Hydrogen Peroxide
When my husband mentioned the hydrogen peroxide douche I was highly skeptical seeing as it involves water and douching, two things that can make BV worse. However, the reviews on it were good and there was much praise for it so I jumped on board because I was/am desperate to rid myself of this abomination.
I douched with it for 8 days, the first 2 days I felt like it was getting worse but I was assured that probably was the douche killing it off, so I continued. While doing that I took vitamin C pills and probiotics even well past those 8 days up until I ran out of probiotics. The douche made it WORSE! I used to get small breaks were I'd have days with no burning or itching, but I'd have horrible discharge and smell. NOW I have horrible discharge, smell, itching vigorously, and burning! It wasn't this bad since before I had my little one at age 20.
Now I am afraid to even try anything else for fear it will get worse then what it is now. I've had it worse than this and I want nothing to do with feeling like that again.
I'm tempted to write down everything I have tried, go up to my GYN, push it in his face, and tell him up front that nothing is working still and my life is suffering so either he find a way to fix me or tell me where to go where somebody can fix me. >:C
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Most people mentioned using a solution from the 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, but I thought I had also read about people injecting undiluted 3% H202 directy inside the canal of the vagina. I soaked a tampon in neat 3% HP and left it in for a good 4 hours. Bad mistake, I feel my insides burning and really sore. I think I was just eager to get it over with and forgot how sensitive those parts can be. The smell is gone, but I will have to wait a few days for it to heal before I try again. So please make sure you only soak the tampon in a diluted solution.
Hydrogen Peroxide
EC: So sorry you were burned. We are weary of 30% food grade H202 for this very reason!