Sinusitis, Chronic
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Chronic Sinusitis Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Cod Liver Oil

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Posted by Kathy (Ft Laud, FL) on 06/04/2021

I had chronic sinusitis for years and barely could sleep because it blocked my breathing (OBSTRUCTIVE APNEA) a homeopathic Dr recommended Cod Liver Oil (Fermented Cod Liver Oil -Non-Gelatin) and after taking two capsules a day for about 6 weeks, I am no longer having such extreme sinus and respiratory issues. I can breathe and sleep much better. I am no longer drowning in mucus. I hope this can help others.

Replied by Kelly
(Seattle, WA)

Personally, I wouldn't touch 'fermented' cod liver oil with a 100-foot pole. It's been associated with many deaths over the past 5-10 years, some amongst holistic practitioners who used to recommend it. A google search will turn up more info.

Having said that, no doubt regular, real cod liver oil should be helpful, at least to some degree.

Cow Ghee, Fluids, Avoid Junk Food

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Posted by Anonymous (Mumbai, India) on 02/14/2008

Hello all, I came across this site while searching for home remedies for Sinusitis. I have been suffering from sinus problem since years now, my doctors had prescribed antibiotics, sometimes steroids and all this has been successful in giving a temporary relief. The problem would starts again after a while. This had been going on for 5-6 years and had developed into a major problem.

Some months back, I had a major sinus problem. It was a horrible experience, and had to even quit my job and take a break of almost 6 months. I am much better now; follow certain precautions that have helped me to recover better. I wanted to share these with you,

First of all drink plenty of fluids, avoid junk food, sweet, fried, fatty diet. Strictly avoid cold stuff... say drinking cold water, eating ice cream, etc. and exercise. People with sedentary lifestyle (going to office in ac cars, sitting in the chair in front of computers all day) are prone to colds and related ailments. Regular simple exercise like brisk walking for 30min everyday can benefit greatly. Inhaling steam and gargling with warm salt water (1 glass hot water half spoonful rock salt, disinfected with alum) are harmless and soothing.

I have been practicing yoga (pranayam: kapalabhati, anulom vilom, bhramari) which has helped a lot. There is a very effective therapy, however it is not recommended by doctors, My personal experience till now has been great, however please try at your own risk:

Take pure cow ghee (ghee made from cow's milk is said to have medicinal property, plz do not use buffalo ghee or any other) Heat it till its luke warm (NOT HOT), and put two drops in each nostril, breathe quickly and deeply, or snuff quickly. Practice this while going to bed, lying down with a pillow under your neck-shoulders, with head tilted and rested on the mattress in inverted position. Stay in the same position for 3-5 min and then go to sleep in normal position. One may/ may not start sneezing after a while. Practicing this (only) once daily, consecutively for 5-7 (maximum) days or for a day or 2 (as required) greatly helps in relieving sinus related headaches and draining the sinuses.

And for people, who sit constantly in front of computers, please take frequent short brakes. Try eye exercising, stretching exercises and adjust your workstations to correcting your body posture.

Sorry for the extremely long post.


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Posted by Fauna (Bukit Mertajam, Penang, Malaysia) on 04/05/2013

Thank you earthclinic and everyone who has shared his/her healing experiences. I have just had a sinusitis relapse (last bad one was in 1997) and a real mean one. I have to admit that the root cause for my sinusitis was stress, feeling depressed and low spirited. I tried the remedies posted on earthclinic - hydrogen peroxide, diluted it as instructed, flushed my nose. That was a painful experience. It brought out a lot of disgusting mucus, and I could breathe ok and slept well that night. Only that the next day, my nose started to be runny again. At the same time, I was taking a tablespn of ACV/lemon juice/honey mixture (of 2 tablespn each of ACV, lemon & 1 tblspn of honey) in warm water. That helped clear the slimy feeling in my mouth, but my nose continued to drip.

