Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for IBS Relief: A Holistic Approach to Gut Health

B12, Bee Pollen

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Posted by Kylwel (Gilmer, Tx) on 11/26/2009

Hello, Earthclinic readers. I'm a 46 y/o woman. A few years ago as I was going through a divorce, I developed severe abdominal pain. It would be located high, or near my ribs, off to one side or very low in my abdominal area. Hardly ever in the same spot. My Dr. did a few tests and sent me to radiology for a sonogram of my gall bladder, appendix and ovaries. The sonographer told me my symptoms sounded like IBS, she had it. Coincidentally, I had run out of my multi vitamins some time ago and hadn't replaced them. Sometime after that Dr. appt I did get more and noticed a few days after taking them again that the pain went away.

I was talking to a friend of mine whose granddaughter had been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and in doing her own research discovered that B12 and Royal Jelly could be beneficial. She opted to try this rather than put her 8 y/o granddaughter through the recommended surgery. It worked! The pain was completely gone in no time. I looked at the label on my vitamin bottle to find that they did indeed contain a hefty dose of B12 and bee pollen, but not Royal Jelly. Subsequently, I ran out of vitamins again and after several weeks without them - you guessed it - the abdominal pain returned! I didn't waste any time getting to the local health food store to get my multi-vitamin and sure enough, after a few days, the pain was completely gone again. I'm convinced, B12 and bee pollen or Royal Jelly must be good for the digestive system. My vitamins are Nature's ___ ___ ___. It's a whole food and chock full of good stuff.

Baking Soda

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Posted by Dana (Oklahoma) on 03/30/2017

Editor's Choice

I wish I had known baking soda in water could stop an IBS attack 30 years ago. So many doctors, so much money wasted, so many days of my life in misery.... And a few cents worth of baking soda was all I needed.

Bentonite Clay

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Posted by Revonda (O H, WV) on 02/10/2009

Bentonite Clay for IBS, Ulcerative Colitis & Gastroenteritis: Bentonite Clay is a miracle!! I have suffered w/ these conditions since I was a child (I am almost 42). As no meds would help & doctor's couldn't do anything. These conditions had left me pretty much, home bound. I was desperate and would have tried just about anything.

For the past several months, I have been taking just a small amount (no more than 1 T a day, in purified water) & I have went from 10-15 loose bowel movements a day, to two normal bm's. I saw the results immediately. I do not take fiber.

I had forgotten what normal was. It was so bad that I could eat, almost nothing w/o getting extremely sick. On occasion, I still take Prilosec for acid reflux, but no other stomach meds!!

I hope this info helps others, as it has given me my life back. ;)


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Posted by Jan (Netherlands (Nederland)) on 11/18/2014

Beta Glucan for IBS.

I found a huge relief with 3 x 400 mg Beta Glucan daily. Allready used psylium ( always let it soak in water for at least an hour or it will dehydrate your bowels ) and FOS. Ofcourse this was helpfull with the constipation. But the addition of the Beta Glucan took the pain in the bowels away.

For more info go to "http://www.youngagain.org/books.html" look for the pdf. Beta Glucan and you will find a reference for a given patent to the connection IBS and Beta Glucan.

-- "Another PCT patent was issued in 1992 WO94 04,136 for irritable bowel syndrome, including diarrhea and constipation in humans. This shows that many companies around the world realize the value of beta glucan in many health conditions and are busy trying to
patent their particular product. Every year you will see more and more such patents." --

It helped me .. hope it will help you to.


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Posted by Stacy Mills (Monticello, Arkansas) on 02/25/2009

I have irritable bowel with diarrhea. After my last colonoscopy, no prescription or OTC meds would help. I started taking 5,000 mcg of biotin every day and got relief. Sometimes I do get diarrhea, but it doesn't last long. This even helps the spasms and cramping.

Replied by Cindy

Are you still taking Biotin now?


