt worked for me. Possible ER trip.. Sooooooooo painful

Replied by Mike 62
(Denver, Colorado)

Deseree: Get the 7 1/2 lb. jar of kimchi at the asian market for $15. This has salt, sulfur, spices, and acids that dissolve gallstones. Grind up in the blender with some water and drink. Go on a raw food program or they'll come back.

Replied by Louwrence
(Rustenburg, South Africa)

Hi Deseree, Try a coffee enema then do a liver flush as/Hulda Clark to get rid of the gallstones. Search the net how to do the coffee enama as it relieves the pain.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Desiree from Florida,

So sorry for the extreme pain re gall bladder. Gall bladder attacks can come from many different directions; liver, pancreas, stones in the gall bladder and ... viruses. If this were me I'd at least eliminate the possibility (15 percent chance?) that the cause is viral and consume five tablespoons immediately of colloidal silver. Likely, a virus is not the cause but I just came across a case two months ago (gall bladder) that the cause was almost certainly viral. Cleared up with silver intake and quit using after a day and back came the attacks; and then consistent use of CS and the attacks went away completly. That one appeared to be viral.

Replied by Sandra
(Chicago, Il)

What kind of lettuce works best, iceberg, romaine, or is there a certain kind you would recommend for gallstone attacks?

Replied by Jean

Some find lettuce aggravates a gall bladder issue. I would use romaine though if I were to try lettuce. Organic, if possible. Have you tried apple cider vinegar?

Linda Clark's Remedies

Posted by Tassi (Berkeley, Ca) on 10/09/2015

From Linda Clark's 1976 book, "Natural Remedies, A Handbook, " Chapter 18: "Gall Bladder Problems" (pp 204-213)

[Excerpts I transcribed from printed text, in the order the items appear in the book. Of particular interest to me were the simple versions of the now-popular Liver/Gallbladder Flush, popularized online as the Hulda Clark flush, with many versions available on, and in books by Andreas Moritz et al.]


An underfunctioning gall bladder can lead to a host of surprising problems ... including ... edema of the ankles

yellowish skin, crankiness and irritability

...after gall-bladder removal by surgery ... symptoms returned

Many gall bladder sufferers are breakfast skippers ... you need something solid in the morning to start your gall bladder churning. The best thing you can take for breakfast is bran in some form ... "it sweeps the degenerated bile salts out of the colon and the vast majority of patients report relief of symptoms."

...the main goal is to keep that bile flowing. John E. Eichenlaub, M.D. says, "You can usually get a lazy gall bladder into action simply by taking one or two tablespoons of olive oil before each meal. This starts the flow of bile before the rest of the food enters the stomach. Although you may get a bit more indigestion from the oil for the first few days, you should see marked improvement inside two weeks ... Fried foods, pork, rich pastries and gravies, etc., must go. Replace cream with half-and-half ...

It may be that you cannot begin with as much oil as Dr. Eichenlaub recommends. If not, try less and work upward. Follow the oil with, or take it in, some tart juice and it will be easier to get down. Although all oils help, there seems to be an affinity between olive oil and the gall bladder.

Don't be afraid of eating eggs daily. The yolks contain lecithin. (Nutritionist) Adelle Davis said "... a high lecithin content of bile would appear to be vitally important in preventing gallstones."

the Lancet admitted, "Two preventive measures for gallstones are sunflower seeds and brewer's yeast."

...Beet tops ... have been found to increase bile flow ... Chamomile tea made from the plant's blossoms is reported as definitely a help in speeding up the flow of bile. Russian black radish tablets appear to do the same thing.
... One friend was told by her doctor ... "surgery may be necessary! " .. she tried the natural way. She drank chamomile tea daily, took Russian black radish tablets, cut down her fat intake of cream, butter, etc... I questioned her three years later and she said that her gall bladder disturbance subsided promptly on this program, and today she has forgotten that she even has a gall bladder.

