Gallbladder Attack
Natural Remedies

Gallbladder Attack Remedies

Garden Greens
Posted by Lynn (Gulfport, Fl) on 12/21/2011

Having had horrible gall bladder and attendant reflux episodes, I read about dandelion greens and beets and beet greens. I had dandelion greens coming up all over my yard, and started picking/cooking them. I had let them grow, so they were tall stalks when grown. I would eat them every day, at least a small plate full. I cooked and ate beets and beet greens from the store and took herbs (nettle) in capsules. I felt better in two days, but kept it up for two weeks. That was a year ago. I am having some twinges now, and started back on the herbs and beets with saurkraut (I don't like drinking vinegar). The relief is instant, and water helps. Keep the fat in the diet low until the condition improves.

Avoid Lettuce
Posted by Trudy (Burton, Mi) on 10/16/2011

I have a sluggish gullbladder with no stones. I have had this problem for years and what I found is lettuce was causing most my attacks. After I stopped eating lettuce I don't have as many attacks and they are rarer than when I ate lettuce. I am now going to write down what I ate before every attack and see if there is a common link. Some say dairy products too can cause you problems. Next attack I will try the ACV and apple juice and add some baking soda in the mix for good measure. Thanks your site is awesome.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ej (Middleboro, Ma) on 01/06/2010

Thanks everyone for the input. I'm in week 3 of this attack which is coming and going now. Gone at the moment, enough to make me think I can leave for my vacation on Friday.

Since my emergency room stay, where they told me it could be shingles or "something metastasized into the area" - loved that one - I've had a hydascan: normal function and no stones, two chest xrays: nothing, a CT scan on abd and pelvis (mostly looking for kidney stones): nothing. (Yes, I'm glowing a bit at this point from all the radiation) More acupunture, which helps temporarily. NO ONE knows what this is, even though it's obviously classic GB pain. I'm at my wits end with the medical establishment and can't believe this is what we are all paying for - soon to pay more with this Federal bill. All these tests are what drives the cost up, but the tests obviously DON'T WORK.

I've been drinking Apple juice mixed with carrot juice which makes me very gassy and exacerbates the pain. I don't know what to eat anymore.

I've used:
castor oil packs,
lemon juice with olive oil,
chinese herbs.
I take Mag citrate every night as a rule.
Use heating pad front and back alternating.
Have taken hot baths with Epsom salts
Use rebounder to move lymph fluid
Charcoal for gas - this really works!

I typically eat very low fat (less than 20 grams per day),Veggies, fruit, chicken or fish; next to no dairy or grain, so am perplexed at why this is happening at all. What more can I do to my diet to make my body work correctly? I've spent a fortune over and above my insurance premiums to try to stay well. It's disheartening and scary.

Well, enough of this rant. I'm going to try some more of your suggestions and hope that I don't end up in some Caribbean hospital over the next week or so.

My Best to you all!

Flax Seeds
Posted by Tammy (Grand Island, Ne, Usa) on 05/21/2014

I love flax seeds. I going to try the tea recipe. My daughter is having these attacks. I'm using homeopathy to help, but I like the tea idea. The homeopathy, in case any are interested, is: Biliousness for the pain and Chamomile for nausea. It takes a little while to work when it's bad, but it does work. I hope anyone that's having these pains, can use these ideas and save money from surgery.

Flax Seeds
Posted by Jeanne (New York, NY) on 10/25/2009

Kelly's flax tea recipe caught my eye just in time. I just finished my first cup of flax seed tea after eating a very rich Indian dinner earlier tonight, which was starting to give me shooting gall bladder pain! I added half a cinnamon stick to the tea after it had boiled and a half teaspoon of blackstrap molasses since I don't like stevia's after-taste. Yummy! Too soon to tell if it has worked or not, but I think I will make a habit of drinking this regularly. My skin feels softer already. Thanks Kelly!

