Milk of Magnesia
So, I thought why not take Ted's 'Milk of Magnesia' treatment to the next level and put it in my nasal cavities? Why not? Well I did so. Bang! I have now gone a week of on-and-off irregular treatment and believe my sinusitis has cleared up completely! The very first time I tried it I almost had instant relief. What I have found is that you don't want to snort (sorry! ) the MoM back towards the soft palate as it kinda irritates that, but just apply it reasonably to the cavities, massage the nose, and/or leave it in the passages(…or flush) if you wish. Anyway, my problem is solved! Waking-up in the morning is now so, so refreshing! Bliss. Thank's Ted for the inkling of the idea. No more crazy medicine bills, and no more grumpy morning me. Yippee! Snot be gone.
(Lexington, Ky)
(York, UK)
Hi, I just poured some into the palm of my hand and gently snorted it up my nose. I guess a Qtip would work - Kinda, but I think you need some volume. Maybe a syringe (with the needle removed) would be suitable. Since doing this I have researched it (nasal fungus/yeast) in some depth, and it does seem nasal fungus is a (little) known issue. See following:
Anyway, I am still very, very impressed with the MoM results. It beats the hell out of all those damn drugs!
(Ny, Ny)
(Nashville, Tn)
I put milk of magnesia diluted in distilled water in my neti bottle and irrigated my nasal passages. It stung a bit and let a kind of weird smell that gave me a bit of a headache but after I rinsed my nose with pure water it subsided after 10-15 minutes. I think my nasal passages were a bit more clearly. If I do this again I think I'll just use a q-tip and swab some MoM in my nasal passages lightly instead of using the neti bottle. But it makes sense that chronic congestion might be fungus, especially if one has problems with candida. Of course modern doctors just told me I'm allergic to dust. Maybe this is what makes it hard to fly on a pane, the constant congestion makes it hard to clear my ears and I get pain when the plane lands (barotrauma). I did read a few people regularly using a saline solution in the neti pots were able to clear the congestion and fly with less pain. I also read another case when a person stopped dairy and was able to fly pain free too. Dairy is in so much though and even I cut it down there's still congestion.
Multiple Remedies
Unfortunately like the other operations all the symptoms came back and last winter I had a horrible headache, no concentration, brain fog, gas, athletes foot, starch cravings, internal itching inside my nose and head and intestines, and nobody supported me at all. It was at this point that I decided to research this problem, I couldn't study medicine properly anyways because of the anguish of the symptoms. I started treating my symptoms as if they were related to fungal overgrowth based on the research I found and the testimonials from sites like this one. I often find this topic to be considered "alternative medicine" but there are many formerly trained scientists and physicians who have referenced this ailment and it seems to me it is only alternative because it does not receive enough attention from the mainstream medical community. I started with baking soda and apple cider vinegar with some honey and wow IMMEDIATE RESULTS. I felt the ups and downs from more energy to flu like symptoms (Herxheimer). I felt I was on to something and I was surely desperate so I started studying again basic medical sciences such as pathology and also mycology (the study of fungi) and in the end I was able to improve my symptoms so dramatically and I will tell you what I did.
1) Baking soda - I spoke with a kidney specialist I know and about the safety because they work extensively with acids and bases and in small regular doses it is not dangerous, but it is always best to careful. I take 4-5 teaspoons a day, when I have time I also mix it with apple cider vinegar and some honey and I usually do not take it from friday through the weekend. I generally mix 1/2 teaspoon with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and then add a tablespoon of honey and top it off with hot green tea, which I make at the same time. I also add another half teaspoon of baking soda alone to a half liter water bottle and drink it throughout the day, one third of a bottle every 4-5 hours. Be careful if you have any kidney problems and DO NOT CONFUSE TEASPOONS FOR TABLESPOONS because 4-5 tablespoons can make you very sick.
2. Colloidal Silver - I have taken this product for many years and I always took it sparingly because I didn't want to turn blue. In reality my research has found only a few cases in the world of Argyria and the EPA sets limits for its safety and I do not exceed that limit and I now take 5 ml of 40 ppm colloidal silver that I make from a high concentration of 240 ppm and it really works. I usually add 1 ml of 240 ppm colloidal silver to 5 ml saline.