... causes: sluggish bile flow due to starvation diet, birth control pills, Vitamin C deficiency, Vit E deficiency, low-fat diet, low-cholesterol diet.... method of not dissolving, but removing gallstones... I have known both patients and doctors who have used this method, sometimes after ascertaining by X-rays that the stone (or stones) can pass through the duct easily. I heard a chief surgeon of a large NYC hospital suggest this method to a relative of mine, as well as a college friend of his, before trying surgery. The doctor had seen good results when the method had been used by another physician. The method, often called a folk remedy, has different versions. The more common is as follows:

At bedtime, combine 1/2 cup of olive oil with 1/2 cup fresh squeezed lemon or grapefruit juice. Stir vigorously and gulp down the entire mixture without delay. Go to bed immediately and stay there, since nausea may, or may not develop. In the morning drink a cup of something hot and, if you wish, place a strainer under you when you have the first bowel movement. You may find small pebble-like stones. A variation of this theme substitutes apple juice for the lemon or grapefruit juice, as well as substituting apple juice every two hours for any solid food for two days before taking the oil-juice formula. This approach is said not only to dissolve stones, but to clean out the gall bladder of its old, thick, congested bile as well. The malic acid in the apple juice is given credit for the good effects. However, the oil apparently has value, too.

One case history described a man who took one full cup of olive oil at a time and always passed gallstones the next morning. He found that by later taking calcium and magnesium the oil treatment no longer produced gallstones. This may be explained by the magnesium which has also been credited with dissolving kidney stones.

Gallstones have been dissolved in rabbits by giving them not olive, but cod liver oil in large quantities...

Less dramatic measures have been used. Adelle Davis has cited studies in which Vitamins A and E have dissolved the old stones, as well as prevented new ones. Don't forget to include lecithin, too, in some form...

And don't sell chamomile tea short! Not only is it reputed to increase the flow of bile, but it has long been known to dissolve gallstones. Culpeper the herbalist, who lived from 1616 to 1654 wrote "That it is excellent for the stone, appears in this which I have seen tried, viz., tha a stone that hath been taken out of the body of a man, being wrapped in camomile, will in time dissolve, and in a little time, too".

The late Claudia V. James, in her little book, That Old Green Magic, " tells how a man gave her a few of the 64 gallstones he had had removed by surgery. He told her she couldn't dissolve them with chamomile, since he and his wife had been hitting them with a big hammer and couldn't even break them. Claudia James, determined to prove Culpeper's statement, set up her own experiment.

She made a solution of fourteen chamomile flowers (as found in dried tea form at health stores) in one tablespoon of boiling water, poured it into a small glass and dropped two of the gallstones into it. The next day the stones were in four pieces, in five days they were like gravel, and in ten days were completely dissolved.


...avoid eating large meals... drink enough water. Dr Eichenlaub says, "... Studies show that gall bladder sufferers seldom put water on the table and drink much less fluid than other people."

...stress... tension

tension can constrict the gall bladder muscles, and this interferes with bile flow.

... exercise is a must. "walk at least 2 miles a day, or equivalent of other similar exercise....stone formation occurs mainly in people who remain physically inactive....

Milk Thistle, Dandelion

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Posted by Beverly (Elkhart, In) on 08/29/2016

My daughter had gallbladder attacks for at least a good 3 years, she bent over in pain, she finally started taking milk thistle capsules 1000 mg each capsule, along with dandelion root capsules 3 times a day together for the first week and pooped out green stuff, she kept taking these two things for two weeks and her pain went away, and now she can eat anything and her gallbladder will not give her any more pain, here it is August 2016 and she is doing well.

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by Kong (Raleigh, Nc, Usa) on 03/12/2015

I am using apple cider vinegar for my gallbladder, but also TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) herbs, acupuncture, strict diet...feeling much better but want to be well and avoid surgery, but not avoid it if something is getting worse or risky! Hard to know exactly what to do.

Hope others are still reading this thread and will reply. Had a gallbladder attack mid to late January of this year (2015). Went to ER, internist, gastroenterologist, then surgeon. Surgeon said remove if more painful. My symptoms aren't too painful, but are there daily, especially at night. Mild discomfort at the right ribs and left shoulder blade. Some constipation/bloating and a hard feeling at the upper abdomen near the sternum.

