Candida Connection
Baking Soda
I'm currently drinking Poland Spring water. I'm still not done searching for the best drinking water yet. I don't know why the pH on this water is a 5.5. I retain the water I drink much better now, I used to pee it right out in minutes.
I'd love to know if this helps other people's Psoriasis.
Budwig Diet
Till this day, I eat it 3 to 4 times a week for breakfast. Be sure to follow the exact guidelines if you are on a quest to cure cancer. Also, be careful to stop consuming "focc" 3 to 4 days before any surgeries as it thins your blood nicely. I am a true believer in this diet as a "cancer preventative".
Blessings, Sofia
Coconut Oil, Aloe Vera Oil, Shea Butter
Gluten Free
Candida Connection
Also the saliva test has been pretty thoroughly discredited as a mktg hoax to buy a probiotic product. Tried it this morning and failed, part of my saliva went sallying to the bottom, while the rest kind of broke up leggy at the top
Topical Application of Colloidal Silver
She applied it by gently rubbing it in until it was nearly dry and also in the evenings she soaked clothes with it and applied it for several hours while watching tv. It was gone in 3 weeks. Amazing. That was two years ago and it has never come back.
Anyways they put me on a 90 day treatment which consisted of no sugar or alcohol for the first 8 weeks, I washed my face 3x's a day with a mild, non-antibacterial fragrance free soap, basically just the really cheep hand soap from any grocery store. After I washed I let my face air dry, they said not to use a towel because it can reinfect the skin. Then I would spray on the scs solution they gave me which was safe and has no side effects unless you have some kind of sensitivity to it. I also took primadophilus to get rid of yeast, and milk thistle extract to clease my liver and colon, they also gave me some medication to cleanse the blood stream. I was clear of the irritating symptoms within a few weeks and I continue to watch my skin get softer and softer. It was awsome. I hope this helps someone.
Coconut Oil, Aloe Vera Oil, Shea Butter
I find that tanning is the fastest way to treat it but if you don't get rid of it fast enough then you just get way to dark! I read that things like celery, oranges, and flaxseed contain something called Psoralen with helps your body process UV rays more effectively. Even if you don't tan indoors but you live somewhere like South Texas (where we also have the possibly worst allergens), I learned that eating 4-5 sticks of celery or drinking a single serving of pure OJ before sun exposure really does wonder. So much so, that you can even feel a tingly sensation inside your skin when it's working. Cool, right? I actually got on here to find other remedies, since I'm having a severe flareup at the moment. But as I was thinking about how well that used to work, I got excited and wanted to tell you all about it! A little carried away, maybe....
Glycerin, Zinc Oxide
Oregano Leaf
Glycerin, Zinc Oxide
Multiple Remedies
I developed psorisis on my legs and arms in late December/early January. I had an extremly stressful fall and December, which I would guess was the fuel that lit this fire..
It was extremly bad on my right leg and covered my leg from ankle to knee. If it wasn't itching unbearably, it was burning. I couldn't wear socks and had to roll my pants up to my knee because I couldn't stand for anything to touch it. At first I was using hydrocortisone cream on it, which did relieve the itching, but wasn't healing it.. After a few weeks, I started worrying about what was actually in hydrocortisone cream. I did a search on it and found out I didn't want to continue using that and having those chemicals leach into my bloodstream. I then starting trying all kinds of natural remedies (I avoid any type of pharmacutacels like the plaque). I did not want to get caught up in the medical merry go round or use any man made chemically derived creams or shots.
Let me point out here, I am not an expert, I'm just sharing what worked for me.
I came to Earth Clinic to see what has worked for others.. I tried many of the treatments others had tried, but not one alone did the job. They releived the symptoms, but it wasn't healing.
I've done a lot of research on Essiac for my cat, who has a tumor. Something told me to dig further, so I did, and read an article about a woman who had psorisis for something like 8 years and nothing worked, but when she tried Essiac, it finally cleared up. Knowing that Essiac is actually good for us (it's natural herbs that build the immune system), I decided to try it myself. I have read that they "think" psorisis has to do with a break down of the immune system, so using Essiac made good sense to me. I used an Essica Tincture, and put a half dropper full under my tonque 3 or 4 times a day. Along with that, I used the other items listed above, which I feel was the answer.. Not just one treatment, but a combo.