Then I went for an accupressure session. During the session, I had to interrupt my therapist 3x to clear my dripping nose. As I chatted with her, I then remembered that in one of my research reading of meridien/accupuncture points I learnt that the accupuncture points to treat sinusitis are the GV (governing vessel) as well as the LI (large intestine). This makes a lot of sense that I need to clean up my bacteria infested LI and colon. By doing a 7 day juice n coffee enema detox, 15 years ago, I cured my sinusitis. Also, I was given some TCM to further assist the healing. That night, possibly a healing reaction occuring, my nosy dripped more snot and I coughed more phlegm until I fell asleep.

The next morning day I made up mind my to start cleansing my internals - started with an OP with sunflower oil; prepared my enema coffee, washed my enema bucket with hydrogen peroxide, down a cup of ACV/lemon juice/honey warm drink and a 2nd drink adding a teaspn of colon cleanse powder spirulina. Half an hour later I did my coffee enema adding a teaspoon of ACV into the coffee before the enema. An enema is a quick way to relieve pain, discomfort and a quick fix for down moments, but I have to admit it can be addictive! I definitely feel much better after the enema. For the whole day, I watched my diet, no dairy, no fried foods, continued with the colon cleanse, OP and reluctantly did another hydrogen peroxide flush. Will continue this regimen for the next 3 days n up to 7 days if needed.

I hope the information I have shared here will help in one way or another. BTW, I'm 50, mother of 3 and haven't touched antibiotics for the last 15 years. Life has been full of challenges but it's been good! :)

In conclusion, just doing one therapy is insufficient to cure. A combination of therapies works better especially when the immune system such as mine is sluggish and the bacteria is persistent.

Posted by Tom (Chicago, Illinois) on 01/02/2010

Chronic sinusistis is often fungal/yeast as stated above. Fungus/yeasts attach themselves to heavy metals so if you have mercury fillings this could be contributing to sinus problems. After fillings are removed and chelations are done, sinus probems most often disappear. Consult a wise holistic doctor and forget about taking those awful drugs from ENTs.

Also, very important - wheat and dairy are often culprits. Get a good blood food allergy test from a holistic doctor.

Diet Change, Sleep Method

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Posted by Douglas (Santa Monica, Ca) on 09/15/2012

After months of battling chronic sinusitis, I found a few things that have helped alot. First, I eliminated fungul friendly foods. (Sugar and white flour are about the worse. ) Next, I learned to sleep only on my back or sides; earlier I always slept on my tummy and this caused more congestion. Finally, after lots of research and findings on my own; I no longer try to blow or clean out my sinus---for that very act is taking over a process which the body is perfectly able to do on its own. I hope this helps.

Eliminate Bananas

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Posted by Cherylee Powell (Johannesburg, South Africa) on 06/03/2013

I have suffered with really bad sinus for over 2 years. It has been getting worse and worse to the point that I could not even smell or taste anything for over a year! I was in my local Dischem chemist looking for yet another cure when the sales assistant asked me if I ate BANANAS???? Bananas??? She said I should just try cutting them out for a month. Well, I had already cut out dairy, wheat, sugar all to no avail so it was worth a try.

It's been over 6 months now and no more sneezing, sinus and my taste and smell have returned!!!! JUST AMAZING!!! It's apparently NOT the actual Banana that causes the sinus allergy.... But the gas they use to artificially ripen the Bananas!!!

Eliminate Dairy

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Posted by Robinchd (Vero Beach, Fl, Usa) on 09/03/2011

I have suffered with sinus infections since I was in my 20's so off and on for approx. 40 years.

I recently started wondering if I could be allergic to all dairy, as after eating ice cream I cough and have phlegm for 20 minutes or so. It took a week or so, but since I have not had any dairy the coughing and post nasal drip has completely stopped, and my sinus' have not bothered me at all.

I think if people suffering with sinus infections can give up all dairy (it's not easy), but the reward of alleviating sinus problems and sinus infections is so worth it.

