Joint Pain
Health Benefits

Glucosamine, Hyaluronic Acid and Chondroitin for Joint Issues

| Modified on Oct 21, 2024
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2 User Reviews

Posted by Tommye (Hendersonville, North Carolina) on 12/03/2008

Hi, I have had a lot of orthopaedic surgery and have taken Tramadol (Ultrum) for years for the arthritic-like pain in my various joints. Tramadol has helped more than any other medication but users should be aware that it affects one's autonomic breathing and I have woken up unable to breathe in or out. This is probably when I have taken doses too close together. Anyway, other than Tramadol, nothing has helped my arthritis pain UNTIL I tried Hyaluronic Acid, in combination with Glucosamine/Chondroitin tablets. They say take 2 HA capsules, 100 mg. each, per day for 10 days and then drop off to 1 capsule a day. This dosage had no affect on my pain. I now take 5 HA capsules, 100 mg. each, and two Glucosamine tablets, 1.5 g each. My Glucosamine formulation also contains Chondroitin Sulfate Sodium, 1.2 g per tablet.

After two months on this formulation, for the first time in a decade or more I used less Tramadol than prescribed! It helps the skin (wrinkles), the eyes, and the joints by replacing fluid in these areas. Good luck!

Replied by Jeff
(Hbg, PA)

Hyahuronic Acid is the only thing that stopped my aching knees. Unknowing at the time that it contained H.A., I purchased a product called Animal flex for my joints. Now I can run everyday and have very little if any aches or pains in my knees. Glucosamine-Chondriotin did absolutly nothing for me. There are some good H.A. products out, but do some research. Yes, it also helps the eyes and skin.

I now use H.A.products from Jarrow, and Purity with good results, and also take multivitamin also If the Glucosamine-Chondroitin has not helped, why not give H.A. a shot? It worked for me.