Psoriasis Treatment
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief

Juicing, Milk Thistle
Posted by Rina (Tn) on 05/23/2016


Green juice, milk thistle and exercise. I was covered in it, started juicing and blending, eating tons of milk thistle and mine cleared up for years. When I stop, it's back. Lidex ointment, not cream, is what I was prescribed as a child, but its a steroid. It works but not healthy long term. :}

Apple Cider Vinegar, Potassium Solution +
Posted by Nishanth (Hyderabad) on 04/05/2016

For psoriasis, I use 1 spoon apple cider vinegar with water and rub my psoriasis legions with diluted potassium permanganate solution to oxidize the skin after bath. Along with this I use wrightia tintoria oil and expose the legions to sun, which cured my psoriasis 100% in 3 months. But this is not a cure, remission occurs if we don't follow healthy life style.

Note: This only works for non smokers and occasional drinkers.

Incline Bed Therapy
Posted by Gokhals (Larkspur) on 09/11/2015 34 posts

For Psoriasis, try inclined bed therapy. This is a circulation and digestive problem. I know a few folks now whose skin conditions got cured from inclining their beds. Its a brilliant treatment, that costs next to nothing.

Silver Sol, Coconut Oil, Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Mama's Mud (Usa) on 08/24/2015

Best guess at directions to making Mama's Mud:

  • 4 Tbl sp cocnut oil melted
  • 4 tbl sp food grade dirt
  • 2 tsp silver sol

Mix well and refridgerate to solidify again.

Sorry for the confusion.

Vitamin A Palmitate, Dietary Changes
Posted by Barbara (San Luis Obispo, CA) on 05/05/2015 3 posts

For Psoriasis and Associated Arthritis:

Apply topically, directly onto plaque, Tamanu oil or (Rosehip oil+Glyercin+E+RosemaryEO) or helps a lot!

Stronger treatment is to again, apply directly onto plaque, liquid micellized Vitamin A, 5000 IU in the form of "retinyl palmitate" or "vitamin A palmitate". On you could buy vitamin A palmitate, micellized. You might be able to find it at a health food store as well. Put a few drops directly on a small scaly spot at night and again in the morning to see if it helps. If it helps, try expanding to a bigger area.

For the arthritis and toe pain, I find avoiding ALL nightshade plants solves the problem! You'll find a lot of information about this online. Absolutely nothing with tomatoes, white potatoes, eggplant, and all peppers except black pepper. This means no paprika, no chili powder, no jalapenos, etc. Mayonnaise has paprika in it! Most processed foods have some, however slight, red or green pepper in them. I switched from tomato based sauces to Italian dressings and I mix plain yogurt with garlic powder, onion powder, cumin, salt and black pepper for a Mexican flavor.

I also don't eat any preservatives or anything artificial. Yep, I pretty much make all my own seasonings, sauces, dressings, desserts. I also try to stay alkaline. 1-2 Alfalfa capsules helps alkalize after too much grain/meat. Also, I got colitis (bleeding colon) from the Clindamycin antibiotic that didn't cure my urinary tract infection it was suppose to cure (but that's another story). I stopped eating gluten to help my colon heal and now I just continue to not eat gluten. Gluten may increase your arthritis symptoms - you'd have to eliminate it from your diet and test that out for yourself.

The disease is mystifying doctors. They think it has to do with the immune system overreacting. Getting rid of the food triggers can help immensely! There is a whole class of "anti-nutrient" foods. If you find what I am suggesting helps tame your symptoms, you may want to go even further and google "anti-nutrients".

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Krose321 (Hungtington Beach, CA) on 10/03/2014

I have suffered from Psoriasis for about 10 yrs.. since I was about 13- 14 yrs. old, covering about 70% of my body. I have tried all topical treatments and never really had my condition under control. I have gone natural for almost a yr. (in jan) and have seen more consistent results naturally than with the medications. I started to do a lot of research on what may cause Psoriasis and the first thing I read was that it may be caused by an overgrowth of candida, which then is caused by an overconsumption of sugar that feeds the bacteria. Unfortunately, almost all food products have some sort of sugar in them; but I have gone almost completely gluten free (breads are composed of a lot of sugar if you read the labels). I have tried to cure from the inside out with my diet and eating lots of foods enriched in Vitmins A, C, & E, which are all essential for healthy skin. Vitamin A:(berries, sweet potatoes, carrots, peppers) Vitamin C (kiwi, oranges, papaya, peppers, broccoli) & Vitamin E (various nuts: almonds, peanuts, ect./ avacadoes, cucumbers, spinach).

