My husband on the other hand lost his small intestine to RnY weight loss surgery. He has no digestion of his own. His duodenum was gone.
We both have issues. My Mom had constipation. Ulcer. Chemo damage. Then she would get the runs, uncontrolable.
So we had to solve it all. Constipation to the runs and everything in between.
Here is the list we used to correct all of our problems.
DHEA..100mg in the am
3.5 to 5 mg melatonin at bedtime.
This worked the first day but I stayed on it for 3. If it starts again I take 1 dose each for 1 day.
It usually is something I ate or drink on the road for a trip.
Before this. I could not take vitamin c or magnesium. Or take any coconut oil.
Things our family does to help...
1 whole lime squeezed...6 to 8 tsp or 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass add 1/2 tsp of baking soda let fizz. Add 1/2 glass of water and drink 1/2 hour after food 2x a day 5 days out of 7. This is Teds alkalizing drink. Corrects digestion.circulation. stops pain.cleans up gallbladder kidney and bladder. A host of wellness in every glass.
Borax 1/8 tsp of 20 mule team borax in 1 liter of clean water. Use this water through the day. In beverages. Add lemon squeeze or ice it to improve taste. Look up on E.C. search box, ted bangkok borax, it will bring up all the uses for this miracle. The most important being removing fluoride from your body.
The thiamine pathway and thiamine mononitrate. I mentioned my sources in previous note. Dr Derek e, Hormone Matters, Chandler Marrs PHD.
B2 in am 200mg restores energy lost from IBS
Dr. Michael Holick, Grassroots Health on facebook to learn about vitamin d3. I take 10,000iu a day. Solgar, 10,000iu in coconut oil
NAC n acetyl cystene a precursor to glutathione for its sulfur content and reducing mucus. 500mg 2 or 3x a day.
We take no calcium. We take magnesium instead. 250 mg of mag citrate or malate or 5 drops of mag oil in water. The malate is for those with runny stools. But after a while I find I can use them all.
Bulletproof coffee, Dave Asprys way or make your own. I do. This really helps digestion.
The elimination list
Vegetable oils. Use only butter or coconut oil
Organics as much as possible
Insomnia tips.
Keep taking the melatonin.
Make your last meal before 5 pm
My husband needs extra help with his 3rd shift job. At bedtime
2.5 to5 mg lithium orate. This helps displace heavy metals and promotes sleep. Borax really helped our daughters with narcolepsy. Waking nightmares. Sleep paralysis.
GABA 500mg
500 to 1000mg niacinamide
For some people.homeopathic mag phos is enough.
Baking Soda
Cabbage Juice
I made my juice from fresh organic cabbage with my vitamix and drank 3 glasses of it per day. On the second day I started to notice how it eased my stomach pains and now that I've been drinking it for a week, almost all my pains have gone away. I'm going to stick with this dose for another week at least and probably will drink a few glasses a week after that beacause this seems to be really good stuff.
I'm so very grateful for everyone sharing this information and for me it has done miracles. I can really recommend cabbage juice to anyone suffering from stomach ulcers.
Then I decided to try MMS. I have to tell you that I got overwhelming relief within 15 minutes. I was finally able to sleep. I took 3 drops MMS with 3 drops 50% citric acid activator at 10 this morning and repeated this at 11am. The pain was reduced from about a 9 to about a 2. Then I slept the rest of the day and woke up and started dosing hourly again. I wanted to share this with Earth Clinic so that it may help someone else. The headache, backache, and bloating is almost non-existant. I could not be more pleased. Thanks to Jim Humble who has shared this valuable information with us.
For chronic ulcers and gastritis this really helps from my experience:
Have a Banana Honey coconut water at night before sleeping. Repeat same in morning.
Also take chamomile tea. It works because night and morning are the times stomach is empty and acid is highest. This will soothe the stomach and heal the ulcers and gastritis.
For meals take Indian kichdi:
Take (2 cups rice, 1 cup Moong lentil, 1 tsp ginger, 1/4 tsp turmeric, salt, cut green beans, 1 tbsp olive oil). 6 cups water. Put everything in rice cooker and switch on and allow to cook. Eat with 1 TBSP curds and a side dish (optional)
A friend of mine suggested cabbage juice. I did some research and started drinking about 4 oz twice a day. The first day I felt better. Within about 4 days I felt like my old self. It's been two months, I quite drinking the cabbage juice after about 3 weeks, and have not had any symptoms or flare ups since. I would recommend this for anyone with stomach problems!
I went straight to EC and found some great suggestions. I took the cayenne in warm water every morning, drank it just like a tea. It worked wonders. I also ate fresh avacado, almost daily. Everyday, the pain subsided less and less and in about than 2 weeks the pain was completely gone. The burning occurs when the Hydrochloric Acid of the stomach touches the ulcerated area. I also made sure I kept some bread or crackers on me, to constantly keep something in my stomach (every two hours or so).
Not being able to sleep at night for a few weeks was not fun. No more NSAIDS for me.... only natural remedies.
