Sinusitis, Chronic
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Chronic Sinusitis Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Ginger and Nettle Tea

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Herbalizer (Jacksonville, Fl, Usa) on 11/14/2011

I found the following tea mixture to relieve the symptoms of sinusitis: add 1 tablespoon pureed ginger root, 1 tablespoon dried nettle leaf, 1 tablespoon rooibos tea, and crush a stick of cinnamon (optional; for flavor -- it covers up the flavor of the nettle leaf which isn't bad, but isn't good either) to a 10 ounce tea pot. Bring water to a hard boil and pour on the tea. Let steep 10 minutes. Tastes good sweetened with honey, though I prefer it just spicy not sweet. Drink 1-2 times a day, for example in the morning and evening. I usually only have it in the morning, but I find it works better twice a day for bad symptoms.

For ginger puree, I usually buy a bunch when it's a good price at the farmer's market or Asian grocery, puree it a food processor, and freeze it in 1 tablespoon balls. It keeps well in the freezer. For dried nettle leaf, I look for it at a cheap price in the tea shop or health food store. I've seen it at Fred Meyers, though it was too expensive. I prefer loose leaf. I also bought rooibos in loose leaf from a tea shop.

Replied by Teck
(Youngstown, Ohio)

Hi Teck from Ohio, fellow polyp sufferer, going for my second surgery, in 2 months! Trying to keep control until then. I've added a 50mg zinc tablet to my diet. Now I am drinking mint tea with ginger &green tea bags. Read some info and a clinical trial on mint tea, got nothing to lose by trying it. There may be a genetic connection to a protein we lack. I'm curious if any of you were preemies or RH factor? Also, a parent with autoimmune disease.

Ginger, Egg

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Dennis (Singapore) on 09/15/2010

Relieve for Sinus: 300 grammes for Ginger from Indonesia

- pound it loose and put in Container with half cup of water.
-Add 2 tablespoon of orange colour sugar.
-break one egg on top of the orange sugar.
-Put this container with cover into a larger pot with water,
-then Double boil this contain for 3 hours.

Drink the water extract slowly as the ginger taste is strong. Do no take ice cold drinks or beer for 6 months.

Take the extract once a month, if Sinus is relieved, no need to take anymore. Contributed by Mr. Lim whom had suffered from Sinus since young and was relieved from Sinus now. Mr Lim love planting orangic herb and vegetable in Tampines Street 82 Singapore. Go to google Map you can view the herb garden near block 840. There's many tip to share from Mr. Lim, he exercise in the morning and will come to tend the garden from 5:00am to 9:30am.

Replied by Annaz
(New York, Ny Usa)

Could you tell me what is this orange sugar from and where is possible to get it? I know only regular white one, and brown sugar. Thanks in advance, AnnaZ.

Glyco-Thymoline (aka Listerine)

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rob (Kentucky ) on 03/17/2021

Editor's Choice

Glyco-Thymoline (aka Listerine) for Sinusitis

This paper is based upon the study of 193 Edgar Cayce readings (1901-1944) wherein Glyco-Thymoline (aka Listerine) was prescribed in one or more ways.

Glycol-Thymoline dates back to the late 1800's, when it was advertised as: An alkaline, antiseptic, non-irritating, cleaning solution for the treatment of diseased mucous membrane, especially nasal catarrh.

Listerine is a common item found in almost every drugstore and supermarket. It has many of the same ingredients as Glyco-Thymoline (see below). Listerine, named for Dr. Joseph Lister, was invented it as a surgical antiseptic and disinfectant in 1879, and has been used as a treatment for gonorrhea, post surgical wounds and even as a floor cleaner, among others. Despite its long and varied history, it didn't become known exclusively as a mouthwash until the 1970s.

Both products were cutting edge technology in their day. Glyco-Thymoline can be purchased thru Amazon.

A medical paper entitled “Chronic Nasal Catarrh and what the General Practitioner Can Do for it, ” presented in May, 1893, mentioned that Kress introduced Glyco-Thymoline to the medical profession around that time.

Over the years, advertisements for Glyco-Thymoline focused primarily on treatment of the nose and throat. One, from December 1899, included this quote from the March 1898 issue of the Chicago Medical Recorder.

In acute and chronic rhinitis and post-nasal catarrh it will be found specially effacious, diluted in from one to three parts of water, and slightly warmed before using. As a gargle in diphtheritic inflammations and other forms of pharyngitis, its bland and non-irritating properties render it most soothing and curative to the inflamed membrane.