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Posted by Momsmom (Dallas, Tx) on 08/20/2013

Having ibs-d can really be a battle. Blackberry liquid stops diarrhea pretty fast, like 2 days. I don't battle with ibs-d anymore as it really works. I haven't been losing weight anymore because of diarrhea, and my hubby uses it too. Who'd guess sucha simple solution...

Posted by Happy Mom (Fort Worth, Tx, Usa) on 05/01/2013

I think my last post didn't make it! If this is redundant- my apologies. I fought with e-coli, and started losing 1/2 a lb a day. I took pro-biotics, anti-biotics, nothing helping. I take D____, a blackberry liquid. I can only find it on Amazon, and a few nutrition stores in Dallas, TX. It totally helped. I suffer from IBS, as well, and I take the it about 2-3 x a week. It lets me live normally!!!

Blackstrap Molasses

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 06/23/2011

Yeh regarding your IBS. Totaly knock off white bread .. And take a teaspoon of Black strap mollasas everyday. That cured me. Browner the bread the better.. but the cheap white fluffy stuff seems to make the bowels react.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Kathy (Bowling Green, Ohio, USA) on 09/07/2009

Black Strap Molasses cured my IBS. I have suffered with alternating constipation and diarrhea for ten years. In the last few years mostly diarrhea at least once everyday. I started taking BSM for my anemia after reading your website and was pleasantly surprised to find that it also cured my IBS. And it got rid of any PMS issues. I have no pre-menstrual symptoms at all. Mine was never terrible, but what little I had was gone. I was so excited that I shared this info. with my sister who has the same issues as me with the IBS and she has worse PMS...and she was thrilled with the results! Wow! I take 1 tbls. each night before bed. I use the sulphured molasses...tastes nasty to me, but it's worth it!

Bone Broth

1 User Review

Posted by Jerri (Wisconsin) on 10/31/2016

I want to heal my ibs-d, so I made a nice bone broth from my neighbor's extra roosters. I've been watching the birds daily for 7 months now, since they were a chick, so I know they ran around the yard chasing/eating bugs and didn't get bad food, etc. So, now I have such bad diarrhea, so much worse than before. I've read about die off, but it's been awhile already. How long do I persist taking it (nothing else, a bone broth fast for over 2 weeks now). If gelatin is the part that fixes the gut, then why not take gelatin that I buy instead of this?

Bottled Water

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Posted by denise (naples fl, usa) on 06/25/2007

I have had severe IBS for 6 years. Before that time I could eat anything, never a stomach problem and my health was excellent. Since then I have tried every diet there is with the results that if I eliminated anything acid including citric acid which is in a lot of drinks and foods I could get by but I was still severely affected by IBS. Just one week ago I decided to try only drinking bottled water because I suspected my tap water even though we have a filtration system. I have not felt this good in 6 years. I am able to eat things (chocolate) that I haven't eaten in years. I have not been able to eat any fruits, any juices, most vegetables, in the last 6 years. I have not started to put all of them back in my diet yet as I am taking things slowly but this has been a HUGE improvement. The water I have been drinking is from a natural spring but nothing expensive (64 cents a gallon). Drinking bottled water has also improved my husbands health as he has had a skin irritation for several years that doctors could not diagnose. We both thinks it's the chlorine in the water system. By the way it isn't just the water in Florida causing the problem because we both had our health problems begin in Delaware where we also had a water filter on the tap.

Replied by Msanna
(New Orleans, LA)

Re: Irritabe Bowel Syndrome and Water Filters. Not all filters are created equal I have a gravity filter based on Black Berkey filters. Has done wonders for over all health along with water cure. Berkey removed flouride as well if you use the secondary PF2 filter. Most common filters do not remove flouride. There is one on TV right now being heavily advertised and it only claims to remove one thing from water. I assure you there are many many more things in water. Do your research. Google black berkey comparison. Flouride shuts down the thyroid.


