Natural Remedies

Ulcer Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Manuka Honey

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Marie (Dublin, Ireland) on 10/12/2011

I've been suffering from sporadic but agonising stomach ulcers for over a year and recently came across manuka honey as a natural remedy. Look for honey that is labelled active +10, +13, etc. I take it first thing in the morning and any time during the day when I feel that familiar old burning, gnawing pain. I've found that the best way to take it is on an empty stomach, with a teaspoonful dolloped on a small piece of bread. That way it goes straight into the stomach and should serve to coat the lining of the stomach, kill the pain and promote healing. I've had very good results with active manuka honey and understand it to be effective on any kind of ulcerated skin, wounds, etc.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Peter Hart (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada) on 11/14/2007

Manuka Honey was the only answer to the ulcer problem I was having. All natural and clinically tested. Complete a search under 'The University of Waikato' in New Zeland. Oil of Oregano is very effective for healing cold soars in a hurry! I always recommend you research a product on a credible internet site before trying any remedy.

Milk and Slippery Elm Drink

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Posted by Zusie (Davenport, Florida) on 05/09/2012

EXCELLENT FOR PEOPLE WITH ULCERS. For years my dad had ulcers and finally a bleeding one! Dr. Prescribed pills, however, dad decided to go the healthier route. The nutritionist told him to do the following and it's helped HEAL not just coat the ulcer.

(1) 1 cup milk (skim, 1 or 2% if you don't want all the extra calories)

(2) 1 Tblsp. Slippery Elm - powder

(3) honey or maple syrup to taste

(4)optional 1/2 banana.

Mix all ingredients in a blender and drink 1/2 hr. Before meals. It thickens so you need to drink it quickly.

Dad did this for a month, when he went back to the Dr. They tested him and said he was fine. We've shared this recipe with hundreds of friends over the years which has had great success stories.

Of course, avoiding coffee, soda, acidy foods, especially while it's healing. Each person has to know their body, but this most definitely will give you great relief from pain from ulcers and acid reflux. I'm also an ulcer and acid reflux sufferer and can honestly say "IT WORKS!"

Replied by Folashade

I have read about the ulcer remedy and am much interested in Skim milk banana mix. Pls what is the Slippery Elm powder? Thank u

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Dear Folashade,

Slippery Elm powder is a powder made from the bark of a Slippery Elm tree. It is very nutritious and healing to the digestive tract. It is native to North America, so I am not sure how you would get it in Nigeria. I am afraid the milk and banana without the slippery elm powder would not be effective. Slippery Elm Bark powder is a little expensive but a little goes a long way. I have found it to be wonderful for issues in the digestive system.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Tony
(Tn, Usa)

You know what's even better from step #1 in this drink? Replace the skim milk with pure raw milk. Can be reduced fat or whole raw milk. Raw milk has TONS of enzymes and great for any digestive problems. Best to also choose raw milk from grass-fed cows only. Thanks & God Bless!

Replied by Charlotte

Does anyone know how long this takes to work? I'm in so much pain.

Replied by Rsw

Hi Charlotte,

Zinc carnosine was recently brought to my attention for gastric problems. The combination of these two ingredients supposedly works well for healing the stomach, and a few other things,


I hope this may bring some relief to you. Best wishes!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Kellyg (Hopewell Junction, Ny Usa) on 10/04/2012

For three weeks I have been having progressively worse stomach pain, bloating, back pain, and headaches. Last night the pain was so excruciating that I started to research symptoms of stomach ulcers. I have had them in the past, but only stomach pain. I quickly discovered that the symptoms were all related and I did indeed have another stomach ulcer. I came to this site for a solution and read about coconut oil and cayenne pepper. I immediately tried both, but got limited relief.

Then I decided to try MMS. I have to tell you that I got overwhelming relief within 15 minutes. I was finally able to sleep. I took 3 drops MMS with 3 drops 50% citric acid activator at 10 this morning and repeated this at 11am. The pain was reduced from about a 9 to about a 2. Then I slept the rest of the day and woke up and started dosing hourly again. I wanted to share this with Earth Clinic so that it may help someone else. The headache, backache, and bloating is almost non-existant. I could not be more pleased. Thanks to Jim Humble who has shared this valuable information with us.

Replied by Burt12
(Eureka, Il)

What is MMS?

EC: Find out about MMS right here!

Replied by Beth
(St. Paul Mn)

MMS is the chemical sodium chlorite. When you mix it with vinegar or citric acid, it becomes chlorine dioxide, which kills just about any pathogen that exists. (I have been taking it nearly daily for about five years to heal my skin cancer that metastasized.) It works for anything that is caused by pathogens (bacteria, virus, fungi, parasites, etc.)