Many early advertisements promoted the use of Glyco-Thymoline in concert with a nasal applicator called the Birmingham Douche. (A precursor to today's Neti Pot?) Their 1899 advertisement printed in the American Journal of Surgery and Gynecology was one that promoted them together under a single process. The application of Glycolic-Thymoline (Kress) to the nasal passages with our Birmingham Douche, obviates the danger of drawing Muco-Pus into the Eustachian tube.

Edgar Cayce readings about Glyco's use as a pack and nasal spray for sinusitis, and inflammation of the air cavities (sinuses) in the skull that open into the nasal cavities. For frequent sufferers, this ailment is painful experience: congestion, headaches, pain when touching the forehead and cheeks—even toothaches, fever, or chills are often part of the uncomfortable symptoms. A person may also feel sick in general if the infection has spread beyond the sinuses.

Sinusitis is caused either by an allergy or by a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection. During a cold, the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity will swell, blocking the sinus openings. Then air from the sinuses is absorbed into the bloodstream, decreasing the pressure inside the sinuses and resulting in a painful negative pressure. The vacuum created by this condition provides a breeding ground for micro-organism's. As white blood cells and more fluid enter the area to fight the microbes, pressure increases, creating more pain.

Glyco-Thymoline, according to Cayce readings, it can be used as a treatment for mucosity (abnormal excessive mucous secretion) and for several other types of internal and external application. Glyco-Thymoline, can be used as a nasal spray, nasal douche (neti-pot) or as a gargle, acts to detach and help remove sticky, mucous accumulations from nasal and throat passages. Also suggested as a soothing, cleansing, non-irritating solution for feminine hygiene, oral hygiene, babies' simple skin irritations, minor burns, poison ivy, sunburn, and chapping.

Glyco-Thymoline contains all natural ingredients. Its previous label stated “Treatment for Mucosity, ” but its present label denotes it as a “Mouthwash and Gargle.” Most often it is used in small amounts or in diluted form (equal parts with water or one part Glyco-Thymoline to two parts water) when used in cavities of the body. For oral hygiene, for example, it can be used full strength. The manufacturer reports that, though the label was redesigned to conform to Food and Drug Administration regulations, the formula has not changed since Cayce's day. A number of directions for its use as given in the Cayce readings closely coincides with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Glyco-Thymoline Ingredients. Water, Glycerin, Alcohol (3.27%), Sodium Borate (Borax), Sodium Benzoate (widely used food pickling agent), Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda), Carmine (natural red 4), Sodium Salicylate (is a sodium salt of salicylic acid), Oils of Menthol (Peppermint), Eucalyptol (Eucalyptus), Abies Sibirica (Fir Needle) Oil, Thymol (Thyme), Methyl Salicylate (Wintergreen).

Listerine Active Ingredients: Eucalyptol (Eucalyptus) 0.092%, Menthol (Peppermint) 0.042%, Methyl salicylate (Wintergreen) 0.060%, Thymol (Thyme) 0.064%

Inactive Ingredients:

Water, Alcohol (26.9%), Helps to dissolve the oils in mouthwashes

Benzoic acid, Prevents microbial growth and helps adjust pH in the product

Poloxamer 407, Helps mix the oils and water and helps remove food particles

Sodium benzoate, Provides sweetness to enhance the flavor

Caramel, coloring agent

Note: Dollar Tree discount store has a spearmint mouthwash with similar ingredients to Listerine but at 21% alcohol level. This is what I use.

Preparation and Use of Packs

According to Edgar Cayce reading and the preparing of Glyco-Thymoline pack, these general suggestions were included with the reading:

“Use 2 to 3 thicknesses of cotton cloth well saturated with the commercial strength Glyco-Thymoline and apply over affected areas, or areas specified for your particular case. An electric pad may be used to keep the pack warm. A piece of oil cloth (or plastic) may be put over the pack, after it is placed on body, to prevent soiling linens, etc. Apply for 20 to 30 minutes, to an hour at the time. In cold weather, place the bottle of Glyco-Thymoline in a pan of hot water to take the chill off before using it for the pack” (Cayce)

Length of time for the packs and their frequency of use varied as people's individual physical conditions warranted. Depending upon one's health needs, Glyco packs could also be placed along the spine before osteopathic treatments were administered to “relax the area to be adjusted” (Cayce)—across the sacral area “to aid in eliminating the accumulations there, through assisting the system to absorb poisons” (Cayce), and over the abdomen for a variety of intestinal and bladder ailments.