I started spraying a mixture of apple cidar vinegar (organic) and water on my skin after showering, then patting dry.. It's believed that the Apple Cidar Vinegar will help get your skins PH levels back on track.
I started using an organic Lavender Chamomile body butter. Lavender, as I think most people know, is just good for our skin, and Chamomile is the #1 leading herb for healing the skin. I have to say, I don't much care for the smell of Chamomile, but this combo of Lavender and Chamomile was incredibly soothing, so the smell was just a minor problem for me. One I quickly got over once I realized how much it was helping. Once I started using this, I was no longer waken in the middle of the night by itching/burning skin.
I read where many people had good results soaking in salt water. We have an iPool (excercise pool), so I purchased a salt water filtration system so I could basically soak in salt water every day when I excercised.. I made sure I got in the pool once a day for about 1/2 hour for 30 days straight. I would think soaking in a bathtub in salt water would create the same results. I used Morton Pool Salt, but I've read that Sea Salt works wondefully.
It took about a week before I suddenly realized my skin was really improving.. Within 2 weeks, it was itching/burning much less, within 3 weeks, remarkable improvement. It's been about 6 weeks since I started these 4 treatments, and the psorisis is pretty much gone. I would call it 99% better. My left leg and arms are completely cleared up, and my right leg, which was absolutely the worse, doesn't itch, it doesnt' burn, there is no raised skin.. This leg was very red January - March.. There is a slight discoloration in a few spots, but I have no doubt that, too, will clear up with time.
At first I was using these treatments daily. Now I spray the apple cidar Vinergar on maybe 2 times a week, I take Essiac 1-2 times a day, use the pool every other day or so, but do use the body butter daily, however, I was using it 4-6 times a day (whenver the itching/burning became noticable), but now I have to remind myself to use it because I'm no longer having symptoms.
I hope this information helps someone else. I never realized how distressful psorisis is until I developed it myself. I spent hours and hours researching natural remedies for it, and after trying this, that and the other thing, I have to say, these four treatments finally did the job!
Best of luck to all you Psorisis sufferers.
Sea Salt
Topical D-3
Topical D-3
Well, I tried it. This is my 5th dose or so, and it has really taken the Psoriasis down, there are patches of more normal looking skin inside the Psoriasis! IT took away almost all the scales so its almost smooth skin now. It used to be bleeding, scaling, and really gross.
I used Vitamin D3 gelcap 2000 IU once daily!!
This could help tons of people and be an alternative to Steriod Creams!
Glycerin, Zinc Oxide
I also added vitamin D (5000 I. U. 3X a day) and Zinc tablets as supplements.
And this week, I am going to use a tanning bed. Even though I live in California, I don't sit in the sun ever and I have very white skin. And according to what I read here, UV light is a therapy doctors use.
Thanks Earth Clinic! You rock the planet!
Glycerin, Zinc Oxide
Glycerin, Zinc Oxide
On Saturday, April 9th, a friend of mine told me it looked like Psoriasis to her. I looked at pictures and it did seem to look a lot like what I have. I think perhaps the bite affected my immune system and combined with the stress just would not heal.
I immediately bought the glycerin and the zinc oxide recommended on Earth Clinic and I am in shock as I write this the following Monday, April 11th. The improvement is miraculous. Where it was bumpy, purple and scaly, it is now flat and pink and clearly healing. I am so grateful. Thank you so much for creating this wonderful site with so much great information and so well put together.
I used castor oil on my psoriasis, along with an internal yeast treatment (see my psoriasis post called 'Candida Connection'), and found that it really sped up my healing. After just one use I noticed a huge difference on my psoriasis patches!
Castor oil is also great for age spots, wrinkles, dandruff, and a host of other maladies.
Glad you are well!
Candida Connection
I couldn't agree with you more. Psoriasis, eczema, etc. are all symptoms of something else that is wrong. Treating symptoms, and trying to treat just one part of the body without looking at the whole system, rarely gets anyone anywhere. A paradigm shift is needed indeed!
What first got me to look into self-treatment was when I began to have unexplainable stomach pains. I first went to the doctor for my stomach and she said, "oh tummy aches are very common. See if it goes away in a few months. " That was it! She didn't even examine me! I then went to a naturopath who said it could be food sensitivities. She tested me for gluten and dairy allergies, nothing. Like the doctor, she said, "see if goes away."
