IBS and Parasites
I just want to say that some doctors and even the big pharma still want to hide the fact that IBS, Crohn disease and other GI dysfunction are nothing but a parasitical infections. I urge all people who are suffering from these diseases to check for parasites. On stool tests is not enough. If your doctor is stupid who doesn't think out of the box ( most doctors are brainwashed by big pharma, even their books are sponsored by big pharma, their textbooks are like their bibles). Now big pharma are trying to patent Rifaximin for IBS. The reason is simply because big pharma doesn't want to admit the fact that parasites and bacteria are causing IBS and Rifaximin kills the parasites.
is also linked to lyme disease. MS is a manifestation of a bacterial infection. It's sad to see people suffering for 10 to 20 years with IBS when a simple treatment that address the cause could cure them in 1 to 2 weeks.
(Dayton, Oh, Usa)
I'd like to add some additional information to this post. I was hospitalized and then diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. They did a parasite test while I was in the hospital and it came back negative. I found out later it only tested for 5 parasite types. Based on some reading I did, there are over 350 different types of parasites. I did the whole medical establishment routine for a year and then the symptoms came back. I did not want to take all those meds anymore so I started trying many of the remedies on this site with mixed results.
To make a long story short, I also have 4 dogs and I ordered some food grade diatomaceous earth because they had worms (I read about FGDE on this site). After further reading regarding the health benefits for humans, I decided to take it myself. Not to be gross, but you can imagine my surprise (and I'll spare you the details) when I realized I had parasites myself. I'm hoping that now that I've taken care of this, that the other protocols outlined on this site will be more effective or that my UC will clear up now; however, I believe I also have a mycobacterium issue.
(Brooklyn, Ny)
Hi there, I was reading your post because I found myself in a similar situation about a year ago, only I was told I didnt have chrones or ulcerative colitis, yet, still had all the symptoms. I then went to a naturopath who tested for yeast and parasites and I tested positive for both. Do you feel any better?
I've had IBS for at least a year now and strangely enough, I found it to be completely anxiety related and not at all to do with the bowels themselves. I also have regular anxiety as well, but I haven't seen any doctors about either condition because I refuse to get on the meds wagon.
Two nights ago, I painted two squares of 2.5% iodine tincture onto my wrists. I could feel the effects of that by the next day, I went the whole day without any symptoms. One important thing I did find in my research, was that selenium deficiency apparently aggravates iodine deficiency, so naturally, I took 200mcg of selenium the next night in addition to painting iodine on my biceps this time. Still no symptoms of anxiety or IBS on the third day now and I'm hoping this is the real deal. Another interesting bit, I used to take selenium regularly as part of my supplement routine and then stopped for a long time without any obvious reason (ran out and forgot to replenish.. ). For informational purposes, I'm 23, smoke regularly, drink on weekends, eat relatively healthy (always home cooked) but not a ton of fruit and vegetables in my diet.
Interesting Fact: The iodine painting deficiency test is not an indication of anything. Most of it evaporates and becomes colorless, and the rate of that is dependent on the environment that you are in. It does absorb into your system, however, in small amounts. To back that up: When you do this so-called test, wait until it disappears, then get some hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the area; you will see that the whole thing is actually still there.
Best of luck!
Please, when you suggest juicing, be aware that some of us can't do it. Btw, I juiced leafy greens, lemon, ginger not sweet items like apples or grapes. I was hoping they would increase my gut bacteria, but I don't see how that's possible as fast as its' going thru.
Also, I saw one snarky response that said what did you expect when you put in all that liquid. Well, I didn't expect this. Now I feel like I've lost all the ground I gained getting off immodium. I had to take 6 yesterday just so I could get out to do my marketing. Sorry, but this gets a big thumbs down.
(Bremerton, Wa)
Sorry some people can't be nice, here is a little advice you won't find from a doctor.
Cows have a disease called johnes it is caused by mycobacterium avium paratuburculosis. It goes right through the cow into milk. It is a high heat resistant organism that easily goes through pasteurization unaffected. The usda sets the standard for milk pasteurization at 165 degrees for 15 seconds. Map bacteria can withstand 194 degrees for up to one minute. I will let you guess whether the USDA knows it or not.
When you drink milk you get live map bacteria with every deliciously deadly drop of moo juice. The milk is transported in semi truck size tanks and milk from thousands of cows is mixed together virtually assuring the whole lot is contaminated. See dr greger at not milk.com about this issue.
If you must drink milk then boil it or drink only "ultra pasteurized" milk as the microorganisms are killed by a higher heat range that map can not tolerate.