Last night I had horrible food poisoning from some fish and I took it and got nearly instant relief. I would never be without it. (It has also saved me a fortune on vet bills for my cat.) It is very inexpensive and lasts a LONG time.  

I hope that helps!

Multiple Remedies

3 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Sammi (Atlanta) on 05/16/2017

I've got several ulcers and have been taking acv, slippery elm, dgl, marshmallow root, & much other natural stuff for it. Doing fine until this past weekend. All of a sudden I've gotten much worse. Now I've started having diarrhea and the dr says it's due to the acid. What can I do? I don't want to take antacids--beside being drugs, that I try to avoid, they give me side effects of insomnia and terrible leg cramps. I'm at my wits end. It seems chamomile calms the belly, but now the I'm spending too much time in the restroom while I should be working. Not good. The only change over the weekend was that I ran out of my probiotic and had only yogurt (natural, homemade) and a product called 'gut shots'.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Hannah D. (Los Angeles, California) on 09/06/2016

I have been suffering from an awful stomach ulcer, lately I cannot sleep at night or I am sleeping one hour on and one hour off because the pain is so gnawing and constant. I have lost 4 pounds in the last four days because eating anything has been altogether too painful, or is accompanied by hours of running to the bathroom and being doubled over in pain. Previously to this I have cut out caffeine, alcohol and smoking. However, sugar is something I still indulge in, and know needs to stop. I read ALL the reviews in a desperate fit yesterday and went out and bought 15UMF Manuka Honey, Turmeric, Cayenne Pepper, Coconut oil, bananas, Apple Cider Vinegar and baking soda.

I had a tablespoon of ACV with a pinch of Baking soda which initially made my belly a little rumbly and also ate a big spoonful of the Manuka honey. These two combined gave me enough relief to sleep soundly for the first time in 3 nights.

This morning I repeated the ACV w/ baking soda and for breakfast made a shake with one cup filtered water, one banana, a heaping teaspoon of turmeric, a tablespoon of coconut oil, a teaspoon of cayenne pepper, a big tablespoon of manuka honey, a cup of frozen blueberries, a bit of very clean whey, organic protein powder and a scoop of Green Vibrance (an amazing probiotic and vegetable powdered blend you can find at whole foods and probably other health food stores).

I had no issues with this, and my insides stayed calm (to my delight!! )... I had this exact same shake for lunch minus the scoop of Green Vibrance (I only do one scoop a day). All clear! But then I made the mistake of having a chicken shwarma and my stomach became a nightmare again, but was settled by a scoop of manuka and hot lemon water with cayenne.

I have gotten A LOT of relief from these natural remedies I found online and am very grateful. Ultimately I know the source of this ulcer is my current job and it won't truly heal until I leave it behind, but in the meantime, I am experiencing great relief. Will continue with these smoothies for two meals per day and something simple for dinner. Not sure what yet..

If there are any significant changes or I am able to heal completely I will repost. Good luck to us all, may we all heal while addressing the root of the issue, whether it is a bad job, taxing relationship, or love of barbecue and booze. Cheers!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cookie (Rutherfordton, Nc) on 06/22/2015

I've had problems with peptic ulcers and GERD off and on for about 15 years. Until recently, the things that I found that worked for me were Extra Virgin Pine Nut Oil and Manuka honey. I had a horrible flare up about 3 months ago and went for my tried and true but yikes, it did not work at all. The pain and bloating were unbearable for several days so I finally said to heck with it and went for Nexium. I know - ugh. Hey, I was in the "call 911" zone.

So I read some tips on this site and decided that I would try L-glutamine, cabbage, bananas, and DGL starting after the 14 day round of Nexium. The bananas gave me intestinal gas so they were axed. It took a couple of days for the other 3 to kick in but it seemed be working fairly well for 2 months until I got a really bad headache and was forced to take ibuprofen. That undid everything in under 8 hours!!! Two tablets and it all went to hell again.

The L-glutamine and DGL had no effect at all in alleviating the acid, pain and bloating. You can imagine my dismay.

I decided to try the raw ACV with a pinch of baking soda. I'm here to tell you that if you have ulcers, DO NOT try this! Holy crap. Thought I was going to die. I continued with the L-glutamine and DGL hoping upon hope that they would kick back in. But, no. So suffering with the awful pain for 3 days sent me back to Nexium tonight and thankfully, it is starting to work. I will give do a 14 day round again to get things under control. I will not suffer this.

