I tried many remedies, but recently I decided to use a multi-pronged approach to the problem. Every time I would have an outbreak, I took massive doses of vitamin C, including a lypospheric vitamin C that gets into the system very quickly (expensive, but worth it) and plenty of plain old ascorbic acid spaced throughout the day. I also took a pricey beta glucan supplement (1 or 2 doses per day on empty stomach), olive leaf extract (2 doses per day), egg yolk lecithin (1 dose per day), lauricidin (potent form of lauric acid - 2 to 3 doses per day), oil of oregano capsules (2 doses per day) and red marine algae (2 doses per day). I would also stay home and mix up some liquid oil of oregano with some good quality castor oil and put this all over my pubic area and leave it on. Even though taking all these things didn't immediately stop outbreaks, I could tell that the virus was getting weaker and weaker. You can't really attack the virus itself very effectively until it shows itself with symptoms and attempts to replicate. I think the real kicker was when I ordered some very potent oil of oregano that comes from Greece. Ever since my last round of using all the anti-virals, plus diluting the Grecian oregano oil with castor oil and putting it on the pubic area for a day or two in a row, I have been outbreak free. I also tested the waters by eating lots of peanut butter, chocolate, coconut (coconut flesh, not oil, is high in arginine), drinking alcohol, coffee, red wine, basically any and everything that could possibly trigger an outbreak - and nary a tingle! All you that are suffering out there and feeling hopeless - I tell you - it is possible to overcome this virus!!!! Don't give up. Any of the products I mentioned here can be purchased from Amazon.
The Greek oil of oregano takes time (about 6 or 8 weeks) to get to the states, but it is cheap. The beta glucan is about 75 a bottle, but I haven't even had to use a whole bottle of it yet. The lypospheric vitamin C is 30 a box for 30 packets. The other supplements are more moderate in price, I think. And plain old drugstore vitamin C is not expensive. Just be persistent and consistent. You can overcome this. Take as much vitamin C in ascorbic acid form as your system can tolerate. And pay attention to the directions for taking any of these supplements - some MUST be taken on an empty stomach in order to work properly (lypospheric vitamin C and beta glucan, for example) and some work better when taken with food. The lecithin and the lauricidin are excellent for lipid coated viruses - helps destroy that lipid barrier and then the other supplements can go to town on the virus.
I have used this site for all kinds of aliments. I found something that worked so well I felt I owed to all the other sufferers out there to post. I have tried many things for herpes on this site, some with a little success. I have spent thousands trying different options. I got this about five years go, however it didn't manifest until around two years ago. It progressively got worse. I went from an outbreak every few mos to every month almost. I was at my wits end but I never lost hope. I knew God would have an answer. I had tried everything except for a few very expensive options. I would check the web periodically to see if something new had popped up. I found a few blogs recommending Hypericum mysorense (2pills a day) and nosodes (5 drops 3x a day)I had nothing to loose. I started using them both two months ago and all symptoms vanished almost immediately. I still had small amounts of sugar and alcohol and I was still good. This has been my miracle. Ali
Apple Cider Vinegar
Anyhow, the apple cider works but sparingly. I think its best when mixed with something such as peroxide or water. Oh and the best thing if you ever have an outbreak is too put honey on the sores. It helps with the pain and itching. I read somewhere that honey is an antifungal or something like that but it helped me and even if I feel a slight tingle down there I first clean the area with water, dap with a towel or paper towel your choice. Wipe with the area with alcohol and let air dry for a minute then apply ACV then literally a dab of honey and the tingle goes away. But hey everyones body is different.
But to all people my advice is to drink a lot of water, eat raw veggies and if you don't like raw fruits and veggies make a smoothie an add as little of sweetener as possible but I promise you'll notice the difference in a week.
Oregano Oil
Don't rub it. Don't eat nuts. Don't have sex.
It's taken me 15 years to find ACV. God, I wish I knew sooner.
At first I saw it as a cure for Warts... so I put it on a wart for a week and the wart completely died.
Got me thinking, warts (HPV) are a very similar virus to Herpes.. what if we could get ACV in to the herpes Virus. And here we are.