Now for the good news. since a few of us do know what causes crohn's disease in the alt medical world we can treat it with a very potent mineral solution that kills off pathogenic organisms such as mycoplasma fermentans and map. It is called gallium nitrate
Here is an article for you about a woman who suffered with crohns for ten years. She tried every sort of drug her doctors could think of to no avail until she met a wiley old alt who knew what she needed, gallium nitrate.
Fulvic acid has immune strengthening properties to it which help the intestines to absorb minerals properly and detoxify roundup herbicides.rOundup frequently causes havoc with the intestinal tract killing off beneficial bacteria and helping bad strains to flourish.
Inulin, a prebiotic, can assist klebsiella, a harmful species, to overgrow and crowd out friendly bacteria. That's not what you want.
Colostrum helps heal the intestines as it provides immune system factors needed to preserve the health of the digestive tract.
Immune system "transfer factors" help teach the immune system how to defend its self against bad bacteria like map.
One more thing you need to research is the beneficial effect of soil organisms such as are in primal defense a probiotic specifically formulated to combat harmful species like map. One of the species in the formula bacillis subtillis creates 24 different antibiotic compounds some of which are lethal to map but friendly to you.
Hope you get feeling better soon, see ya.
Namaw, I have the diarrhea issue due to losing my lower intestine. I have found several things that help first is L Glutamine with your food. It is really helpful right away. I was unable to leave my house for 2 years because it was so awful. The long term of fixing it is 10,000 iu of vitamin d3 every morning safe brands are only now brand and solaray super bio d3 all others have a bad ingredient of some sort. because we are unable to take regular magnesium we must take one with both malate and glycinate added as to not cause problems. I have only found one on amazon InnovixLabs Advanced magnesium. 2 other great remedies while your healing and get this under control are selenium yeast 200mcg a day and believe it or not turpentine in honey now those you can search on earth clinic. The glutamine is the key to the runs and the others heal the ibs. I do other things like teds Apple Cider Vinegar baking soda drink and more but those runny issues are the pits.
Thanks, Janet. I've been taking 10000 now d3 for several years now. I had taken l-glutamine for several months some time ago, but didn't see any difference. I also have bad insomnia, for which I take 3g glycine + 3g l-tryptophan + 4 mg melatonin. Not much of a difference for the insomnia but at least I go to sleep for an hour or so, then doze the rest of the night. So many things interact, I know if I'd find the right balance I'd be better. I've been taking the angstrom magnesium, but not holding it under my tongue b/c it gives me diarrhea. I use it like the mag oil, it seems to be a bigger dose.
Konjac Mannan
(San Francisco, Ca)
True. Glutamine works in 2 ways. First, it is the preferred source of fuel for enterocytes- the cells that line the small intestine. Second, it increases sIgA (secretory immunoglobulin A), an important immune cell. If the IBS is caused by an infection such as yeast or parasites, Glutamine will be helpful. However, symptomatic relief from glutamine should make you consider testing for parasites- but not through conventional labs such as Quest or Labcorp. The best lab I've found and use with all of my patients is Metametrix. -Dr. Andrew Brandeis
This fits in with the virus theories above. Lysine used to increase the lysine/arginine ratio to discourage virus replication.
(Winslow, Nj)
Lemon Water works even better with distilled water. I have had great success with fresh lemon and distilled water:)
(Winnipeg, Manitoba,canada)
Magnesium Chloride
I am writing regarding what I believe is an IBS problem that I developed around 5 years ago, when going through a stressful situation. I was severely constipated for a few months and began noticing the presence of mucus in my stools (until then I never noticed anything of this kind).
Although I have manage to improve a lot my condition, and rarely suffer from acute pain nowadays, I still tend to get constipated when there is a change in my routine or when I am feeling stressed.
What helps me best to "go" in the morning is one or two teaspoons of ascorbic acid mixed with bicarbonated sodium.
On the other hand, the only thing that has helped regarding the presence of mucus in the stool is when I take one teaspoon of magnesium chloride with water first thing in the morning, but it is not as effective as the ascorbic acid + baking soda for my constipation. When I discontinued the use of magnesium chloride and started taking the ascorbic acid again in the morning, the presence of mucus returned.
I read conflicting views regarding the use of bicarbonated sodim so I am uncertain if I should continue taking it, or if it s best to opt for the magnesium chloride. Just wondering if anyone had the same result with the magnesium chloride or has any thoughts regarding this issue.
Apart from this I am healthy, eat a balanced diet and so on.
Many thanks! Leila
(Larnaca, Cyprus)
Hi, Leila,
Your complaint seems to be IBS with D and mucus in the stools, and you're using magnesium chloride orally to try to clear the mucus. I hope that's working for you and that you're feeling better.
I'm writing about another aspect of IBS – chronic bowel spasticity. Low magnesium levels can contribute to this spasticity. If magnesium levels are low, TRANSDERMAL magnesium chloride oil can relieve the misery of spastic bowels within 20-30 minutes.