As for topically, I put either coconut oil or avocado oil directly on it. I also started using a topical from the marijuana dispensary which the ingredients are all natural and you can make at home if wanted (rosemary, cocoa butter, shea butter, cannabis infused avocado oil, jojoba oil, primrose oil, olive oil, hemp oil, and an essential oil)

Sorry for the long post, but I am very fascinated and intrigued that I am coming to find I am able to cure myself, when I have been suffering for 10 yrs. It definitely takes patience and dedication to see results, but once you have your Psoriasis controlled for the first few months with a strict diet, it will be easier and won't need as much maintenance down the road.

Anti-Candida Protocol
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 06/25/2014

Dianne...Thank you for buying my book on candida which will hopefully help you to both understand as well as help to cure your son's psoriasis problems. When I had candida I had skin problems which also included psoriasis, eczema and jock itch. When I eventually cleared the candida from my body, all these skin problems just disappeared so I now regard these skin problems as merely symptoms of my own candida problem.

Syntol is also a useful enzyme/probiotic protocol and its successful use will depend on many factors -- stage and virulence of the candida infection, immune system health, diet etc. The enzymes in Syntol will aid digestion and will help to dissolve and digest candida biofilms and the probiotics will help to kill the candida in order to return the gut back to normal health. So this protocol works fairly well if you only have candida in your intestines or just locally. But if your son has a systemic candida infection throughout his body, then you might need more than Syntol to get rid of the candida and psoriasis.

For a serious systemic candida infection, here is the strategy I use in my book:

* Anti-Candida and Anti-Pathogen Protocols

* Anti-Biofilm Protocols

* Alkalizing Protocols

* Essential Detox Protocols

* Liver Support Protocols

* Vitamin and Mineral Support (Immune System Support)

* The Health Defence Diet

To help you more to determine whether your son has candida, here is a simple questionnaire that will help you:

Candida Questionnaire

Also, try using borage oil topically on your son's psoriasis. This should reduce the itching and will also have other beneficial effects.

Anti-Candida Protocol
Posted by Dianne (Delaware, Ontario, Canada) on 06/26/2014

Thanks for the reply Bill. The protocol to use is very easily laid out to follow. Hope my son decides to go this route. His flare up is very bad right now and we do have an appt with DERM just in case intervention is needed. His flare up began in April and has spread like wild fire.

Do nite shade vegetables really play a part in all of this?

We no longer have any of these but really when it comes down it it are they even the problem?

We have cut out dairy, gluten, red meats, and have cut out all junk food. Eric has been eating a LOT of fruit. He is always hungry and we felt fruit was a better alternative than a lot of other items (mistake I think). We drink either almond milk or rice milk. No coffee but we do have green tea with ginger grated in it.

I appreciate any comments you may have Bill. Thanks

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Cecilia (Katonah ) on 04/14/2023

Thank you for this post. I have psoriasis at 71-years old on both elbows. Im an otherwise fit and vigorous, healthy sugarless-no gluton, person, lol, who is at my ideal weight and taking lots of supplements and in good health. In the last two months, My elbows are suddenly on fire with a horrific itch and now the skin is thickening in those places. It comes on at certain times of the day. I have no clue other than maybe this is a detox from the thyroid meds I took for 15 years that I have recently weaned myself from. (Hashimotos) Thanks for writing in. I'm going to try the borax and aloe for relief.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Scott Miller (Delray Beach, FL) on 07/18/2023

Cecilia, hi. Would you be open to some changes in your protocol?

First, besides gluten-free, cutting out all wheat and wheat-related (cousins of wheat) products....

Nothing with 'ose' at the end: sucrose, lactose, glucose, etc.

Cutting down on too many supplements that overload your liver to process might help, too.

No yeast or anything related to yeast.

Carbs are sugar, so I would stay away from that list I see online all the time about white carbs: no rice, sugar, bread, pasta, potatoes. Eating some of these foods is the same an eating sugar out of a bag, no difference.

Organic coconut oil deeply massaged into your elbows after a shower when your pores are open.

P73 Oregano Oil is a must, but you need to try a little bit first to make sure you can tolerate the strength. If it burns a bit, you can dilute with a few drops of olive oil. This has effectively and completely killed the itch during flare-ups and is a wonder 'drug'. If and when you become brave enough, a couple of drops under your tongue everyday will help kill what's in your body causing this. I used to pay $60 for 1oz back in the day, but I see it out there for much less cost today. The price doesn't matter if it works and relieves. You cannot put a price on your health.

Limit dairy as much as possible, again dairy turns to sugar via carbs.

For psoriasis, what we put into our body is more important than what we put ON our body. If we are eating the wrong food/s, nothing we put on topically will matter, it's just a waste. Also, don't put anything on your skin that you can't put in your mouth and ingest. I suggest tossing any and all topical ointments with brand names, creams, salves, etc. Worthless and full of chemicals.