Except for a few instances in which the person specifically was told not to use heat, Glyco-Thymoline was to be applied as a warm compress across the face, covering the forehead, nose, and upper cheeks, under which the sinus cavities rest. According to one reading, “…the heat causes the certain oils in the elements to loosen themselves, so as to enter into the cavities of the nasal passages and into those areas so distressed at times” (Cayce). This fifty-four-year-old woman had a chronic sinus condition and was advised to use a nasal spray as well as a pack two to three times a day. In several other cases osteopathic adjustments were to be undertaken in conjunction with the packs. Cotton cloth or gauze was the recommended material.

Preparation and Use of Nasal Spray

Add 1:1 ratio Glyco Thymoline to distilled saline water mixed with baking soda into 1 oz nasal spray bottle. Spray each nostril several times daily til infection is gone.


Replied by Rob

Instructional Video – Glyco-Thymoline; More than a mouthwash

Cayce Remedy; Glyco-Thymoline, find out what Edgar Cayce had to say about this oil, and how it is used.

Replied by Ella

This is outstanding research! Thank you.


Glycothmoline and Paraf Javal Solution of Strontium Bromide (RECIPE)

The Stirring Rod Volumes 3-4, p. 17. 1916

Blique, Louisville, Ky.-Col. Herting :-Will you please give us via The Stirring Rod formula and working process for the following :-Listerine Lambert, Glycothmoline and Paraf Javal Solution of Strontium Bromide.

As a formula similar to Listerine I would suggest trying the following:

Benzoic Acid

64 grs


64 grs

Boric Acid

128 grs


15 grs


5 drops

Methyl Salicylate**

5 drops

Oil Peppermint

3 drops

Oil Thyme

1 drops

Fldext. Wild Indigo

20 drops


40 cc

Water q.s.

16 oz.

Let this mixture stand for 24 hours and then filter with the aid of powdered talc.

For a formula similar to Glycothymoline you might try the following:

Pot. Bicarb

8 gm


8 gm

Sod. Salicylate

1 gm

Sod Benzoate

16 gm


.1 gm


.1 gm


.2 cc

Methyl Salicylate**

.5 cc

Oil Pinus Pumiliius

.2 cc


40 cc


150 cc

Water q.s.

1000 cc

Grapefruit Seed Extract

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Janel (Davis, Ca) on 05/09/2016

I tried nearly everything on this list and nothing was working long term. I was suffering for a few months and the pressure was getting worse. I went to my natural food store and found grapefruit seed extract nasal spray. I got near immediate relief after a stinging sensation. After a week taking it twice a day it is gone.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by John (San Francisco, CA) on 02/26/2009

I'd like to give a cautionary thumbs-up for Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) as a potential remedy for acute and/or chronic sinustitis, and I'd like to continue posting my progress as i'm just beginning this treatment. First, a little history (maybe this will sound familiar to some).

I'm a 41-year-old male in otherwise excellent health who has had repeated sinus problems and infections since 1994. In march 2007 I began to have a series of R-side sinus infections (one was a particularly painful sphenoid sinus infection confirmed my a CT scan).

During this time I did frequently use a neti pot with NeilMed salt packs. It did help to clear and open my sinuses, but there was always one pocket of inflammation that was chronic, that never seemed to heal completely. My infections would always start there, where it seemed that once the inflammation in that pocket reached a certain point, that bacteria would become trapped, and within 5 days I'd have another bacterial infection that would require another round of antibiotics.

By september 2007 my ENT doc said if i got infected again, we'd have to have a serious look at surgery (and for the sphenoid, it is a very delicate procedure as it's located near the base of the skull with a host of delicate nerves and arteries that run along it's walls).

When the next infection began to take hold that september, I decided to take see a well-respected accupuncturist/Traditional Chinese Medicaine doc. The treatment consisted of accupuncture and cooking down chinese herbs that I'd have to drink twice a day. The accupuncture does provide near-immediate relief. I could go from a state of feeling the typical fever/chills and sinus pain from that pocket becoming infected, to having it open up deeply and drain/recover within 2 hours. The herbs evidently helped to reduce inflammation and keep it open, as well as boost my immune system to fight off whatever may be the underlying bacteria/virus/fungus that causes this to begin with.

I have maintained with the accupuncture and herbs until now, but at a tremendous dollar cost, and still have not resolved that ever-persistent inflammed pocket in my R-sinus that is the source of all my infections. (note also that a repeat CT a few months ago showed no underlying blockages or malformations in my sinuses).

A few days ago I could feel the pocket become inflammed again and was on the road to another infection. I found this site and have pretty much been throwing the kitchen sink at it - Oil pulling with sesame oil and oil of oregano, sinus flush with hydrogen peroxide and saline H2O, ACV, and tomato tea (yummy stuff, good temporary clearing!). It kept things at bay, but could not keep that pocket open.

