Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for IBS Relief: A Holistic Approach to Gut Health

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


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Posted by Jerome (San Francisco, CA., US of A) on 03/10/2009


I didn't get over my illness until:

1) I discovered that I had been living with intestinal parasites. My physicians didn't believe that I was ill at all. They didn't want to waste their time and resources testing, don't you know. I was so happy to have them *diagnose* the animalia I presented to them in a box.

(a) the parasites, worms, protected themselves by secreting a biofilm which is both immunomodulating and immunosuppressing. Do you honestly believe my physicians knew / told me that?

2) My physicians explained, (ie., LIED), to me and explained that I had "IBS". Try googling the two words: "IBS" and "TRASHCAN DIAGNOSIS".

(a) "IBS" is a catch all *syndrome* which physicians use to substitute for real medical diagnosis, given that they do not have the time, inclination, energy or desire to solve your health problems for you. They have other things to think about.

3) Once I discovered, after nearly two decades of living in a near constant state of hopelessness, that there was an alternative, legitimate community of health care providers known as alternative, holistic, integrative and herbal medicine, I decided to take the initial plunge into the world of colon hydrotherapy.

(a) This felt great.

4) I went on a candida free diet. I went to an alternative health clinic. I paid $40 for a refrigerated, very fine grain powder, mycostatin. In 3 weeks, I was 85% better. I can now eat fruit, veggies, grains, eggs, etc.,. I had not eaten these things in over a decade. How awful is that!

5) I returned to my HMO with the good news. They were upset. Pissed off even. They couldn't believe that I would BETRAY them like that! How dare I go outside of my HMO! I had gotten off their hook!

(a) I visited a gastroenterologist at my HMO, for kicks. I asked him to take a look at the word, nystatin, which is the generic form of mycostatin. He had never heard of it before but he was willing to do what I asked. It turns out, my HMO's database stated that NYSTATIN WAS INDICATED IN THE TREATMENT OF IBS. Funny thing is, nystatin is a broad spectrum antifungal. And very, very few doctors in mainstream medicine are using it to treat IBS. I met a woman suffering from the same thing I had. She gave me the name of her gastroenterologist. Same dude. I asked her if he had given her a prescription for nystatin. She told me, "No, what is that!"

And so it goes...

Replied by Dr. Brandeis
(San Francisco, Ca)

I totally agree. I see this all the time with my patients. I treat hundreds of people for symptoms of 'IBS' and test everyone for intestinal infections- yeast, bacterial or parasitic. 9 times out of 10, there is an untreated infection. Once that is appropriately treated, no more IBS.

Replied by Linda M.
(Newbury Park, Ca)

Thanks for the valuable info on IBS and possible link to infection. This has been very helpful to me and I believe I may have an infection that has been going on for some time.

Replied by Randy
(Jersey City, Nj, Usa)


I had a lot of success with nystatin powder as well. bloating, gas, and constipation reduced 95% over a couple months. after stopping, however, my symptoms came back. the doc said I might need to continue using periodically. also, I've found a few side effects, including fatigue and pimples

Onion, Garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar Enema

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Posted by Diamond (Ma.) on 10/22/2014

I have had IBS for many years and it has taken me this long to find out what it was and a cure if any. I was told by my family Dr. I had a blood disease at the age of approx. 12 or so, since then I have been following these symptoms, I have been constipated since I was born it got worse as I got older, I went from one Dr. to another for way too many years with the same stories, change my diet(?) etc. I was born on a farm so we had all kinds of apple and other fruit tree's that I ate all summer as well as corn and other veggies.I finally went to a Dr. and said listen what is wrong with my bowels(?)he said he would do some tests in the hosp.where I had to drink some barium and loads of other junk along with many tests, I said impossible. Nothing was ever resolved especially with Dr's. Then I asked my aunt what their history was on a farm, she had mentioned there was twins born into the family and one died from pneumonia, because the house was never insulated or air tight. Later on as years passed and my grandparents passed away my parents took the house.My father was fixing the house but not soon enough. There were eight children with colds constantly.When I got older I kept searching, I was very tall (5'11 1/2) at the age of 16-I was 110 Lbs. for many years and could never gain any weight at all, I continued to be constipated and severe back pain. Now here is the deepest secretes kept by the Government as well as the CDC and Drs. When a human is introduced to a very damp home it's generally called mold and/or fungi.For the past twenty plus years I have been trying every thing known to science and man-kind for info.and a cure, but absolutely nothing.