3. MSM - I mix 1/4 teaspoon in an ounce of saline (30ml) and put it in my nose a few hours before I put the colloidal silver solution in my nose. It seems to help the inflammation.
4. Vitamin C powder - I take 10 grams of vitamin c powder daily and it really helps boost my immune system and I am sure it suppresses the inflammation. I take 5 grams twice daily. It can cause some diarrhea so some people might want to divide the dose a little. See Linus Paulings research on this for further information
5. Candida Clear - I take as directed to clear the yeast / fungi from my system.
6. Probiotics (acidophilus etc.) - I always take probiotics at least 6 hours from taking the candida clear.
7. Liquid Oxygen - as directed in order to improve oxygenation.
8. Healthy anti-candida diet - I avoid starch and limit my intake of meat to 6-7 times a month.
9. Avoid antibiotics if possible.
10. Ground flax seeds or omega 3 fish oil - for inflammation
I don't have any intention to tell people what to do and I respect everyone's right to research and find what works for them. The main reason for writing this post is because I am a traditional medical student with a degree in biology and have always thought that through drugs and surgery I could beat this, but it was only by the treatments above that I now feel better than I have in the last 14 years. As a medical student I really shouldn't acknowledge any of the above but this cocktail worked for me and surgery, antibiotics and cortisone made things a lot worse. The only thing I would like to say regarding this the products mentioned above is that you have to stick with it for many months and I hope I am providing useful information for those who live with the nightmare of chronic sinusitis.
(Austin, Texas)
Hi Apy, I woke up with a headache on 7/8/9 and it never went away - I have lately got it down from an 8 to a 2 or 3 and can mentally deal with it. Long story short -- sphenoid sinus sealed off creating a horribly pressure filled headache that made me want to jump off a bridge on a daily basis -- I also believe it was mold/fungal/chemical induced by working in a sick building for 12 years where they laid carpet with no ventilation right after my 2nd sinus surgery. I had to resign from my job and none of the county officials would take any responsibility for what happened to me. I say karma is a you know what. Three years later I am still here -- I did not really get any help from western medicine, but thanks to Earthclinic and a book called Forbidden Healing by the brilliant Captain TC Randall, I feel I am on the right path back to hopefully a normal life. I have had 6 CT scans of the sinuses and brain and now am a little worried about the residual effect of radiation, but am taking it one day at a time. Also way too many antibiotics which reeked havoc in my body causing EMF and chemical sensitvity. Who knew that Vitamin C, baking soda, sea salt, lemons, coconut oil, AC vinegar, herbs, cutting out sugar, iodine, etc can get one feeling back to somewhat of a normal life and not break the bank since my illness wiped me out financially before I found this site.
Glad you are doing well because I can sympathise with your problem -- you don't see too many people with sphenoid sinus issues. I also want to sincerely thank Earthclinic for providing a wealth of valuable information to those of us who have reached the end of their rope -- it is priceless and I feel fortunate and lucky to have found it. I hope all of you find profound healing on your journeys.
(Milan, Italy)
correction concerning my previous post: I take 4-5 grams of baking soda a day not teaspoons. 4-5 teasoons would be the equivalent of 20-25 grams a day, way too much. I generally take 1/4 teaspoon (1. 2325 g) in the morning and at night with ACV and herbal tea and the 1/2 teaspoon mixed in the water bottle that I drink throughout the day. Generally comes out to about 4-5 grams of baking soda daily.
Maybe you need to be a natural doctor ND or chiropractic doctor? How are you now? Your diet needs to be extremely clean! Have you cured it??
Multiple Remedies
One day, I realized that since I use a CPAP machine for sleep apnea (the machine forces air into your throat to keep your breathing unimpeded), I would use it alternately with food-grade hydrogen peroxide (make sure you read the cautions associated with using this product, NEVER drink it or allow it to touch your skin directly from the bottle--you must carefully make it safe by mixing it with water in a 1 part HP to 11 parts water ratio)--and--I also used eucalyptus oil on separate nights. I would use the oil both on the nose pillow and in the chamber's water.