Today I began using GSE as a spray. I took a used antihistamine spray bottle, added a pinch or two of NeilMed salt solition, 8 drops of GSE, and water, and sprayed it in my R-nostril. It stinged a little bit in unaffected areas, but BURNED in the pocket with the inflammation. The burning eased up within minutes, but that pocket opened right up, and i could feel that it was moist and draining easily. I must state that typically the only thing that reliably opened up that pocket was accupuncture, so the fact that this simple remedy did the trick was for me very remarkable.

I continued to spray today once or twice when i felt it was drying up or when it felt it was closing up again, typically every hour or two. I had to dilute the original mixture because it felt a bit too strong, doing more than just keeping it open, but producing copious amounts of clear mucous and sneezing. One thing I noticed about other remedies to open up the sinuses (H2O2 especially) was that while it would open things up, there would be almost a reflex backlash of swelling afterward at some point.

It is my hope that by keeping up with this routine, that the GSE spray will keep the pocket open and allow it to drain and heal, and that whatever is creating the inflammation that is the precursor to my infections (be it bacterial/viral/fungal) will evenually be killed off by the GSE.

Forgive the lenghty post, but I wanted to be thorough. I will keep you posted. My hope is that if it works for me, that it may work for you as well, and we all save thousands of dollars in treating and healing the root of the problem, as opposed to just being in a maintenance mode where we are constantly treating symptoms and not the cause.

Replied by John Hoecker
(San Francisco, CA)

I'd just like to follow up regarding my use of nasal GSE spray for my chronic sinus condition after having been using it for 1 week.

I'm using 3 drops of GSE in a saline solution using a spray bottle. The "pocket" in my sinuses continues to remain open and is moist and draining, which is so important in my eyes - when that pocket closes up, it's typically only a matter of time before i get the standard infection. It has never remained open for this long.

I still do feel inflammation, but i accept that as part of the healing process. After 15 years of infections, I don't expect a 1 week cure. But i have to say that keeping that pocket open is the key to me not getting infected to begin with!

Thumbs up for GSE! Now, what to due about keeping the inflammation down and enhancing the healing??

Replied by Glenys
(Wellington, New Zealand)

To John Hoecker: Your story is familiar to me. I agree about the backlash from H2O2. I will go get some GSE. Would love an update on what's happening with you.

Replied by Rob
(Manhattan, New York)

Thanks John for your detailed account! I too have noticed a "backlash" with H202, in that it works initially but seems to irritate the tissue and cause re-inflammation. Whether in the ear or sinus. Perhaps it is to strong for some. I will try the GSE.

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

Hello John, Usually it is an allergy or intolerance causing the blockage and the blockage causes the infection. Try leaving off all hair sprays, after shaves, colognes, paint fumes, etc. & avoiding all of the above on other people as much as possible and see if it helps to keep your nose/sinuses open. I used to work with a guy who had surgery on his sinuses (2 times that I know of & may have had some before I met him). Poor guy, he always smelled like he had marinated himself in some strong smelling aftershave &/or cologne, but he was averse to leaving his smelly stuff off, when I suggested that it might be the cause of his chronic sinus problems.

Replied by John
(San Francisco, CA)

Hey Folks, just a follow-up on my GSE treatment and how I've adapted it...

I actually lapsed on the GSE spray in April while out of the country and got infected again unfortunately. For the last 3 months I've been using a neti pot, salt (equivalent to a NeilMed packet), about 1 tsp of Hydrogen Persoxide, and just two drops of GSE. While i haven't gotten reinfected, I've come close, in which case i bump up the amount of H2O2 and GSE, and that seems to keep it at bay.

However, I still have significant nasal inflammation in the area (and have for years), and if it closes up, infection typically follows. The GSE rinses and sprays don't seem to help with the inflammation.

As i have been on antibiotics so frequently in the last 2 years, I began to suspect a yeast and/or fungal infection was playing a role. To that end, I've limited my dairy and wheat intake, am taking a broad-spectrum probiotic, and really examine my foods for high-fructose corn syrup (aside from feeding the yeast in the belly, HFCS stimulates a major insulin response, not healthy for various reasons).

