Hi Pam, Have you had your iron levels checked? If there is no arthritis and your iron levels are higher than normal then the iron can deposit in the joints and look inflamed. This is usually due to the person having hemochromatosis or even being a carrier of it. If your iron levels are a bit above normal but not high enough to have some blood drained then you could try donating blood. Also taking Ted's borax water remedy helps, 1/8th of a teaspoon of borax (1/4 for men) in a litre of water taken for 4 days and 3 days off and keep repeating. Just remember that they did not appear overnight so they will not disappear quickly. Magnesium is also good as it helps with the boron to balance the calcium.
Alkalizing would be worth doing especially if you suspect gout. Check out EC's page. All the best.. https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/alkalizing_formulas.html
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