After about 2 weeks use, I woke-up having difficulty breathing. I felt movement in my nasal passages, much like feeling rice krispies pop in milk. Then, starting that morning, my nose profusely drained. I could not keep up with it. Water was just pouring water out all day long. I must have used 3 boxes of tissues tht day. The experience was mildly uncomfortable, constantly feeling a sensation of wanting to sneeze, but, you don't. For the next 2 days, I was dealing with extensive drainage and feelings of movement in my nose, a sensation of sudsing, much like you see when pouring HP on a wound? There was absolutely no pain involved, just the frustration of dealing with the experience.
When the worst was over, after 12 years of suffering, I realized that I no longer had any blood in my nose at all. I could not believe it. And, I finally felt normal. I no longer had to clean my nose several times daily. My nose today remains clean. My sinuses are no longer an issue. Total relief. Done.
Multiple Remedies
A point of interest here - I had a CT scan done when I was not currently infected, and it came back showing my sinuses were clear - no obvious physical malformations. I tried acupuncture and chinese herbal medicine as opposed to surgery, which did work well to stop infections from taking hold once they started, but was very expensive and never stopped infections from beginning in the first place.
I then did my own web research and tried a host of nasal rinse with essential oil combinations. Grapefruit seed extract, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Oregano, Lavender, and/or Hydrogen Peroxide - just throwing the kitchen sink at it. A nasal rinse with a few drops of GSE and/or a capful of Hydrogen Peroxide did stop infections, but never seemed to address the underlying nasal inflammation (in fact, you can see an old write-up of mine under the "Grapefruit Seed Extract" portion of this site). I've been antibiotic-free going on a year and a half, but still not symptom free by any means.
In my case, there are two distinct processes going on: 1. ) Chronic Inflammation; 2. ) Infection. While it seems I can stop an infection early, I haven't found a remedy to reduce the inflammation and prevent infections from beginning. In my case, I believe my problems start with my sinuses becoming inflamed with some environmental allergen, and as the inflammation progresses, bacteria gets trapped and then starts a new infection. I got the following remedy from a Health Food store in Sedona, Arizona - a gentleman there who was apparently very familiar with aromatherapy treatments was recommended to me by a friend. He is a fellow sinus-sufferer, though not quite to my level. He recommended aromatherapy Rosemary oil specifically for it's anti-inflammatory properties, weak Green Tea (anti-microbial), and himalayan sea salt in a neti pot for a sinus rinse.
Brew up a quart of green tea and let it fully steep with one green tea bag. The himalayan sea salt is prepared as follows: whether in rock or crushed form, place a large amount (maybe a quarter-cup) of salt in a mason jar and fill it with water (tap, in my case), and let it sit for several hours. The idea (and research this on the web if you like) is that the water will dissolve the salt up to a maximum saturation of 26% salt in a liquid solution. Basically, it becomes a salt-water brine. Add 1 drop of rosemary oil (2 if particularly congested), 2 tablespoons of the salt brine to a neti pot and then fill it with the weak green tea. Adjust the amount of salt brine in the rinse get it to a concentration that is comfortable for your sinuses - I find that a bit on the salty side is more comfortable. Rinse as you would normally, but at least twice a day. I've been on this regimen for a week after getting my tell-tale sign of a new infection - blood-tinged yellow mucus. The bleeding stopped within a day, the mucus is now clear, and the inflammation I'm typically used to is well below what is typical. My sense is that if I can find a method to get the inflammation under control, I'll be on my way to fully healing my sinuses. I'll report back in the coming weeks with my observations.
It's important to highlight that sometimes chronic sinusitis is a result of weak adrenals in particular the case of adrenal fatigue. I myself had a blocked nose because of this. I started taking an adrenal health supplement and within days I could breath and no longer use my steroid nasal spray. Not many people know about this link. Just putting it out there for anyone who has tried everything and had no results.
Multiple Remedies
Multiple Remedies
Regarding the observation of one author who says she won't use ACV because it's antibacterial, garlic is also a potent antibacterial agent, as is oregano oil but garlic is one of the mainstays in the arsenal to not only destroy pathogenic agents in the body, but also to maintain good health.