I've actually switched my GSE nasal rinse regimen and began trying colloidal silver spray and nasal rinse. From what I've studied, the colloidal silver basically interrupts the process of fungus/yeast from being able to take in O2, and dies off. I simply bought 250ppm colloidal silver solution, put about 10 drops into a nasal spray bottle, and added about 1/4 of plain tap water (er, distilled is best of course), and also about 1 tsp of colloidal silver in about 2oz tap water in a neti pot, keeping my head tilted to the side for about a minute to let it fully irrigate the sinus. From what I've read, do not put salt into the solution - it turns the colloidal silver into silver chloride, and it's the colloid form that interrupts the yeast/fungus oxygen intake. The spray is very gentle, however the rinse is uncomfortable due to being hypotonic, but that goes away within a few minutes. An alternative to salt may be to add xylitol to make the solution isotonic (equal to the particulate concentration in blood). However, there are ready-made colloidal sinus sprays available commercially.

I'm on my third day of this particular regimen. When i wake up in the morning, it is typical for me to feel stuffed up and swollen inside my nose. However, this morning i could feel my R-sinus "popping" which for me means the swollen areas are shrinking. For certain, I can tell that the inflammation is much less than normal, much more open, and I'm greatly encouraged.

Seems to me sinus maladies and treatments are very specific to the person, that there is no single bulls-eye remedy for everyone, but in my particular case this seems to be working for now. I'll report back in time and let you know what's happening.

Replied by Sunny

How are you doing? It would help if you ingested the GSE. Also, the true cure is diet, your are probably allergic to many foods. Dairy, sugar, breads etc. GO raw.

Herbal Teas

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Samantha (New York,ny) on 03/27/2014

Tea for Sinusitis/Sinus Infections

On my tiresome quest to find a cure to end my sinus congestion issues, I discovered that tea is the cure! All sorts of tea have completely cleared up my sinuses - Raspberry tea, Lemon Balm tea, and Hyssop tea are my top contenders for clearing effects. You have to drink A LOT of it - like 4 cups 3-4 times a day! I typically put 4 tea bags in a tall glass and drink all at once, then repeat that 2 or three times. Ideally, you should order the organic version in bulk loose and put 1 or 2 tea balls into a large glass. Let the tea soak for about half an hour so that it's strong. I don't know what it is in tea that has this clearing affect, but it WORKS!!

Quick note: the first couple of days you may go through a detox and feel more congested. Don't worry! That's just detox and the tea (unless of course you are having a real allergic reaction) is just clearing stuff out!

Replied by Samantha
(New York, Ny)

I wanted to add that Peppermint tea works also in totally clearing my sinuses! I think that the Peppermint and Raspberry Teas are the most effective for sinus clearing.

Replied by Tim
(Seattle, WA)

Rooibos tea cleared up my sinuses after suffering for 4 years. I got very stuffy from it initially, and almost quit taking it (but wanted to continue for added health benefits), and all of a sudden one day I realized that I it cleared me out. I guess it took about two weeks of taking the Rooibos tea on and off before it cleared me.

High Dose Vitamin C

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Carol (OH) on 07/25/2020

I have suffered from Sinusitis for years, especially during the winter months when the furnace was blowing air throughout the house. A tiny speck of dust would trigger an attack that was so debilitating, I wouldn't even be able to work. I had given up on a cure and thought I had to live the rest of my life taking daily allergy pills.

I discovered my cure by accident. I began taking vitamin C (ascorbic acid) powder in large doses, around 4,000mg per day. After reading and studying the benefits of vitamin C, I increased dosage to 8,000 to 12,000 mg per day. Within a week of increasing to 8,000 mg, I noticed how clear my sinuses were. I stopped taking my allergy meds and I began to improve to the point that I rarely even have to sneeze or blow my nose.

I am completely normal now and I haven't had an allergy pill in almost a year. I am thrilled, my quality of life has greatly improved and I'm sure my immune system has been boosted as well, I haven't had a cold or virus since I started taking AA.

Honeyed Onion

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Marie (Middle Tn, Tn) on 11/29/2012

I have had sinus infections for over 15 years, repeatedly and often, and have had two sinus surgeries which haven't helped. I have been told by Drs that sinus infections can only be cured by antibiotics. Glad I have wisened up! I tell everyone I know about Earth Clinic.

I recently gave my daughter honeyed onion juice for a hacking cough and it helped her cough to go away (I think I read about that on Earth Clinic). This time when she got a cough I was in the full throes of another sinus infection, which I had been too busy to really feel coming on. I have since learned to try to treat them right off with grapefruit seed extract, and I was already doing that, but this time I had the honeyed onions on the table, so I tried a piece of an onion. They are very high in sulfur and I don't know if that is the element that helps, but IMMEDIATELY my facial pressure and pain was GONE. I'm talking right away. I have been eating the onion throughout the day today and every time, the pressure is gone and I feel like I'm getting better. My sinuses drain out and I can breathe!

