Nutmeg, Cream of Tartar & Lemon Juice.
I had my Gallbladder removed in 1985. Since then, I sometimes experience a Cholic after eating certain foods. I try to remember to take Bile Salts or Digestive Enzymes before I eat something that I know may cause this problem...but sometimes I forget. When the Cholic hits me, it is in the right side about the area of the surgery scar. Sometimes, I can actually feel a "gas lump". If it is really bad, it will go up into my shoulder and neck right to the base of my head and HURT.
I take 1/2 baking soda and apply a hot rice bag to the area for quick relief.
My friend is a Clinical Nutritionist and she gave me this remedy to thin the bile flow so that my body gets the bile it needs.
For 5 mornings, I take this recipe.
1/4 teas. nutmeg
1/4 teas. cream of tartar
2 Tbls fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup warm water.
It doesn't taste bad and you will find that your digestion improves and the gas pockets go away.