Lugol’s Iodine
I have suffered from what I believe to be a duodenal ulcer for a few years now and have experienced relief and pretty much cure from taking two drops of Lugol's iodine every morning. It is a strong earthy flavor, so I wait for my coffee to cool to warm/lukewarm and add it then. I can't even taste in in the coffee. I wait for the coffee to cool so the high heat doesn't inactivate any of the properties of the iodine molecule. I noticed relief relatively quickly - about a week of doing it every day. I hopes this helps at least one person.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Multiple Remedies
So I read some tips on this site and decided that I would try L-glutamine, cabbage, bananas, and DGL starting after the 14 day round of Nexium. The bananas gave me intestinal gas so they were axed. It took a couple of days for the other 3 to kick in but it seemed be working fairly well for 2 months until I got a really bad headache and was forced to take ibuprofen. That undid everything in under 8 hours!!! Two tablets and it all went to hell again.
The L-glutamine and DGL had no effect at all in alleviating the acid, pain and bloating. You can imagine my dismay.
I decided to try the raw ACV with a pinch of baking soda. I'm here to tell you that if you have ulcers, DO NOT try this! Holy crap. Thought I was going to die. I continued with the L-glutamine and DGL hoping upon hope that they would kick back in. But, no. So suffering with the awful pain for 3 days sent me back to Nexium tonight and thankfully, it is starting to work. I will give do a 14 day round again to get things under control. I will not suffer this.
I've ordered Sea Buckthorn oil and will try that along with the Extra Virgin Pine Nut Oil and Manuka honey again. BTW, when I had the first round years ago, before finding relief with the EVPNOil, I tried turmeric. When it collided with the ulcers, it was a drop-to-my-knees event. I find it interesting that what our bodies need to 'cure' changes over time but then again, our bodies are dynamic and change too...
I'll post when I find out if the Sea Buckthorn Oil, et.al., do any good. I've never tried MMS since I've heard that it can have some nasty side effects. Has anyone else tried MMS for an extended period of time?
Apple Cider Vinegar
I also find that just spoons of raw honey give me a lot of relief. I may have 3 or 4 a day. The other thing is aloe vera juice. I buy it in liquid form at a place like whole Foods. It is usually uncooked. It really gives me a lot of relief. Tonight I took a clove of garlic and a chunk of fresh ginger, chopped it up, put in a peppermint tea bag, then poured hot water over that in a cup. After it cooled a bit, I put a spoon of raw honey. I then ate some of the garlic and ginger chunks. It really helped. I am afraid to try cabbage juice because I am an A blood type and if this is really scientific (eat right for your blood type) I feel that it may make me worse. The book says vinegar is not for A blood types either but since it is raw, I figure it is ok. Especially since I get such relief from it especially when mixed with raw honey. Happy healing to us all. I hope.
Cranberry Juice and Goat's Milk
Ulcers are caused by a bacteria and usually doctors will give you medications that will only lower the acid level in your stomach for a little while causing you temporary relief, but it's not going to get rid of the bacteria itself which is why most people have recurring flare ups.
My ulcer came from the fact that I got a sty on my eye, then took an antibiotic to clear it up. After taking the antibiotic I started getting horrible stomach cramps that were so bad the only relief I got after eating was taking a Lortab (substitute for Vicodin; I had a couple of pills left over after a previous surgery). When those pills were down to just one, I went back to the doctor and was perscribed Dicyclomine for the pain and Ranitidine (Zantac) was supposed to rid me of the "upset" in about 2 weeks. Not even a week later I detected blood in my stool, but decided not to go back to the doctor to waste anymore of my money. Between the visits and the medicines, I was getting nowhere. Plus, I knew that if I went back I would more than likely receive another perscription for more antibiotics that would probably cause more problems (yeast infection, etc. ), but I knew I had to do something.
A few years ago I heard about a man who accidentally drank acid when he was a boy and in order to repair the lining in his stomach he was made to drink goat's milk for a year. He's in his 70s or 80s now, so I figured if it worked for him it should work for me as well; after all, if there's an ulcer there's a hole in your stomach. I'd heard of it working for other people as well so I decided to try it. As far as getting rid of the bacteria I decided to use cranberry juice. Studies showed that drinking cranberry juice flushes the bacteria from your digestive system.
There you have it: Cranberry juice and goat's milk. And after just 2 days no pain at all. Don't get me wrong, the goat's milk doesn't taste good at all, but I've heard of people adding a little sugar and vanilla (get the non alcoholic one since you are treating an ulcer) to help with the taste. I can't vouch for these other home remedies on here, but I know this one that I'm doing doesn't have a list of ingredients and it's a tried and true method that I'll take over a doctor's visit any day.
Apple Cider Vinegar
In September, I upped my Probiotics and started on digestive enzymes along with daily Prilosec. None of this helped so my doctor put me on a prescription ulcer medicine to coat my stomach and Protonix. We I asked for a h pylori test she told me she couldn't do one until I had not been taking any acid reflux medicine for at least 60 days. (??)
These medicines weren't helping either so my next step was an endoscopy which they wanted to do right away. I have a huge insurance deductible so I decided to try this instead.
Last week started taking the 1/4 tsp of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of organic ACV 3 times a day. Three times a day I also take a cayenne pepper capsule and a glutamine capsule (per another post on here). By day 2 my stomach stopped bloating. By day 5 my stomach feels normal again and my appetite has returned. This is the first time since August I could eat without my stomach appearing to be 6 months pregnant.
I believe the regiment is killing the h pylori in my stomach. I really don't care what it's doing because it works!