This is how you make it-- peel an onion and cut into fours or eights and then pull the layered pieces apart. Pour honey over top covering all the onion and let sit for a while. The honey pulls the liquid out of the onion and causes the honey to become more viscous. (You can drink this and it helps a cough go away. ) Eat the onion chunks and it will help your sinuses-- WIN/WIN! I just eat one onion chunk whenever I feel sinus pressure, so you can keep one bowl for several days until your infection is gone.

Replied by Blanche
(Iberia Parish, Louisiana)

Yep. You read it here. I did too, and have been doing it ever since. The onion and honey help the nagging leftover cough and bronchitis after a cold. Nothing I ever tried works instantly though. A little too much to hope for, but I care more that it's safe and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

Replied by Dr. Flora Mason Van Orden
(Triangle, Va)

So many people have said they got some quote off your site that I am making time to join up and help. If you don't want to ever get a sinus infection again, make sure that you don't ingest anything from a cow. The IGF-1, a growth factor, is only present in cow's products (not from a goat, yak, buffalo, sheep, etc.) and it breeds viruses, bacteria, and parasites. I am into prevention, not just treatment, and getting rid of cow's products will rid you of worry about breast, prostate, and endometrial cancers, as well as diabetes and ear infections. You don't get ANY usable calcium from the dairy - all you get is pus and ecoli, salmonella and other unpleasant creatures that lead to infection, in fact in all the nations where the occupants use the most dairy, the rates of osteoporosis are the highest in the world. I am certified in Plant Based Nutrition by GWU Medical Center in DC ("Dr. Neal Barnards Methods for Reversing Diabetes", Dr. Gabriel Cousens, "There is a Cure for Diabetes", eCornell with Dr. T. Colin Campbell "China Study", Pam Popper "Wellness Forum", Caldwell Esselstyn, Cleveland Clinic's "How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease", and I teach the cure for diabetes as directed by Drs. Barnard and Cousens. All with food and water, heat and fresh air.

Hydration With Salt

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lili (Warwickshire) on 12/20/2021

In response to Gregg (Statton, VT) on 02/20/2007:

"Just tried the tomato tea. I was really hoping this would work. Have not been able to breath for days and sleepless for past three nights. Unfortunately, it did not work.. So far Halls or Vicks has been the only help and that is not much."

I have found that things like Vicks and Halls dry out the mucus and seem to harden it up so it doesn't come out of the sinuses (I did this for many years, damaging my teeth in the process of sucking all those boiled “sweets”). Really really great hydration is vital to releasing the mucus.

If you've suffered from chronic sinus congestion there can be years of hardened build-up of mucus in the sinuses. If you consistently drink half your body weight in water with a pinch of good salt (Gros Sel de Guerande or Pink Himalayan) this will help loosen the hardened, thick gooey mucus, watering it down. (That is: if you weigh 100lbs, divide 100 by 2 = drink 50 fluid ounces of water each day - do this according to your own weight measurements in pounds and ounces).

Hydrogen Peroxide

3 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Tribalcoons (Wichita, Ks) on 03/28/2013

Sinus Infections, Tinnitus and Fibromyalgia: I was curious on the link between chronis sinusitis, and tinnitus as well as fibro fatigue. I've used several rinses, 2 failed Sinus surgerie s(never do again) etc. Has anyone used hydrogen peroxide in their ears or as a nasal rinse? I was reading Jacob Teitelbaum's "From Fatigued to Feeling Fantastic", and "Beat Sugar Addiction Now".

Replied by Ejules
(Woodbridge, Va, Us)

I don't use it for those things but I've read that you should dilute hydrogen peroxide before using. Never use it straight because it will damage your tissues, e.g., ear canal, gums, etc.

Replied by Laurel
(St. Louis, Mo)

I wanted to add that I LOVE Dr. Teitelbaum! His books have helped me immensely with issues of Chronic Fatigue and other accompanying conditions...

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Max (San Jose, Costa Rica) on 12/20/2008