Nobody knows your body more than YOU do, so see which foods are most tolerable and stick with those only to avoid these terrible flare-ups.

I'd love to know if any of these suggestions work for you.

Coal Tar Ointment, White Vinegar
Posted by Gtcharlie (Los Angeles) on 06/14/2014

Psoriasis is an immune disorder which I don't think there is a cure (not even being smart - just joking).

My experience is to stop its growth at its onset. I use an ointment with a 2% coal tar. I also use white vinegar to remove the scaly skin if there is any, before applying the ointment. Calamine lotion can help if you suffer from the terrible night-itch.

Key point is, keep your skin moistened at all times (glycerine is a good choice after shower) and avoid going to places with extreme dry weather. I would wear long sleeves shirts and trousers if I have to visit those places.


Beet Juice
Posted by Cynthia2209 (San Francisco, Ca) on 01/29/2014 1 posts

I read if you have Psoriasis, drink beet juice. I have mild Psoriasis. I had 3 breakout spots.. I consumed the juice of 2 small organic beets for 3 days. It cleared up.

Baking Soda
Posted by Amazedshunt (Denver, Colorado) on 09/19/2013

Started 16 hours ago after my worst psoriasis break out in 15 years. I am a smoker and I do love beer. Eat healthy organic diet. Low meat intake, very low sugar, low salt, etc. Meditate often now a days, and in the middle of a move. Have not treated at all in maybe 5 years and only had some on my elbows, ears and scalp before the out break. Now it spread over my whole body except my face

So Far...

2 epsom salt baths
4 doses of ACV in filtered water
600 IU of Vitamin E

Not going to have a drink until it's gone and lightened up on the smoking.

I am watching the smallest spots disappear before my eyes right now. All scaling has dissappeared as did all raised skin. Will keep going with the above treatment. No doubt that the ACV is working because I have done the other things above many times in my life and never this fast of an improvement.


UPDATE... Day 6

I added Baking Soda to the ACV/Water and it seems to be making a difference. Also I have been applying the ACV topically once a day since I started and now I am starting to see a rapid improvement. The spots are starting to get smaller now.

Also, I have been testing my pH level as well. With all of the treatment I am doing plus eating like a rabbit, my pH is still somewhat low (mid-high 6 range) given all of the stress of the move and everything. I would like to get it in the mid-high 7 range and I think at that level I will start to see a fast improvement. Just a theory though

I have had 1 beer and still smoking a bit less than normal. Mixing with eCigs.

It does seem that certain parts of the body are reacting faster than others. I believe this has to do with how many (much) toxins have built up in those areas. The youngest spots are leaving first and the oldest spots are sticking around but starting to see progress.

Time for the official move now. Will update afterwards.

Posted by Jenny (Austria) on 06/26/2022

Thank u so much for posting this. I'm gonna try. Nothing is working for mine.. Nothing. Did it really improve by 50% the next day?

Emu Oil
Posted by Liddlekidle (Virginia Beach, Va, Usa) on 05/02/2012

[Eczema is listed on your emu oil page, but not psoraisis.]

I am a 54 year old female whose body erupted with a case of psoraisis upon moving from a Southern climate to a less Southern climate. (There is a history of psoriasis in the males in my family, but I had never had it before.)

I saw a doctor when my case quickly went from peeling "plaques" on my scalp, to my legs, back and stomach. The doctor gave me a mild steroid ointment and then progressed to much stronger steroid ointments and creams. I used the $600. Prescription shampoo and also a messy scalp oil. None of these things worked very well, if at all.

I trolled the psoriasis Web sites for alternative remedies and bemoaned getting the heartbreak of psoraisis after 54 years.

I tried tanning salons, an oil from India and glycerin. I also began taking vitamin D3 lozenges more regularly. None of these things worked.

THEN, purely by accident, I put some cracked heel foot softener on a bad patch on my thigh. I had purchased the foot softener at Walmart, 2 oz. For under $4. The softener contained emu oil and beeswax. The very next day, I noticed more improvement from this treatment than from any of the other things I had been using. I thought it was a fluke, so I continued to treat just that one spot more than once a day. WOW! That patch went away.

So I went back to the psoriasis cure Web sites and searched for emu oil. There it was, listed as a cure... For some, not all people. I also read a few medical study abstracts concerning the fact that emu oil absorbs through the skin very quickly.