P.S. I did not grind the seeds before boiling them.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lettuce
Posted by Eleana (Sweeden) on 03/22/2021

Do you know why? Why lettuce can make it worse? I eat a lot of veggies with lettuce - we just call it lettuce - It is mainly spinach and red cabbage and ruccula - which should be good because of the bitterness.

Apple Juice
Posted by Kelly (Lakeland, Fl) on 06/19/2013

I just started having issues about three weeks ago on and off. I never was told about the apple juice. Starting today I am going to try drinking apple juice to see if that helps me. I will keep you all updated. I'm praying this helps, I can't stand the pain. If anyone has any other ideas please post.

Apple Juice
Posted by Aimee (Henderson, Nevada ) on 02/04/2016

Panting from gallstones, need immediate relief from severe pain radiating to kidneys and chest and back help.

Ted's Lemon Bicarbonate Formula
Posted by Sandra (BD, WI) on 01/24/2008

I have tried Ted's lemon and baking soda mix (juice of 1 lemon and 1/2 tsp. baking soda in water)' morning and night for two days. I started with diarrhea and then due to pain in the upper right quadrant, started to think it might be related to gallbladder.(I was diagnosed with a slow emptying gall bladder) I think I may have disrupted by acid/base balance by over eating oranges and grapefruits around Christmas and then eating quite a bit of fruit as well. I do get some relief from the pain, but diarrhea is still with me for two plus weeks. I will stay with this treatment for a few more days.

Posted by Mike 62 (Denver, Colorado) on 11/11/2013

Deseree: Get the 7 1/2 lb. jar of kimchi at the asian market for $15. This has salt, sulfur, spices, and acids that dissolve gallstones. Grind up in the blender with some water and drink. Go on a raw food program or they'll come back.

Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 11/11/2013

Hello Desiree from Florida,

So sorry for the extreme pain re gall bladder. Gall bladder attacks can come from many different directions; liver, pancreas, stones in the gall bladder and ... viruses. If this were me I'd at least eliminate the possibility (15 percent chance?) that the cause is viral and consume five tablespoons immediately of colloidal silver. Likely, a virus is not the cause but I just came across a case two months ago (gall bladder) that the cause was almost certainly viral. Cleared up with silver intake and quit using after a day and back came the attacks; and then consistent use of CS and the attacks went away completly. That one appeared to be viral.

Ted's Lemon Bicarbonate Formula
Posted by Deirdre (CT) on 03/08/2007

Yesterday I had several hours of strange, quite intense pain in my abdomen, around the gallbladder. I decided to try Ted's lemon and baking soda alkalizing formula. Within 10 minutes the pain was down 50%. Within an hour it had all but disappeared. I am guessing this was perhaps a gall bladder attack. That was the fastest response I have seen yet with a home remedy. No wonder Ted considers this one to be the best of all the alkalizing formulas... AWESOME! Thanks

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Elizabeth (CA) on 10/14/2023

4oz is 0.12 liter

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Marni (Ontario) on 11/09/2023

Hi Eleana, 4 oz. is NOT 1.1 litres. There are roughly 33 oz. in a litre so 4 oz. is less than 1/8 of a litre.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by sandi (san diego, ca) on 07/17/2023

Is "inner leaf" usually on the label? How does one know if we are buying inner leaf or not.

Orange Juice
Posted by Art (California ) on 01/29/2016 2165 posts


Thanks for posting that. Can you say what orange juice you used how much you drank and if it was warm or cold to alleviate the pain?


Tim's Gallbladder Protocol
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 03/17/2015

HI U Timh, , , , , , , , , , Boy, you beginning to sound like the cynic that I am. Life is getting more interesting as I age. The episode last Monday morning I hope was a gall bladder thing . I will soon know because I go to Knoxville for a test to verify if the trauma was my gall bladder. The tests so far show that it was not my heart.

I almost outsmarted myself on this deal. We do sex once a week and I take a couple of L, Arginine capsules to dilate my blood vessels. Can't afford Viagra. Anyway after my bowl of hot chili that night, I got what I thought was indigestion. When that continued then I thought it was a heart attack and took cayenne extract.