I have faced chronic allergic rhinitis since more than 50 years now. Nothing worked (including 3 operations and plenty money wasted on all kind of especialized doctors, until I gave up and learned to live with the problem. On your site I found out abt H2O2. Curious enough decided to try my own drugstore formula reduced at 1% (2:1) in clear water. I started spraying twice every nostril, four times a day. At day #5 I started to show a mix o blood and yellowish mucus from my nose at morning time only (once). Quite an amount every day I must add. I was at first scared, yet decided to continue. It was the same cleaning routine (expelling out)for 7 days straight, then my nose came up with clean, clear mucus. No more yellowish or bloody outputs. I infer I have cleaned my sinuses completely from a fungus or bacteria that have been infecting me for decades. I have kept doing the spraying, but in leeseer frequency. I do carry my sprayer with me all day now and I think I will not stop from using it from here on. I believe it will keep me from getting sick again, no more flu, virus, rinitis, etc. I wake up now breathing freely, something I never thought possible. My snoring has been reduced or eliminated, and the only mucus I have known is clear like water. Still must keep cleaning my nostrils several times a day, but not as before and its clear. I thing if doctors are keeping this simple solution from us, they are all crooks. And I know how much money I have spent on all kind of expensive treatments, Xrays, poisons, etc. If I am doing something that may harm me, please let me know, but so far so good. I will keep going.

PS/ You may edit my poor English if you want to publish my experience.
Max from Costa Rica

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lyn (San Francisco, CA) on 09/25/2008

Never take h202 with tap water. All water must be filtered or distilled. You never know what chemicals are in the tap water that can interact with the h202.

For me:

I mix 4 drops of 35% food grade h202 as in DROPS (not droppers full) in 16 fl oz bottle of filtered water. OR 2 drops of 35% Food grade h202 in 8 fl.oz glass bottle. (pre-mixed) If I feel it is too strong, i just dilute it with more water.

I shake the bottle before i drink it. I also use the (pre-mixed h202 that I made) with my Hydro Grossan sinus/nasal rinse. I usually out 2 tablespoon of my pre-mixed h202 into the hydro grossan water container, and fill the rest with filtered water and salt. I stir the water content and close the lid. I start rinsing my nose with it twice per day.

When I first started out - my nose was totally blocked in one side, constant post nasal drip, could not eat anything without having allergies. I went to doctors and had all kinds of antibiotics and even anti fungal for my candida - nothing worked. I would have phlegm everytime i ate something until I went on strict diet. Even with strict diet, I would still have constant hacking out of plegm after my salads.

One day, I just went on clear broth diet boiling (Chicken bones with filtered water and vegetables(any -but no carrot due to sugar content) and drinking it for every meal. I eat nothing else. This is to help me keep my symptoms down while i do my h202 treatment and let it work. I drank my 2 of my pre-mixed 16 fl. oz of h202 throughout the day (I continue to drink water in between at least 6 cups). I rinsed my nose and throat with the premixed h202 with salt 3 times each nose every 3 hours for the 1st day. The second day, I rinse my nose only twice a day - 3 times each side.I figured that if there is something in my sinus so deep and stubborn, I have to be more aggresive or stubbon than the bug to get rid of it. I was right!

You should have seen the gunk that came out of me. At first it felt uncomfortable, alot of mucus came out through my nose and mouth continuously, i let it come out for 2-3 days whenever it feels like coming out. The 4th day, my post nasal drip lessen considerably and my cough stopped. Amazing! I kept on doing the nose and throat rinse daily (twice a day- once in the morning, once before i sleep) and drinking at least a bottle 8fl oz. of my own pre-mixed h202 daily and now I am back to normal!! I have so much energy to do the things i want to do.

Replied by Glenys
(Wellington, New Zealand)

I had been trying the hydrogen peroxide for about three weeks, and my sinusitis just got worse and worse, until I've had to be off work for a whole week. I've never been that bad before, never had to have a day off work before. Until I went to the doctors 2 days ago, I hadn't even done my dishes for nearly a week! He gave me a spray and some antihistames and they worked immediately. It's sooo good at the moment to just be able to breathe and to go about normal daily life.

I don't think I got the method of using the HP wrong - it is proving difficult here in New Zealand to get a nasal sprayer - I have spent a lot of money buying different brands to get the bottle to use to spray - they have all proved to be sealed, so instead I used an eye-dropper and started with a 5O/5O water/3% HP and then went to a 3:1 ratio - (1%}. I was also using NeilMed saline irrigation once or twice a day. The symptoms just got worse and worse until I finally developed a polyp.

I may have found a way to get a spray bottle, so when I get that, I will try the HP again - more diluted. I will also try the GSE. I will keep people posted, and would appreciate feedback.

Keep Head Warm

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Diane (Riverside Ca., United States) on 05/12/2012

About 2 months ago I discovered that keeping the crown of my head warm using caps, hats or whatever helps to keep my head warm stopped my Sinusitis attacks! I had suffered from Sinusitis for over 11 years! No medical professional could help me and when they tried they usually prescribed loads of antibiotics that would not work. I saw many, many Doctors and had no relief from Sinusitis except for over the counter medications (benadryl). And I continued to suffer.