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Posted by Cindy Bells (Ca, United States) on 05/16/2013

I want to say how grateful I am to find this site and the buttermilk suggestion cure for my IBS - D. I'm absolutely amazed, I have suffered severely for at least 15 years with absolutely no other helpful treatments or cures at all until now and within one day Yes only one day and I'm cured. I couldn't eat or drink anything without having to run to bathroom and I alway felt like I was starving even nauseous feeling even during and directly after eating. Organic buttermilk was suggested but I could only find CULTURED or regular buttermilk so I chose the cultured at my local grocery store in milk section [ just FYI info for other desperate people ] to someone else that may not have acsess to healthfood stores and it was very inexpensive aswell... Cultured Buttermilk worked a miracle for me. Thanks for reading and I hope this helps other aswell. Cindy

Replied by Joy
(Battleground, Wash)

I totally agree, when my allergies were just starting to be relieved I started eating bran buttermilk muffins with apples, nuts, wheat grem, flax seed, sesame seeds, whole wheat mixed with 1/2 unbleached flour, the neighbor kids would visit and eat up all my muffins. Sometimes I used half oat bran with my wheat bran. I like to pour them into the muffin papers with a large ice cream scoop, less mess. Buttermilk pancakes are good too with cooked apples and cinnamon on top with a dash of powdered sugar. They also help clean the pipes while they rejuvenate the intestines.

Replied by Trudyg

The buttermilk has live probiotics, that's why it helps. I would never say I'm cured because it does come back--eat the wrong thing or stress and I've got a flare that can last a year. I've been making and drinking my own kefir which has been a fantastic help, so if you can't get good buttermilk you can try kefir. I haven't taken supplements for my insomnia the last 3 day, took ambien b/c too much going on & had to sleep. Plan tonight to take l-glutamine + 5-htp+ taurine + vit e. Any thoughts? It's morning now & I can change it if you have any ideas. Thanks.


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Posted by Zita (Chicago, Illinois) on 02/04/2010

Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice and Buttermilk Cure.

I've been in agony trying to find a cure for this new malady called IBS. I've been reading what the subcribers here have tried and I was willing to try anything. I have IBS-D. I read about Molasses, Buttermilk, Royal Jelly and I went to the store to purchase these items to try and see if something would work. That day I was only able to find buttermilk, the Organic kind. I was skeptical but I tried it with ____ [600 mg calcium tablet] at bedtime. The next day I woke up prepared to battle the many washroom runs I'd have and try not to look too conspicuous during my marathon leaps to get there. Funny thing, it didn't happen; I was OK however, I did have irritation and sometimes urges that were nothing but still I couldn't be too sure and I'd wind up sprinting for the washroom just in case. After a month of Buttermilk in the evening with the calcium and still feeling irritations, one evening I was so thirsty; water wasn't something I wanted. I spotted a lemon, squeezed it, added a little sugar and bottled water and drank like a camel. The next day there was no irritation but I did not make the connection right away; I thought it was most likely a food item, a trigger, that I had NOT ingested. That evening and several evenings after that, I continued drinking fresh Lemon Water and I think it's the cure. I've been fine ever since...no irritation, no D or C....I'm fine!


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Posted by CheeMiss (Toronto, Ont) on 05/26/2009

I know that this might sound to simple, but please try CERTIFIED ORGANIC BUTTERMILK.

I have been in such IBS intestinal pain, gas, bloating, burping, D etc., ....all this came about after I finished an IBS study for meds (4mths), incl CBT (cognitive behavior therapy.) The meds gave me nasty side effects and the CBT although nice, but also not effective. You have no idea all the natural things & meds that I have tried all these years. Nothing worked.

Our local health food store recently started to carry the NEW and ONLY one out there...Certified Organic Buttermilk. I could not find this before. The conventional buttermilk just did not help me as it did prior to the late 60's. I grabbed the last 3 liter cartons and drank 1 liter that day and started on the others first thing on an empty stomach in the mornings. By the afternoon of the 2nd day....everything started to subside drastically. After the 3rd liter (3rd day), I could not believe that all my IBS attacks symptoms had vanished. All these years of suffering with next to no remission time.