(Pacific City, Oregon)
My sinus infection was clear mucous no stuffiness, headache, head pressure, fever, light sensitivity, dry eyes and fatigue. My Naturpathic suggested 1 Oregano tablet 50mg with meal 3x a day. Take 3 garlic caps and 3 Berberine take both 3x a day time Take 1 therbiotics 2x aday take Bio- D mulsion 1 drop 2 times a day. The ND suggested to pour some Eucalyptus oil in pot of water with some dried thyme let it boil remove it from the stove and carefully drape a towel over your head and breathe in the steam for 15 minutes and then put a cold washcloth over your face and lay down this will help increase circulation in the facial area and the oil will help heal sinus infection. I thought this was brilliant! Anyhow we also discussed that I had root canal recently which I did, of course this can have devastating health issues if is not done right so I'm going to be investigating how to have it done right with an implant.
Nasal Spray
Oil Pulling
I just happened upon this site, and decided to do the oil pull, and I had some cold-pressed coconut, good stuff! I've been into natural healing for years, and tried a neti pot with sea salt, and couldn't even get that to go through! Also I take herbs everyday which have helped through the years.
So I also have had eczema since moving here, on my ear lobes, on forehead next to hair line. I know that's a sign of lowered immune system function. So after cleaning my teeth, I did the coconut oil pull. It tasted so good! I was surprised. So I did it for 15 minutes, swishing it around, and went to bed. I woke up this morning with the whole right side of nose all red! Also with eczema bumps on it! Wow! This stuff works fast! The poison is coming out of my system! I did another oil pull this morning, and then neti pot, and finally got it unstopped.
I still have that lump of sinus crud in the back of my throat, it feels thick, but I know I'm going to beat this thing. I also put coconut oil on eczema on nose, it's good for that, it has many anti-bacterial properties!
So just day one, I will update as I go! I'm very disabled, arthritis, many back and joint surgeries, so looking forward to seeing if I get good results as other have on those aches & pains oil pulling. I'm so glad I found this site!
Oil Pulling
However, do not oil pull without at least 3-4 hours after eating and 30mins after drinking anything. This is also mentioned elsewhere. Please follow the instructions meticulously. One thing i noticed is that the amount of time you swish it in mouth depends on how stuffed you are. If you are good, oil takes a while to liquify and if you are stuffed, it liquifies quickly and you can feel it thinning.
This also helps me manage my allergies and I stopped using the sprays and now i am on accupucture treatment to completely get rid of these problems.
If you have that feeling of phlegm stuck in your lower sinuses even with oil pulling, you may want to use netipot. Use kosher salt and warm water. That should give you relief for atleast 24 hours, free of any stuffing what so ever. There are advanced techniques with neti pot (drug stores call it sinus rinse) which can effectively clean every part of sinus over time. Good luck!
EC: More about Oil Pulling here:
(Los Angeles, Ca.)
Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil
I've had sinusitis for years now and am not crazy about using sinus sprays all the time. A friend told me about oil pulling not only for sinus but for healthy teeth and actual help with cavities. I don't usually try 'fad' things, but I bought some virgin coconut oil and gave it a try.
At first, ten to twenty minutes of swishing oil about in the mouth bothered me, but I got accustomed to it and over the past six months, both my oral health and sinus condition have improved. I haven't had a sinus infection in months and when I 'chew' the oil I can feel the sinuses loosening when they're blocked. I recommend you try it if you have sinus issues or tooth/gum problems as well.
Onion Poultice
I have used this remedy many times to resolve sinus issues and migraines. I first heard of it thru Romanian and Appalachian Folk Remedies. It can also be used for fever, headaches, sinus infections (especially the frontal sinus cavities located just behind your eyes in the brow region).
Onions are anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, relieves congestion in the body, help immune system function, detoxify the body, People use onion juice in their ear for earache and rubbed onion juice on their forehead for fever. Onions contains active phytochemical that can reduce the effect of fever, relieve pain and prevent cold. Onion poultice can be used to draw out congestion from the lungs, lymph nodes or anywhere on the body and facilitate healing instead of running to the doctor for meds.
For those persons who suffer a lot from the common cold or chest congestion, they would do well to drink a cup of hot onion/garlic tea several times each day. The tea assists in loosening up stopped sinuses and unplugging the bronchial system. This same dosage of tea will clean out any bladder/liver/kidneys problems too. When applied externally, fresh onion juice prevents bacterial and fungal infections.