That was when I really took things into my own hands and hit the internet, discovering the candida connection to a host of ailments, including skin diseases, IBS, and other so-called untreatable illnesses.
Like any paradigm shift, if we do go to doctors it is our responsibility to speak up and share our own findings, even if the doctor shakes them off and tells us we're crazy. I have a friend who completely changed her doctor's perspective when she was prescribed antibiotics. She accepted the prescription but said she'd like to try some natural remedies first. She came back to her doctor in a week totally cured, and gave the doctor her own "prescription. " Since then, her doctor started to work with a naturopath and now prescribes alternative treatments before handing out antibiotics. So: there's hope!
In the meantime, viva self-empowerment and sites like this!!! :-)
Candida Connection
Thanks for your well wishing. Yes! You are right about the coconut oil. I use only cold pressed organic coconut oil now when cooking, and I also use it on my skin. One of the anti-fungals--in addition to things like raw garlic, organo oil, pau d'arco, calendula and others--that is recommended for yeast infections is cold pressed coconut oil.
However, I did find that using it alone wasn't enough. The anti-fungal approach to yeast infections is only one part of treatment and if done alone doesn't seem to help rebalance your system. I did just anti-fungals first and felt great for awhile, but then the yeast just came back again.
After exhaustive internet searching I realized that it's a 3-pronged approach: 1) anti-fungals to kill back the yeast 2) digestive enzymes & probiotics to rebalance the intestines so the yeast can't get a new foothold and 3) change in diet (especially if your diet is high in processed foods and/or if you are sensitive to gluten and dairy)
Hope this helps!
Candida Connection
In most of the medical studies I've ever read on psoriasis, the research authorities, in their wisdom, have declared that you cannot get rid of psoriasis and, indeed, that it is a pre-cancerous condition and not so trivial.
However, through my own candida experience and riddance, I would say that these medical conclusions are incorrect. I got rid of my psoriasis 5 years ago at the same time as getting rid of my systemic candida problem and it has never reappeared. Therefore, I would also have to conclude that because of these facts, it is not the psoriasis that is pre-cancerous but that the candida should be regarded as the pre-cancerous culprit instead.
Candida Connection
Just curious... In your opinion would coconut oil help with candida, since it is supposed to be antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial?
Candida Connection
I did the simple candida "spit test". Fill a tall glass of water & put next to bed. Upon awakening, gather as much spit as you can and spit into the glass before doing anything else. Wait 20 mins. If the spit forms long stringy 'legs' you probably have candida. If the spit sinks totally you could have severe candida. I tested positive.
I took Syntol (enzyme-probiotic) for 3 months to clear my candida (9 caps/day 1st month, 6 caps/day 2nd month, 3 caps/day 3rd month) and also ingested natural anti-fungal agents to help (fresh garlic clove, oregano oil extract, etc). I noticed within the very first week that my psoriasis was already getting better and within a month, it was totally gone.
A bonus tip: A few weeks into treatment I also discovered cold-pressed Castor Oil and rubbed it into my skin daily. This seemed to speed up healing and also took care of my dry and flaky skin in non-psoriasis areas.
Dietary Changes
I have PsA as well, and I am from southern NC. I am now on Remicade, prednisone, skelaxin, tramadol, folic acid, Vit B12 injections, vit D, and that's not all of it. I've tried diet modifications with zero results. How old is your daughter? I would like to get more information from you.
Coconut Oil
I stopped regular use of the ACV after the psoriasis cleared up; however, I still use it occasionally since it helps with so many conditions. After the psoriasis cleared I continued using enzymes (both digestive and systemic) because they free up so much of my body's energy that would ordinarily be used for digestion.... Energy that can now be used for keeping other things working well. It's now been about 5 yrs. Since I've had a problem with either psoriasis or eczema, both of which plagued me for nearly 20 yrs. prior to the ACV & enzyme fix.
I came upon your site by accident one day while I was in research mode and looked into several 'cures/remedies' and found out about glycerin. I went to a local chain's website and had to order some after going to 2 locations and them not actually having it in the store. I'm at the end of my 1st wk and WOW!! What a MIRACLE.. This 8.5 oz bottle of glycerin did what cortisteriod creams never were able to do! Its almost gone in less than 8 days.. And for the first time in years I've not had to use any makeup to cover up the 'condition'!
I've also had tremedous success with the epsom salt / borax for nail fungus!
KUDOS to ya'll for an AMAZING SITE!