I started traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) herbs (many in a formula, e.g., gold coin grass, curcumin, coptis, bupleurum, and several more that go together) and one treatment of acupuncture a few weeks ago. I now eat mostly whole grains, vegetables, fruits, some lean protein like chicken, fish, tofu, and lots of warm water with lemon, as well as some teas and of course apple cider vinegar and apple juice. In the past couple of days I added some coconut and flax seed oil and krill oil, wanting to help the intestines and also to make sure the GB will still release some bile. I take some vitamin B and C and milk thistle as well.

I mostly feel absolutely fine during the day but about 4-5 hours after a very healthy lunch start to feel a bit bloated, constipated. At night is when I notice some discomfort at the right rib area or left shoulder blade. It's hard to tell if I'm improving but my symptoms seem "managed". So I don't really know if I want to get surgery or if there are various other signs besides pain increase I should look for. Also not sure if I should look for other particular signs of improvement. I do not want to do a liver or GB "flush" but if there are signs that buildup of plaque or other gunk from cholesterol plus bile plus bilirubin and toxins are being eliminated, I hope to know. For example, somewhat green color in poop could be elimination of some of that? What happens as the liver and gallbladder start to clear up (if they do) and function more effectively? Any blood or other tests you can take for hard evidence?

Anyone else experience any of those same details or diet or supplements or treatment?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Beberobozo ( New York) on 12/18/2013

Hello, well I believe I was having gallbladder pain and issues so I was drinking lemons with water and doing tablespoons of olive oil.. I also added lecithin and doing acupressure. I also use ACV in water three times a day..and have added probiotics but not until just this week at the suggestion of healthfood store nutrionist and health guru.. The woman is in her 80's and works and looks great.

Now I have no idea what is making the pain less and less unless its a combination of all above but the pain has subsided a lot and feeling so much better....Please please let this be the cure.

thank You All and EC....

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Abib (Birmingham, Alabama) on 07/22/2013

My wife had gb problems for a couple years. Then she started taking one cheap supplement called HCL and started getting the acidity in her stomach up to help digest food. If you have acid reflux Roland's are just a base the gives temporary relief. Second thing she did was drink lots of apple juice for like a week and that softens the gallstones. Then you start doing two or more coffee enemas a day until you stop seeing the gallstones. They are green and gray and the size of rice crispies for her on average. If you want to also get rid of the parasites in your body you can eat coconut daily 1/3 of a fresh coconut a day and do a garlic enema one time a week after you have cut out all breads, sugars, and alcohol. She got rid of over 1000 parasites and 100s of gallstones. I have not done this yet but I saw it for my own eyes. My wife is super healthy now and as soon as she could not get any more gallstones out she has had zero pain or worry about it. Doctors won't tell you this because they don't make money off enemas. I believe this can cure you and potentially cure you of having colon cancer.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ironbutterfly (Buffalo, NY, USA) on 01/29/2013

About two weeks into trying to heal my gallbladder. Still being very careful with foods. Had to stop taking the Food Enzyme with Betain. Constipation, sporadically and gas ( belching and flatulence following eating) seem to be the only issue, right now... and my spleen is swollen.

In place of the Betaine/Food Enzyme.. I added papaya. For the spleen, trying black strap molasses. coconut oil pulling, in the Am, prior to breakfast. Still no ( or little) gluten, no dairy unless it is by accident, lean meat, no hydrogenated oils... I had powedered creamer the other day and my stomach was immediately on fire. No or very little sugar. Beets, when I am not out of them... hard to find the fresh ones, locally. Hypothalimus resetting with a homeopathic. Raw vitamin for women. B-complex

Any other suggestions are welcome and thank you! What is up with my spleen....ugh.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, USA)
2043 posts

Ironbutterfly: the health of the spleen is dependent mostly on the health of the liver, and the health of the liver is somewhat dependent on the health of the gallbladder.

First do a gallbladder cleanse. Fallowing the cleanse start taking liver support herbs like Milk Thistle Seed, Turmeric Root, Artichoke Leaves, Dandelion Root. Some form of Hepatitis could be active, so read up on the symptoms and maybe take some BHT or Chanca Piedra to clear out any possible viruses.

