Natural Remedies

Ulcer Remedies

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Stomach Ulcer Remedies

Posted by Rajbir (Hartlepool, England) on 07/30/2013

How to get rid of stomach ulcers quickly and permanently?

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc, Canada)

To Rajbir - raw potato juice or raw cabbage juice. Om


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Posted by Hate H.pylori (Cleveland, Oh) on 09/18/2014

Took turmeric a teaspoon full 3 times a day; it relieved the awful pain I had from ulcers past days. I will continue to take turmeric for at least a month once a day. As I have read a study that showed it helped to heal the lining of the stomach 75 to 80 %. I have changed my diet, no simple carbs, flour, corn, potatoes, sugar, (I use raw honey now). Plus I took raw garlic clove a day with the turmeric, it also helped. Will continue raw garlic 2 - 3 times aweek. Feel so much better.

Posted by Tetei (Singapore, Singapore) on 07/24/2007

I was born with chronic stomach ulcer. I consulted many doctors but no doctors could cure me. There were even times I thought I was dying due to the pain. But, one fine day, a friend of mine from India told me that turmeric power is a great medicine. So, I put one spoon of turmeric power in a glass of water. After two days all my severe pain had disappeared. It was a miracle! The best time to take is early morning while your stomach is still empty and in the evening before dinner. It works best while your stomach is empty. But, at the same time it is very important to control our diets. Do not take butter, any sweet stuff, coffee, tea, cold drinks, hot chili, excess oil and drink lots of water every day (at least 2 and a half litre daily). Eat on time, do not eat between meals, and do not drink hot or warm water; hot or warm water worsen the gas in the stomach. Turmeric is the best and cheapest medicine for stomach problems. Besides, I also use the paste for any skin problems, pimples, boils, minor cut; they really work well. I don't go to doctors for every little thing because I know that I can save a lot of money by simply using turmeric powder at home. Lastly, by drinking turmeric powder regularly, you will have a very clear beautiful complexion.

Replied by Wunder
(Topanga, Ca)

I'm having terrible stomach pains due to acid reflux. I'm seriously contemplating adding every ingredient discussed here on the ulcer page:

Cabbage Juice
Cayenne pills
Apple Cider Vinegar
Baking Soda
Oil Oregano
Pine nut oil
Turmeric Powder

And making fruit smoothies with yogurt. Would mixing all of this together create any ill effects? Or lessen the effectiveness?

Replied by Johnny
(Copenhagen, Denmark)

To the one wanting to mix all the ingredients. . . Try it and tell us about it :) I doubt it could be any more dangerous for than taking pharmaceuticals, since the ingredients of the mix you want to make are all-natural :)

Replied by Dan
(Paonia, Colorado)

Great site... I've just been diagnosed with h. Pylori, a bacterial infection of the digestive system, currently with upper stomach pain and severe hives. I will try some of the suggestions posted here and report back, it's april 6, 2011..... Something else I read if you have ulcers stay away from taking enzymes, it aids h. pylori development....

Replied by Hef
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

Hi Guys,

Last month I have been diagnosed with H pylori infection with a high antigen reading per my blood work. I was suspecting ulcer for a couple of years as my digestion and bowel movements changed signifcantly however it was not until I pushed my physician to get me tested for H Pylori only then he wrote me a test otherwise he was taking about disturbance in intestinal flora causing these problems. This has lead to worsening of my situation. I havent been through an endoscopy yet therefore I have to assume that I have ulcers in my stomach and intestine.

Every few days my stomach was bloting with Diarrhea. I wouldnt tolerate spicy food at all. I also feel dull pain in my stomach and lower left abdominal, I think it is somewhere in the small intestine. For the last coupel of month my stool color change to green and that panicked me into pushing my physician for other testes.

Anyways, he gave me Triple Therapy (combination of 3 anibiotics) Bismuth Silicylate for Hpylori treatment. I went through the treatment period whichw as very awful. After the treatment was over I felt a general sense of well being for next few weeks. Since last week I am feeling that my upset stomach symptoms are returning again.

For all this time I am also taking some herbal supplements such as Mastic Gum 500MG and Kefir. I am planning to go for a Urea Breath test late september however before I go do the test to confirm if H pylori is gone completely I am planning to take some additinal supplements mentioned here such as ACV, Cayanne, Garlic.

I'll keep posted on how it progresses. Thank you all for taking time to post your experiences here. I would like to suggest that those people who took the remedies and got cured should post there long term expereince as well so that everyone stays connected.

Replied by Elvira
(Barrie, Ontario, Canada)

I was prescribed enzymes and - payed dearly. As Dan said: STAY AWAY FROM ENZYMES! - As long as you have any damage in your digestive system.

Replied by Lo
(Seattle, Wa)

To Hef from Toronto, I was wondering how you are doing? What has worked for you? Are your ulcers gone? I hope you are better.

Replied by Din
(Kl, Malaysia)

I would like to second the use of turmeric. I tried both turmeric and cabbage juice and the first works better. I take about 50 ml water with a pinch of turmeric powder before go to bed. make sure it's your last sip so you won't dilute it afterwards with water.

I'm not sure if my ulcer is cured, but I definitely feel better.

Replied by Ln

Just a warning to fair-skinned people, turmeric is wonderful for skin, (I use it freshly mixed with cream) but may make you look yellow for quite a while.

Replied by Teena
(Melbourne, Australia)
233 posts

I believe combining your remedies would be ok, however the best times for the healing would be empty stomach eg first waking and before bed. At these times I would suggest the honey with turmeric and/or cayenne pepper. Also have the honey just at room temperature, I have found sticky (cool) clumpy honey the best when used medicinally, as it tends to stay where it is needed longer.