Replied by A

I've been wondering this too. Do you think if you had raw milk or raw milk cheese in moderation you'd be ok? Our local farmers markets have the raw milk cheese. Raw milk is available at a farm that's 1/2 an hour a way. I hope I don't have to give it up 100%. I've been wondering if that's why I have such a hard time flying and get tremendous pain in the ears because of the mild chronic sinus congestion. I also get clogged up if I eat market dairy.

Replied by Dianna
(Austin, Tx)

hi I just wanted to say that a couple of years ago I stopped using dairy (except for small amounts of full fat greek yogurt) and while I didn't notice at the time I can tell that I have much less mucous when I don't eat dairy. when I do eat it now (even the yogurt but not as much) I will have the mucous again and it is uncomfortable! funny how you don't miss it when it goes but you sure notice when it comes back! I also notice some grains to cause this as well.

Replied by Robert
(Katy, Texas)

I don't believe that "eliminating Dairy" will resolve the issue but, eliminating all commercial grade dairy (vs. Raw milk) will. Unfortunetly, just about every dairy related product in grocery stores has... commercial grade milk.

Here in the Houston/Katy area, we go out to the country to raw milk farmers and buy from them (average is $7 a gallon). My twin daughters have allergies, asthma & ADHD. All have shown to be reduced by switching. Only long term usage will tell.

Who am I? Just a very concerned father.

Enzymes, Hcl

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Posted by C (San Francisco, CA) on 11/18/2007

I have suffered from sinusitis for years. I gave up dairy, eggs and wheat and that seemed to help, but still had occasional outbreaks. They increased in duration until I was in a constant state and extremely miserable. It affected my ability to get out of bed in the morning. I was becoming increasingly depressed. I finally consulted a homeopath, and the remedy rid me of symptoms for a period of about eight months. I felt this was significant considering I had suffered for more than 2 years with persistent daily debilitating symptoms.

But then the sinusitis came back after a head cold. I am a psychic and sometimes I get psychic information in dreams and sometimes I use meditation. One day I fell into a deep trance and I saw myself cutting into a pineapple and taking a slice and eating it and feeling significantly better. I then heard a voice inside me say, "The reason why you suffer from sinusitis and from heart pain (recently I had developed heart pain) is that you have congestion from undigested protein in these areas. If you eat pineapple you will resolve these issues." I came out of the trance quite intrigued and went online and found out that pineapple--or actually the enzyme found in it, bromelain--is used in the treatment of sinusitis and is supposed to prevent problems with the heart. I called my sister, who is an alternative nutritionist and told me that the gut and sinuses are interconnected. She said my heart pain was probably "heartburn".

She said that a lot of sinus problems are due to insufficient enzymes and potentially insufficient HCL as well. I immediately started eating pineapple nearly every day and noticed a significant reduction in my symptoms. My heart pain cleared up and furthermore I noticed my mood was a lot better too. I decided to take enzymes as well and I find that this is even more helpful. Also, the raw pineapple was starting to affect me adversely in some ways. I would recommend that others look into the enzymatic approach. My sister says many people in this country are deficient in enzymes (as cooking and irradiation of food destroys them) and that insufficient HCL can actually cause heartburn.

Replied by Julie
(Bendigo, Australia)

can you please tell me what amount of pineapple should be eaten per day to be of benefit, and also what were the adverse affects of taking too much pineapple each day?

Replied by Lou
(Tyler, Tx)

Could be parasites too. Pineapple and raw, shelled pumpkin seeds kill parasites (drink distilled water with this remedy). I recently had bad digestive issues and wound up in the ER. I started drinking pineapple juice the next week and it really helped a lot. I had an Indian aunt who used to heat up pineapple juice for us when we were kids to help our stomachs. That probably destroyed the enzymes though.

Eucalyptus Oil

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Posted by Hdbluse (Ocala, Florida) on 02/07/2010

The best cure for sinusitis that I have found is to use a few drops of Eucalyptus oil in a personal steamer/inhaler. Works like a charm after 2-3 10 minute treatments.The eucalyptus oil can be found at most pharmacies and is usually just a couple of dollars for a bottle.