I've ordered Sea Buckthorn oil and will try that along with the Extra Virgin Pine Nut Oil and Manuka honey again. BTW, when I had the first round years ago, before finding relief with the EVPNOil, I tried turmeric. When it collided with the ulcers, it was a drop-to-my-knees event. I find it interesting that what our bodies need to 'cure' changes over time but then again, our bodies are dynamic and change too...

I'll post when I find out if the Sea Buckthorn Oil, et.al., do any good. I've never tried MMS since I've heard that it can have some nasty side effects. Has anyone else tried MMS for an extended period of time?

Replied by Maz.

Hello, I have been suffering from an ulcer, undiagnosed as I am scared of endscopy procedure. When you have pain why don't you try the cayenne pepper? It relives pain quick. Also the ACV, try without the baking soda and it should help. I have till now tried: manuka honey( did not provide relief, I think I might not be using the right brand :() which brand do you use? Aloe vera which I find quiet a relief for the pain if I keep sipping it here and there throughout the day. Pine nut oil: only had it twice for two days for the bleeding ulcer and I think it helped. Not been regular, quiet expensive for a small bottle. Mastic gum: I was on and off with first bottle apparently you have to take it regularly for a month or two, so I have ordered two new bottles. Dgl: I dont know if its helping but I keep taking it. My fav, cayenne pepper, sounds odd was hesitated to try but wow! Really relives pain and stops bleeding of the ulcer. Chamomile and fenugreek tea: I dont know if its helping but I am on and off. Cabbage juice: I think it made my pain worse so avoiding it for while. Recently looking into an alkaline and meat free diet I am mostly sugar free anyway to see it helps. Also going to add ACV 2x aday to see if it makes any difference. I feel so good most days but not quiet success with healing. But I am praying a lot. Will keep updated.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gauthamsa (Perth, Western Australia, Australia) on 12/13/2011


For chronic ulcers and gastritis this really helps from my experience:

Have a Banana Honey coconut water at night before sleeping. Repeat same in morning.

Also take chamomile tea. It works because night and morning are the times stomach is empty and acid is highest. This will soothe the stomach and heal the ulcers and gastritis.

For meals take Indian kichdi:

Take (2 cups rice, 1 cup Moong lentil, 1 tsp ginger, 1/4 tsp turmeric, salt, cut green beans, 1 tbsp olive oil). 6 cups water. Put everything in rice cooker and switch on and allow to cook. Eat with 1 TBSP curds and a side dish (optional)


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Ria M. (USA) on 11/25/2019

I want to thank Judith from Indiana for her post on pink bismuth!!!

I've tried many, many things listed here and elsewhere but I needed something affordable, easily accessible and simple to prepare and her information was accurate - I googled it - it DOES kill h-pylori. Doctors don't tell you why they add bismuth to the other treatments they give for h-pylori/ulcers. It calmed the pain and the burning so well, I was finally able to lie down instead of trying to sleep upright.

BUT, what what else I did that really surprised me: I've been using cayenne capsules, but they didn't really do the trick because my esophagus was so involved, so I went to cayenne in a glass of water warm or cold, and yesterday I decided to add an equal amount (1 tsp) of Turmeric to my cayenne. A short time later, I couldn't figure out what I did to get that old familiar well being feeling that I used to have before I got sick. I traced what I did and it came down to adding turmeric. Cayenne alone didn't do that, although it did help with the pain, but together with the turmeric it was dramatic. So I fix the drink now at least a couple of times a day, but especially keep a mug by my bed for night and have a straw in it.

Then I use bismuth during the night as needed. It's like somebody gave me back a shot of my old energy also. I still get some twinges of pain, but I'm getting more sleep than I've had for a long, long time. Now what I will do, to get the most out of this is fix a cup of warm water with slippery elm powder (1 tablespoon), then add 1 teaspoon of cayenne and 1 teaspoon of turmeric and get the full benefit of all three.

Replied by Bea

How much bismuth do you consume ?

Replied by Lily Castaneda
(Los Angeles, Ca)

Hi Ria, Where was your discomfort? Also, I find that a pinch of cayenne is hot already .. you tolerated a tsp of cayenne plus turmeric in one sitting? Or did you sip throughout the day?

Posted by Judith (Indiana, Usa) on 07/05/2014

Pepto-Bismol for Stomach Ulcers: Pink bismuth is sold to calm stomach in the US. It also kills the h plyori.

