Gallbladder Attacks
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Gallbladder Attacks

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Dietary Changes

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Posted by Geralyn_d (Atlanta, Ga) on 12/11/2012

Dieting is a real problem for the gall bladder and juicing veggies is just the low fat type of diet to cause cycling of your OWN body fat into a real bad attack. I used the cabbage soup diet to lose 60 pounds a few years back and I recall a few friends losing their gall bladders to that diet. I knew how to do the gall bladder cleanse and every second week I did the diet(1 week a month) I would do a GB cleanse. I still have my gall bladder and only when I veggie feast do I have attacks now.

Epsom Salt

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Posted by Steve (Las Vegas, Nv Nevada) on 01/20/2013

For instant pain relief from gallbladder attacks try 1TBSP of epsom salt in a warm glass of water with some juice to take away the bitter taste. You should have relief in less than an hour. It helps to lie down on your right side with legs drawn up. You may pass a few stones this way as well. It's not a full gb flush but it always works for me. The other way to relieve a gb attack is one lemon squeezed and an equal amount of olive oil. Mix and drink down.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Shanti (Tiruvannamalai, Ta India) on 10/27/2011

I have to agree with Stephen from Baltimore. Laying prone, crawling, rolling, hanging upside down, writhing, moaning and crying do nothing to relieve the pain of gallbladder attacks unfortunately.

Epsom Salts are really the only thing that has any effect in my case. I take 2 large tablespoons with hot water. Normally I put the Epsom Salts in capsules so I don't gag taking them (I can't stand the taste). If I'm lucky, the pain will subside over the next 2 hours. It doesn't always work, but usually it does. Of course Epsom Salts not only relaxes bile ducts, it is a powerful laxative, so be prepared for an obvious side effect. It's better than having gallbladder pain though!

Flax Seeds

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Posted by Kim (Louisville Ohio) on 05/31/2014

The flax seed tea worked so well, thank you!

Flax Seeds
Posted by Luna (Silver Spring, Maryland) on 07/14/2012

Thank God for Earth Clinic and all the beautiful and good hearted people who share their experiences using alternative methods for healing! I suffered several attacks of gallblader pain in the past 17 years. Thank God I have not have one in the last three years. They stopped at all. I always wondered what made them go and came to the conclusion, after reading these posts, that it had to be the flaxseed tea. I started the tea because I wanted to lose some weight. Please give this a try. Boild a couple cinammon sticks and three teaspoons of flaxseeds in two cups of water for 10 minutes. Cover pot and let it stand for approximately 15 minutes before drinking. Add honey to taste and enjoy it. Blessings!

Flax Seeds
Posted by Kelly (Cinti , Ohio) on 02/14/2011

Another good remedy for gallbladder attack is put 2 cups of water to boil, add 1tbs. Of flax seed, boil for 5 min. Boiling leeches the fs oil out of the seed and it will soothe an attack. It is tasteless so you can add a little cinnamon or sweetener.

Flax Seeds
Posted by Kelly (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 10/25/2009

a good remedy for gall bladder pain is to take 1 TBSP of flax seed with 2 1/2 cups of water and boil for 5min. pour off flax seed oil (rich in omega-3 fatty acids, life fish) and drink. I put some cinnamon and truvia (plant based sweetner) to taste and sip till gone. It really helped. alot of websites tell you to grind flax seed, but if you don't have a grinder, just take what you need for a week( in recipes et.),and put 1 tbsp. flax seed/1 to 1-1/2 cups water in a clear jar w/ a lid and refridgerate overnight (use distilled or spring wate of course). the flax oil will leach out and rise to the top by morning------- for the gall bladder attack though, boil and drink like a tea ASAP. It helped me. don't store too long in fridge.

Replied by Anita
(Dracut, Ma, United States Of America)

I found this flax seed tea works very well for gallbladder attacks. I have used the same recipe as Kelly but I also let it steep for 10 min after boiling. I also did not grind the seeds before boiling.

I find the texture very difficult to swallow (pardon the pun) so I dilute the tea with hot water (about 1:1) then drink two cups. The new addition of stevia sweetener was very helpful. This remedy works within 10 minutes and is very safe. I have, literally, been brought to my knees with chest and back pain, following spicy or rich foods, that can be attributed to gallbladder attacks. I drink the tea with the first signs of discomfort and have not had a severe attack since.

Replied by Tammy
(Grand Island, Ne, Usa)

I love flax seeds. I going to try the tea recipe. My daughter is having these attacks. I'm using homeopathy to help, but I like the tea idea. The homeopathy, in case any are interested, is: Biliousness for the pain and Chamomile for nausea. It takes a little while to work when it's bad, but it does work. I hope anyone that's having these pains, can use these ideas and save money from surgery.