The ambulance folks gave me aspirin and nitro. My poor body did not whether to sheet or go blind. My blood pressure tanked and I thought I was gone. I began to tell my wife what to sell, about the funeral, etc.

The ER folks said to hell with a heart attack, you're going into a coma because of your low blood pressure. Anyway, the bad guys always pull through and I did. It did scare my mule.

I have gone through the EC site and learned that you have posted lots on the gall bladder thing. I would like to keep my bladder and would appreciate your comments.

Today, I passed stuff that looked like the cholesterol stones that we pass with a liver flush. I am in earnest with my Rife Machine to address my cancers and I just did an organ cleanse thing.

I worked my butt off in my working days and do not apologize for my expensive health toys.

Timh, you one of the good guys on this site and I would appreciate your comments.


Tim's Gallbladder Protocol
Posted by Timh (KY) on 03/18/2015 2063 posts


I am constantly musing about you and your situation as it has many parallels to my own. This internet forum just linked us up whether or not or how much we enjoy it. I, like most people, especially folks here, suffer from personal pain and it effects our overall constitution; so by your admission I will place more emphasis on ridding the cynicism.

As for the gallbladder, the presence of gallstones can cause many problems, including: indigestion, esophageal reflux, acidosis, constipation, heart arrhytmia, to mention a few. Another interesting note, gallstones can cause fatty liver and visa versa, so one needs to address both. I have chronic fatty liver which requires periodic gallstone treatment. For fatty liver I take lots of b-vits, Carnitine, Methionine, TMG, and Triple Strength Lecithin. Two or three days without Methionine and I grind down to barely functional. Tonight I have realized that I must also get back (3-5 yr break) on the Choline/Inositol (it's on my get list now). These fat burning nutrients are a must for gallstone & fatty liver prevention.

Now, for gallstones themselves, I must admit that I have not the energy & stamina to do a 2 or 3 day cleanse, fortunately consuming Menthol cough drops (usually 6 drops twice a day about once or twice per month) seems to work fairly well; I can feel things opening up and get some needed relief. I have also stumbled upon another treatment that also uses Menthol plus Eucalyptus, and Camphor in the form of Solonpas adhesive strips. In an attempt to eradicate likely Tapeworm Cyst in my liver ( I have two in each cheek or jaw area which is common in cattle and named "bovine measles". Also many older cows gone to butcher have diseased livers full of Tapeworm cyst). Anyway I placed two stripes directly over the gall and took a foot spa. I literally felt the gall opening and heard that gurgle noise. Next night I placed two more strips over the liver this time w/ nothing to report except some bad side effects from the chemical fragrance in the strips. For this reason I do not advise using them, but do encourage the same ingredience found in many otc heat ointment, cream, or gel for sore muscles and joints. Make yourself a compress with a big dab of this heat gel placed directly over the gall. These ingredience (Camphor/Menthol/Eucalyptus) literally melt cholesterol gallstones. Try 1 treatment per day for at least three days.

Back to a personal observation, I, like yourself as you have reported, face event upon event of bad health challenges and some near death in nature. Out of nowhere something just knocks me down, I make necessary adjustments (treatments & remedies) and come back around, seeming like yourself. So, it is good that you are open about your situation and myself & others can lend a helping hand as you also do the same for others.

On a serious note, aside from your humor and with the odds seemingly stacked against us, from what I have been learning lately, it is best to not reincarnate fallowing our departure from this body & earth. It is advised to not sign on to any agreements from what appears to be angles but are really malevolent creatures with great sorcery power that will erase your mind of previous lives and throw you back to earth in servitude of their dark agenda (slavery planet).