Forget the pharmaceuticals... they can cure it now by playing with ribosomes.. but there's no money in curing anything. You need the virus to stay alive to make money out of it. They will never release a cure. It's not that they can't.They just won't.
ACV (with the pulp) is the go until we find some combination of natural items that's better.
Apple Cider Vinegar
To fight any virus there's a couple of things you should do. Exactly the same principle as getting a flu.
1.Stay Warm...really warm. There's a reason why the body will shiver and get fever. The body has identified the virus has gone active and it's trying to overheat the little bastard. A little fever is good. Let the bodies evolutionary instincts have this one.
2. Vitamin C - 500mg every 6 hrs
3. ACV & Honey - Every 6 hrs (a mate of mine puts ACV in 1 litre of water, keeps it on his desk and drinks it throughout the day.)
4. 500gm Lysine - Every 8 hrs - Seems to toughen the skin.
Put this together and see how you go.
My recent attack, I performed the above over a period of 4 days. I could feel the virus trying hard... but it never breached the outside skin. Although, let's be clear, I knew at that moment I was still infectious. Might not have breached the outside but it still stung a little at the start of day 2 when I pissed.
There's some hope there.
Good luck... and please share if you find something else that works. All of us need to help each other with all diseases as the pharmaceutical industry wont. A natural cure is out there and it'll be up to those who have the disease to find it.
For those folks who need a simple, cheap, effective way to prevent herpes, take 1000 mg tablet of lysine once a day. TADA!- If you have an outbreak, you have to take it hourly until it subsides. Keep up the water to flush it out. If you get sick, double or triple your dose as the body uses up lysine so fast during illness or stress you will break out. For those folks who weigh in over 180 lbs, you need 2000 mg a day. Cheers, as this has worked for my family for 10 years.
First, chlorine is an element and MMS is primarily chlorine dioxide, a compound. They are not the same and do not react the same. Other chlorine compounds used to bleach pulp are Sodium Hypochlorite and Calcium hypochlorite ( Clorox ). These are chlorine compounds that also react differently. The temperature, time and pH of the reactions control how drastically they take place. Other chemicals used to bleach pulp are Hydrogen Peroxide and Oxygen, which do not contain chlorine but both do contain oxygen. They too react differently from each other and from chlorine compounds.
All these chemicals are talked about on this site everyday, and they are used in our body's to obtain a certain reaction. We can not control our body's temperature but can influence our pH. In bleaching pulp, the lower the pH the more drastic the reaction and I think you can say that about your body. Not all our body's have the same pH, thus each person will react differently. Our temperatures are about the same so that is not a factor.
After saying all this, I think I can draw the conclusion that chemical reactions in your body are milder if your body is in an alkaline pH range as Ted keeps harping on. Apple Cider Vinegar is malic acid and baking soda is alkaline. Combining the two gets you close to neutral. I personally think that getting your body out of the acid pH range is the most effective you can do to improve your health. It changes your reactions to various nutrients you consume and how the bacteria in your bowels function. And no, I did not do a double blind study before I said this.
One last comment, Cloudy ACV is malic acid with all the enzymes and original trace compounds . Clear super market ACV is distilled malic acid and is not the same. White Vinegar is acetic acid, a completely different animal.
Sorry if I sound preachy but that's the way you are when you get old.
Genital Herpes Advice
"-Avoid sugars (that creates dampness), caffeine, alcohol, spicy, greasy foods. -Keep immune system strong -Avoid stress and anger -Get adequate sleep"
Of course, we all learn about Lysine, extra Vit. C, and to avoid chocolate, nuts, too much garlic, too many berries & grapes, Arginine, etc, but the above quote is very important. I learned about sugar, caffeine, and alcohol the hard way.
1. Sugar habit = more frequent outbreaks
2. Caffeine habit = more frequent outbreaks (& hardest to quit, takes great willpower. Use 1/4 tsp of Cinnamon in coffee to lesson outbreaks due to coffee addiction. Use Honey or Agave, NO sugar)
3. Alcohol habit (especially wine) = more frequent outbreaks
4. Spicy or greasy food habit = more frequent outbreaks
5. Long held anger = more frequent outbreaks
6. Six hours or less sleep = more frequent outbreaks
7. Eating within 3 hours of sleeptime = more frequent outbreaks (because Liver can't detox blood during sleeptime if it has to deal with a long and slow digestive operation. Then your undetoxed blood is now even more toxic the next day, soon a viral overload occurs & bam, another outbreak)
* Combine any three of the above and you should expect another outbreak.