Replied by George

Well I bought flax seeds to use after having my gallbladder removed, pity I only found out now, as I was wondering no coffee after surgery, apple juice is fine but not from concentrate, so the dilemma goes on what to eat and drink and what not to eat and drink, but I did ask Google so I'll give it a bash, hope this reaches as I see most comments come from the states, this is a reply from the UK so thanks for the input, yes hospitalised twice with a Flare up of the gallbladder, hope other people take time to read the post you ladies have put on Google.
Many Thanks

Flax Seeds
Posted by Jeanne (New York, NY) on 10/25/2009

Kelly's flax tea recipe caught my eye just in time. I just finished my first cup of flax seed tea after eating a very rich Indian dinner earlier tonight, which was starting to give me shooting gall bladder pain! I added half a cinnamon stick to the tea after it had boiled and a half teaspoon of blackstrap molasses since I don't like stevia's after-taste. Yummy! Too soon to tell if it has worked or not, but I think I will make a habit of drinking this regularly. My skin feels softer already. Thanks Kelly!

P.S. I did not grind the seeds before boiling them.

Replied by Faith
(Forest Park, Ohio)

Use it DAILY INSTEAD of waiting on an attack, it helps to CLEANSE the liver and IT HELPS TO EMULSIFY FATS... Reducing cholesterol in the body!

Foods That Trigger Gallbladder Attacks

Posted by Kelly (Lakeland, Fl) on 06/19/2013

Can you tell me what type of foods trigger the gallbladder attacks? This is all new to me. Any thing helps I am not sleeping at night:(

Replied by Pbird
(Everett, Wa, Usa)

Kelly, when I still had my gallbladder and was having much trouble and pain with it the things that triggered it were, overeating period, too many combinations, things like chocolate. What gets it going is when what you are eating needs bile to be digested so the gallbladder tries to squeeze some out. When its full of stones this hurts.

Really simple food and not a great deal of it was best.

By the time I had mine removed it was so miserable that when I woke from sugery I told my doctor "I feel better now! Just waking up from anesthetic and all! " It was so much better just to have the pain gone. I have not experience any bad effects from losing it, compared to how rotten I felt before losing it.

Replied by KT

This will be quick... When I was pregnant the first time I was so afraid of getting stretch marks I eliminated excess fat from my diet (i.e., no butter on my toast, no mayo on my sandwich for lunch other than what was in the potato salad or tuna salad... The bread was dry). At night I had horrible gallbladder attacks. I later read that the gallbladder needs fat to contract. So, it seemed the timing of my attacks made sense. I didn't eliminate excess fat with my second one. I had no more attacks. BTW, I have no stretch marks. This may not be for you because I don't know what else you may be eating, which will make a difference, but this is what I learned and thought I'd share.

Replied by Lynn
(Orange County, CA)

Hi Kelly,

I would try eating like a baby. Green smoothies & veggie soup without oils and fats. If you have a blender you can boil some zucchini, garlic cloves, celery and leek and once it's soft blend up the soup in the blender and add salt and pepper. Your body can heal faster when it does not have to work so hard on digestion. I feel better after a week of doing this kind of eating, I think my body absorbs the nutrients better this way.


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Posted by Tina (Houston, USA) on 09/09/2012

I had the worst gallbladder pain this morning as I woke up and was blessed to have a friend tell me to rub gently few drops of frankincense essential oil on the front and back of the gallbladder and liver areas.

Within 7 mins, the pain was gone. The correct protocol is to do this 2-3 times daily for upto a month which enables the stones to dissolve.

Just wanted to share this here, as I will be doing this to dissolve the stones using this protocol.

Replied by Aubrey
(Long Beach, CA)

Hi how are you, I wanted to know more about what oil exactly of frankincense did you use and did you do directly or use a carrier oil and out it in front and back of gallbladder did it help with the pain only or to dissolve them as well? Thank you. I'd really appreciate it.

Mama To Many

Hi Aubrey,

Tina's post was from 2012 and I don't know if she still posts. I have also used Frankincense Essential Oil for gallbladder pain so I thought I would chime in. I just use a few drops neat over the area of pain. Not sure which variety of Frankincense I have used, I think they are all anti-inflammatory. Frankincense alone never did dissolve my stones. I have used the gallbladder flush protocol on this site many times to remove stones, with success.

~Mama to Many~

Garden Greens

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Posted by Lynn (Gulfport, Fl) on 12/21/2011

Having had horrible gall bladder and attendant reflux episodes, I read about dandelion greens and beets and beet greens. I had dandelion greens coming up all over my yard, and started picking/cooking them. I had let them grow, so they were tall stalks when grown. I would eat them every day, at least a small plate full. I cooked and ate beets and beet greens from the store and took herbs (nettle) in capsules. I felt better in two days, but kept it up for two weeks. That was a year ago. I am having some twinges now, and started back on the herbs and beets with saurkraut (I don't like drinking vinegar). The relief is instant, and water helps. Keep the fat in the diet low until the condition improves.

Replied by Lou
(Tyler, Tx)

My mom used to cook dandelion greens and would add a little olive oil and lemon juice to make them taste better.

