(faithville, Us)
Walter Last - the section under the common cold is very interesting on mucus:
I am currently taking 20,000 mcg. The holistic doctor I see puts people on dosages much higher than that for various health issues, so I don't think a high dose is a problem. It took about 3 days for the Biotin to completely clear up my sinuses. If you suffer from this, eliminating wheat & dairy (from a cow - goat is ok) will definitely help, too!
Black Seed Oil
(Fairfax, Va)
(Cambridge, Ma)
I'm not the original poster, but 'lavage' is not misspelled. It's a medical term that means to irrigate the cavity with water (or with medicine, but in the poster's case, it sounds like they used water--probably warm water).
(Scottsdale, Arizona)
Ingesting black seed oil orally can also get rid of a sinus infection/chronic sinusitis. Start out slow - 1/4 tsp, and work your way up to 1 teaspoon. Black seed oil (Nigella Sativa) is an antifungal.
Zero side effects so continue for another 2 or 3 months in the hope I can stop the inflammation. But it's important to change the diet completely. Zero sugar, flour and so on. No starchy foods, no fruit at all. And a good Cider vinegar daily + 2 stalks of fresh celery.
With all due sincere respect to Nina, bromelain does not have 'zero side effects'. It can increase the risk of bleeding, so much so that one is required to stop it for 2 weeks before any sort of surgery.
Also, while it's a good idea to minimize processed foods, it's not necessary to cut out all sugar, flour, starch, fruit. In fact doing so can affect the mucosal barrier, which depends on glycoproteins (which come from sugars).
Thanks, this was useful for me in the first try. Will keep share the long term effect in my next update.
Note: Mine was a chronic sinus (thick mucous, post nasal drip kind) over 3 decades. Am also experimenting the use of AUM breathing. It is also helping.
(Anchorage, Alaska Usa)
I have suffered sinus problems for most of my life. A few years ago I awoke to a badly swollen face, it was painful to touch. I seldom go to the Dr. but this was serious. The medical assistant said I had a sinus infection and the best cure was to irrigate my sinuses, she suggested I use a Neti pot and warm salt water. I took her advice and a few hours later the swelling was down, my ability to breathe was enhanced and I have never had a serious problem since. I use salt water most days but if the problem is more pronounced I use Cayenne, ACV or H202. The wonderful thing about sinus irrigation is how rapidly it works, for me it's a matter of minutes. You don't want to use a large dose of Cayenne, just a hint will do the job.
I had used Cayenne Pepper before but sporadically. I was told (don't remember where) that Cayenne Pepper in liquid form mixed with Fizzy Vitamin C would help clear it up. I purchased some CP and mixed it 20-25 drops into one or two packs of Emergen C and poured approx. 10 ounces of lemonade into the mix and drank it down. The effervessence of the Fizzy C seems to help deliver the cayenne pepper more actively to the mucus membranes. The CP must also kill some of the bacteria that is forming in the sinus cavity and mucus lining.
I usually drink it slowy over a minute or two. It doesn't take long but I begin to expell mucus that seems to be loosened up. During the beginning of a cold or sinus condition I start this immediately and have never had a full or even annoying recurrence in almost 10 years. You can do the same thing with a nasal wash but be careful to use only a partial drop of cayenne with some dead sea salt and water to clear stubborn nasal passages if necessary. I have only had to do it once or twice but it is effective. My wife even used a mild cayenne wash for her eyes when we first met and it helped clear up a stubborn infection. I hope this helps someone as it has helped me many times over the years.
Chinese Herbs, Diet, Neti Pot
So save yourself a lot of liver toxicity and realize that this is the arena for aromatic herbs, not pharmaceuticals. The formula bi yan pi yan which contains magnolia flower is perfect for swampy sinus, it will not kill fungus, but will alleviate the habitat of mucous in which it thrives. Bi yan pi yan is slightly toxic but not in comparison to over the counter pharmaceuticals, etc, and a break needs to be taken after 10 days, so this is not a 24/7 remedy but will dry a swampy sinus with same efficacy as claritin or benadryl, without side-effects. The only downside is that you have to take frequent doses, say 4 x daily, of 4-5 tablets each time. These are herbs and not pharmaceuticals, so it's a better option.