Parasites like the Liver Fluke is possible and can be severe, read up on the symptoms and maybe a round of anthelmintic (natural or pharmaceutical).

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ej (Middleboro, Ma) on 12/23/2009

I'm in the midst of what I believe is a gallbladder attack now that had me in the hospital on Saturday. Ultrsound showed nothing, so they escorted me out. I've never had pain like this, even with kidney stones. I tried Belladonna and followed with acupuncture which seemed to work yesterday, but BD alone is not working today. My acupuncturist is now off for the holiday. I've tried ACV and have been drinking warm apple juice only for days but it doesn't relieve the pain. I've read a lot of literature on flushes and had been using gallstonex (with artichoke) but am concerned about trying to increase bile flow while I have this pain. Not sure what to do at this point. Any suggestions would be welcome. The allopaths don't seem to care.

Replied by Kelly
(Cincinnati, Ohio)

To EJ from Middleborro, Ma (12/23/09) something that helped me lessen the pain of a gallbladder attack was to put 1 tbsp of flax seed in a pan w/ 2-1/2 c,of water and boil for 5 minutes. Then pour the top off(containing flax seed oil) and sip. I added a little cinnamon and truvia to taste. It really helped! Also, check out for further info on diet changes. You don't need to grind the flax seed to get the oil out, just boil it for tea, or put a tbsp. of flax seed with a cup of water in a clear jar in the fridge and by morning the water(pure water) will have leached out the oil and will be ready to use( not for cooking). can be used on food as an addition(oatmeal salads,etc.) as a source of omega-3 fatty acids (as there is in fish). has alot of good info for sufferers. they might be able to help you identify triggers as, they can be different from person to person. I felt like I was having a heart attack with mine. don't give up on a naturopath. Google your area and find another one. You may have just gotten one with an attitude (just what you need when you are sick huh.) I hope this helps. Many Blessings.

Replied by Shanti
(Bangkok, Thailand)

Ej, Hopefully you are feeling better by now, but I thought I would say what works for me. I have been having Gallbladder attacks several times a month for over 15 years. I won't go into the list of things I have done long term that have helped right now, but what definitely helps me when an attack is taking place is Epsom Salts. It is the most vile tasting stuff on Earth, so I put it in capsules and take at least 5, sometimes up to 20, depending on the severity of the attack. I am pretty sensitive by now to how much I need to take. It helps for sure. It also causes the runs, but it's MORE than worth it! It doesn't always work quickly (sometimes it does), but always eventually. The Epsom Salts allows the bile ducts to relax. I am like you, no stones come up on multiple tests and no other issues either, though I have done well over 50 liver flushes and got multiple stones and other CRAZY stuff out of my liver/gallbladder over the years (including parasites). All this has been part of what has worked for me. Now that I am posting I will also say that there is an Amazonian herb called Stonebreaker (Phyllanthus niruri) which is supposed to heal the gallbladder and help remove stones. It has had amazing success rates in studies. I ordered some of this and took it (about a table spoon of powdered herb) during attacks and it definitely seemed to help! This is not the prescribed way to use it. You are meant to use it long term, but I went overseas and didn't take it with me, so I can't report on its long term effects. I will do it again when I get back.

Over the years the severity of my attacks has reduced very substantially... I rarely have an attack these days that has me begging for death, but that used to be very frequent a few years ago.

ACV sometimes helps me a little bit, but not enough to write home about (during an attack). Hot tea with lots of honey is a great help always, if only to calm me down. I sometimes drink litres of this during an attack.

Here are a few other things that have helped during bad attacks:

- enemas
- charcoal
- magnesium tablets (from the pharmacy)
- HOT HOT baths
- massage of area and the same area on the back
- doing a Hulda Clark liver flush during the attack sometimes releases the spasm
- sugar seems to help so sometimes I eat cough lollies if I don't have honey on hand to put in herbal tea.
- hot coffee sometimes can help (I have had no luck with coffee enemas during an attack)
- lying on a very hot surface or using hot water bottles front and back.
- Sounds silly, but sometimes TV is a great distraction during an attack. I don't normally watch it at all, but during an attack the distraction can help the relaxing of the gallbladder area in my experience.
- lying on my left side so the gallbladder can drain is less painful than on the right side normally.
- I used to have a yoga teacher who could stop an attack in its tracks with some very skillful manipulation/massage. It took him about 5 minutes to release the spasm and I was all good! :) Sorry I don't have his details anymore.