My apologies for being overly serious, maybe I am agitated from learning a fellow classmate was found in the cold creek dead, after several days missing. He had confessed to relatives of suicide. They found his vehicle at a pretty country church by the river with an open Bible. I feel so bad that he needed some help but I was nowhere to be found.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kong (Raleigh, Nc, Usa) on 03/12/2015

I am using apple cider vinegar for my gallbladder, but also TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) herbs, acupuncture, strict diet...feeling much better but want to be well and avoid surgery, but not avoid it if something is getting worse or risky! Hard to know exactly what to do.

Hope others are still reading this thread and will reply. Had a gallbladder attack mid to late January of this year (2015). Went to ER, internist, gastroenterologist, then surgeon. Surgeon said remove if more painful. My symptoms aren't too painful, but are there daily, especially at night. Mild discomfort at the right ribs and left shoulder blade. Some constipation/bloating and a hard feeling at the upper abdomen near the sternum.

I started traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) herbs (many in a formula, e.g., gold coin grass, curcumin, coptis, bupleurum, and several more that go together) and one treatment of acupuncture a few weeks ago. I now eat mostly whole grains, vegetables, fruits, some lean protein like chicken, fish, tofu, and lots of warm water with lemon, as well as some teas and of course apple cider vinegar and apple juice. In the past couple of days I added some coconut and flax seed oil and krill oil, wanting to help the intestines and also to make sure the GB will still release some bile. I take some vitamin B and C and milk thistle as well.

I mostly feel absolutely fine during the day but about 4-5 hours after a very healthy lunch start to feel a bit bloated, constipated. At night is when I notice some discomfort at the right rib area or left shoulder blade. It's hard to tell if I'm improving but my symptoms seem "managed". So I don't really know if I want to get surgery or if there are various other signs besides pain increase I should look for. Also not sure if I should look for other particular signs of improvement. I do not want to do a liver or GB "flush" but if there are signs that buildup of plaque or other gunk from cholesterol plus bile plus bilirubin and toxins are being eliminated, I hope to know. For example, somewhat green color in poop could be elimination of some of that? What happens as the liver and gallbladder start to clear up (if they do) and function more effectively? Any blood or other tests you can take for hard evidence?

Anyone else experience any of those same details or diet or supplements or treatment?

Posted by Jill (Texas, US) on 11/01/2014

Fried foods seem to be my big trigger. But, I have found that when I feel an attack coming on, usually within thirty minutes of eating, I can drink two bottles of water, quickly, and it will greatly reduce the pain and it will eventually go away all together. Short of that, I don't eat much in large portions.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Elvia (Texas) on 08/26/2017

NOTHING has worked for me..having my gallbladder removed in 2 weeks.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Tanzie (Ca) on 10/13/2021

I found out the stone is just too big and I take four capsules of magnesium glycinate and I stir it vigorously and water it won't all dissolve but then you drink it as fast as you can you're relaxing the opening is where the stone is stuck. Also if you have any kind of a anxiety medication I take a Ativan also. I'm anxious to try the pickle juice myself maybe pickle juice with some magnesium powder?

Posted by Marcy (Rochester, Ny) on 06/16/2014

I had a gallbladder attack that put me in ER, but I declined the surgery because I want to heal myself and keep my parts, so have been doing research. I found and explanation for why coffee is helpful to prevent gallbladder problems, but not after:

"Coffee induces cholecystokinin release and gallbladder contraction, which may explain why patients with symptomatic gallstones often avoid drinking coffee.