Also, diet of course is crucial, in chinese medicine swampy sinus is a result of dirty water in the digestion, meaning that food allergies are prevalent esp in chronic cases. I'm using alkalol which is useful aromatic wash in neti pot. Only a capful is required.... Aromatic herbs can penetrate both topically and internally, so bi yan pi yan and other aromatics can address all of the sinuses, not just the maxillary (cheek) cavity... Whilst neti pots are key also. Am about to try dag solution which uses phenolated iodine and borax, which reputedly is very strong.
I will get back with the results. the only reason I still have fungus is because I am breathing it in daily. When I leave it disappears quickly, and I'm about to move. Neti pots are better than the squeeze spray bottles because a gentle gravity feed is more cleansing, yet more time consuming. If you neti in the south please use filtered water and boil it due to the presence of amoebas whom enter the brain through the ethmoidal sinus. This is pecular to southern U.S. only
(San Fernando, Philippines)
Concerning neti ptot methods for getting rid of sinusitis, it is fairly well know that iodine is stored naturally in all mucus glands in the body -- including the nose, eyes, breasts, uterus, prostate, lungs and intestines. So when mucus is excreted over any external surface in the body -- iodine within the mucus should provide the first line of defense against all external bacteria, viruses and fungus entering the body. However, I should also add that about 95% of people are chronically lacking iodine in their body nowadays.
I read a fairly classic piece of research a while ago by Dr J D Stone and Sir MacFarland Burnett who both won a Nobel Prize for their research on Cloning. They completed a very simple but famous experiment which ultimately proved the efficacy of externally using lugol's iodine in a unique way. They created a sealed chamber that sprayed a lethal mist containing a large amount of influenza viruses and introduced a group of mice into the chamber. But before they put the mice into the chamber, they put a drop or two of iodine on just their snouts or noses. The mice were left in this chamber for quite a long period of time then removed and none of the mice caught the flu.
So in my mind, since iodine is also lethal to fungus as well, this would probably work in the same way and kill the fungal form of sinusitis/rhinitis if you use a neti pot containing dilute iodine in water to get rid of the the fungus in the nose causing the sinusitis.
Another suggestion. Since there is nothing worse than flying somewhere on holiday only to find that you've caught the flu or cold from the plane's regurgitated air supply when you arrive -- I now snort(using a dropper) a capful of water with several added drops of iodine in the morning whenever I have to catch a plane and, since doing this, I have never caught a cold or flu or been ill from a plane trip since, but friends and family who have travelled with me have caught these bugs and become quite ill on holiday. Also, when iodine is taken in the nose like this, it will slowly sublimate and pass into the lungs, thus helping to protect this area of the body as well. I also see absolutely no reason why using iodine against nasal fungal problems should not work as well as it has done against the flu or colds.
Source: http://www.thyroidscience.com/reviews/derry/Derry.flu.iodine.9.19.09.pdf
(Los Angeles, Caifornia)
Hi Bill! Having suffered from sinusitis for years I would like to know about how much Iodine can be used in a neti pot to use on sinusitis or the sinuses safely? If you know? Or does anyone know?
On utube there is an herbalist that makes Lugol's iodine from scratch. Interesting.
Back in the 20's or 30's my grandmother got a large goiter in her neck. The doctor had her use straight iodine on the goiter and sure enough the goiter disappeared never to return! In those days the iodine sold to the public was stronger than that sold today I'm told. I was told the Iodine was about 100% but I can't verify that.
Cinnamon and Honey
Coconut Oil
About a week ago I was reading about the benefits of coconut oil and decided to take a few drops and put it deep into my nostrils. I also mix a bit in my netti pot with warm water.
So, I'm using steam, coconut oil drops and the netti pot with warm water and some oil. The improvement has been nothing short of amazing. I even cancelled a doctor appointment I had scheduled for tomorrow.
I'm a new guy of late, my mood is a lot better, and I'm not obsessing over my nasal issues any more. I strongly recommend everyone try this remedy, it's been nothing short of amazing.
(Ashburn VA)
Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil
I used to get sinusitis once every 2 years since I was a child. I've been using coconut oil every morning in my cup of joe for 3 years & have not had so much as a cold since.
Coconut Oil
I melted 1 tablespoon of cold pressed virgin coconut oil and added it to the warm water and salt in my "nasal irrigation kit". The coconut oil came out of the bottle last and I have a pleasant aroma every time I breathe in through my now clear nostrils. I also ate a tablespoon and gave the dogs some too, they love it.
Coconut Oil, Saline Rinse