Fennel, Flax and Fenugreek Seeds

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Posted by Alexandra (London)

Just commenting: no idea about the tomatoes for sinusitis but will pass it on. Always avoid dairy products when you have any sinus congestion of any kind. This helps--plus try a infusion of a mixture of these herbs, readily available fennel seeds, flaxseeds (aka linseeds) and fenugreek seeds. Mix equal parts of each seed. It's really up to the person how much of each seed they buy and how long they are going to be taking the combination. It's a combination I keep around. I tend to mix up a 1/4 cup of each seed and mix them into a jar and keep them in a cool dark place until they are needed. When needed place a heaping teaspoon of the mixed seeds into a mug of boiling water. Allow to steep, or infuse, whatever you call it, then stir, (sieve if you like or better, eat the seeds) then drink copious amounts. Really does the trick for any congestion lung and sinus.

Fermented Carrots

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Posted by Rachel (Seattle, WA) on 08/19/2023

I have found that FERMENTED carrots cured my chronic sinus congestion. Start with just a little piece of carrot because you're not supposed to take too much of a fermented food all at once.

Food Allergies

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Posted by Carol (Berkeley, CA) on 03/15/2008

For the last year and a half have been suffering from chronic sinusitus, but didn't realize how bad it was. Had headaches and light sensitivity in the morning upon waking, making it difficult to get out of bed. My head felt heavy. Sometimes my cheekbones would hurt. Sometimes a tooth would hurt, but it was fleeting and would shift around to different teeth. Felt fatigued and burned out by demands upon me. Didn't have any cold symptoms or runny nose, nothing to indicate allergies. (I think that my sinuses were so clogged that nothing was moving at all.) Also, I don't eat sugar at all as years ago I had a candida condition that made me give it up altogether. While I think that sugar is bad for immunity, I don't think it is the sole cause of sinusitus. There are very athletic people who eat very good diets that suffer from this disease. I had already given up dairy (milk, cheese etc.) as I knew they were mucous-forming, and I had lactose intolerance, but still had a lot of symptoms.

Tried Neti pot (spelling?) on the recommendation of a friend who said he thought I had sinusitus, but the pressure of the water running into my sinuses was too uncomfortable. I hated it.

Strangely, it was a psychic that clued me in to the cause. He said, you are in pain because of something to do with fertility/sexuality. I thought this was really strange and then I thought, could I be sensitive to eggs? I gave them up and within 3 days I was feeling profoundly better. Then I got a "cold", which I really think was the fluid finally draining from my passages. I went to my acupuncturist and she suggested that I might also have a fungal infection and began treating me with Phellostatin. That has really helped too. I think she was right and I read somewhere recently that a pediatritian who tested kids with chronic sinus problems for candida and other yeasts found them present in a huge percentage (something like 202 out of 290 kids). I would say to anyone suffering from chronic sinus problems is this, check out food sensitivities first. Eliminate the foods you eat most frequently or the ones that are most likely to be allergens or the ones that are more likely to be congestive. Don't overlook the possibility of fungal infection. Doctors tend to focus on bacterial infections and prescribe antibiotics. Don't forget that fungus infections can be the underlying cause.

I'm on the road to being cured. I'm going to try the ACV cure as well. It makes sense that it would work.

Replied by Kayla

A few thing I've learned from my ND. Some people are allergic to things even though the scratch allergy tests indicates they are not, so the best and safest bet is to get on gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, soy free diet I was put on an elimination diet that really clearly showed me what I was having an allergic reaction too. Everyone is different, anything you eat, smell, touch or breathe in can cause an allergy.

Fungal and Bacterial Sinusitis Remedy

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Posted by Larry (Oakland, California) on 05/10/2015


I was plagued with fungal and bacterial sinusitis. I went to 13 doctors, had three sinus surgeries and tried 25 medications plus acupuncture, homeopathy, herbs and other treatments and nothing worked. I did a lot of research about other options and came up with this mixture, which works for me and has worked for many other people. My allergist recommends it to some of his patients and has had good results with about 55% of the people that used it. It did not help some people at all. I have had some flare ups of fungus and bacteria but the mixture seems at least at this point to get rid of them. A very helpful website in my research was Earth Clinic.