To be sure we're on the same page, this is how I would describe spastic bowels. They're contracting constantly and the bowel contents are moving along faster than normal. Transit time is reduced, so the large intestine can't absorb or remove much water from the stool before it is excreted. The stool may be too liquid when passed. A diarrhea-like condition may persist, even after the pathogen that started the diarrhea is long gone. Or, the stool may be solid and just be passed frequently in small amounts. The constant contractions of the bowel may compel the sufferer to run to the bathroom every 15-30 minutes round the clock, even preventing sleep.
Why do the bowels become spastic? Well, calcium is required for muscles to contract, and magnesium is required for muscles to relax. This is true of all muscles -- skeletal muscles, the muscles of the heart and blood vessels, and the smooth muscles such as those of the airway or the digestive tract. Low magnesium levels can prevent the bowels from relaxing.
Oral magnesium supplements are poorly absorbed (we absorb only about 4% of mag oxide taken orally) and can contribute to loose stools. Magnesium taken transdermally (applied to the skin) is better absorbed and doesn't contribute to loose stools. The magnesium ions are taken up by the capillaries under the skin and the whole dose is circulating through the body within 15-20 minutes.
In my case, I had bowel spasticity on and off for 1-1/2 weeks, slowly worsening despite any remedies I tried including oral magnesium, and I was exhausted. Only 20-30 minutes after the first transdermal application of magnesium oil, the spasticity was relieved and NEVER CAME BACK. From this result, I understood that my magnesium levels must have been very low. I decided to apply magnesium oil daily for a month to bring the levels back to normal.
Transdermal magnesium oil WILL NOT kill parasites or other pathogens in the digestive tract; that would have to be dealt with in another way. But it can rescue you from misery forever, if your persistent bowel spasticity is caused by low magnesium levels.
To make your own magnesium oil at home and save money, buy a pound or a kilo of magnesium chloride flakes. I trust the flakes from the ancient Zechstein sea deposits. Other Earth Clinic folks have used flakes from other sources and found them effective. This amount of flakes may last you 6-12 months, depending on how often you apply the magnesium oil. Store the unused flakes in an airtight container. Magnesium chloride is a thirsty salt and will absorb water from the air if left out in the open.
Magnesium oil recipe:
• Fill a drinking glass with magnesium chloride flakes and pour them into a glass bowl.
• Fill the same drinking glass with distilled water and add it to the bowl.
• Stir with a wooden spoon for 5 minutes until the salts are dissolved and the liquid is clear and sparkling.
• Pour the liquid through a funnel into a clean spray bottle; glass is best, but plastic is okay.
Instructions for use:
• Magnesium oil has a bleaching effect on fabric. It's best to apply it to dry skin in the bathroom after a shower but before getting dressed.
• Spray the magnesium oil into your open palm and rub your hands together. Massage the magnesium oil into your skin until it begins to feel dry.
• Repeat until you've applied it to arms, legs, chest and back, a total of about 15-20 squirts. This is a ball park figure; the exact amount isn't important.
• Dress after your skin is completely dry.
• If you have sensitive skin, you can dilute the magnesium oil with up to an equal amount of water, to be better tolerated.
• Most information sources say that low magnesium levels can be corrected with daily application of magnesium oil for about a month. It stands to reason that, if you're diluting the magnesium oil, it may take longer.
Magnesium Chloride
Here are a few relevant quotes from the randomized, double blind, placebo controlled human study :
' Melatonin can be considered an effective treatment for improving IBS score, GI symptoms, and quality of life in IBS patients with and without sleep disorders. It is also effective to improve sleep parameters in IBS patients with sleep disorders. '
' The results of our trial showed that in both groups of patients with and without sleep disorders, receiving melatonin leads to a significant improvement in IBS score and GI symptoms, including the severity and the frequency of abdominal pain, the severity of abdominal bloating, satisfaction with bowel habits, disease's impact on patient's life, and stool consistency'
' In patients with sleep disorders, significant improvement in sleep parameters, including subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, sleep efficiency, and daytime dysfunction, was observed, while in patients without sleep disorders, there was no significant improvement in sleep parameters. In addition, quality-of-life improvement was observed in a significant number of melatonin recipients compared to placebo in both groups of patients. '
Of interest in this study is the fact that they only used a total of 6 mg of melatonin per day in two divided doses of 3 mg each. A fairly simple plan for significant alleviation of IBS. Also of interest in this study was the number of participants, 136, a very good size study.
This is a very significant and important study, given that IBS is one of the world's most common gastrointestinal disorders and current medical treatments are often ineffective.
Non-Alcoholic Beer