Two Types of Gallbladder Attacks
Posted by Jewels51 (Ohio) on 02/25/2014


I have gall bladder attacks. People must differentiate between 2 types. One type is due to gallstones and the other due to a sphincter problem called sphincter of oddi. If there are gallstones a flush might help, I don't know, since I have no gallstones based on scans. I do have spasms in my sphinter of oddi, which is a spasm in the spincter or tubes that do not allow the bile to release. WARNING if you have this particularsphincter problem fats will make it worse. Do NOT a flush involving oil or fats of anytime, it will put you in the ER. I was taking fish oil and flax oil and my gall bladder was killing me. This is because fats cause the bile to build up because they are needed for fat digestion. When you build up fats and can't release the bile because of a spasm in the sphincter that will not let the bile flow out into the digestive system, the gall bladder overfills and backs into the pancreas at times. If you do an oil flush or increase fats pain will increase!!!! Removal of gall bladder does not help this because the sphinter is not removed with the gall bladder and in fact, gall bladder removal will often make this condition worse. I don't know the cure, however, my gall bladder and pancreatic pain calmed almost completely when I stopped the flax and fish oil and cut down on fats in general. Now if anyone knows how to get the gallbladder sphincter to relax from spasm and release the bile, WITHOUT using fats or oils, I would love to know the answer so Please POST it.

Two Types of Gallbladder Attacks
Posted by marsh (Colorado) on 06/13/2023

Hi Timh,

Would you share your homemade mixture? Thanks!

Two Types of Gallbladder Attacks
Posted by Mary Lou (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 03/11/2014

To Jules51, For your spasms of sphincter of Oddi. Try 1-2 tsp of Bitters (Angostura) in water. It is in the grocery stores aisles with the drink mixes, cheapest at Walmart. It is an antispasmodic and antiflatulent. I swear by it for an upset stomach and gallbladder pain. I know it saved me from an ER visit twice in the past 20 years when I was doubled over in pain and nausea so badly I could barely speak or chew a Tums. Each time was due to meals with hidden fat, which I normally avoid. It tastes like an unsweetened coca cola, has a bit of alcohol, 44.7% by volume. Worth a try, I know I would have been in ER both times. When I can't talk, I am sick! hahaha

Symptoms of a Gallbladder Attack
Posted by Sammy68 (Cincinnati, Oh) on 08/12/2013

I am not sure if what I'm experiencing is GERD or a gallbladder attack. Approximately 1 month ago I noticed a small, pea-sized knot to the right of my belly button when I pressed down. Whenever I ate meals my stomach felt extremely distended and uncomfortable. This discomfort has since traveled upward and I feel like I have a "lump" at the top of my stomach (even though I cannot feel anything on the outside), just slightly to the left of my ribcage. I have a constant bad taste in the back of my throat. I have been experiencing mild heartburn on occasion. I overall feel very fatigued. I've noticed that coffee and pizza have excerbated this issue. The discomfort traveled upward and intensified right after I quite smoking cigarettes a couple of weeks ago (I am smoking e-cigs, but not near as frequent as I would smoke cigarettes). I have tried drinking apple cider vinegar (with the mother) - 2 T. mixed with apple juice 2x's per day. I've taken Tums... This helps somewhat, however, only for a very short time. Today I actually felt nauseated. Has anyone experienced anything similiar to this? If so, was it GERD or a gallbladder attack? I've read lots of information online and from what I've read, it could be either. I do have an appointment with a Gastroenterologist, but it's not for another week. In the interim, this issue seems to be worsening.

Symptoms of a Gallbladder Attack
Posted by Marie (New York) on 08/12/2013

Hi; I have similar problem and I think it's my gallbladder although I havent had it checked out by a doctor and I probably won't.. What I have been doing is drinking two lemons most days and using cayenne pepper. I have read that cayenne pepper takes the bile out of the gallbladder although I really don't know.. I also use the Apple Cider Vinegar in water everyday... I have to tell you I don't know but my pain is getting less and less and it actually feels like bile is coming out... You have to also watch your diet.. I cannot do a gallbladder cleanse because I take meds but see if you can.

White Vinegar in Orange Juice
Posted by Dee (Mel, Australia) on 06/22/2013

That's so amazing!!!! How much vinegar did you add in a glass of orange juice. Your answer can help many out here in Pain. So please reply soon. Thank you.