For some odd reason I came across a great remedy; here is the best solution: and harmless; I use a big cup chop an onion into slices or dice them, use fresh garlic (I buy it already peeled in a container) then use ACV in the cup with all the ingredients, it's best to let this solution set in the cup for at least a day or overnight, then take an enema where it cleans all the impurities and inflammation.I was so surprised to see all the foamy white stuff coming out.

I also read where a certain amount inflammation is protection against diseases. Good Luck every one.This remedy is a God send for me. I was almost ready to have a heart attack because of this poisonous inflammation near my heart.

Replied by James

Interested but how much of each ingredient?

Parasite Cleanse

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Blue Star (Tennessee) on 05/25/2017


Blessings... this is also symptoms of intestinal parasites. Always good to do a parasite cleanse twice a year...

Parasite Cleanse
Posted by Joseph (San Jose, Ca, Usa) on 11/17/2012

I have had IBS / Chrohn for awhile now. Probably over 10 years or more. I always thought that I was weak and was easily food sensitive or that my intestines were weak and it would constantly get scarred and bleed. I often get diarrhea after eating and my stools would often contain Mucus and Blood. Never knew that it was abnormal. Not until my sister was diagnosed with an intestinal infection that was resistant to anbiotics and displayed the same symptoms as me, and that was when I became aware that probably I had an infection as well.

I read that alot of times, IBS could be caused by a parasite infection. These parasites are very hard to detect in the stool samples and hard to kill, because they live in your mucus membrane of your intestines which is very thick in Fat and the parasites themself also have a very thick layer of cell wall protecting their bodies from regular treatments as well, making them extremely difficult to get rid of. If you want to get rid of these Parasites, you need to strip the Fat off 1st, and a good way to do this is by Sea Salt. and These parasites also live off of carbohydrates and feed off our foods. So we need to cut off their supply of foods as well. So I decided to go on a Flush and Fasting for the next 4 days. Here is what I did below.

1st Day: Drink 2 teaspoon of Sea Salt mix in 1 Liter: Early morning before eating or drinking anything. within 30 minutes, I went to bathroom and alot of diarhea and gunk came out. Then I Prepared 2 Liters of Lemon Mixture. Each Liter contained Water, 2 lemon, 6-8 Tablespoon of Maple Syrup (100%, Grade B), and 1/2 cayenne pepper. Mix well. And drink about 8-10 oz every hour or so for the whole day.

2nd Day: (Same as 1st day). But, I flushed with sea salt 2x. One time in morning and one time before I go to bed. and I also added 2 tablespoon of Applecider Vinegar mixed in 8 oz of water after each flush. I waited for 30 -45 minutes after the Sea Salt Flush to go through, then I would drink my Applecider Vinegar in 8 oz of water. Wait for about 15-30 minutes, and then drink my lemon mixture (8-10oz every 1 hour or so, until I am done with the 2 liters).

3rd Day: (Same as 2nd Day). But, I flushed 3x with Sea Salt (and now, I increased by 1 teaspoon, so each time I flushed, I was using 3 teaspoon in 1 liter of water), followed by 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar within 30 -45 minutes after each flush.

Note: The reason why, I flushed 3x istead of 2 (and also increasing 1 extra teaspoon) is because , I want to make sure to do it frequent enough and for the Sea Salt to be strong enough to kill all the Bacterias that are harmful and parasites or anything else in my intestines that are living in there that could be harmful to me. And I want to flush them all out. On this 3rd day, I honestly feel like a hollow tube. Flush, Flush, Flush.