How to Make an Onion Poultice:
- Paper towel
- 1 onion (red, white, yellow your choice)
- 1 tablespoon ginger powder sprinkled over it, (optional)
- Roller pin or coffee mug to crush onion
- Slice off 2 slices off the onion about ¼ inch thick. Chop the onion slices into little bits. The onion bits should be as small is you can get them.
- Place the chopped onions in the middle of the paper towel, (sprinkle ginger powder over it optional) and wrap it “burrito style”, that is, fold the longer sides over the onions first and then fold the ends.
- Now used a rolling pin or similar device (I use the flat edge of the knife and press), roll over the onions to crush them releasing their juices so it is absorbed into the paper towel cloth.
The onion poultice is now ready to place on the forehead of the person suffering from head pain. You can secure it in place with saran wrap and ace bandage.
Leave the onion poultice in place for 20 minutes (I leave it on for 2 hours with no problems). It can be gently reheated in the microwave and reused as necessary throughout the day. It is best to make a fresh onion poultice every 24 hours or so.
I also suggest drinking onion/garlic/ginger/honey tea 2 – 3 times daily til sinus/head pain issue is resolved.
Open Nasal Passages Trick
Everyone can flare their nostrils, and they can close the nasal passages when in the water. So we have some control of muscles in that area. The good news is that the muscles continue up into the sinuses, but we haven't learned to use them yet.
So here's the trick: Flare your nostrils, then visualize flaring them up a bit higher. Do this several times a day and you will begin to have control over those unused muscles. Every day you will be able to open the passages a bit higher up. It only took about a week before I was breathing freely through my nose. Try it.
Oregano Juice and Salt
Doctors prescribed antibiotics, but I they did not fully cure the problem and when I stopped the treatment, every symptom returned. (And I just don't like unnatural treatments.) Others said it was allergies.
I wondered: Could my sinusitis be a fungal problem? More exploring on the internet found the answer:
In 1999 Mayo Clinic researchers found the cause of most chronic sinus infections to be an immune system response to fungus, and that this may kick off a secondary bacteriological infection. It is not an allergic reaction, but an immune reaction.
Again, I felt betrayed by the medical profession. Why hadn't anyone told me this?
I went to the health and vitamin store to look for an anti-fungal nasal spray, and nothing met my requirements or budget ($10-15 for a one ounce bottle of ingredients seemed way out of line.) Here's the formula I "invented:"
1. Rinse out a 1 ounce nasal spray bottle
2. Add one eye-dropper (approximately 1 ML) of Oregano Juice (NOT Oregano Oil -it's too strong and will not dissolve in water)
3. Add a pinch of salt (approximately ½ ML) (Iodized salt is OK - iodine is a good anti-fungal)
4. Fill the rest of the sprayer with distilled water, and shake well until the salt is dissolved.
Spray as frequently as once an hour until symptoms subside. For me, this solution began working within an hour; most symptoms were gone in three days. And the price of the ingredients per bottle is just a few pennies.
If the oregano/saline solution is too strong for you, dilute in half with water. If you want, you can add a drop of eucalyptus oil with ½ ML of glycerin, (which will bond the oil to water). I now spray once or twice a day, just to prevent any recurrence.
A very dear friend, who is 75, has had awful sinusitis for years. He heavily cleared his throat every minute or two. I told him of this simple formula, and two days later he called me to say it was working. He then said with amazement: "I don't believe it, we've been talking for over 15 minutes and I haven't had to clear my throat once!"
There are articles and books that claim that some cancers are caused by fungus. If this is true, taking action on fungus early may be very beneficial in the long run. It's time we gave fungus a deeper analysis.
(Columbus, Ohio)
Where I can buy the Oregano Juice? I found the oil but not juice. It is a great website. Thanks very much for helps!Rosa
I know your question was written long ago, but in case anyone is wondering too, you can buy it online by the name Oreganol -not sure if it is company name. But if you have juicer that can juice greens, you could juice some of your own, however it probably wouldn't be as strong since that one is wild.
Osteopathic Manipulation Techniques
It gives techniques for draining the sinuses and nasal passages. I had to look up the anatomical terms on wikipedia, but I tried it once on myself (looking at the ceiling) and there was definitely increased drainage and some noticeable clearing up. Some of the steps might be a little difficult to do on yourself, but still possible - though your thumbs might have to point the other way.