During one sinusitis attack about 2 months ago I noticed that the top back of my head was super cold. So I blow dried my head and the heat from the blow dryer helped ease my attack. This caused me to wonder about the cold on my head.

During the night I would wake up with a full blown attack of acid mucus keeping me awake and miserable. It was horrible. The acid mucus burned everything it touched.

I began wrapping my head in either a T shirt or a flannel to keep my head warm at night. This stopped my sinusitis attacks at night so I started using warm caps during the day. The caps on my head kept me well all day!

About 3 weeks ago during the night my cap fell off my head and I had sinus attacks for 2 days but they were not as harsh as the attacks in the past.

I have continued keeping my head warm especially at night or on cold days and I haven't had one attack in weeks! I recently fell asleep without a cap on and I have no sinusitis attacks! I seem to be healed.

I don't know why my head was cold but keeping my head warm seems to have healed my Sinuistis problem. No cold head and now no sinusitis! I will report back to Earth clinic in a couple months to see if this medical success story continues for me!

Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

Diane of Los Angeles posted about her Sinus-like symptoms way back in 2012. I hope she is still free of them now. Even when I worked in one of the hottest countries on Earth, I had sinus like symptoms for a time and naturally wondered why? The outdoor temperature could sometimes get as high as 50 degrees centigrade and was regularly in the high forties!! It was not a humid heat either. An Indian (ex pat) friend suggested that I should wear a woolen hat to bed each night and I came right after a while. I could also put vaseline-coated, cotton-wool balls in my ears for extra protection. This was especially important to do if I was suffering from ear problems, as keeping water and particularly shampoo out of the ears, where it can be very irritating, is crucial. This was similar to the advice given to Diane. Those fans and air-conditioning systems had a lot to answer for too of course. We were cautioned never to sleep with both systems running at night. Shorthy before we arrived, someone had recently collapsed and died in such circumstances after suddenly transiting from outside to inside temperatures.

The cause of death on the death certificate was sometimes listed as "The Climate"! Wow!

Another simple solution to help make our quality of life better

I did not wear the hat during the daytime though!

I wore my pith helmet and carried an umbrella and a fan. (Not really).

Keep Head Warm
Posted by Diane (Los Angeles, California, United States) on 03/24/2012

My Sinusitis attacks are GONE! I have been noticing that everytime I had a Sinusitis Attack- the crown of my head towards the back of my head would feel very cold! I would get relief from my Sinusitis Attacks by using a blow dryer on my head to warm my head. So I started wearing a warm Hat or Cap 24/7!

At night (if it is really cold) I not only wear my cap or hat but I also will wrap a sweatshirt or T-Shirt around my head on top of my hat to ensure my head is not cold at all. THIS HAS STOPPED ALL SINUSITIS ATTACKS! I have not had any problem with my sinuses at all since I kept my head warm!

It seems that I never had a sinus problem---but I seem to have a Cold Head problem that triggers my sinusitis attacks! My Sinusitus Attacks had become so bad they were now like panic attacks! Really horrible and ruining my life!

Whatever was draining (mucus/liquid) was burning my ears, sinuses, throat, and chest. I no longer need to irrigate my sinuses with my neti pot and various treatments as my sinuses are now back to normal. I have suffered from Sinusitis for 11 years!

Hope this helps YOU as it did for me!

Replied by Tim
(Raleigh, Nc)

I also wear a t-shirt on my head (over my eyes and ears not my nose and mouth) and since I've been doing that I've not had any sinus infections that I can recall. Sometimes I won't bother with it and I can feel one coming on.

Magnesium Lysinate Glycinate

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Cheryl (Shawnee, KS) on 07/24/2022

I am a healthy 65 y/o female who HAD Chronic sinusitis for 30 years until I ordered Magnesium Lysinate Glycinate for inflammation. Never did I consider that it would help my sinuses. I took 2 tablets at bedtime and about an hour or so later my sinuses started draining and draining and draining. Best surprise of my life! That was about 4 months ago, and my sinuses are perfect as long as I take my magnesium pills every evening. I ordered Doctor's Best.

Replied by Pacific Coast Lady
(Crescent City, CA)

Hi Cheryl,

did you have to take dairy out of your diet, specifically, yogurt or maybe other dairy? I would so love to hear back from you as I have been suffering with post nasal drip with heavy mucus in throat 24 7, losing my voice for the first half of the day. I do netti pot with seasalt and can tell there is heavy congestion in my head mornings. Headaches when I wake up. So far I am only taking 500 mg of Magnesium Citrate 2 x per day, and Vitamin C powder 2 x per day and tumeric tsp 2 x per day.

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