I have tried the flax remedy above with no luck, but I know many have benefited from it. Flax tends to make my gallbladder flare up more, whether it's oil or gel or seeds/flour. But that's only me perhaps.

I hope some of this helps. I know the desperation of a bad GB attack and would have loved to have known all this 15 years ago.

I wish you all the best!

Replied by Ej
(Middleboro, Ma)

Thanks everyone for the input. I'm in week 3 of this attack which is coming and going now. Gone at the moment, enough to make me think I can leave for my vacation on Friday.

Since my emergency room stay, where they told me it could be shingles or "something metastasized into the area" - loved that one - I've had a hydascan: normal function and no stones, two chest xrays: nothing, a CT scan on abd and pelvis (mostly looking for kidney stones): nothing. (Yes, I'm glowing a bit at this point from all the radiation) More acupunture, which helps temporarily. NO ONE knows what this is, even though it's obviously classic GB pain. I'm at my wits end with the medical establishment and can't believe this is what we are all paying for - soon to pay more with this Federal bill. All these tests are what drives the cost up, but the tests obviously DON'T WORK.

I've been drinking Apple juice mixed with carrot juice which makes me very gassy and exacerbates the pain. I don't know what to eat anymore.

I've used:
castor oil packs,
lemon juice with olive oil,
chinese herbs.
I take Mag citrate every night as a rule.
Use heating pad front and back alternating.
Have taken hot baths with Epsom salts
Use rebounder to move lymph fluid
Charcoal for gas - this really works!

I typically eat very low fat (less than 20 grams per day),Veggies, fruit, chicken or fish; next to no dairy or grain, so am perplexed at why this is happening at all. What more can I do to my diet to make my body work correctly? I've spent a fortune over and above my insurance premiums to try to stay well. It's disheartening and scary.

Well, enough of this rant. I'm going to try some more of your suggestions and hope that I don't end up in some Caribbean hospital over the next week or so.

My Best to you all!


I wonder if you have a functional gallbladder disorder. I believe that is what we are dealing with. It can happen as a result of viruses (covid/spike proteins) from the reading I'm doing now. It can happen in adults and children. Traditional solutions don't work well for this disorder, however, I believe by treating it with high dose vitamin C and being careful not to aggravate with fat, along with lots of prayer, we will see healing around the corner. It can take up to 3 months for this to resolve so do not get gallbladder removed before that point!

Replied by Ytk
(Bend, Or)

My naturopath informed me that low fat diets can exacerbate the problem (I was on very low fat HCG diet and that caused gallbladder issues). Good oils such as olive oil need to be ingested.

Nutmeg, Cream of Tarter, Lemon Juice

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Posted by Jo Nelson (La Grande, Oregon USA) on 10/24/2008

The Gallbladder and slow bile flow

Nutmeg, Cream of Tartar & Lemon Juice.

I had my Gallbladder removed in 1985. Since then, I sometimes experience a Cholic after eating certain foods. I try to remember to take Bile Salts or Digestive Enzymes before I eat something that I know may cause this problem...but sometimes I forget. When the Cholic hits me, it is in the right side about the area of the surgery scar. Sometimes, I can actually feel a "gas lump". If it is really bad, it will go up into my shoulder and neck right to the base of my head and HURT.

I take 1/2 baking soda and apply a hot rice bag to the area for quick relief.

My friend is a Clinical Nutritionist and she gave me this remedy to thin the bile flow so that my body gets the bile it needs.

For 5 mornings, I take this recipe.
1/4 teas. nutmeg
1/4 teas. cream of tartar
2 Tbls fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup warm water.

It doesn't taste bad and you will find that your digestion improves and the gas pockets go away.


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Posted by Carol (Georgetown, USA) on 01/21/2024

Gallbladder Attack

Eating oatmeal will push the bile through the bile tube and clean out the blocked stone. I have done this and it worked.