An allergist and the head ear, nose and throat doctor from Stanford hospital, Dr. Huang, approved this mixture. Make sure you get the input of your doctor before using it since there maybe some condition in your sinuses that will be problematic for this mixture. You will probably get a reaction from most doctors like I got which was, "it won't hurt you but it won't help you either." They were so wrong!

You will need a large size Neilmed bottle. You can buy this bottle at drug and health food stores or find them on the Internet. Do not use any other brand or a Netti pot. They don't work as well. The Neilmed packets that come with the bottle are not extra strength. You have to order these from the Neilmed company. You need to use water that has no impurities in it. I was told by an Immunologist that the Dasani bottled water is the purest you can get. Do not use tap water. It has too many things in it. First, put the water in the Neilmed then add all ingredients and warm it up in a microwave for 40 ? 45 seconds before using. This may be too warm for some people so adjust accordingly but warm it up as much as possible. This helps with absorption.

You can get a measuring cup at a drug store with ccs on it for these ingredients.

  • 3 ccs of Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. Shake well. If you can't get this brand, get a high quality brand that says on the label that it has "mother" in it.
  • 5ccs of Kyolic brand aged garlic extract. Keep refrigerated after opening.
  • 12 drops of Nutribiotic brand grapefruit seed extract. Doesn't require refrigeration.
  • 3ccs of Hydrogen Peroxide
  • One extra strength Neilmed packet.
  • One Budesonide capsule (prescription medication). The mixture seemed to work well for some people without this ingredient, but I use it to keep polyps from forming.

The ingredients with an asterisk can be purchased at health food stores. These apple cider, garlic and grapefruit seed extract brands are high quality brands that may cost more than others but they work and are worth it. I strongly suggest you do not use cheaper products if you can afford it.

After its warm, shake gently to mix up the ingredients. Squirt it in your nostrils following the instructions that come with the Neilmed bottle. This combination may give some people a burning sensation and/or cause more mucous production. If this happens, first slightly reduce the apple cider vinegar amount and if that isn't enough then slightly reduce the levels hydrogen peroxide and then grapefruit seed extract. It may take a while experimenting to find the amount of the ingredients you can tolerate. You want to use as much as you can tolerate. Your tolerance may increase over time. It takes some getting used to and if you cut back too much or too soon, it won't work. But you don't want to irritate your sinuses to the point that they produce mucous. If you over do the ingredients your sinuses will get irritated and produce a lot of mucous.

Do not use this mixture in your nose after swimming or any activity that gets chemicals in the nose (like a nebulizer with a facemask) because it will irritate the sinuses and cause mucous. Wait four hours or more before using the mix. Also it is very important to thoroughly clean the NeilMed with antibacterial soap and water after every use. Put the empty Neilmed in the microwave for 15 seconds to get rid of any bacteria. I was told to get a new Neilmed every three or four months.

You may be surprised at what nasty stuff may come out of your sinuses including chunks of mucous and other disgusting things. The mucous may be all kinds of green and yellow colors and very thick. This is what happens with infections. Eventually the only thing that will come out is the mixture and clear mucous.

This combination used twice a day (two hours before bedtime and first thing in the morning) reduced my coughing over several days. My coughing was eliminated in about two or three weeks. I had been coughing for several years to due postnasal drip that could not be controlled except if I took a lot of medication to dry out my sinuses. Getting rid of the bacterial and fungal infections may take more time and require the use of other medications. In my situation, medications alone did not get rid of the bacterial and fungal infections completely. My last surgery reduced the degree of bacterial and fungal infection and maybe that is why the mixture worked. I'm not sure but eventually I stopped all the antibiotic and other meds with my doctor's permission and then I used of this solution got rid of those problems. It took about a month of twice a day use of the mixture to get rid of the fungus and bacteria completely. I've had a couple of minor bacteria and fungus flare ups over three years but they went away. You can tell because you feel stuffy and the color and consistency of the mucous changes. When I had those, I would flush an extra time in the middle of the day with only water and the Neilmed packet. In a few days I got back to normal. I continued to use the mix twice a day to keep the problem from coming back. Now after about a year I don't do it every day unless I feel something is going on in my sinuses. I have had a complete recovery. I hope this information helps you too.