* If you drink a bitter herb tea (dandelion, burdock, yellow dock, google for more. I also use Chinese herbs that have strange names I can't recall) before you do the evil deeds, you may escape an outbreak, but the body is now weakened so these evil deeds shouldn't be repeated again the next day. Take a break from all the stimulating action.
* Mushroom extracts (liquid/alcohol) have impressive results on strengthening immune system. (When you are to the point of having a continuous outbreak, try Mushroom extracts, and PLENTY of sleep, at least 8 hours/day) How did I do it: Use 2x or 3x per day for 3 months, then off 1 month, then repeat cycle. Works best by putting 1 dropper full in mouth with about 1 tablespoon of good pure water. Swish around in mouth or hold in mouth for 1 minute or more if you can. Best absorption occurs in mouth, then swallow.
* Licorice herb tea, or extract, for 2 weeks seems to really improve immune system also. Don't use for more than 2 weeks, then take 2 weeks off, then use again if needed.
* Force yourself to go to bed early as a regular habit. And avoid the late eating.
Apple Cider Vinegar
EC: Thank you so much for updating us after one year!
Coconut Oil
First: Buy yourself a bottle of lysine. It strenghtens your immune system. Buy the 1000 miligram one and take 3 a day for 2 weeks. (to many pills to take if you take the 500 miligrams one) Its only like 9 bucks.
Second: buy enchinacea i forgot how u spell it. Its like 3 bucks. Just google it. When you buy it take 3(1500mg) your first time at 12 pm. then take 1 pill after that every hour at (500 miligrams).So youll take 1 at 1pm, 1 at 2pm and so forth. Till your last hour of bed time. (always take one before u go to bed!) Do this method for 3 days and you will notice your herpes fading quickly.
third: get a bottle of calaclear lotion. It cost a dollar or 2 at the dollar store. Also buy a bottle of vitamin C at 500 mg and a bottle of peroxide. The peroxide is like 50 cents. Now what you do is take the calaclear lotion and squeeze it all into a cup. Then take 30 vitamin C pills ( thats 15000mg) and crush them in a zip lock bag. Crush them to a powder. Now you take the powdered vitamin c and pour it into the cup of the calaclear lotion and mix it all together and nothing else!, this recipe doesnt cause any redness! THen stir it up and put a foil with a rubberband around the top of the cup so no dust or dirt gets in but air does. then poke holes on top so the calaclear lotion can dry up. It should turn into a clear or yellowish color and act as some what of that candy like fruit roll up in a way.It should feel the way a contact lens feels. Then when it dries up you should be able to tear it to pieces after like 3 days. Now take a piece of it and get a foil and pour peroxide on it. Then take the piece of the CVC (calaclear with vitamin C mix)and put it in the peroxide for 30 seconds ,( now the piece should be the size of your sore. )Now take it out of the peroxide and put it on your sore. It should stick. The peroxide will break through the sores and then after 20 - 30 min the CVC should start melting into the sore. And you will notice redness and the bump and everything start to fade. You should never pop a sore. This method will elimate it. Then just peel off and repeat if necassary. Do this everyday if you want till there all gone. Trust me it works I hate herpes and Im sure you do to. Oh yeah and stay away from heat and stay in cool places. Also sleep in front of a fan facing your face and pray to god everynight before you go to bed you will notice everything will be better love you guys! And try this I didnt do all this typing for nothing lol j/k. But try my method it works. Sorry about the typos im very tired and sleepy well good night and god bless.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Since then, I've worked with two holistic docs who recommended everything from Aloe Vera intake to garlic pills, parsley, and Coloidal Silver. I am now working with a wonderful holistic doc that says the key to complete and PERMANANT healing is to get your body as alkaline as posible by eating only alkaline foods and drinking mostly alkaline water, no sodas, no milk or dairy, and no sugar or sweeteners! Ie: Dairy and sugars feed the bacteria in your body. I have basicly become a raw foodist, eating mostly green vegetables and drinking only coconut and almond milk within the past 3 mnths. I have also been drinking water from the