4th Day: I also Flushed for 3 times (with 3 teaspoon of Sea Salt in I liter of water), but now, I discontinued and stop using the Lemon Mixture with cayenne pepper. Instead, I bought 3 bunches of Cilantro at the store and I blend it with 2-3 Tablespoon of Milk Thistle ( you could either use milk thistle seeds, roots, or stems). What I had on me was milk thistle seeds that I ordered online (i already had this a few months before), so I ended up using those.

After I flushed with Sea Salt, I waited for the flush to go through, then I would drink the 2 Table spoon of apple cider vinegar in 8 oz of water and waited for at least 15 minutes, then I would grind 1 bundle of cilantro with 2-3 tablespoon of flax seeds. (I repeat this process every 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours or so, because by this time, I am begining to crave for food and I just wanted to end this 4 day fasting as fast as I could. But I couldnt stop yet, because I wanted to make sure that I got rid of eveything and also I wanted to detox my body from heavy metal and mercury.)

The reason why I chose not to use the lemon mixture with Maple syrup on my 4th day, was because I wanted to make sure that All surviving parasites or bacterias or harmful creatures living in my intestines will finally starve on this 4th day. Also, cilantro and Milk Thistle is a good combo to get rid of all heavy metals, including mercury in my system. So I wanted to also get rid of heavy metals and other toxins in my intestines and body systems as well.

By the time, that I was done with my 3rd and final flush, I got so sick from drinking the Sea Salt water, (Just the smell of it was bringing fear and chills down my spine) That I didnt drink the apple cider vinegar on my 3rd flush, but instead, I just drank the Cilantro bundle blended with 2 tablespoons of Flax Seeds.... And then I waited for a good half an hour to 1 hour before I started to eat regular soft food (I ate 2 big burritos) and NO DIARRHEA OR BLOODY STOOL (usually, I would get diarrhea within 30 minutes or so)!!!

Next day, I ate, and NO DIARRHEA OR BLOODY STOOL... And I was very thankful and It has been that way ever since.... I am just very thankful, and I felt that my prayers has been finally answered. God Luck in using this 4 day method to cure your IBS. You are in my prayers.

Note: There are many times, that I wanted to end this fast early, especially on my 3rd day and 4th day... But I am totally glad that I stuck through it. I dont know if just flushing for 2 days would completely get rid of everything, but I was thinking that I wanted to end this torment once and for all, so I chose to do it in 4 days and slowly built my body up to 3 Sea Salt flushes per day (using starting with 2 teaspoon and ending with 3 teaspoon of Sea Salt). That is alot of flushing though.

Peppermint Oil

10 User Reviews
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1 star (4) 

Posted by lady liza (Los Angeles) on 09/11/2021 35 posts

Editor's Choice

My daughter suffered from IBS in high school. And on my way to London, I stopped at the Boots pharmacy in the airport. They handed me 6 boxes of Colpermin (Peppermint oil capsules) and I am thankful to this day. It not only worked, but after I year or so of taking it, her symptoms stopped. It's 15 years later and it has never come back.

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Lady Liza (Los Angeles) on 06/30/2021 35 posts

I suffered for years from IBS and so did my daughter. Until one day when I was flying through Heathrow airport, in London, I stopped at the Boots Pharmacy in the airport. I asked them if they had anything for IBS. And the gal reached around to the shelf behind her and picked up a box of Colpermin. (peppermint oil) I bought many boxes and it worked great, so great that we are both cured. You can buy something in the US that is similar. I think its peptic something, but I am sure its on google.

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 06/24/2011

I found this regarding IBS in a recent newsletter from Dr. Al Sears:

For irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, you can take enteric-coated capsules of peppermint oil. It's completely safe. The coating stops the oil from getting digested too early. One study gave either the capsules or a placebo to people with IBS. Of the people who took peppermint, 75% had a significant reduction of IBS symptoms.

