Natural Remedies

IBS - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for IBS. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Malati Mukherjee (Coonoor, India) on 12/18/2021

Editor's Choice

My friend had been on blood pressure medicines and was unsure of what to do when her doctor went out of town and she couldn't consult him for continuation of the dosage.

I suggested that she take a tablespoon of ACV in water or fruit juice once a day till the doc was back and she could consult him again.

2 weeks later, the doc was back and after testing her told her she needn't go back to the medication again:)

When the mother of a 20-year old told me he's been having IBS ever since he was a child and that they've tried everything including holistic treatments, we decided to try the ACV. Same dosage of 1 tablespoon with water or fruit juice once a day. By the end of the first bottle his IBS was gone. It hasn't come back in the 5 years since then:)

Peppermint Oil

Posted by lady liza (Los Angeles) on 09/11/2021 35 posts

Editor's Choice

My daughter suffered from IBS in high school. And on my way to London, I stopped at the Boots pharmacy in the airport. They handed me 6 boxes of Colpermin (Peppermint oil capsules) and I am thankful to this day. It not only worked, but after I year or so of taking it, her symptoms stopped. It's 15 years later and it has never come back.


Posted by Bay (Houston, TX) on 03/21/2020

Editor's Choice


I have a remedy I haven't seen listed that has given me my life back.

I got C.difficil after a double round of antibiotics. I took the special antibiotic to get rid of the C.diff, which it did. But 6 months later I was hit with IBS-D, chronic diarrhea making it difficult to leave the house.

I tried every remedy on this site and others. I saw a gastro doctor who offered little help. Nothing worked.

I read antedotally that plain gelatin helped with diarrhea, and that it helped increase the mucosal lining of the intestines.

I began with 2 packets per day (morning & evening) mixed into my hot coffee or tea. I had relief within the first few days. Soft, but formed stools.

After a couple months I began using just one packet in my morning coffee, and continued with no problem.

After 6 months I did an experiment and got off it completely. I had one or 2 loose movements over a week, a vast improvement over previously. I have gone back to my morning packet ever since, and have not had diarrhea in a year and a half.

I mentioned this remedy to my regular doctor's nurse. She mentioned it to another patient who tried it and told the nurse to tell me "Thank you, I got my life back!"

Buy plain gelatin packets in the baking supply aisle of the grocery store. About $6 for 30 packets. It mixes and dissolves best in very hot liquid. Mixed with cold (even a drop of water in your mug) makes a gelatinous mess that dissolves eventually, but not easily.

Try it and let others know it works!!

SIBO Connection

Posted by sylvie13 (USA) on 06/13/2019

Editor's Choice

If probiotic drinks and yogurt trigger your IBS, then it's possible you have SIBO.

I suffered from IBS for years, becoming more and more of a shut-in because I couldn't go anywhere without a bathroom close by. I then read an article* that stated 80% of IBS sufferers actually have SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth).

If you have SIBO, normally beneficial bacteria migrate from your colon into your small intestine and wreak havoc there. The irony about this is that those bacteria are... lactobacillus and bifidobacillus, i.e., the exact bacteria you find in nearly all probiotics, yogurt, kefir, etc.!!!

In other words, if you have SIBO, all the orthodox remedies for IBS are only feeding it and you will feel worse and worse the more probiotics you take/eat. I'd always felt that way, so I immediately stopped taking my probiotics and eating most dairy.

No more yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, milk, etc., only a small amount of snack cheese slices here and there. Instead, I started taking probiotics, which consist of completely different strains derived from cultured, clean soil and have nothing to do with lacto- or bifidobacillus.

Within about four weeks, I was symptom-free. It was like a miracle. I still get the occasional bout of diarrhea—maybe once every two weeks—but nothing like before, where I could barely leave the house.

Of course, I can't promise that you have SIBO and that this will work for you, but if you do, you might get your own little miracle.



Posted by Gord (Alabama) on 02/25/2019

Editor's Choice

Those of you suffering from IBS may want to consider taking Cumin.

I recently started it and initially seeing great improvement after 35+ years of IBS. I just boil 1 tsp of Cumin seeds in water for 5 minutes then strain and drink. I have tried many different things for my IBS and this has helped more than others. There is also a study showing its benefits for IBS.



Posted by Terry (Solomons, Md) on 10/31/2017

Editor's Choice

I have had chronic diarrhea off and on for years. I have tried most of the suggestions posted here but none comes close to what I recently discovered. I bought a jar of raw, fermented, and unpasteurized sauerkraut from my local health food store (in the refrigerated section). I tried in that same afternoon (probably eating more than I should--more about that later). The next morning I was in "stool heaven"... no diarreah in sight, and I went about 3 times that day and really cleaned myself out.

Here's what I learned: you don't need to eat a whole lot of the sauerkraut, just a nice forkful...I am trying it out once a day, but I think as I go along, maybe just 3 forkfuls a week would be OK because you don't want to upset the balance of the good and bad bacteria in your gut. I am thrilled with this finding. Several weeks before my "gastro doc" prescribed Cholesdtyramine for oral suspension. It's a powder that you mix with water or juice. That did work for about 3 days and it was back to diarreah. Anyway, it messes up your cholesterol and bile and who wants that? Please try this natural, easy to eat sauerkraut and let everyone know who you do. Thanks for reading.

Baking Soda

Posted by Dana (Oklahoma) on 03/30/2017

Editor's Choice

I wish I had known baking soda in water could stop an IBS attack 30 years ago. So many doctors, so much money wasted, so many days of my life in misery.... And a few cents worth of baking soda was all I needed.