Foods That Trigger Gallbladder Attacks
Posted by Kelly (Lakeland, Fl) on 06/19/2013

Can you tell me what type of foods trigger the gallbladder attacks? This is all new to me. Any thing helps I am not sleeping at night:(

Foods That Trigger Gallbladder Attacks
Posted by Pbird (Everett, Wa, Usa) on 06/20/2013

Kelly, when I still had my gallbladder and was having much trouble and pain with it the things that triggered it were, overeating period, too many combinations, things like chocolate. What gets it going is when what you are eating needs bile to be digested so the gallbladder tries to squeeze some out. When its full of stones this hurts.

Really simple food and not a great deal of it was best.

By the time I had mine removed it was so miserable that when I woke from sugery I told my doctor "I feel better now! Just waking up from anesthetic and all! " It was so much better just to have the pain gone. I have not experience any bad effects from losing it, compared to how rotten I felt before losing it.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ironbutterfly (Buffalo, NY, USA) on 01/29/2013

About two weeks into trying to heal my gallbladder. Still being very careful with foods. Had to stop taking the Food Enzyme with Betain. Constipation, sporadically and gas ( belching and flatulence following eating) seem to be the only issue, right now... and my spleen is swollen.

In place of the Betaine/Food Enzyme.. I added papaya. For the spleen, trying black strap molasses. coconut oil pulling, in the Am, prior to breakfast. Still no ( or little) gluten, no dairy unless it is by accident, lean meat, no hydrogenated oils... I had powedered creamer the other day and my stomach was immediately on fire. No or very little sugar. Beets, when I am not out of them... hard to find the fresh ones, locally. Hypothalimus resetting with a homeopathic. Raw vitamin for women. B-complex

Any other suggestions are welcome and thank you! What is up with my spleen....ugh.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, USA) on 01/30/2013 2063 posts

Ironbutterfly: the health of the spleen is dependent mostly on the health of the liver, and the health of the liver is somewhat dependent on the health of the gallbladder.

First do a gallbladder cleanse. Fallowing the cleanse start taking liver support herbs like Milk Thistle Seed, Turmeric Root, Artichoke Leaves, Dandelion Root. Some form of Hepatitis could be active, so read up on the symptoms and maybe take some BHT or Chanca Piedra to clear out any possible viruses.

Parasites like the Liver Fluke is possible and can be severe, read up on the symptoms and maybe a round of anthelmintic (natural or pharmaceutical).

Posted by Aubrey (Long Beach, CA) on 03/19/2024

Hi how are you, I wanted to know more about what oil exactly of frankincense did you use and did you do directly or use a carrier oil and out it in front and back of gallbladder did it help with the pain only or to dissolve them as well? Thank you. I'd really appreciate it.

Pickle Juice
Posted by John (Andrews, Tx) on 01/09/2016

Does the pickle juice type matter?

Pickle Juice
Posted by Cody (West Virginia) on 05/13/2022

I don't really have pain, just severe nausea, plus the morning sickness with it causes an all day vomiting fit everyday. Will pickle juice help with my nausea and vomiting?

Flax Seeds
Posted by Kelly (Cinti , Ohio) on 02/14/2011

Another good remedy for gallbladder attack is put 2 cups of water to boil, add 1tbs. Of flax seed, boil for 5 min. Boiling leeches the fs oil out of the seed and it will soothe an attack. It is tasteless so you can add a little cinnamon or sweetener.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ej (Middleboro, Ma) on 12/23/2009

I'm in the midst of what I believe is a gallbladder attack now that had me in the hospital on Saturday. Ultrsound showed nothing, so they escorted me out. I've never had pain like this, even with kidney stones. I tried Belladonna and followed with acupuncture which seemed to work yesterday, but BD alone is not working today. My acupuncturist is now off for the holiday. I've tried ACV and have been drinking warm apple juice only for days but it doesn't relieve the pain. I've read a lot of literature on flushes and had been using gallstonex (with artichoke) but am concerned about trying to increase bile flow while I have this pain. Not sure what to do at this point. Any suggestions would be welcome. The allopaths don't seem to care.

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