Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
About a year and a half ago I read online that using H2o2 was very affective for both ailments. While, I havent douched with it on as much of a strict regimen as the woman above have, I have used it periodically, and it works wonders!!!
Right now I have new boyfriend of 6 months and right away I started getting a lot of itching and discharge again. While I'm not ruling out everything, I have started the H202 3 days ago and immediately noticed a difference! I will continue this procedure along with a visit to my GYN just for a general pap and test, like I do every 6-9 months.
But, so far so good with the H202! It has worked in the past and present! I highly recommend it!
Hydrogen Peroxide
You got to understand, ladies, that your clothes and underwear and pants harbor bacteria from your vaginas, so you HAVE to wear panty liners daily to protect yourself from infection. And if you have an infection, you keep re-infecting yourself.
I recently had an issue I could not seem to get rid of until I realized this. No itching, burning, nor green discharge but it was yellowish and smelled like hell! Tried Monistat. No luck. Then I realized it was either BV or an STD. So first, I got some Borax and added to my detergent (Wisk that removes oils) I washed all my underwear in it, with HOT water. Including my pants, as it seemed the smell was seeping into my clothes. I then hung it all out in the sun to dry, with the inside out area exposed to the sunlight. (Sunlight's UV rays KILL bacteria that cause smells in your wet clothes.) If you have an infection I recommend liners with baking soda to help mask your smell until your discharge is over, but for everyday normal use I recommend unscented cotton liners. I started douching with 3% peroxide and it worked for a day or two, but the yellowy discharge and the gawd awful, obnoxious smell would come back. At night the discharge would run amuck if I slept with no underwear (sorry this is gross) I would wake up with it on my thighs, AND the sheets. I called the clinic to make an appointment and they gave me a date almost two weeks later!
I decided to try one more thing for relief and possible cure in the meantime. After researching this for a few weeks prior I armed myself with 35% Food grade peroxide, distilled water and some lactobacillus tablets from a health food store. Also got a turkey baster from a dollar store. (don't laugh.)
I first mixed a weak solution of the peroxide with distilled water and got in the tub where my bottom was at an angle and used the turkey baster to insert. After I did this for a third time I noticed it was starting to get uncomfortable (probably because I was literally killing and washing everything out) so I had to fill a douche bottle with water to rinse out. I decided to make a stronger solution the LAST time around. Let me tell you. It didn't burn, but felt like Mike Tyson was in there beating my walls. I rinsed with water, let out a long "Wooooo! " and when I was done I felt like I had a long night of sex!
Then I inserted two lactobacillus tables (NOT capsules) as far up as they would go and went to bed. I also took three per day orally. No smell or discharge the next day, nor the day after. So I inserted another two before bed on day three. It has been a week later and to date, I have NO smell, NO discharge! I cancelled my appointment. Hell, I don't see the point in going now. (And if you think I should still go, no, because if it was something else I'd be having symptoms again.
Ladies, BELIEVE the hype. 35% food grade peroxide IS the TRUTH for your hoo-ha. You have to be careful handling as it will burn your skin and turn it white but seems to work fine on mucus membranes. NEVER, EVER USE FULL STRENGTH!!! Always dillute in a glass container or empty brown preoxide bottle, I'd say no more than 15%. The good bacteria like lactobacillus produce peroxide when it kills germs, so while douching may rinse some out, it does not kill them if they are left inside. By adding the tablets to my vagina PLUS taking them I was able to re-colonize an army of the healthy bacteria to ward off the invaders!
I am a real woman who did her research and I will say I will only buy 3% drugstore peroxide to empty and use the plastic bottle, as it's made of special plastic that may not be safe for other containers besides glass. I realize this may be long but I want to help the ladies that need the help. I put hours of research into this, and did what I had to do and swore if it worked I would share the news.
One other thing I will share - to keep your vagina fresh DO NOT USE SUMMERS EVE WIPES! They seemed to make my problem worse. Use Hemorrhoid wipes instead (which are just witch hazel) or the peroxide wipes you can buy at the drugstore. They even make peroxide sprays which are great and I recommend the 3% solution at the store for freshening up on the go and use to clean up after sex before or after shower. Re-use the empty bottle with your 35% super dilluted forumula and always use DISTILLED WATER! Good luck ladies!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
When my BV came back again last week, I just decided there must be a different approach, so I spent several hours on the internet, and found out about hydrogen peroxide. Just one single douche made the smell and the burning go away! It was 3 days ago, so I am curious how long I will feel good, whether it will come back or not, but so far the results are amazing! Thank you so much to all of you who took their time to write here and to share your experiences!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
I bought some 3% H2O2 and a syringe, filled the syringe with 1ml H2O2 and the rest water, and inserted it into my vagina while I showered. Immediately, this took the smell away, but temporarily. After showering, I also warmed up some organic coconut oil, emptied a capsule of prebiotic and added a powdered probiotic, a few drops of tea tree oil and soaked the tampon in this mix.
I inserted the tampon and left it for about an hour, and it seems to be helping - the smell has definitely subsided. I have continued this for 2 days so far, it seems as though it is slowly but surely fixing the issue!
I have also been taking 2 probiotic capsules and a spoon of probiotic in my cereal, and avoiding sugar where possible.
I will reply to this post with my feedback after a few days to let you know whether it worked or not!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Distilled** water
Hyrdogen Peroxide 3%
Oral syringe, irrigator, or douche system.
**DISTILLED WATER IS ESSENTIAL. Distilled water has no bacteria or extra minerals in it. Tap water isn't filtered enough. Distilled water is the only safe drinking water for patients with liver disease who can't process extra minerals, etc. It's much safer for your vagina than tap water.
Mix equal parts peroxide with distilled water.
Douche by method of choice (in the shower - for any first timers out there).
If using an oral syringe, take care not to put too far into the vagina. You are simply flushing out your system. I only inserted it 2 inches & avoided my cervix. Go slow! Be gentle! Too much pressure from any douche can push the bacteria up to the cervix. You don't want that...
You may notice a tingling or bubbling sensation. Try to let it work as long as you can! If it is too bothersome, flush with more distilled water gently. (I danced around in the bathroom to cope).
Only use when you notice you need it. I think this is essential not to shock the system and to give the body a chance to fight back on its own (as we would prefer it to do anyway).
A candida diet might be helpful during this process, but I did not follow one.
It took approximately 2-3 months for it to clear. One major benefit is that the odor is gone immediately w/this treatment.
So that's it! 2 years BV & Yeast free w/o further treatment. I really hope this works for others out there!! Good luck!!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
I was prepared to do this for 3-7 days as some forums suggested but after 6 days without any symptoms I have not repeated the douche because this is a new remedy for me and I do not want to overshoot what my body needs and cause more problems. I'm listening closely to my body. Every morning I eat one regular sized container of Greek Yogurt to reintroduce good bacteria. I am so opposed to using any kind of pill for this I will not buy the the Acidophillis or any other vitamin in pill form. I know that it has only been a one week but I decided to share now because someone might be desperate for relief like I was and I'm driven to try to help. I hope if you try this that it works for you. We as a western society are driven by cures in pill form and many times this causes even more unbalance in our bodies. You can get every vitamin you need in the food you choose to eat. I intend to eat Greek yogurt every day for the rest of my life because clearly my body has a problem with maintaining good bacteria. I promise I will update this if my symptoms come back anytime soon. Well that's all ladies. Good luck!!!