I used up the 2 oz. of foot softener and cured all the patches on my body that I could reach. I also found a more expensive cream at the drugstore that was not yellow and greasy like the foot softener and contained a higher percentage of emu oil. Both of these cured all of my patches except for some hard to treat bumps left on my scalp. I never ended up buying 100% emu oil as the two weaker preparations worked for me. I continue to use both of them on any dry or suspicious-looking skin, and my heels!

Emu Oil
Posted by Dianne (Delaware, Ontario, Canada) on 09/15/2012

Hi there.... Can you give me the name of the product you purchased from Walmart. I would like for my son to try it. Thanks

Boric Acid
Posted by Col (Cairns, Cairns Qld Australia) on 02/29/2012

I have had psorasis of the scalp for years. I have tried a lot of different treatments, even one I got from your site borax which works but I had to wash my hair every 2 days to keep it under control, just recently I tried boracic powder, 2 tsp in a cup of hot water allow it to cool then pour it onto my scalp and massage it in and leave it on my scalp for 15 minutes, I did this for 5 days, touch wood it's been 2 weeks now and no sign of the scalp psorasis.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Captaintoker (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 01/31/2012

I use a pint about 2-3 cups of h2o2 in the bath water, use a rag to remove the scales without discomfort and for a few days it's at ease. I'm sure used often it would work a lot better. Does work with eczema great also.

Gluten Free
Posted by Ann (Charlotte, Nc) on 07/21/2011

RE: psoriasis. it will be cured by a completely GLUTEN FREE diet. it is amazing...

Posted by Melinda (Schertz, Tx Usa) on 05/30/2011

I've had guttate/plaque Psoriasis since I was 16, and I fear that now I may be developing inverse Psoriasis. Now I'm 25 and have been without health insurance since I was 21, so needless to say I've had to be pretty creative with my treatment. For the first 5 years I used a clobetasol propionate steroid oinment, which worked well until I became steroid dependant. I've developed secondary skin infections from overnight flare ups, and it seems like any tiny change in the environment or in my body will trigger it.

I find that tanning is the fastest way to treat it but if you don't get rid of it fast enough then you just get way to dark! I read that things like celery, oranges, and flaxseed contain something called Psoralen with helps your body process UV rays more effectively. Even if you don't tan indoors but you live somewhere like South Texas (where we also have the possibly worst allergens), I learned that eating 4-5 sticks of celery or drinking a single serving of pure OJ before sun exposure really does wonder. So much so, that you can even feel a tingly sensation inside your skin when it's working. Cool, right? I actually got on here to find other remedies, since I'm having a severe flareup at the moment. But as I was thinking about how well that used to work, I got excited and wanted to tell you all about it! A little carried away, maybe....

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Karen (Roscommon, Mi) on 02/11/2012

I wanted to leave an update on the posting I left a year ago about multiple remedies used for psoriasis.

By summer, my symptoms were completely gone and have never returned..

I no longer take Essiac (which I eventually found in pill form, making it much easier to take) and haven't needed to use the Apple Cidar Spray in forever. I was still soaking in salt water daily up until November.. I will return to that once spring hits (my excercise pool is in an unheated room). But I do still use lavender/chamomile body butter every morning and evening.

I have to believe it was the combo of these four remedies that finally did the job, since I had tried lots of other remedies prior to trying these four items.

I'm convinced, and my psoriasis free skin is all the proof I need! Natural remedies ROCK!!!

Topical D-3
Posted by Amanda (Wonewoc, Wisconsin, Usa) on 05/06/2011

I have had Psoriasis since I was 8-9 years old. I am 28 now. My mom read in a Vitamin D book about using Vitamin D3 Gelcaps, prick them open and spread the oil onto the Psoriasis.

Well, I tried it. This is my 5th dose or so, and it has really taken the Psoriasis down, there are patches of more normal looking skin inside the Psoriasis! IT took away almost all the scales so its almost smooth skin now. It used to be bleeding, scaling, and really gross.

I used Vitamin D3 gelcap 2000 IU once daily!!

This could help tons of people and be an alternative to Steriod Creams!

Bee Propolis
Posted by Fleabag (Liverpool, Uk) on 10/23/2010

I have had psoriasis on my feet for years, and at times of stress a patch appears on my right shin which remains for as long as the stress does, plus I get occasional small patches elsewhere that tend to clear up on their own. I also get it on my scalp. I first had the patch on my shin when I started university. It got larger over the 3 years and it remained for the duration of my course, clearing up after I left. I didn't have it again until I started my current management job, and I've now had it for nearly 3 years. I picked up a pot of Propolis a few weeks ago, and have been testing it on the shin. Though I've only been applying it occasionally, there is a marked improvement and it's starting to clear. This is the only product I'm using on it, after years of trying various pharmacutical and natural products with no success.