General Feedback

1 User Review
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Posted by Amy (Wales) on 07/02/2015

Hi all just thought I would share this with u... I have been suffering with gallbladder attacks for around 3 months now (since having a baby). The pain has been so bad I have been to A+E 3times out of 4. The 1st 2 times they couldnt find what was wrong - but finaly seen another 2doctors about it and they said it is my gallbladder! Anyway... He told me to go on a 0% fat diet and has prescribed me with Buscopan. Buscopan is mylife savour.... Basicly the doctor explained that GB attacks are like have painfull cramping (contractions) ext.... and what Buscopan does it stops your GB from doing this. I would definitely recommend it... I also am very weary of what I eat now as I paranoid I am going to have an attack at any time! Knowing mine last around 24hours + and unbearable, At the moment I am waiting for a letter for a scan on my organs... And if it is 100% my GB which they say it is atm I will be having my gb removed... sooo I would keep going back to ur gp if your still suffering.

Ps I have been told that things like dairy products set off an attack so mayby try cutting that down to see if it helps ?

Replied by Steve

The best way to heal the gallbladder is to do gallbladder and liver cleanses:

For immediate relief of gallbladder attack pain drink a cup of warm water with a TBSP of epsom salt dissolved in it. Lay on your right side with your knees pulled up for about an hour or more. This will open up the ducts in the liver and gallbladder and release some of the stones and sludge that is causing the pain. Doing the full cleanse will get rid of lots of stones and truly get to the root of the issue.

Replied by Sam

Your doctor is wrong. Being on a fat free or low fat diet is detrimental to one's health.

General Feedback
Posted by Meagem (Ridgway, Pa) on 04/03/2015


I had the attacks without the stones. found out my sisters also had the same thing ...sadly my oldest sister died from GALLBLADDER CANCER. Very rare. My youngest sister and I had adhesions so bad it squeezed our gallbladder in a very small size. mine was larger then a golf ball! ..went to local, backwoods, ER a few times when I was having attacks and they did the same stupid testing to see if I had stone ...hello you don't need stones to have attacks! Makes me mad all the testing I went through and money spent just to be wrongly diagnosed. My oldest sister went through the same ordeal. Please if they tell you you don't have stones so nothing is wrong ...go to a different hospital or dr and get a second opinion. I got lucky and found a great surgeon that knew what he was doing. gl ....oh before the surgery I was taking Dandelion root, milk thistle , apple cider name it ...

General Feedback
Posted by Judy (Meadville, Missouri,usa) on 12/07/2011

I had my gallbladder removed 7 years ago. I had nothing but trouble every since. I now have bile reflux. The bile that used to go into my gallbladder now dumps into my stomach. It's just like having my gallbladder back, pain, nauseau, back pain, bloat. Today my drs. has suggested that I eat pickled beets, and dill pickles also. So I'm going to try the apple cider vinegar. What do I have to lose at this point. I guess my comment is this, don't think because you have your gallbladder removed your problems will be over. I know it's only about 10% of the population will have this problem after surgery. Lucky me!

Replied by Rebel
(Somewhere, Usa)

Hi Judy. My wife had her gallbladder removed as well and is still having symtoms of attacks every so often. We use the shot glass or 2 Tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of room temp apple juice. Her pain and sickness is usally gone within 30 minutes. Hope this helps.

Certain foods will trigger attacks as well. Like eggs and cabbage.

General Feedback
Posted by Sandy (Paso Robles, Ca Usa) on 08/28/2011

Great site- really helpful esp. Ted. Been all over. But I did want to share about my gallbladder issues. There is a good herbal formula I resort to whether it is stomach or gallbladder. It is Health Concerns GB6. One pill will take away my pain in an hour. It is an herbal formula that my natural Dr. Gave me. And you must wait and not take right after a meal. At least an hour after a meal. But I will try some of the other ideas as well.

I used to have Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue and am well and the biggest thing was food allergies. They trigger so much. I cannot eat egg (and I believe that happened because of the flu shots) I had to take two of them years ago to take care of my ailing dad. Albumen in the shots and my body rejected it and now after eating eggs my whole life I cannot have any. Eating something with egg would give me both migraine and gallbladder pain.

But that aside the other big thing is sugar. NO ONE wants to hear that but you have to stop eating it. It is sooo destructive. Think of it this way:

The strongest bone in your body is your teeth and what eats teeth???SUGAR! So what is it doing to the rest of your body?

I don't eat it anymore. I do use a little honey and agave syrup because I hate Stevia.

I am thinking seriously about the fat issue and also something else I figure out. I can go along fine until I start to exercise and then I get sick. I think when I start to burn fat my body flips out as much as if I ate a fatty meal. And the water isuse is BIG. Water is so big. No one drinks enough water. I drink nothing but water and until my pee is very light lemon colored.

Check out the water cure and learn alot!!

I am also thinking more about trying to eat a little more fat like some of the posts mentioned.

Having the herbs and all is great BUT we need the CAUSE so we can be cured otherwise we are not much better than the Dr.s with their meds and surgeries.

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