Olive Oil, Lemon Juice, ACV, Apple

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Posted by Doris (Santa Ana, CA, USA) on 04/15/2008

Cramps under my ribs began a month ago after each dinner. I often felt nausea, overfull of food, irritable. When hubby had a kidney stone attack and this site had his (lemon + oliveoil + water) cure, we also bought ACV hoping to fix his allergies. I knew an apple slice before bed prevents heartburn, and helps gall bladder. I feared my years' lower back pains also pointed to gall bladder, liver.

I googled "gall bladder holistic" and read here and at alive(dot)com the liver, gall bladder, small intestines, stomach issues and holistic fixes. I decided to try a light purge.

My breakfast was mostly fresh fruit and lots of water, with hot lemon tea (gall bladder cleanse beginning), by lunch while hubby drank his 2nd day's kidney stone cocktail, I also drank one (2 oz lemon juice blended with 2 oz olive oil chased with big glass water) - my gall cleanse at work. 5pm dinner my usual cramps above stomach in ribcage began. But this time with bloating. At 530pm I drank a mix of 1 oz ACV with 3 oz water. At 6pm still bloated, despite the full meal, I ate an apple. At 620pm instead of worse pain from eating more volume, my stomach felt MUCH better. Rib cage felt light yet low belly felt very heavy - gall purge building. When at 630pm I sat down as lower intestines really were gathering momentum, I wondered if I had some diarrhea bug and didn't know it. I hoped it was the lemon-olive oil, ACV and apple working. At 6:40pm I suddenly felt relief under my ribs and looked down, watching bloat go away before my eyes; it not only left, but my stomach was flattening too. My tshirt was loose! My stomach didn't hurt at all, NO bloating at all, I was visibly thinner! Lower intestines were churning. Decided to eat an half-inch apple slice just before 9pm bedtime. It canceled slight nausea from the churning. In a few minutes, a repeat of the slight bloat, lower instestine churning, then relief with disappearing bloat and visibly flattening stomach. I expected gas from the disappearing bloat. The gas bloat feeling didn't travel south, it disappeared! Amazing. I woke up about midnite with slight stomach upset, so I ate 1 more bite of apple. The repeat pattern never happened. It felt so good to not be bloated, and have a happy stomach for once. At the morning toilet I did flush a terrible lot of mucousy greenish light-brownish sludge then 15 minutes later a much lesser quantity of the same. Immediately I felt like energetic and upbeat, ready to take on the day. Miracle of natural healing! My body operates like I'm 18 since then - no heartburn, no coffee cravings, no bloat, more often smaller stools, lower intestines feel calm, sleeping deep and rested, far more energy, no nausea ever after meals, no heavy stomach feeling anymore. The scale shows slow and steady weight loss too HOORAY! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Orange Juice

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Posted by Frank (Santa Rosa ) on 01/28/2016

Gallbladder Attack:

What makes my pain go away is orange juice. Within 10 to 15 seconds, yes seconds, my pain is gone. The nurse at Kaiser was amazed how it made the pain go away. That's after being doubled over in pain. Blew the doctor away too.

Replied by Art
2370 posts


Thanks for posting that. Can you say what orange juice you used how much you drank and if it was warm or cold to alleviate the pain?



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Posted by La Saundra (Montgomery, AL) on 08/11/2006

At the first sign of a gall bladder attack/Biliary Colic, I run for the orange juice or an orange. Every cholestoral Rx I've been prescribed, so far, causes my attacks!

Ox Bile

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Posted by dashiell123 (Los Angeles, CA) on 03/11/2021

Hi I had sludge in my gallbladder which was causing a lot of discomfort. After taking ACV to manage the pain, the doctor suggested taking Urso, OX Bile to reduce the amount of sludge. Within two months after taking Ursodiol and Taurine twice a day, I did an ultrasound and the sludge was gone. I am also managing my diet by avoiding fats, oils, dairy, and other triggers. I do not need to continue the Urso and Taurine anymore but may need to take it the sludge comes back. I am so thankful for this site and for everyone's generosity in sharing their tips for managing their ailments.

Replied by Lauren
(Tacoma, WA)

Ox bile is so inhumane. You can get same results with Tudca.

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