Pine Nut Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lisa (Boise, Id, Usa) on 05/23/2010

Pine Nut Oil for stomach ulcer! My daughter had been suffering for almost a year from horrible pain and the nausea that accompanies a peptic ulcer. Due to food allergies, her already restricted diet dwindled even more, and from the combination of almost constant pain, hunger and weariness she found herself spiraling into depression. She tried Mastic Gum and ACV for several weeks and got some relief. She also tried colliodial silver and slippery elm for several weeks with limited relief. Then I found out about the oil. One teaspoon three times a day (not diluted is best) and within a few days she felt better. Less than two weeks later she's pain free and eating foods she hasn't enjoyed in ages! I am posting this because I hope this can help someone else with the same problem. We were at the end of our ropes and after trying so many other therapies, drinking a little oil seemed no stranger than the others. However, this really worked for us!

Replied by Jessica
(Centerburg, Ohio)

Is she still doing well? I have just started today doing pine nut oil and wondering if it will work for me...

Potato Broth

1 User Review
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Posted by Mykey (Grover Beach, California) on 07/20/2008

I have collected a number of suggestions, and the one that worked best was potato broth. After eating this once a day I experienced more relief than from any medication such as prilosec or nexium. Three cups water, two medium potatoes, one ounce spinach, half a chopped onion, couple teaspoons of Knorr potato leak soup mix, chopped clove of garlic. cook until the onion is soft, and mash it down into a soup. You will be amazed how well this works for ulcer pain, reflux, and stomach problems in general.

One other thing to mention is ginger. This is a natural anti inflammatory, which is quite effective in revealing nausea from an ulcer or stomach condition. "Ginger People" makes some little ginger chews (made in Indonesia). I have been sucking on 1-2 per day, what a relief!

Probiotic With Bifidobacterium Bifidum

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Posted by P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, Tn, India) on 04/20/2017


Peptic ulcers are mostly caused by H. Pyroli infection in the digestive system. There is an article available in the net titled " Probiotic Identified To Treat Ulcer ". According to this article, researchers from Spain identified B. Bifidum has an inhibition level of 95 % in test tube and tested its activity against H. Pylori infection in mice. After 21 days, mice treated with B. Bifidum developed fewer ulcers than the control group.

There is another article titled " Anti-ulcer effects of lactic acid bacteria and their cell wall polysaccharides " by Nagaoka et al. According to this article, B. Bifidum and B. Breve were administered orally to rats with acetic acid induced gastric ulcers. The results indicated that these bacteria provide protective systems in the gastric ulcer model.

From these articles, it is clear that B. Bifidum and B. Breve work against the bad bacteria H. Pylori and provide natural protection against H. Pylori as long as they are in sufficient numbers in the digestive system.

To cure ulcer, one need to take a multi strain probiotic capsule containing B. Bifidum and B. Breve in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast for 60 days. There are many brands of multi strain probiotic capsules containing B. Bifidum and B. Breve available online. One can select the brand based on customer ratings and reviews.

Best Wishes.

P. Raghavan.

Replied by P. Raghavan
(Virudhunagar, Tn, India)

Re: Probiotic with B. Bifidum to cure Ulcer.

I have selected two brands of multi strain probiotic capsules with B. Bifidum and B. Breve from Amazon.com. They are selected with the following conditions:

1) More than 1000 customer reviews.

2) Average customer ratings is more than 4.0 .

3) Contains at least 15 probiotic strains.

They are :

1) Hyperbiotics PRO-15.

. 6280 customer reviews.

. 15 probiotic strains.

. Average customer ratings = 4.3.

. Price = US$ 24.95 for 60 capsules.

2) ULTRA-30 Probiotic.

. 1117 customer reviews.

. 18 probiotic strains.

. Average customer ratings = 4.5 .

. Price = US$ 28.95 for 60 capsules.

One can use similar techniques to select the brand from other online sites. Since these multi strain probiotic capsules contain other probiotic strains also, they can control other medical problems due to probiotic imbalance such as : Diabetes Type 2, High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, etc.

Best Wishes,

P. Raghavan.

Raw Honey

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Nonni (Cleveland, OH) on 05/09/2009

My friend's husband was suffering from ulcers and I read that eating raw honey would cure even the worst case of ulcers. The book I have does not tell you how to take the honey, but I believe my friend's husband just ate it straight off the spoon and it did cure him. This same book mentioned that cabbage juice was good for ulcers also, saying you had to drink a quart a day.

Sea Buckthorn Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Anna (New York) on 07/27/2014

Seabuckthorn oil is 100% effective for stomach ulcers. Make sure it is a real one, not processed in a capsule form. I know a person who was scheduled for a surgery to repair an ulcer and by pure chance was given this oil and in 3 days she had to cancel the surgery. Other comments I received-I am a god sent savior. A person in the UK was so impressed that she planted it in her yard. Works for colitis as well.

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