I ordered 4 more liters and drank 1 liter per day. It has now been 2 weeks and I am IBS free. My D stopped on the 2nd day, along with the intense cramping. My tummy has greatly reduced in size and I am not gassy, burpy or acid reflux, and my D is gone.

I have been eating all my trigger foods with no problem. If I feel a twinge coming on, I merely pour a very large glass of this amazing thick, rich buttermilk and drink it all in one shot. Do not sip at it. It seems to work best when you drink it all at once.

I can't seem to get enough of it. My body is craving it like nothing I have experience before. I advance ordered another 4 liters. THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE CERTIFIED ORGANIC BUTTERMILK AND THE CONVENTIONAL ONE.

Research the ingredients for yourselves and you will see. This type of buttermilk is like the product my mom use to give me when was a kid to settle down my IBS. Nothing has worked like this since until now. Check out Harmony dairy in Ontario. They seem to be the only ones supplying it so far. (btw: the ACV almost killed me and although I have been using coconut oil for the past 2 yrs., it too has not settled down my IBS.) I hope this remedy helps someone as much as it has helped me.

Replied by Jeff
(Portsmouth, Ohio)

You don't really have to drink a whole liter every day do you?

Replied by Tonya
(Atlanta, Ga)

No. You do not. I began by drinking one swallow before each meal ...then two days later I increased to two swallows before each meal. I'm two weeks into it and it has worked wonders for my tummy!!! I now drink 1/4 cup a couple times a day because it helps so much. Literally, it's been life saving. I have IBS-C and it has made all the difference in the world.

Catnip, Chamomile, Basil and Yogurt

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Posted by Anonymous (Manitowoc, Wisconsin, Usa) on 04/05/2010

Chamomile, Catnip, Basil and Yogurt help IBS

I have always had stomach/intestinal issues. Pain, gas, bloating. Probably celiac or somthing like it. For a while I drank too much coffee and at times took asprin with it. This gave me a lot of energy, but aterward my lower legs would swell a little and ache when I lay down to sleep. Aspirin always helped the pain. But it was probably eroding my stomach and such. After doing Slimfast for a year or two (which I really liked) I quit when whatever I ate seemed to just sit there. It was the kind that was supposed to curb hunger. After that quitting the Slimfast and artificial sweetner Splenda, depending on what I ate I would feel very depressed (was on Zoloft and Risperidone for two years about 2 years prior), lethargic, be absentminded, have no appetite (I'd have happily eaten nothing ever again), and at times feel absolutely great. I couldn't tell what was going on, but I figured it had to be food related. And that my digestive system was having problems. After a lot of experimentation I've come up with the following:

Make a tea of 1 tablespoon each of Catnip, Chamomile, and Basil. Cover it and let it steep about 10 minutes. While it's steeping or cooling eat a cup or so of plain (not low fat or anything) yogurt. When the tea is cool enough, drink it.

Horse Chestnut is supposed to be good for leg veins. No doubt it's good for the veins all over. I took some finally and within maybe 5 or 10 minutes my normally cold feet and legs felt nice and warm. I was amazed. After a few days I concluded that eating yogurt with/after the supplement is what caused the warm feeling. One day I took the supplement and had no yogurt. The warm feeling didn't happen. After eating the yogurt some time later, I was surprised to feel my feet and legs get warm. If the IBS is from an issue with the structural integrity of the intestine, the Horse Chestnut with yogurt and tea may be helpful.

I can't drink coffee or tea, or eat chocolate anymore, as this caused the pain in my legs to return. Also a burning sensation when urinating. Bicarbinates help the burning. Probably the leg pain too. Haven't tested that. For a while I was drinking vegetable juice of bok choy, parsley, and fennel. So the oxolates may be a contributing factor...

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