I hope this helps the IBS sufferers. Not quite the same thing, but when I have indigestion, I either drink peppermint/spearmint tea or chew a few fresh mint leaves. It takes just a few minutes and I feel much better. Maybe that's why people have "after-dinner mints" - it's the mint that helps digestion.

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Lisa (S. California, Ca, Usa) on 04/11/2011

I've been struggling with IBS and Celiac for a long time. I still get cramps even though there is no more gluten ( or hidden gluten) in my diet.

I found a softgel that has peppermint oil, fennel and ginger in it from iherb. Wow, do these things work great and really tame the tummy!!! I finally have some relief! I take 1 at night and one in the morning. If I still get painful cramps, I take another one. They don't help with diaherra though.

They are a bit hard on the stomach at first so take with a bite or two of food until you get used to them.

Replied by Lisa
(S. California, Ca, Usa)

You have to take ENTERIC coated peppermint oil. Straight peppermint is way too strong to put into the stomach. Peppermint increase the gastric juices in the stomach, so it needs to bypass the stomach and get into the intestines. Peppermint relaxes muscles, ie intestinal muscles.

If I have a sudden attack and need IMMEDIATE relief, the capsules are NOT the answer. They take awhile to start working. For immediate relief, try peppermint tea ( will make you sleepy) or Altoids. With the Altoids, I usually eat around 10-15 in a 5 minutes period and it helps A LOT.

If you get stomach pain, eat some food with it or eat some DGL LICORICE chewables/lozenges from iherb. The taste is not great but it gets rid of stomach ( not intestinal) pain.

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 03/31/2009

Peppermint Oil can cure IBS in many people. It also kills candida.


"Based on the combined data, the researchers estimated that one in 2.5 patients would get significant relief of symptoms if treated with peppermint oil, compared to one in five patients taking antispasmodics and one in 11 patients taking fiber. Peppermint oil is sold in capsules, and the study participants took about 200 milligrams two or three times a day.

Replied by Rich
(Boca Raton, Fl)

I had no success with the Peppermint Oil. Although I've tried Caprylic Acid, and alot of it, that had no effect either.

I have some kind of fungal infection, probably candida, could be a different fungus though. I've had success with two things so far:
1. Mega-Garlic (to the point that you smell offensive).
2. Coconut Oil (2 TBSP, morning and evening)(this is a bunch of calories, though). I'm sold on the coconut oil

I suspect mega-iodine (see Sporotrichosis for doseage) may help, but I can't confirm yet. Iodine is twice as strong of an antibiotic as Chlorine, less toxic, disolves starches(and yeast), and heavy metals. I've seen some success in the mouth with iodine, where success has been dificult to come by.

Replied by Moises
(New York, Ny)

I have tried enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules numerous times and they had no effect on my IBS.

Replied by Natasha
(Winnipeg, Manitoba)

I tried peppermint oil capsules for my severe IBS C and they gave me a severe attack. They are way to strong for my sensitive stomache sadly.

Replied by Butterflycari
(Heber City, Ut, Usa)

One thing I notice is you have to get the ENTERIC COATED peppermint oil capsules. I have had really good results by using these and usually one dose is sufficient.

Replied by Mel
(Kobe, Japan)

A friend had success with these but said you need to take them for a few weeks before getting results. That said, they didn't help my IBS-D.


5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Kerina (Bergerac, France) on 05/18/2012

I had suffered for so long with bloating and stomach pains after meals. Nothing the doctor prescribed made any difference. I tried altering the diet, eliminating gluten, lactose and vegetables, but nothing made any difference. I was becoming very miserable, because as well as the physical side, IBS is a horribly embarrassing problem, and I was loathe to stay in friends' houses.

Then I discovered Kefir, a probiotic. Even my GP had never heard of it, but it's made so much difference. My stomach is flatter and the pains have disappeared. It couldn't be simpler to use. Just add a sachet of Kefir to a jug of milk or soya milk (keep covered and out of bright light) and up to 24 hours later it will have fermented, like yogurt (but the effects for me were far more beneficial than yogurt). I eat it every morning on cereal with a little honey to taste.