Turmeric, Oil of Oregano, Bananas

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Posted by Deb (Usa) on 12/20/2014

I have tried them all..literally! The only thing that has worked for me (H-pylori) is the Tumeric and Oil of Oregano. I have juiced, tried the cayenne (which works for awhile), Mastic Gum, Slippery Elm, Cats Claw, Coconut Oil, H2o2, ACV, Manuka honey, and lastly, a "tea" made for ulcers that I cannot mention (very expensive). I found the perfect combination: 1 tablet Tumeric 2x daily; Oil of Oregano 4 drops 3x daily; and eating 3 bananas a day. Look, not everyone's body reacts the same. I will not say that the rest of the methods above don't work! They may indeed work for others and I am glad...but this is my success story.

Vitamin C

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Posted by Mh (Switzerland) on 08/28/2015

Vitamin C to cure Ulcers.

Hi, I'm 47, male got a really painful ulcer about 3 months ago. Probably due to being a strong coffee lover and a low carb diet.

After looking at earth clinic, I tried everything;

Raw cabbage juice; did this for 3 days, one cabbage a day, horrible but seemed to work, should have done it for longer, pain came right back after 7 days, did not try again- 'I have a life'

Bananas were good to eat, and helped the pain.

Cayenne pepper; 4 gramms /day great relief but did not cure.

Licorice; from pharmacist, 4 tea.spoons/day; great relief but only for a few hours, worried about male hormone disruption

L-Glutamine (cabbage extract); tried 4 grams/day but, I think too weak compared with the real cabbage, no relief noticed.

Then found out about Vit C that kills helicobacter pylori; 4 grams in the morning, 4 in the evening for one week; Definately works, cured -after one week, now I take about 4 grams/day, when I remember. After much research- I don't believe that Vit C is bad for you in these doses.

Replied by Ellie

There isn't anything exists that kills h.pylori. It can be made dormant, inactive, under control by various remedies but not killed. And the role of this bacteria in human bodies is unknown since pretty much 50% of population has it. So focus on it with that in mind. Essential oils is another good remedy. I had vitamin C via IV daily for two weeks along with other herbal treatments, such as goldenseal tincture plus much more. The symptoms were gone, I felt great, my stomach had healed, but the bacteria is still there. I do maintenance courses twice a year with various supplements to keep it under control. And of course diet. 100% sugar free diet is not possible since fruits contain sugar.but had to eliminate grapes and honeydew they always start the trouble. And sweet white wine which I love.

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

E: From what I know on the subject, there are 2 or 3 substances that will kill any or every pathogen including H Pylori. MMS aka Chlorine Dioxide is known to kill about 99% pathogens. Ozone (O3) kills 99.9% pathogens. Ozonized Colloidal Silver kills 100% pathogens.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U TIMH, , , , , , , fellow , you just pissed in the wind. You need expound on this subject so we can partake and use what you just said. What you just said is deep and went over my head. Slow down and explain..... because it is needed for a bunch of us with ails.

Love you like a brother. ====ORH======

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

-ORH- The numbers part of my estimate are of course subject to a certain degree of error, but generally speaking correct. One must do their own research of course, but for these antibiotics, it's all about application.

MMS must be used in small doses and gradually increased for maximum benefit. Ozone is best given I.V. but that requires money and professional administration. Colloidal Silver and Hydrogen Peroxide are each very good but combined are much more powerful. Ozonated Colloidal Silver, I personally prefer over H2O2/Silver, as it goes down much better orally.

From my personal experience, the use of these natural antibiotics have been, in the last few yrs of my severe condition, invaluable. I simply would not be alive now typing this post without them.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

THANKS TIMH FOR RESPONDING, as I've told you before, I am a reader, but not disciplined. I have all the tools to do almost all of the things you speak.

You mentioned Ozone IV and I go to Atlanta next week and get a shot in the hip and on to St George Island for Vitamin D 3. I can do a ozone sauna or an anal insufflation which Dr. Shallenberger says works just as well as an IV.

I have the silver pulse sorta that will cleanse your blood and also make colloidal silver. I do H2O2 via my nebulizer, but did Bill Munro's thing for several years. The nebulizer just make more sense.

You mentioned ozonated colloidal silver. I do ozonated water so I dang sure can do silver. Explain why please. I also do Transfer Point's Beta 1,3D Glucan to boost my immune system. Some folks have beaten cancer with this product alone.

I really appreciated Mama's contribution to good heath with her latest post. That's about the best I have read. Just hope folks paid attention. She summed it all up in short order. Me, I'd have to tell a dozen stories and go around the watermelon. She was succinct and to the point.

Timh, if you don't mind........ you know my tools. Tell me what you would do if you were in my shoes. Make this a preventive thing and not a solution to my blood cancer, because like I say, my blood work is outstanding. My Occublont and DNA tests say otherwise.

Cancer Tudor is a proponent of MMS also and I made ClO2 for 40 years in the paper industry. It was a bleach that did not destroy the wood fiber like Chlorine or Hypochlorite did.

I thank you for you counsel and I'm sure there are some other old patoots that will also benefit .

YOUR BUDDY=======ORH=========

Warm Water

Posted by Hpylori (India) on 08/15/2014

I am observing drinking warm water (boiled and cooled) is enhancing my stomach ulcer symptoms. Am I wrong in stating this? Do not know, those who have experienced same may post their comments. The experts may advise me more on this.

Replied by Mmsg

Hpylori, "enhancing" means what: making the symptoms better or worse?

Replied by Hpylori

Enhance means :-My observation of warm water was increases burning sensation of the upper stomach-bottom of ribs. I am not sure is it because of drinking hot water?

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