young coconut and eating the meat, which I hear is great for breaking down the virus! The goal is to make your body so alkaline that the bacteria or virus can NO LONGER live in your body! It evacuates! This is my goal, and I see that people seem to want a quick fix, but the best way takes time, knowlege, and self-discipline. So far, I've had a couple outbreaks, not lasting more than 3 days, but as my body purges the herpes out, the goal is to have a final eruption-like result from the herbal tea cleanses I drink every month combined with a colon cleanse each month. I have never felt better or looked better, so the next time I visit the doc, I hope to have a NEGATIVE test result! Hope everyone is cleaning their bodies out naturally, NOT covering up the problem. Happy Cleansing! :)
Stabilized Oxygen
A couple weeks ago I stumbled on this site and I saw that hydrogen peroxide 3% helped. So I tried that for a little, it helped but not 100%. Then I Stumbled across eating the raw aloe vera leaf and drinking ACV. I frist started eating a tsp of the aloe vera pulp about two weeks ago and within TWO DAYS I strted seeing a significant difference. So I added the ACV regiment; 2 tsp of ACV with 8oz of distilled water once a day. Ive beeing drinking the ACV for three days and the outbreak was COMPLETELY GONE. I felt a HUGE weight off my shoulders this was the first time in a while since ive been aboutbreak free for more than a week. Ive been outbreak free for two weeks strt. Bare in mind I havent made any drastic change to my diet. Ive cut out certain foods like peanuts and sugary drinks. But nothing too drastic becasue I still drink alcohol occasionally etc. But ive been outbreak free after taking the Aleo vera and ACV. Nothing but positve results so far and im hoping it stays that way. THERE IS HOPE!!! This site has helped me sooo much and im so grateful!
So far it has kept my outbreaks 100% at bay as long as I'm consistent about taking it and don't miss any doses. I take 2 to 3 scoops a day along with a high quality multi vitamin. Another person I saw posted not to drink hot liquids with it. I can testify to that. I took it with some hot coffee and it made me really nauseous. Before taking it, I would get outbreaks at least every couple of months. But when taking the Lauricidin consistently, I get have any. It works great. I've also noticed more energy, and my candidate symptoms have started to disappear. My digestion seems to be way better, too.
DMSO, Coconut Oil & Lemon Water
Cranberry and Lemon Juice
First I used a baby wipe to clean the whole area and then applied the acetone on a folded tissue and by tapping 'tap tap tap' over the blisters till it became more tolerable (burned like crap at first) and then pressed the tissue hard over the blisters for a couple minutes or till I felt no more pain.
I did nothing more. Usually the ordeal lasts for a good three weeks.. FIVE DAYS is all it took! Thank you so much for this trick! XOXOXO
Apple Cider Vinegar
Monolaurin, L-Lysine
General Feedback
All virus are cured when the immune system has a constant available source of vitamin 'C'. Dr F R Klenner cured all virus patients he saw in over 45 years of practice with up to 160 grams of 'C' a day with oral, IV, and injections in days. Research!
Case History, Internet! Woman cured herself of vaginal herpes in 4 months with 'C', 44 grams a day and went on to have a perfect baby.
Consistent massive amounts oral 'C' will cure all virus in time. With a doctors help with 'C' injections and IV's can do the same in days.
All vitamins are important. It is impossible to get all the vitamin/minerals we need from food even if we ate 25 hours a day.
Health scientists agree on two important points. As much as 90% of health is dietary. Eighty percent of a healthy body is the digestion and elimination system. Disease prevention is the immune system fortified with the vitamins/minerals, and nutrients that support the immune and digestive systems. Quote, Dr F R Klenner, " white blood cell without adequate vitamin 'C' is like soldiers without bullets".
Few people understand the crippling effects to the immune system by toxic refined sugars, processed vegetable oils, junk foods, chemicals in processed foods, all soft drinks, soy, soy milk, microwave, deep fried foods and artificial sweeteners. The excess sugars in the body are used by fungus, yeasts, parasites, diseases to grow and replicate.
Causes allergies, bipolar, depression, obesity, etc.