I hope this helps other people as it helped me.

Posted by Linda M. (Newbury Park, Ca) on 02/25/2011

I have suffered with ibs-d for 1 year and tried several natural remedies that have not worked for me. I was constantly getting colds and flus and I was very weak. A friend recommended a high quality probiotc (Natren healthy trinity and Life Start 2) with amazing results. My diarrhea and loose bowels stopped immediately. My first few days involved more normal bowel movements and I did experience gas as my flora in my intestines was being restored. I was told this was normal and would clear up. It is very early in my recovery, but the results so far has been very positive. I hope this is helpful to others.

Posted by Amy (Burlington, VT, USA) on 05/27/2009

Perioral Dermatitis - Acidophulis... I've sufferred from Irritable Bowel Syndrome for 25 years and perioral dermititis and roseacea for about 10-15. Probiotics have cured the IBS and greatly improved/nearly cured the dermatitis. I eat a high probiotic count yogurt everyday and take a high quality probiotic supplement every day. I use a yogurt mask every other day. I tried the ACV and couldn't stand the taste or the smell and it didn't seem to be doing anything. I do now occasionally drink kombucha tea (2-3 times a week) which seems to be very similar to ACV in terms of types of probiotics, but slightly more palatable and I occasionally use it on my face as well (not nearly as stinky as the ACV). This site was great for encouraging me to take matters into my own hands and see what would work for me. Thanks! And good luck to all.

Posted by germanygirl (hamburg, germany) on 03/01/2008

i suffered from BV for almost six months after taking just one round of powerful antibiotics! the smell was awful, and my self esteem really began to suffer. i just went to work and came straight home! i knew i had to restore my good flora, and it does take time, so i had to be patient. i kept going to my gynecologist, and thankfully, she encouraged my attempts to find a natural cure, and respected my desire to refrain from taking any more antibiotics. after finding out about probiotics, i started with just regular acidophilus, which did nothing! then, i found out that they need to contain more than acidophilus, specifically L. Rahmnosus and bifidobacterium longum. This combination worked magic!! it is sold in the United States...i was living in Atlanta at the time, and found it easily at co-ops and health food stores. also widely available online. just make sure those two are in there along with the acidophilus. i should also mention that i was suffering from IBS at the time, which also cleared up. i still take probiotics (one a day) to maintain intestinal health, and they are great. (this was three years ago.) generally only get sick once a year, and a bad cold doesn't turn into bronchitis anymore. good luck!

Posted by B (Attica, IN) on 12/10/2006

After being diagnosed with IBS and perioral dermatitis I knew I had to make a change. I did my research and talked to a few people at the health food stores and then added probiotic acidophilus to my diet. The first week I took 2 times the recommended amount, the second week I cut it down the recommended amount and then have stayed on that amount rather well the past 10 years. It has fixed all the problems with my skin as well as my digestional tract. All the diseases of the body start in the stomach and colon, the acidophilus either in capsule form or yogurt help correct this imbalance. By fixing the imbalance, everything else falls in line. My skin is beautiful now. I would recommend this to any one suffering from any skin lesions and digestive problems.


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5 star (1) 

Posted by Naomi (Auckland, New Zealand) on 10/13/2008

Psyllium husk (remedy) Irritable Bowel Syndrome (ailment)

After years of laxative abuse associated with an eating disorder, I ended up with sever IBS and an intolerance to a wide range of foods, including many fruits. I started taking psyllium husks recently after reading about it in a health magazine, and I have been amazed by the difference. I can eat most foods without the bloating, flatulence and chronic stomach pain that I have had to live with for years!

Although, I have found that when I have not taken the psyllium for several days, the symptoms have returned again. But to be able to live without pain, a tablespoon of psyllium on my breakfast in the mornings seems a small ask!

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