Get Rid of Unnecessary Items

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Posted by Dianec (Los Angeles, Ca, United States) on 09/24/2011

Sinusistis cured: I have had sinusitis for about 10 years and went to doctor after doctor tried every medication on the market. Benadryl and Allegra worked the best for my case but I now am cured of the problem and only rarely do I need medication.

My husband used to use one of our room in the house for storage. He had things that should have been in the garage in that room. I never complained because these items were his valuables. There were pictures, linens, vintage blankets (wool) and other vintage items in the room. Well he finally emptied his storage room one day after making a storage shed for the stuff, and this act plus removing the carpets in our home caused ME TO LOSE MY SINUS PROBLEM! PLEASE GET RID OF UNNEEDED JUNK IN YOUR HOME! I suffered years for nothing! I was allergic to something in that room. Like the old saying goes: CLEANILNESS IS NEXT TO GOD-LINESS.

Replied by Paige
(Marquette, Michigan, Usa)

Actually, I just did this the other day (except for getting rid of carpets--I live in an apartment). As I was cleaning, I started noticing some allergy issues. On the left side of my face, my eye was watering and my nose was running. It was to be expected, though. There was so much dust, and I live in the ground level, so mold develops around the windows very easily.

Over the next few days, my allergies worsened. I took some anti-histamine drugs which usually work. But the congestion got worse and worse. Finally, I must admit that I am having a full-on sinus infection now.

On the bright side of things, I know that it won't be perpetuated by a dusty/moldy room anymore. I can use Vit. C, ACV, and other remedies to get rid of it. Hopefully.

Replied by Kayla
(Los Angeles, Ca)

I too had reactions everytime I was in our family room which is wall to wall carpet and we have a fabric sofa. Well when I was upstairs which is all hardwood floors with a leather sofa set, no reaction! Our bedroom is hardwood floors no reaction. I wash the bed sheets every three days to keep my allegies reaction down.

Replied by Mikey

You were probably sensitive to whatever fungus was hiding in the carpet, and maybe spores on the furniture you got rid of… glad you found relief

Ginger and Nettle Tea

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Posted by Herbalizer (Jacksonville, Fl, Usa) on 11/14/2011

I found the following tea mixture to relieve the symptoms of sinusitis: add 1 tablespoon pureed ginger root, 1 tablespoon dried nettle leaf, 1 tablespoon rooibos tea, and crush a stick of cinnamon (optional; for flavor -- it covers up the flavor of the nettle leaf which isn't bad, but isn't good either) to a 10 ounce tea pot. Bring water to a hard boil and pour on the tea. Let steep 10 minutes. Tastes good sweetened with honey, though I prefer it just spicy not sweet. Drink 1-2 times a day, for example in the morning and evening. I usually only have it in the morning, but I find it works better twice a day for bad symptoms.

For ginger puree, I usually buy a bunch when it's a good price at the farmer's market or Asian grocery, puree it a food processor, and freeze it in 1 tablespoon balls. It keeps well in the freezer. For dried nettle leaf, I look for it at a cheap price in the tea shop or health food store. I've seen it at Fred Meyers, though it was too expensive. I prefer loose leaf. I also bought rooibos in loose leaf from a tea shop.

Replied by Teck
(Youngstown, Ohio)

Hi Teck from Ohio, fellow polyp sufferer, going for my second surgery, in 2 months! Trying to keep control until then. I've added a 50mg zinc tablet to my diet. Now I am drinking mint tea with ginger &green tea bags. Read some info and a clinical trial on mint tea, got nothing to lose by trying it. There may be a genetic connection to a protein we lack. I'm curious if any of you were preemies or RH factor? Also, a parent with autoimmune disease.

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